MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 87 Choice of life

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When the magic crystal spacecraft arrived at the domineering city, it was already the next day at noon.

When Lin Huang got off the spaceship, he went straight to the Hunters Association and converted all the corpses of these days into credit points. More than 1,300 bronze monsters ranged from bronze first to bronze. They were exchanged for five. More than 100 million credit points.

After redeeming the credit, Lin Huang did not stay in the domineering city. When he came out of the south gate, he summoned the purple-eyed white sculpture and flew all the way to Wulin Town.

Around 2:30 in the afternoon, Lin Huang finally returned to Wulin Town.

Arriving at 101st Street and seeing the modified new house, it is still not very accustomed.

Scanning the emperor's heart to enter the door, Lin Xin's shoes at the door are not there, this time she should still be in school.

Lin Huang changed her slippers into the house and found that the house was clean and clean. It seems that Lin Xin was alone at home during this time, and she was not lazy in cleaning things.

Taking a bottle of canned green leaf juice from the kitchen refrigerator, Lin Huang returned to the living room and rested on the back of the sofa. He poured a few mouthfuls of green leaf juice and the whole person finally relaxed completely. .

For more than 20 days, he has been almost always busy.

At the beginning, it was the assessment of the reserve hunter. I didn’t have a good rest for more than ten days. Later, I went home less than two or three days, and in order to promote the black iron to the fourth-level wilderness, I was busy in the forest for a whole week, even sleeping in the forest. Then I brushed my life in the Grim Face Canyon. For six and a half days, I went out early and late every day, just like a mechanical operation.

It’s hard to get back home this time. Lin Huang is ready to give himself a vacation before he is promoted to the Bronze.

Although his life in the black iron life wheel is already full, but it has not completely settled down, at least a few months of consolidation, in order to consider the promotion of the bronze environment.

If the body's life can not be precipitated enough to impact the realm, it is easy to lead to life. Even a mere life can only lead to the failure of the realm of impact, and the life can be greatly reduced. A serious whole life wheel may be exploding by the violent state of life, and even have a chance to cause death.

Of course, the consolidation period of life energy is not impossible to shorten, and it can be done by practicing life. The higher the level of life, the faster you can accumulate life, and the faster you can consolidate your life.

"It seems that it is a candidate for a set of life." Lin Huang put the green leaf juice back on the coffee table and began to look at the information of various life techniques.

Life, the market sales, only the next, middle and top grades.

However, even if it is the next life, the price is not cheap, at least several million credit points can be bought. The minimum price of the product of the Chinese product is also more than 30 million. As for the top-notch life, it is more expensive, and the price of three to five hundred million is common.

If you encounter a life with attributes, the price is ten times, or even dozens of times.

The web page that Lin Huang is viewing is exactly the auction news of a life-threatening book. The above is a kind of top-selling technique called "Hail", which was bought yesterday at a price of 8.8 billion.

According to the description of this kind of life in the news, it should be an upper life with the attributes of ice elements. The life energy that is cultivated by this kind of life will carry the attribute of ice and cultivate to a certain level. It should be able to turn ice into ice and seal the enemy.

Seeing the description of this "Hail" in the news, Lin Huang remembered the snow. However, he is sure that even if the hail is practiced to the extreme, it will not be able to do so.

Above the top of the life, it is the best, this level of life is basically not circulating in the market, is a secret battle between the nobility. As for the price, Lin Huang has no way of knowing that it should be at least dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

As for the higher-level sacred products, Lin Huang is too lazy to think about it. Anyway, at this stage, it is definitely not possible to turn itself.

After watching it on the Internet for more than an hour, Lin Huang did not find a suitable life.

Hesitated for a moment, he could not help but dial the number of Yizheng. The reason why I found Yizheng is that because of the many people Lin Feng knows, Yizheng’s strength is the strongest. In this respect, he should have the most say.

The communication prompt sounded two times, and the video of Yizheng popped up.

"Your kid has dialed the wrong number? Shouldn't you look for my sister?" Yizheng was still in a white robe, and he looked like a sloppy look.

"Some things, you are more authoritative." Lin Huang has some helplessness.

"I love to listen to this, I don't see it, your kid is quite flattering." Yizheng's face was a little proud. "If you have anything, just ask."

"I want to know how to choose a life. I think that in the people I know, you should have the most say in this question." Lin Huang said his own problem.

"I forgot to promote you to the black iron? Is it killing the six-armed enchantress, or changing other monsters?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Six-armed enchantress." Lin Huang did not say it, he actually killed the mutated purple skirt enchantress.

"I didn't see it, you really have two brushes." Yi Zheng did not expect Lin Huang to really kill the six-armed enchantress to get the life.

