MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 12

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On the contrary, the patriot, who had never seen Superman, was always on the alert, and immediately threw the halberd in front of Tallulah, shouting loudly.


Qiao Ge was not shaken at all, and his arms went towards the halberd. Originally, the Patriots were only planning to block him, but they didn't expect that the opponent was not afraid at all, and now they could only take advantage of the situation.

"Armed color domineering"


The halberd struck the black coating that suddenly appeared on the surface of the arm, and this powerful and heavy blow was blocked without fancy. While the patriot was shocked, the meat ball on Jogo's palm had already touched Talou. pull the body.

"Yin healing bullet."

Chapter 29 Don't Stop, Senior Gavial!

On the deck of Rhodes Island where the sea breeze was blowing, Gavial leaned her elbows on the railing with a melancholy expression, looking down at the turbulent waves below like a young girl. There was a strange discussion among the members.

"Senior Gavial, could it be... No way, no way!"

Two purple-haired girl Furong with pointed and thin horns stood behind the glass of the bridge cabin, holding a medical staff tightly in her arms, holding her face in both hands, looking at Gavial not far below with a blushing face Looking back, there was uncontrollable excitement in his tone.

It looks like a gossip girl in middle school who gathers a bunch of people to huddle together and whisper, and screams again and again from time to time.

"It's not your size, can't you tell me what it's supposed to be?"

Fu Rong's twin sister, Yan Rong, looked impatiently at her elder sister's embarrassing appearance, and wanted to slap her face with the Originium Spell Basic Tutorial in her hand. Of course, Yan Rong would definitely not do this, although her demeanor She looks a bit like a tomboy, but she is actually a gentle and a little bit arrogant girl.

And maybe a little bit of secondary illness.

"Hey? Yanrong, weren't you there when the doctor came back yesterday?"

At this time, the one who asked was Su Suluo, the intern Walper whose tail was swinging around. Her hair and tail were white with light pink, which made people very eager to rub them.

Although Su Suluo is a new intern medical operator, she was actually a graduate of the Palermo City Medical Academy in Syracuse before she contracted Originium Disease, and she should become a regular in the future earlier than Gavial.

But she still regards Gavial as a senior. After all, Gavial has a personality that makes people want to rely on him, and he can be a six-star senior combat operator, but he chooses to give up the field he is most familiar with to treat diseases Hammering people...cough, it's saving people, and their interns, who are not experienced in the world, admire their spirit.

"Doctor, who is that? Is it the new Doctor of Originium Disease from the Medical Department? Yesterday, the official operatives of the Operations Department originally said that they were going to travel far away, so our interns were arranged to go to another venue for training."

"Yanrong, you are really serious. You are too obsessed with training. You should also pay attention to the things around you. The doctor is not from the medical department, but the commander-in-chief of your combat department. Like Dr. Kelsey, he is the founder of Rhodes Island. It is said that It seems to be a doctor of natural disasters, so the code name is also called doctor."

"Hey! If there is such a thing, then, doesn't that mean that the doctor is my boss!?"

After Yan Rong heard that the doctor was the commander-in-chief of the war department, he finally began to feel a sense of participation.

The original combat department was managed part-time by Kelsey from the medical department. Although she was the founder of Rhodes Island, she just put herself in the medical department. The decision that CEO Amiya couldn't make was still made by her. Therefore, some mischievous little operators occasionally secretly call her Queen Mother Kelsey.

But Kelsey is not a professional combatant after all. For the Operations Department, she is only responsible for fund allocation, personnel arrangement, and task release. Other specific matters are left to the captains of each team to freely play. Instructor Bin.

To put it bluntly, there is more than enough defensiveness, not enough aggressiveness, lack of general direction and strategy, and tactics can only be at the level of the squad, and it is difficult for multiple teams to cooperate with each other.

This is also a helpless move, at least Rhodes Island has been operating normally so far thanks to the active efforts of all parties, but Yan Rong always feels that something is missing.

Although she also came here because of the origin stone disease, since joining the war department, Yan Rong has always had an ideal in mind, and she must do something great for the infected people whose fate is more tragic than hers, instead of being like this Plain and plain.

"So what does the boss of the war department have to do with the old lady's appearance?"

So Susuluo took the trouble to explain to Yanrong what happened since Amiya went to Ursus to rescue the doctor until now, but it was definitely not official news, but the content circulated among the operators.

Then don’t think about it, most of them must be unreliable, probably the root of the fabrication is the video sent back by Amiya, and Jogo’s acrobatic performance on the deck, but there is not much difference in the positive evaluation of the doctor.

"What! Is it that strong? And it can fly at supersonic speed. Could it be that Doctor Gavill is now... that, that, doctor, is he handsome?"

Sure enough, the hearts of the two sisters are actually connected, Su Suluo immediately showed a knowing smile.

"I'm not good at judging you based on personal preferences, but all the operators who met him at that time agreed that the doctor is the kind of man who is very dazzling, but unexpectedly doesn't feel aggressive. In front of you, it's like the morning light breaking through the clouds, bringing the first warmth of the body and mind every day."

"But, **** it, the evaluation is so high, Senior Gavial, you have to work hard!"

Yan Rong unknowingly changed into the look she hated just now, perhaps she should thank the person who gave Qiao Ge this romantic comment, but seeing Su Suluo secretly delighted after watching the two sisters enter the pit, maybe it is She wrote it herself.

The little angel Su Suluo, who often urges the doctor to rest, is indeed a leader of the bourgeoisie, unlike some donkey who calls you to work in the middle of the night...

However, the heroine Gavial, who everyone is paying attention to, doesn't seem to appreciate the blessings of the younger generations.

"Hey, although I was too arrogant, but in retrospect, I still feel really TNND shameful."

She even took out a small notebook and wrote something in the local language that only the Akahula people could understand. This behavior would immediately change the taste in the eyes of people on the bridge, if it wasn’t for the observation window. The sound insulation is excellent, probably even Gavial can hear the exaggerated screams.

In fact, she used medical terminology to describe the process of Feitian yesterday in detail, such as changes in heartbeat, breathing, body temperature, etc. While reviewing medical knowledge, she was still thinking about where to strengthen her body in the future to regain her self-confidence. face.

While everyone was enjoying the peaceful rhythm of their hearts, an uninvited guest broke the tranquility.

Boom! !

A heavy body close to seven meters fell from a height of more than ten meters, and slammed into the thick deck. This huge movement directly shocked everyone in the Rhodes Island mobile base, and even the glass of the fire cabinet was shaken. When he got down, he almost threw Gavial into the sea.

Fortunately, the flexible and slender crocodile tail hooked the railing tightly.

And the culprit, Jogo, touched the bear ear hat on his head helplessly. He seemed to have mistaken the Z-axis coordinates of the meatball fruit's teleportation.

Chapter 30 Pineapple Oil Urban Legend

When Jorgo pretended to be aggressive in front of Tallulah and restored the famous scene of Shichibu Sea Bear, his matching level directly increased to 60%, and his own strength and the ability of the meat ball fruit were extremely improved It is a big improvement, and you can also use the domineering in the settings of "OnePiece" independently.

Armed color domineering, covering the body and weapons, greatly increases the strength of attack and resistance; knowledge-color domineering, makes the five senses more acute, feels all the breath around the body and even the emotions of creatures, so as to predict and avoid danger. All Jogo can use now.

Although there is still a domineering look, it seems that even the bear itself cannot master it. In the setting, this is innate, and only those with the destiny of the king will have it.

After Jogo got acquainted with it a little bit, he began to test whether he could fly people back to Rhodes Island directly, and the facts proved that it was feasible. After all, the bear itself can photograph people traveling around the world, 60% The capacity should be enough to traverse a distance of seven thousand kilometers.

Of course, there are also restrictions on the fixed-point landing of the meatball fruit. First of all, the coordinates must be locked in the places Jogo himself has been to, and then he needs to make precise adjustments on the details. Otherwise, if this continues, Kelsey will detain him. The wages go to repair the deck.

While Jogo was calibrating the coordinates, Gavial poked his head out from the deck with a dark face, then flipped up from the pole with one hand vigorously, then stepped on the railing and leaped high, looking at Jogo Behind his head is a fierce tiger descending fist to greet him.

It's a pity that her medical hammer is no longer with her, but her fist is still strong.

"You're very energetic, Miss Gavill, I'm relieved to see you recovering so well."


When Gavial was still in mid-air, Jogo had already sensed the aura behind him. Even though she was experienced in combat and tried to keep the movement light, she still couldn't withstand the domineering investigation of knowledge, even if Jogo was deaf, You can also feel the hostility from the rear.

Qiao Ge just stretched his palm behind his head seemingly casually, and Gavial's tough fist just happened to hit the soft meat ball, and the elastic force conveyed in the past completely canceled out her strength and momentum, making Jia Weier Weir had to do a backflip and land on the ground.

"This voice... are you a doctor?"

"Yes, take it easy Gavial, I'm just ensuring a quick escape from Chernobog, if you don't believe me, you can check your internal communication, it should have my identity identified."

Gavial quickly glanced at the communicator interface on his waist, and sure enough, he found that the giant machine Ursas was marked with the word "doctor", and he suddenly felt an old trough.

what happened? I have obviously been studying from that isolated Akahura for a while, why can’t I keep up with the changing pace of this world?

