MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 190

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"Ah, this... Excuse me, Messenger, why do you care about that Agor named Skadi? In the final analysis, she is just a villain who offended the Lord."

Obviously Quintus didn't know that Skadi was the deep-sea hunter who personally killed his "main god" sea mother, otherwise he wouldn't have such doubts, but he also didn't know that the first speaker was looking for Skadi The purpose is not for revenge.

"You don't need to know this, Quintus, and you can't know it now, will understand it naturally when you become my brother."

"Yes, Dear Messenger, I will be very honored to look forward to that day."

Although Quintus was still very confused, when he heard the first speaker say that he would become his brother, his inner joy temporarily overwhelmed his curiosity, and he was immediately ready to kneel down and thank him on the spot.

At this moment, a siren-like singing sound penetrated the sea surface and the rock wall, echoing clearly in the entire cave space.

"What's that sound!?"

Quintus looked around in astonishment, but he had no way of judging the source of the singing. After a moment of silence, the first speaker recited a seemingly meaningless deep sea neigh.

That is the language of Haisi, but strictly speaking, it is not a word, but a signal of a certain frequency band, because Haisi communicates spiritually through a network similar to "hive consciousness" like a swarm of insects. The sea mother is the "Internet" server.

After Haimu's death, Haisi still relies on spiritual communication, but it is limited to face-to-face "local area network", and the combat effectiveness of the group has dropped significantly.

This is also why the first speaker said that Quintus will naturally understand after becoming Haisi, because Haisi's spiritual network is completely open to each other, there are no secrets and no lies.

‘It’s her, it must be her! Ishamura, sister, my wait is worth it. You will accept the last words of blood and return to the arms of your compatriots. One day, you will replace her and become... our mother. '



Dr. Shark Pepper smashed a monster fish like an insect-legged crocodile-mouthed carp with his bare hands, and then turned around and gave another strong kick from the knight. The huge force smashed a strange monster fish in the shape of a piranha into a puddle. The disgusting snot-like mucus also caused other dino fish that wanted to surround them to be knocked back one after another.

Skadi’s singing attracted a large number of fear fish lurking in the shallow seabed. They swarmed ashore just like Jiaxin Candy who heard the physical anchor Gavill perform the brain-shattering talent, waving twisted and ugly limbs and began to look like W Crawling around disorderly, the scene is extremely horrifying and frightening.

Even though they are just some low-level Hai Si cannon fodder, once such a large number flood into a city at the same time, within half a day, the residents inside will only be distorted and assimilated, and the fate of becoming food for the fear fish.

But for Dr. Shark Pepper, who is covered in cybertron alloy and even has a "brain" in the fire, their weak attacks are useless, but the fighting scenes are a little too disgusting.

It seems that most Dinosaurs have no internal skeleton, and rely on a large amount of body fluid wrapped in the outer carapace to form a "hydraulic device" to control the operation of the limbs. Therefore, once it is hit hard, it will explode on the spot, and Dr. Shark Pepper can only fight once. Then I will send a high-pressure water bubble to myself and take a shower.

This repeated time for a long time, and he had no choice but to ask Skadi loudly.

"How long is it going to sing! Isn't there anyone else coming besides these strange things?"

Skadi didn’t answer Jorge, and was still singing the song that didn’t know where the deep sea came from. She and the doctor are like two persistent fishermen now. Although fishermen never fly, Nima doesn’t either The reason to carry slugs home.

At least two mermaids must be caught!

So the tinder of Dr. Shark Pepper could only put on a painful mask and persevere until a tall figure with a long gun stood on the wave with only his feet, rushing towards Skadi.

"...Second Captain!"

Chapter 532 Titi and I have never given birth to such an ugly cub as you!

The person who came was naturally the former Agor technical consul, and the second captain of the deep sea hunter, Gloria.

It stands to reason that Skadi came to rescue the ghost shark as planned, she should be happy, but Gloria's face was not very good-looking, but she had a black face that looked like she was being trapped. The oily melon-seeded face that the bird's beak took a bite of was staring closely at Skadi who was standing on the same level as himself on the top of the cliff.

Because of this, she didn't notice Dr. Pepper Shark who was buried in a pile of snot at the bottom of the cliff and was wrestling ♂ and ♂ fiercely with the school of fear fish. She thought it was just the fear fish attracted by the singing that were killing each other, just like It's the same as the fans who hate each other because of jealousy in the anchor group.

"Where did you learn this song...?"

"I don't know. I knew how to sing it when I was fleeing. Maybe it was because I felt like the tide was weeping. Does the second captain want to listen to it again?"

"Can't sing any more! Stop it!"

Seeing that Skadi wanted to sing that peculiar melody again, Geletia, who had maintained a steady and calm attitude no matter in commanding behind the formation or fighting in person, yelled angrily at this time regardless of her manners. Let Skadi also be puzzled.

"This is just a song that requires a little special skill. Ghost Shark has heard me sing it before. Why is the second captain so excited?"

"You have no idea what you're doing! It's not a song, it's a last word..."

These two words that seemed to be dripping with blood had just been uttered from Gloria's mouth, and she suddenly turned pale with fright, and could even see with the naked eye that her complexion quickly faded to bloodless, as pale as gold paper. .

"...Why, why did it become like this!?"

Geleitia seemed to be lowering her head and engaged in an extremely fierce ideological struggle in her heart, and even her hand holding the spear trembled, but before anyone else figured out what happened, Gelei Tia raised her head again and looked directly at Skadi with her eyes.

But this time, only determination, despair, and...sadness remained in her eyes.

"Skadi, I'm sorry, for all that Agor has worked so hard, I must now..."

Gloria raised the spear to her shoulders, and the dancing waves spun around the body of the gun according to her will. It looked like she was holding a raging waterspout in Ke's hand, and then she was about to move towards Si Ke. Katie threw it hard.

"Kill you!"

Gloria was not acting. Although her killing intent came very hastily, she really wanted to kill Scatigue on the spot, but Titi, who was about to become a "victim", was extremely slow to react to this.

Even though the spear of the waterspout had already been released, Skadi still did not make any combat response, just tilted his head to show doubts, and there was even a question mark made of dumb hair on his head, as if he hadn't figured it out yet. The second captain is making trouble.

However, Skadi is not sitting still, because she has other insurance measures.

"Hey! Don't you think I'm a woman!? It's up to you, shark bite!"


In an instant, there was a loud noise breaking out from the group of fear fishes piled up into a hill under the cliff, and a huge mechanical shark head broke through the encirclement and burst out.

It was originally the cockpit in the form of Shark Pepper used to load the driver, but now it is covered with a domineering shell, and it opened its big mouth and clicked, biting the spear flying in mid-air tightly from the side, even if it is Gloria's waterspout couldn't shake its strong gnashing teeth.

Next, the red light in the shark's head and pupils became brighter and brighter, and a large amount of cola-flavored steam suddenly spewed out from the structural gaps all over its body, which meant that it had accelerated its horsepower output to the limit of overloading. To the point, in order to complete a small simple action...

Instead of closing the refrigerator door, shut your mouth.


Created by the most advanced "archaeological" technology on the entire planet Terra, the exclusive weapon of the deep-sea Agor Technocrat was broken into pieces in the mouth of a Rhodes Island mechanical shark.

It was even slimy and covered in cola syrup.


Gloria would of course be surprised by this sudden change, but she wasn't that surprised, perhaps because the shape of the mechanical shark made her mistakenly think that it was also some kind of Agor technology.

The time was running out and Gloria couldn't think about which Agor was helping Skadi. Even if she didn't have a weapon, she had to kill him immediately, otherwise it would be too late.

But how could Dr. Shark Pepper agree to her such an excessive request, so after shooting the shark bite, he immediately started the Coca-Cola engine and shot himself towards Gloria.

"Hey! Hugh is crazy, if you have the ability to take my trick, the shark flies on the plane! The giant shark cuts down the big tree!"

That extremely shameful but powerful strange battle cry even stunned a veteran like Gloria who had participated in the decisive battle against Hai Si and survived for almost a second. Of course, Dr. Shark Pepper wanted this kind of effect, so He took advantage of the opportunity to subdue the opponent.

However, what is embarrassing is that before he flew in front of Gloria, a string of high-speed flying white foam suddenly shot out from the sea, hitting Gloria faster than him, and even threw her off the waves. It shot straight down, which made Dr. Shark Pepper furious.

Damn it, which Pokémon is stealing my head? ! Don't you know mine is really your mother? ?

It's no wonder Jogo reacted subconsciously. After all, he has seen Operators attacking with water, fire, electricity, sand, light, ink, and sound waves, and even hitting people with candy, honey muffins, and toilet water. I haven't seen anyone using foam, and after much deliberation, there is only the foam skill of water-type Pokémon.

It's just that the attack strength is a bit wrong. Bubble attack is the most basic skill among water-type skills. Low-level water-type elves may not be able to use water guns, but they must be born to spit bubbles, except for the embarrassing carp king.

Therefore, the foam is almost equal to the sparks of the fire system. Even the light intensity of the advanced foam is only slightly stronger than that of the basic water gun. Move, slow down.

So if you want to knock down Gloria who is also a "water type" with a single shot of foam, even if she is unprepared, she is probably already a water type elf at the champion level of the Elf League, and the highest level in Rhodes Island is Eve Fufu, the fire-breathing dragon raised by Lite.

But in terms of actual combat power, Fufu is probably far from the gym level of the Pokémon world. After all, the fat fire dragon is more like being fattened by Ifrit's doting, and has never been subjected to strict battles. For training, it probably won't be trained until Zista's volcano gymnasium is completed.

When Dr. Shark Pepper "by the way" caught the injured and fallen Gloria firmly with his arms and landed on the ground again, he discovered that the guy using the foam could not be a Pokémon, because it was bigger than his own elf They are much uglier.

"Damn evil! I originally planned to give you the reward you deserved according to the agreement, but I didn't expect you to dare to disobey the messenger's order! I asked you to bring Skadi back, but I didn't allow you to dispose of her without authorization!"

The person who appeared in the field of vision and yelled at Gloria was Bishop Quintus of the Church of the Deep Sea, and the one who followed him raised one hand and maintained a wave posture. The whole shape seemed to run out of some singularity The material drop monster is the first speaker.

The bubble just now came from the hands of the first speaker. It is not just a special attack that only contains water energy like the water spirit, but an "erosive bubble" with extremely high impact and nerve damage characteristics.

Ordinary people will probably burst on the spot if they are hit by this vacuole, and even if they are only splashed, their sanity will be swallowed up. Therefore, even though the deep-sea hunters who have undergone body modification have nerve resistance, they will be directly damaged by the nerve damage attack of the high-level sea scum. Hit will not be so good,

"There is no need to be excited, Quintus, you cannot integrate into the sea with such a mentality, I can understand Gloria's thoughts, she doesn't want Isamura to see me, but now she has failed, this is the will of the sea .

Struggling, resisting, and fighting back are all vain under the tide of the sea. "

Chapter 533 Health Leopard reminds the children that the unwanted Crimson King can be donated to Dr.

When Quintus and the First Speaker appeared on the stage, normal people could feel the unusual distorted aura, as if waves of spiritual thoughts were coming one after another, making people feel fear and admiration , involuntarily bowed down to the "beautiful body" in front of him.

It's a pity that Dr. Qiao is not a normal person. After transforming into Cybertron Shark Pepper, he is not a human being. He belongs to the kind of old KY monster who can't understand the atmosphere of the scene.

"Who are you two sending?! Do you want to fight with me!"


To be honest, Quintus, as the bishop in charge of missionary activities on land in the Deep Sea Church, has seen many people on land who don’t understand the power of the Deep Sea Church speak harshly in front of him, but he has never seen such a person who seems to have everything in his head. It's Greenskin's Gavillian speech.

But when he finally saw the shape of Dr. Shark Pepper, he was even more confused.

Are you a land person or a deep sea person? Why did the deep-sea people wrap themselves in iron sheets, and they didn't know Hai Si yet? Then if he was a land person, why would he be wearing a shark-shaped knight armor? ?

After all, Quintus is still short-sighted. He has never understood the land world other than Iberia, because in Quintus' view, Iberia, which has received deep-sea technology, is the strongest on land. Once here, other land-based countries are no problem at all.

If this kind of thinking is placed before the "Great Tranquility", it will definitely be irrefutable, but the times have changed now, if you don't believe it, Jogo can "friendly invite" Quintus to go for a walk in the Akahula rainforest It doesn't matter if Kang Yikang is allowed to preach.

Anyway, as long as tomorrow morning, Quintus, who has a bruised nose and a swollen face and has his pants pulled off, will be tied to the big ugly saw, wearing a T-shirt with Gavial's big head on his upper body, and become the totem of the big tribe, and then be killed by Tia The Kawus unilaterally declared that the Bishop of Deep Sea had turned from darkness to light and became a brother of Jiaxintang.