"Okay, let's just say something right. The choice of life is not difficult. First of all, you have to test what properties your body's life is biased toward, and then choose the life of the corresponding attribute to do more with less. However, most people's lives Yes, it is inherently non-attributable, and later life-energy attributes are cultivated with life skills. But there are also a few people who can carry nature by nature. At this time, the life of the same attribute is chosen, and the advantage comes out."

"You should also read the news of yesterday's "Hail". I have an analogy. It is also the two people who practice hail. If a person's life can be attributeless, the speed at which he runs hail is 1, the cumulative speed of life energy is 1, and the power of using hail is also 1. But another person's life energy is the ice and snow property that fits the hail, and his speed of running hail may reach 3 or even more. Gao. Similarly, he uses the hail to accumulate the speed of life, and the power is also more than 3. Therefore, the natural attribute and the life attribute are very important."

"If you are born with no attribute, you can choose whatever kind of life you want, depending on your personal preference. In principle, of course, the higher the grade, the better."

"If you are born with a property that is not attributed, I suggest that you still practice "Bullying and Cutting". Although it is only a top-notch life, if you practice above the sixth level, the power is no less than some of the best."

Yi Zheng’s explanation is quite detailed, and Lin Huang also understands very well.

“How many credit points does the “Bingham” have?”

"What do you ask for the price? Didn't there be a cultivation crystal of "Bing slash" before the reward for you? You won't receive the express delivery yet?" Yi Zhengyi frowned.

"What express?" Lin Huang felt a bit inexplicable.

"It was the reward of the last animal wave incident, the hunter association and the coalition government jointly issued, everyone who stayed there. I and the night language specifically helped you to report the main work, the above leaders heard that you want to promote the black iron The situation has been deliberately given a reward for the "Cultural Warfare" cultivation crystal." Yi Zheng said with patience. "The rewards have been issued for more than a week. I received it last week. If you haven't received it, I will help you remind me."

"No, I just got home today. When my sister came back, I asked her, maybe she has already collected it for me. If it is confiscated, I will check it again in the express system and see where it is." Lin Huang thinks that Lin Xin should I have already collected for myself. "Right, the life you just said can be innate, how to test?"

"You are now a reserve hunter. You can go to a Hunter Association's stronghold for free testing. You can also buy a tester online. The simple tester is very cheap, as long as tens of thousands of credits. But I still recommend going to the Hunters Association. The test results, the test results are more detailed, and they will help you update the combat information by the way. You are now promoted to the black iron, just to update your personal information." Yi Zheng explained in great detail.

"Well, then I will first find time to test the life-energy property, and then see if I want to practice "Bullying," and then ask you if there is a problem."

Hanging up the call with Yizheng, Lin Huang immediately ordered a life tester online, he does not want to go to the Hunters Association to update the combat information. He has no life skills at all, and his combat power has been promoted to the third stage of the black iron. It is troublesome to be discovered.

Ordering a good life tester, Lin Huang read the news for a while, Lin Xin came back from school.

When she saw Lin Huang in the door, her face was filled with a smile. "Brother, when did you come back?"

"About two and a half in the afternoon." Lin Huang turned off the news page and stood up and walked toward the kitchen. "What do you want to eat for dinner? I brought back a lot of delicious food. Come over and pick it yourself."

Lin Huang put the foods she had bought before in the cupboard. The storage space is isolated from the air. The problem of short-term placement of food is not big. Moreover, it is only a day and a half.

Lin Xin changed the slippers and walked into the kitchen quickly. I saw dozens of packing boxes in front of me, and I felt a dazzling feeling.

"What is that?" she asked, pointing to a packing box.

“Dry and delicious snakes, the main ingredients are five-stage snakes, which are made by cutting and drying. The taste is spicy.”

"That?" Lin Xin asked another packaging box.

“The savory octopus is burnt. The main ingredient is the octopus of the big-headed sea octopus. It is cut into pieces and added into other spices to make a spherical shape, which is then baked.”


"Ghost language is lost, the main ingredient is the tongue of the ghost language beast, sliced ​​and fired."


I almost asked every dish, and Lin Xin chose three dishes from it.

Lin Huang cooked some rice, and then heated the dishes, it was dinner.

After dinner, Lin Huang asked, "Xin Er, how many copies did you receive during this time?"

"Three copies, one is from the Hunters Association, and the other is the game ring of "Gunmasters", I have already opened it. Another one was just arrived yesterday, the sender wrote the name of a girl. It seems to be called cold..."

"What about things?" Lin Huang did not expect that the cold moon heart sent back his own spoils so quickly.

"The ring of the master of the firearms is in my room. I tried to play it in the past few days. The other two pieces were not removed and put in the cabinet in your bed."

"Oh, let me go and see." Lin Huang went upstairs and walked toward his room.

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts