MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 2

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The operators were dumbfounded. Of course, there was an IFF system on the communicator. In their eyes, the word "Doctor" was clearly written on Jogo's broad and majestic back muscles.

"Bo, doctor, what are you doing!? Come back quickly!"

Amiya, who didn't have time to stop him, was immediately anxious. Even though she still had doubts about the current inexplicable situation, all the evidence showed that Jogo was a doctor, and he had saved himself just now.

"Don't worry, Amiya, I said I will take you out of here safely."

Qiao Ge didn't turn his head back, but the red shirt on his back suddenly spread out as if he was moving forward in the wind, reflecting a kind of heroic emotion that the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return.

Regardless of whether the operators of Rhodes Island were moved or not, the integration movement is not used to this guy anyway.

"Is this guy stupid? Shoot him to death!"

Dozens of bows and crossbows were fired at Qiaogo, and there were even thrown Molotov cocktails. Just when Amiya worried that Qiaogo would rely on the high-speed movement shown just now to avoid it, he didn't at all. Instead of moving to the side, he walked straight forward facing the attack.

Ding ding ding ding... boom!

The sound of the crossbow bolts hitting the body seemed a bit strange, but these had just been organized, and the integration movement personnel who lacked combat experience didn't care about it, but watched him fall into a sea of ​​flames, with a disdainful grin on his face.


"I can hear it."


The tall and straight figure walked out of the fire, and the cloak fluttered in the fierce wind and fire. Jogo smiled kindly at the integrated crossbowman leader who insulted him.

He obviously didn't carry any protective gear, only a light tights that could clearly see the outline of the muscles, and was more like a **** toy than the usual practical battle suits, but Jogo didn't have any scars caused by crossbow arrows on his body .

Not even a drop of sweat, let alone a burn, would be better than a sauna.

Based on the setting of Superman, Carl in "Man of Steel" is not the strongest period, but it can be considered that the superhuman physique was initially formed under the nourishment of the earth's yellow sun. Take an anime setting called Digital XX as an example, then It is the period of maturity following childhood and growth.

Although Jogo's matching degree is only 5% at this time, it only affects the strength or skills he exerts, and Superman's own physique will not change, even when Superman is in shock and dying, no matter how hard he is The medical needle still can't pierce his skin.

There are only two things that can reduce Superman's physical defense, the red sun on Krypton, the hometown of Superman, and kryptonite, a mineral formed from the explosion fragments of Krypton.

"Swearing is not a good habit. Even if you are facing an opponent, you should give the fighters the respect they deserve."

"...You are sick! Quick, kill him!"

The leader of the crossbowmen panicked to death, and scrambled and retreated behind the other integration personnel to stay away from the monster, calling for other thugs with blades or even crowbars to stand on top.

"I've said it, and it needs to be respected."

The tinkling sound of irons overshadowed Jhogo's calm voice, and the weapons that attacked him either burst open or broke directly, and not even a thread or a strand of hair was cut off from Jhogo's body.

'Match 10%'

Sure enough, what behavior is most in line with Superman's setting? Of course, it is to use the invincible body to blast the bad guy's three views. Unfortunately, this group of integrated movements is probably just the bottom of the cannon fodder. Jogo also wants to perform a unique skill of catching bullets with eyeballs.

"What a bunch of rude guys, it seems that I need to teach you a little reason."

This time he learned his lesson, the pressure of punching directly is too great, and the ordinary human body must not be able to bear it, so Qiao Ge picked up an integrated thug and played the traditional skills of superhuman fighting, throwing sandbags.

Looking at his own doctor, who seems to be jumping into a foam block playground, he is easily and freehand playing with the integrated movement while applauding. All the members of the Doberman team are twitching all over the body. Doesn't mean the tactics are tough and ruthless, but does it mean this?

Amiya even clutched her forehead and fell into Dubin's arms. She felt that she needed oxygen.

Chapter 4 I need green armor to adapt to mercury shoes (see the end of this chapter for trouble when discussing magic resistance)

What happened later was almost the same. Although Qiao Ge tried his best to control the throwing of sandbags in crowded places, so that the "sandbags" in his hand had meat pads for landing, so as not to fall to his death on the spot, but such a terrifying and violent This behavior still scares the integration movement out of the building like a ghost, leaving only disabled people screaming and screaming all over the place.

"Come with me, take a shortcut to join other teams."

After completing the task, Qiao Ge directed the operators behind him with his hands on his hips, and issued the above instructions through the command system.

However, when the team operators looked up after confirming on the communicator, they only saw the afterimage of a mouthful of white teeth left in midair, and the sound of a wall collapsing like rumbling stones rolling.


"Damn it, what kind of 'doctor' are you!? Shouldn't you be called 'D32 Steel'?"

D32 steel, a man-made metal material that should not exist in nature, has superior strength, cannot be penetrated, and smoothly transmits Originium skills, which will redefine the standard of weapon materials.

When Qiao Ge let the kingslayer stab all over his body with a dagger like an acupuncturist, even the private parts and eyeballs failed, and instead he smashed the dagger in his hand crookedly, Kingslayer The reporter finally gave up the "close contact" with Jogo.

'Match 10%'

After all, she is a cadre of the integration movement. It took a group of small soldiers scraping for a long time to get back the matching degree. She helped Qiao Ge finish it alone. This technician's level is indeed high.

"I repeat, Kingslayer, I am the doctor. Although Rhodes Island has no intention of being an enemy of the integration movement, your atrocities have reflected endless evil in the sky above this city. Stop, you go!" On the wrong track."

"Atrocities? How do you know what we have suffered... ummm???"

The kingslayer's rebuttal didn't even finish a sentence, and he was suddenly flashed behind him, and Jogo, who used his own way to punish him, covered his mouth, although he didn't choke otherwise. Her vitals, but the Kingslayer still couldn't escape.

Unless she ripped the whole of her chin off her face, she couldn't escape Jorgo's grip, which was stronger than the steel pincers.

"Sorry, I don't think I'm very good at eloquence, and it's impossible to persuade a cadre, so let's skip the debate. I just want to tell you one thing, what the infected people really need is care, help, or even A revolution, but the only thing not needed is the brutality of terrorism."

"No no no!"

Qiao Ge's shameless behavior is very effective. In the quarrel of elementary school students, as long as you are stronger than the other party, even if you are unreasonable, you just need to hit him and block his mouth. Even "bounce" and "bounce your "Backlash" has no chance.

The difference between the Integration Movement and Rhode Island is like the Fraternity of Mutants created by Magneto in Marvel and the X Academy and X-Men created by Professor X. One is to completely subvert the human society that discriminates against mutants. One is to seek survival in the balance between mutants and humans.

However, what is slightly different is that Magneto is so powerful that everyone fears and fears him. He really has the ability to subvert the world, but Tallulah of the integration movement does not, so it becomes a place between countries confronting each other. The **** of the conspiracy, the banner raised by the integration movement, is just a joke in the eyes of Ursus.

"Doctor, what are you?"

When Amiya finally walked out from the wall, she immediately saw Jhogo restraining the Kingslayer from behind with his hands, his posture was comparable to that of the tram wolf.

"She is a cadre of the integration movement. She is probably here to discuss the next battle with others, and I happened to break through."


So, if you accidentally hit the other party's cadre, shouldn't you speed up your evacuation? They are an organization capable of conquering an entire mobile city. How can the cadres be so weak? Why does it look like a tiger accidentally bumped into the sheep pen?

"She should have signaled for help, so we can't let her go, Dubin, please tie her up."

"Huh? Oh!"

Probably because he had already experienced the previous shock, Dubin turned around just in a daze, and took over the kingslayer from Jogo with a restraint.

"Bah! You traitors of the Infected, what we did was just, to make those who bullied the Infected pay the price! So what if you are a monster as hard as a rock? Can you still withstand the frost and the flame?"

Unsurprisingly, Kingslayer started cursing as soon as he got out of Jogo's grip. Jogo wanted to say that Frost and Flame were not as good as the great sword of ice and fire against Superman, but Kingslayer did remind him that although Terra There should be no kryptonite, but Superman still has weaknesses.

"Amiya, can you do me a favor?"

"What, what's the matter, doctor, please tell me."

Amiya stepped forward timidly, trying to squeeze a smile at Jogo.

"Attack me with your Originium spell."

"Ah, how can this work!? How can I attack you, doctor!"

"Please, it's very important to me, it's fine, you can try to be as light as possible."

Qiao Ge gently put his hands on Amiya's shoulders, his eyes were firm and persistent, Amiya gritted her teeth, and finally agreed.

"Medical operator, get ready, if the doctor is injured, please treat him immediately."

Jogo stood up with a smile, and made a cross on his chest with his fingers, signaling Amiya to hit it here, and Amiya manipulated the magic elements in her hands with sweat, suppressing its formation as much as possible. to its weakest state.

"Doctor be careful!"

A black magic ball the size of a ping-pong ball shot towards Jogo, and finally sank into Jogo's right chest. The Kryptonian suit was still intact, but Jogo was shocked suddenly, his legs almost bent down He fell to his knees and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.


Amiya and the female medical operator with a pair of cat ears rushed up quickly, grabbed Jogo's arms and helped him up. Dubin and Kingslayer all stared at him in unison, probably Unexpectedly, the invincible posture before was so embarrassing in front of a small magic ball.

"No, I'm fine, don't worry about me Amiya."

Jogo is indeed fine. He almost fell to his knees because his mentality is just that of an ordinary person, and his tolerance to pain is not comparable to that of Superman, but he should get used to it after a few more tries.

In the test just now, he deliberately gave up any defensive posture to allow Amiya to directly attack his lungs, so that he could measure the degree of injury based on the amount of blood he spit out. After that, the injury healed almost instantly.

But this does not conceal Superman's vulnerability in the face of magical power, or more should be said to be the magical power of the nature of the origin stone. If you use the operator panel in the game to explain it, it is probably a few million life points and tens of thousands of physical defenses. , but the magic resistance shows a zero.

The Frost and Flame mentioned by Kingslayer just now are the two most powerful spellcasters in the integration movement, the cadre Frost Star and the leader Tallulah. The essence of the originium spell should be able to hurt Jogo.

Although Amiya's lowest level of attack, Jogo can still rely on blood volume and recovery ability to easily overcome it, but if she directly has a mental explosion or even Chimera, if she does not dodge or dodge, 10% of Kryptonian Superman is afraid I want to eat a turtle for a while.

"Ten percent is still too little, I have to unlock a higher level of matching..."

Chapter 5 Because I'm a Doctor

"Hahahaha, it turns out that you monster also has weaknesses!"

The kingslayer who realized the situation began to laugh unscrupulously, turning a blind eye to Dupin's glaring, but Jogo didn't pay attention to her directly, but gave the kingslayer a melancholy back.

"Yeah, when the invincible has concerns, it is his greatest weakness."

"You are dead. The most indispensable thing in our integration movement is the magician. You don't need Sister Tallulah to help you, and you will die without a place to die."

"It doesn't matter if she comes or not. After all, I have carried everything. If she is well, it will be sunny."

"???are you crazy???"

He was obviously mocking him, but he threw a bunch of inexplicable philosophies and little freshness, which made the kingslayer always feel that he was fighting against a mental patient, and he was the one who suffered anyway.

"Pfft, doctor, stop teasing her, the situation is very serious now!"

Although Amiya is only 14 years old, since she can be appointed as the leader of Rhodes Island by Kelsey, how can her comprehension ability be inferior to that of a kingslayer? Of course, she quickly understood the current situation.

Although I don't know what strange thing the doctor awakened and suddenly became a super heavy armor and super guard, the rapid improvement of Rhodes Island's combat power must be a good thing, but this weakness is indeed very serious for the doctor.

If a well-trained elite operator has a short board in this area, he must have received a lot of training to overcome adaptability, tactically, he will also be able to evade the enemy's magic attacks in a timely manner, or require the adaptability of origin stone skills Tall cadres to assist.

But Qiao Ge has not received training, and even the scene where he showed his power before can clearly be seen to be purely crushing by force, without any skills at all. Once he encounters the worst situation, he may have nothing to do but be beaten.