However, Quintus was puzzled at this time, but he would not be angry because Dr. Shark Pepper uttered wild words to him. The bishop is not a great chief who can be beaten by fists. Who can sit in this position is not a human being? What's more, he is still the bishop responsible for preaching to the people on land.

So Quintus intends to show his generosity to attract the other party. According to past experience, even though most people on land will be wary of the strange Deep Sea Church immediately, the word desire can be easily Break through the defense.

Whether it's survival, knowledge, money, or power, he can satisfy it. Even as long as your XP is strange enough, some more outrageous customization requirements are not impossible, such as creating a fish-fearing maid for you in the laboratory or something.

Of course, the premise is that you have the value that can be used by the Church of the Deep Sea.

"You are the one who protected Ishamura just now? You did a good job. Now just hand over the evil thing in your hand to me, and I will give you the reward you deserve. Tell me, what do you want?" ?”

"... Ishamura? I don't know who that is, I'm here to find the ghost shark!"

"Ah~ so you want another evil thing? No problem, for the sake of your merits in the church, as long as I complete the sampling record of the ghost shark, you can take her away intact and alive, no suffer any harm."

Hearing that Quintus agreed very lightly, Dr. Shark Pepper looked back at Skadi on the top of the cliff, and then looked down at Skadi who was lying in his arms. He didn't know whether it was because of injury or despair, his face was ashen, Gloria, who didn't struggle, probably guessed some of the reasons.

Isamura should be Skadi's real name before becoming a deep-sea hunter, and evil is a derogatory name for the deep-sea hunter.

So here comes the question, Skadi, who clearly killed the sea mother, should be the "evil" that the other party hates the most. Why can she be treated differently? The answer probably lies in Gloria's abnormal behavior just now, and the humanoid sea descendant behind Quintus.

So, Dr. Shark Pepper put his arms close to Gloria's pointed ears calmly, and whispered something to her through the metal conduction. The electronic eyes of the first speaker also became more and more scarlet.



"Isamura, sister, I want to see you."

"Many years of ups and downs, many years of swimming, many lives and deaths, will usher in a new life today."

When Quintus tried to reason with Shark Pepper, the first speaker only had Skadi as a whale in his eyes, but he didn't use the Iberian language he used to communicate with Quintus, nor was it the Agor riddle , but the "signal language" for communication between Haisi.

If someone listens carefully and distinguishes it, they will even find that the murmur of unknown meaning in the mouth of the first speaker is very similar to the pronunciation of Skadi's previous song. The only difference is Skadi's singing voice and the female high-pitched voice.

But this is not the most frightening part. What is really frightening is that Skadi actually understood what the first speaker said.

"You, what are you talking about!?"

"Haven't you noticed? Sister, my blood is the same as yours. You smell our scent, just as we smell your scent. We are already of the same kind."

If this was not said by his former rival race, Skadi must have followed the head of this DD and put down the big sword, but the first speaker is definitely not X harassment, but talking about a Rangska Tie can not accept the fact.

"...No! I am not the same monster as you! You killed us Agors, my relatives, my mother, my grandma, my sister, and now you want to confuse me again?!"

"No, Ishamura, we will not go to the city of the Agors, and the people you mentioned were not killed by us."

"Nonsense! You have destroyed so many Agor cities!"

"Those are not cities, but fortresses built by the Agors on our territory, and we will destroy them only in order to survive."

"Oh, of course you'd say that, but do you think I'd believe it!?"

Although Skadi's words were firm, her heart was shaken a little bit, because whenever she tried to recall the details of the past, she found that she was always covered by a layer of hazy sea fog and could not see clearly. is abnormal.

It seems that there is an instinct inexplicably engraved in DNA to warn yourself that you don't need to know so much.

"Ishamura, you have to know that most things cannot be proved by words, so the Argols have been able to deceive you for so many years, but we will not, we have no lies and deceit, only the same pure heart .

Now, sister, let me wake up your sleeping blood, you will know all the truth, and then become our..."

Just when the first speaker was concentrating on trying to guide some things in Skadi to complete the awakening through Haizi's spiritual network, it didn't notice at all that a guy who had just been "recruited" by Quintus happened to be at this time walk past it, and...


Under the tide that seemed about to fall, an alloy fist the size of a myrtle pierced straight through the chest of the First Speaker.

Chapter 534 There is no courier that a heart-piercing attack cannot solve