It's only been less than a day, why did the doctor suddenly become a robot bear? Even if the doctor is hiding inside as the driver, why hasn't she heard of such a weapon in Rhodes Island? ?

"I know you have a lot of questions. After Amiya and Kelsey return safely, I will explain it clearly to you and everyone. As for now... I still have some things to do urgently. Take care of yourself, Miss Gavill."

Jogo disappeared in place without looking back, just as he caught people off guard when he came, leaving Gavial standing there alone in a daze.

For some reason, Gavial suddenly felt a little lost in his heart, as if the powerful enemy he wanted to challenge not only did not agree to a duel, but even cared about her as the challenger from the bottom of his heart.

"Damn it, how can the doctor be so powerful, next time I must hit his head!"

Gavial unconsciously stomped his feet in annoyance like a girl who was on a date with pigeons. It happened that this scene was caught by the combat operators rushing to the deck, and then his eyes moved to the huge sinkhole on the deck in front of Gavial...

"Hey! Don't, don't look at me like that, I didn't do it... Fuck, doctor, come back and explain it to me!"


"It's really strange that the stingy Miss Shi Huaiya would invite me to have afternoon tea."

"Bah, who do you think is stingy with stinky rats! I have treated you more than once!"

In front of the Longmen Ice Room, which is famous for its milk tea and pineapple oil, a Filin police officer in the uniform of the Guard Bureau was arguing loudly with another Zalak girl, but no passer-by expressed curiosity about it. It's no surprise.

Moreover, one of these two is Shi Huaiya, the eldest lady of the Swire Group who is a senior police superintendent in the Guards Bureau, and the other is Lin Yuxia, the daughter of the rat king who is the leader of the Longmen Gang and is a graduate student.

What's rare is that not only are they distinguished, but their looks are also rare beauties. They are youthful and beautiful, but they don't have the airs of wealth and status. It can be seen from the content of the current bickering.

"Based on your net worth, isn't that considered stingy? Except that you invited me to a big meal on the day I graduated from college, I haven't seen you order more than 50 things on weekdays, right? The current prices Even a bowl of fish **** costs more than a dozen mosquitoes."

"Is it wrong to be careful and careful? You are not a gourmet, and you can't tell the difference anyway by eating expensive things. It's better to buy affordable ones. Besides, you don't have money. If you come from a poor family, I can count you as a supporter." .”

'Take care of me, rich lady! I am a poor boy, so poor that I almost go out without pants! '

At this time, the people around the two of them were almost shouting the same sentence in their hearts, but no one dared to really shout out, even if they didn't want to be arrested on the spot by the sir.

"Let's talk about serious things, you are obviously at work today, what do you want to discuss with me when you ask me out?"

Lin Yuxia took a sip of the thick and sweet milk tea in her hand. Although she often bickered with Shi Huaiya when they met, and even greeted them with long-men swear words, in the mutual relationship network between the two, this is the one who can be called a girlfriend. They're a couple, at most they have the attributes of a bad friend.

"It's nothing serious, just... there was an urban legend in this store yesterday, have you heard it?"

"Urban legend?"

"A man suddenly appeared in front of the counter without any warning and said that he wanted to buy pineapple oil. At first, the guests and the boss thought it was just that someone came in without paying attention, but when the boss finished the pineapple oil and brought it to him, the man said It disappeared directly under the eyes of everyone."

Lin Yuxia gave a very perfunctory oh, she didn't even look directly at Shi Huaiya, but put her eyes on the steaming golden crispy pineapple bun.

"Hey! Are you listening to me? I've already treated you to tea and snacks, so please save face!"

"I'm listening, but since when have you become interested in this kind of nonsense ghost stories? This story doesn't even have a horrific breaking point. Ghosts come out to buy pineapple oil in broad daylight? You're going to laugh to death."

"This is not a ghost story, because...someone took pictures of the scene and reported it to the police, and it was him."

Shi Huaiya took out a color photo from the pocket of her uniform on her chest, and it was Dr. Qiao wearing a Kryptonian suit. From the shooting point of view, the person who took the photo was where the two of them were sitting now.

Lin Yuxia finally raised her spirits. From the analysis of the photos, it doesn't look like a ghost story, because it is so clear that she can even see every eye-catching buttocks curve clearly.

Which ghost photo is not blurred to the screen, as if the mechanical lock of the fence gate was removed and used as a camera to take it?

Chapter 31 All I Can Give Her is Black

Lin Yuxia carefully looked at the photo sent by Shi Huaiya, feeling quite complicated in her heart. Just looking at it with her eyes, she felt that this guy was full of a strong and reassuring sense of justice, as if Wei Guang came out of a movie. The protagonist, the kind who is always ready to save the world.