Whether it's for the doctor's safety or for the smooth evacuation of the operators, she will spare no effort to find a way for Jogo, but it's hard for a little rabbit and a clever woman to live without rice. Now the team is still encircled by the integration movement, and there is no room for support. what.

"Oh, if only a nightingale would nurse me."

And Qiao Ge was thinking about Tao Zi at this time, let alone whether Rhodes Island has recruited the six-star medical operator Nightingale who can increase the magic resistance of teammates, even if he is recruited, the Sarkaz sword who uses the sword to nurse people Can the saint let Nightingale come to such a dangerous place?

"Forget about that, Amiya, have you heard the city's wailing?"

Amiya froze for a moment. She didn't think that Jogo was teasing her like a kingslayer, but...she didn't know how to answer for a while. Is the doctor after amnesia still the "evil spirit" he used to be? ?

"As far as I know, natural disasters are coming soon, and some people choose to abandon this city and its people for their own desires, and then use it as a bargaining chip in war."

"Natural disaster!? Is it real?"

Jogo didn't answer Amiya directly, but turned to look at Kingslayer. She grinned sarcastically and her eyes were full of sarcasm. It was obvious that her behavior was tacitly acquiescing what Jogo said.

The integration movement's plan was to take advantage of the blitzkrieg when the people in Qiecheng were slack in preparing for the celebration, first cut off the mobile city's power system and external communication, so that the people in the city lost the opportunity to escape from this place.

The next step is to trigger natural disasters and announce to the world the powerful new life of the infected people of the integration movement.

Although it is called a natural disaster, it is just a word directly extracted from ancient literature, which essentially refers to various large-scale disasters that are very dangerous to humans, and after the disaster, many sources of direct exposure will be left Stone veins.

So natural disasters can actually be man-made. For example, Tallulah’s origin stone skills, combined with the integration of various origin stone fuzes buried in the movement, can cut the whole into an active volcano that is about to erupt. What came out was all source stone mines.

Otherwise, why did the integration movement immediately massacre and attack the whole city? In fact, all you need to capture a city is to capture the government and military equipment. The so-called revenge on ordinary people can come slowly after the occupation. They just spread fuzes everywhere in order to create artificial natural disasters.

After the natural disaster, the whole world will start to pay attention to the integration movement, and such serious source stone pollution will prevent other forces except the infected from entering this place on a large scale. The rich source stone resources can also bring integration movement A lot of military spending.

They all sound like benefits, except that the ordinary people who used to live in Chernobog either died at the hands of the integration movement or were caused by natural disasters. The best ending is to be forced to join the integration after being infected by the source stone radiation sports.

"How can you be so indifferent to life! This is not in line with the original intention of the infected to help other infected people, it will only lead to more and more terrible hatred!"

When Amiya heard the deduction of the truth from Jogo's mouth, the little rabbit became angry immediately, pointing at the kingslayer and wanted to curse a few words.

"Heh, if possible, I certainly don't want to use such a terrible thing as a natural disaster. It can't resurrect my betrayed and murdered mother, but it can allow me to complete my revenge. Can you Rhodes Island do it? There are so many infected among us with deep hatred, can you calm their anger?"

"You can't do anything! You will only compromise with these hypocrites who oppress us, and let the infected continue to live in the shadow of being spurned!"

Kingslayer is not afraid of Amiya’s moral condemnation at all. In the final analysis, people’s moral concepts cannot be generalized. Otherwise, there would not be a good man like Superman and villains like Punisher and Deadpool in the movie. There are heroes.

If the rise of the integration movement was not a drama planned by the people behind it, but the real infected people resisting the awakening of their will, Jogo might still support them, but the straight-hearted Jogo has always been disgusted by such things as conspiracy and disdains to participate of.

Have to say, it's superhuman.

"Yes, the original Rhodes Island really couldn't do it, but now that I'm here, I must try it!"

"Only you? The doctor of Rhodes Island?"

The Kingslayer shook her head in disdain. She didn't think Jhogo was serious, but just arrogant.

"Yes, the doctor can definitely do it!"

To Jogo's surprise, before he could answer, Amiya stepped out to stand for him, her little face blushing with excitement.