MTL - Monster Pet Evolution-Chapter 47 Angry lotus

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噗嗤 噗嗤 ——

The ravioli is like chewing mustard, crunchy and crunchy, and the aftertaste is endless.

The young man groaned, and the Royal Beast was eaten, leaving him with traumatic soul.

半 A translucent giant chameleon emerged from the wall squinting his eyes, shaking forward, backward, left, right ...

怪物 These monsters are very interesting in some sense, and they have inherited certain habits.

The turquoise was immediately determined, his left foot slammed the ground fiercely, and his dagger turned and stabbed at Uncle Liu.

Uncle Liu took a step back calmly, withdrew from the left, slipped out of his right hand, rolling out like a python, Green Hair only felt that his right hand was almost broken as if a python was entangled in the bone, and screamed loosely and knelt on the ground.

At the same time, a chameleon tongue rolls, and a hedgehog-like beast is swallowed in the stomach. The old third wailed, and the beast was killed so that he was severely hit.

一次 The sound of chewing this time turned into a rattling rub, as if chewing potato chips.

"Bullet rat, kill him!" Lu Maoxi roared loudly and fiercely.

The squinting gray mouse on the ground had red eyes and squeaked, and a dense row of rat hairs entangled behind it twisted into a needle!

Uh ~!

The gray afterimage flashed, the mouse fur on the vest came off, and the gray mouse needle landed on Uncle Liu's shoulder. The clothes on the shoulder were pierced with a hole.

The chameleon vest, which had been lying quietly on the wall, flashed a slight ripple, and the skin was sunken inward, and it was restored as before.

Uncle Liu shook his shoulders, and a few rat hairs were shaken off.

"You bald mouse is not honest." Uncle Liu shook his head with a smile.

The hair on the bullet mouse vest lying on the ground was lumpy, and a lot of hair had already fallen off. It was very damaging to perform this kind of ability. Although its hair changed in speed, it still couldn't keep up with the frequency of fighting.

"Why didn't you get hurt?" Green Hair stared unbelievably at the rat hair on the ground.

He once did an experiment. One centimeter thick solid wood boards were penetrated by rat hair holes. He didn't believe that this person's skin was harder than wooden boards!

Isn't it possible that this person was wearing a body armor?

are you crazy! Wear body armor most of the night!

"Okay." Uncle Liu waved his hand. "After hell, I ask you to keep secret. Don't say you killed me."

The voice dropped, and the transparent chameleon that had been lying quietly on the wall popped up suddenly! As if the green forest tyrannosaurus from the jungle burst out.

Uh ...

Last night, Gao Peng brought back the yin cedar needles and stole them in the freezer while staying awake.

Ai habitually opened the freezer drawer, and as soon as he opened it, he saw a neat row of overcast cedar needles ...

Sure enough, this refrigerator can change food!

A dull excitement.

Remove the steel basin and put the yin cedar needles in it, then place the trash can directly under your chin, and eat with interest. Just like eating sugar cane, the leftover waste leaks into the trash can through the hole in the jaw.

In the afternoon training class, Zhang Renbai instructor calmly pointed at the little man in the cage, "This is the monster we need to challenge today."

[Monster name]: Mutant water bear worm

[Monster Level]: Level 12 (Elite Monster)

[Monster Quality]: Normal quality

[Monster state]: Healthy (lazy)

怪物 [Monster characteristics]: Cryptozoan (the metabolite level of water bear insects will be reduced to a very low level when the cryptic state is turned on, and will be rolled in place, and various resistance will be greatly improved)

怪物 [Monster Weakness]: 1. Fire system 2. Let it lose water quickly, make it dry and dehydrated and die 3. It will die if chopped

In the cage, a taupe-shaped monster with a gray-brown body surface was lying quietly. His head had no eyes, only a slender mouthpiece, and quietly rolled in the center of the cage.

This is the first time Gao Peng has seen a monster have attributes.

It seems that not all creatures have traits, and only very few special monsters can have traits.

Gao Peng, a water bear worm, has heard that it was a creature that existed on the earth before the catastrophe, and is known for its tenacious vitality. Even cockroaches cannot compare with water bear worms in vitality.

After all, water bear worms can survive in extreme environments such as space, nuclear radiation, more than 200 degrees below zero, and microwave ovens.

生命 The vitality was further improved after the disaster.

But Gao Peng was a little emotional, because the water bear worm's vitality is too tenacious, and it has strong resistance to various abnormal attributes.

However, its monster characteristics have a great disadvantage, because it will become immovable after the hidden state is turned on, which is easy to be targeted by the enemy.

Then in the afternoon training, despite the five Royal Beasts taking turns, the water bear worm is still strong, the big purple toxin is almost immune, and the thick armor is also very resistant to physical attacks.

Can I sign a water bear worm?

After thinking for a while and then being rejected by him, the water bear worm will become particularly vulnerable if it encounters a targeted attack, and Gao Peng can only regret dismissing this idea.

Gao Peng also has a general idea for his third imperial beast. Either choose an imperial beast with a long-range attack method to make up for the deficiencies of the team, or choose an imperial beast with a strong defense, or an imperial beast flying in the air. It is also good if there is a very suitable therapeutic Royal Beast.

The instructors in the next few days are all kinds of monsters they are looking for.

Gao Peng was also drunk, and you really took great pains to train my family's melee ability.

The actual combat training every afternoon is much richer than the previous simple training, because there is an instructor with the Silver Moon Wolf on the side to supervise, and there is basically no fatal danger.

刚 Just after training Da Zi this afternoon, suddenly an angry roar rang out across the training ground, and the hissing sound was full of unprecedented anger.

I was like the sound of a lotus seed.

Gao Peng stood up and looked at the other side, where the students' screams were already heard.

Many people went around to watch.

嘭 ——

嘭 ——

The iron cage trembled and looked crumbling.

A hairless blood hyena with a length of two meters is topped by a lotus seed on the edge of an iron cage, and its sharp horn pierces its viscera like a spear.


The bones of the hairless blood hyena were almost shattered.

The body was almost removed and flesh flew across.

It desperately bite on the lotus seed's cheek, and two claws scratched blood on the lotus seed's cheek.

The lotus roar of Lilianzi grew heavier and more mad.

At last, there was a loud bang, and the side of the cage against it was knocked down!

With his head thrown up, the hairless blood hyena was thrown high into the air like a rag bag.

Lilianzi's hoofs were raised high, and the huge hoofs fell like two pillars!

As if landslide.


Hairless blood hyena was trampled on the spot and was torn apart! !! !!

上 On the training ground, only the heavy breathing sound of lotus seeds remained, as if the violent burning engine stopped, and the hot heat wave slowly spilled out ...