But the time when she appeared in front of her was not the information that her father or best friend handed her to urge her to go on a blind date, but the photo of the suspect from the Superintendent of the Guards Bureau. Should Lin Yuxia be lucky or a pity?

This is just her emotion as a top student, not because of the **** in this photo.

"So you suspect that someone is using Originium skills to pretend to be a ghost, and you need to borrow my father's contacts to investigate this case?"

"Case? That's not the case. They paid well. It's just that there is no such person in the Longmen population file of the Guard Bureau. If he can really be as elusive as the informant and the boss said, at least he must be found. The Guards Bureau has to file, otherwise similar things happen in the future, we..."


Suddenly there was an extremely loud noise outside the store, as if someone dropped a 1.8 million piano from the 20th floor and smashed it on the concrete floor, shaking the pineapple buns on the tables of Lin Yuxia and Shi Huaiya. Both the milk tea cup and the milk tea cup bounced up, and Shi Huaiya was so frightened that the tiger's tail cocked and exploded.


Lin Yuxia did not overreact, but this does not mean that she is calm and calm, but is trying to suppress a certain physiological reaction.

Without the need for the two young ladies to turn around and say anything, the boss of the Fengtou shop, who is tall and powerful, has already rushed out from behind the counter with a rolling pin and cursed.

"Which punk is throwing objects in the sky again!? If the floor tiles that I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on are smashed, you'll have to puke..."

Just when Shi Huaiya thought that there might be conflicts and fighting, and was about to go out to maintain law and order, Boss Feng Ti, who was still louder than the horn just now, suddenly closed his mouth and slipped back in a panic, as if being chased by a large group of gangsters. It's like trying to silence.

The problem is that the leading daughter of the underground forces is here, which gangster is so good that he doesn't even step out of this kind of illegal activities beforehand? Shu Wang regards Lin Yuxia as his daughter, and he regards her as the apple of his eye. If he makes such an oolong, he may not be expelled from the underworld of Longmen.

No, as a police superintendent, Shi Huaiya should stand up when encountering such a thing. The reason why she joined the Guards Bureau was because she was kidnapped when she was young, and a Longmen policeman rushed out with her in her arms. Since then, Shi Huaiya has volunteered to participate in the police cause and protect the citizens.

However, before she stood up and stepped out of the seat, an arm as thick as half a door frame came in from the outside, and stretched towards the counter under the dumbfounded gazes of Lin Yuxia and Shi Huaiya.

The shop owner was paralyzed in fright on the spot, curled up in the corner of the counter and trembling like a little Li Boli cub. He was obviously just an old buffalo who obeyed the law and kept his own place. What kind of rule did he commit today? But instead of arresting him, the Sir of the Guard Bureau provoked a giant spirit **** from Tiangong to come to his door?

However, the giant hand that could squeeze Shi Huaiya's whole body didn't do anything cruel as imagined, but stopped in front of the counter, and then carefully spread out the palm of his hand, revealing the cup he was holding. A large iron lunch box.

"Boss, this is what I lent you to buy pineapple oil yesterday. Thank you very much. I will return it to you now."


The scene fell into silence for a while, and all the customers present were silent, until the owner of the hand seemed to be a little impatient and shook the iron box lightly, and the shop owner woke up from the panic. Knead him into beef balls.

"Where, where, the customer is the top... Oh no, Gu, the customer is the God of Haotian! Many, thank you for coming, welcome, welcome to come again next time!"

The shop owner took the lunch box from the "Giant Spirit God" like a sieve, and almost broke the taboo of calling the Eastern God by the name of a Western God. Fortunately, he didn't pay attention to the small details in his words.

"By the way, boss, how can I get to the Guard Bureau?"

"Ah this..."

Although the older generation is a bit superstitious, the boss is not a fool, and no one knows the true identity of the "Giant Spirit God". What if a gangster who used some kind of Originium skill wants to blow up the Guard Bureau? He betrayed the policeman in front of Shi Huaiya, and even if the gods don't punish him in the future, he will have to go to jail and sit on a hard bench.

"Who are you? What are you going to the Guards Bureau for?"

At this time, Shi Huaiya stood up regardless of dissuasion. Even if Lin Yuxia pulled her tail vigorously, it didn't work. When the people needed help, the superintendent of the Guards Bureau retreated. So what is she doing as a sir? strength?

Hearing her questioning, she withdrew the big hand, and Shi Huaiya walked out of the store at a pace pretending to be calm but actually feeling uneasy in her heart, only then did she see the whole picture of the giant.