MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 226

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I saw Jogo took out a sharp black metal object from the lining of his suit. From the appearance, it is very reminiscent of the most mysterious and evil species in the Sarkaz tribe, the Gorefiend .

But in fact, this is a misconception. Anyone with a little common sense about blood demons knows that this simple and powerful style does not belong to blood demons, even if its shape is indeed a "bat", but the bat-like Shaman Katz and Gorefiend cannot be equated.

As long as the race needs to **** blood to survive or draw power from blood, it can be called "blood demon" in a broad sense. It is precisely because of this that the blood demon is generally evil, like Hua After all, blood demons like Falin and Ke Luxie who use their instinctive desires for the right way are very few.

Of course, this is the official statement when introducing Rhode Island's operators to the outside world. Everyone knows the actual situation. As long as the big lynx is not in the headquarters for a day, these two people will immediately start to move, trying to "squeeze" Dr. .

Evil, it is too evil!

"A dear friend of Gorefiend with a penchant for plastic bodysuits once told me that the best way to protect a city is to create terror that covers it like night falls, and if I had to say, I couldn't agree more , at least, a little fraternity of compassion for all living beings must be added.

Now give this opportunity to show love to everyone in front of the TV.

It took me a while to collect four notorious wanted criminals who committed all kinds of crimes and deserved to die, and nailed them to four different landmarks in the Empire City with the 'little toys' given to me by the best friend of the blood demon.

Now we only need four lucky ones like the Virgin to find them, forgive them, and give them freedom, and finally return these 'little toys' to me as vouchers, and then we can enter the next round of the game to compete for the champion.

Oh, by the way, although there is only one Madonna who can obtain the formula of Utopia, I also made a little money by selling Utopia during this time, which I don’t really need Consolation prize for the Federal Knife. "


No kidding, when Jogo said the number of 1 billion federal knives, although it was not the same place, it was at the same time, and people's exclamations echoed in the sky of the entire Empire City.

Selecting one person from the entire city to obtain the utopia formula, even with the mathematical level of the Colombians, the probability is too low, but when the probability is quadrupled, even if the formula is not obtained, at least 1 billion federal knives can be obtained...

They were so excited that the flag was raised high, and they rushed out of the house to become the "Holy Mother".

Even in Empire City, where life is so rich that as long as you become a formal legal citizen, you can eat and wait to die, 1 billion federal knives is an astronomical figure for ordinary people. With this money, they can completely change their lives, but it is definitely not to go start a business.

Of course, it is to upgrade the food and wait for death to a lifetime of romance, debauchery, and extravagance. As for whether you can save some for future generations? That's none of my business!

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and if they have the ability, they will also become saints!

But at this moment, the conference room of the police station was full of livid-faced little animals with bristly bristles.

"Bastard! I didn't expect this guy to dare to flout the law so much, it's unforgivable!"

"Boss, it seems that he is a first-class extrajudicial fanatic who dared to rob the federal savings. This is not a normal operation..."

"Cough! Cough cough cough!"

Officer Otter hurriedly coughed hard to prevent Officer Leopard, who was single-minded, from getting into the misfortune of Director Niu. After all, it must be all his subordinates who are unlucky when the old man gets angry.

As for why these animal police officers can still maintain their rationality under such temptations, it is of course because they have just accepted military control, and everyone knows very well that even if they become lucky, they will definitely be confiscated by the Colombian authorities. Maybe even I will "disappear mysteriously".

Even a Leopard police officer with a terrible EQ cannot be low in IQ, but that is not necessarily the case for the low-level police officers.

"Act immediately! We must control the people who are out of control before they find the wanted criminals. It is best to arrest this Joker! Every police officer leads the team personally, and all those who violate the police regulations must be severely punished! You can be on the spot implement!"

Chapter 625 "Make Columbia Great Again" Xia

When the bird policemen of the Liboli ethnic group rushed to the hijacked Empire City TV station as quickly as possible, they were taken for granted. The video was being broadcast on the channel in a loop. Still struggling in mid-air.

When the owl host saw that the police finally came, he struggled even more violently, but he could only make a series of cooing sounds from his throat, and even a small part of the cooing hair on his body was shaken off. It was obvious that there was something wrong. I was in a hurry to say something.

In view of the Joker's criminal record, the police dare not neglect at all.

"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Imperial City University Medical Center bombs another hospital every 5 minutes!"

"What!? Damn it... Where is the communicator!"

Although the Imperial City police seldom cared about the life and death of the lower-class people, they were a benchmark for the "sense of justice" of the middle- and upper-class people. The hospital was such a place, because the lower-class people couldn't afford expensive advanced medical insurance.

Although cheap medical insurance is not unavailable, you can wait for two weeks just to make an appointment to see a cold, so the best solution is to predict what disease you will get in half a month.

There was even a man who encountered a shootout while passing by a gang site, accidentally shot 6 times while lying down, and waited for a week before making an appointment for the "emergency department". Even the new flesh he had grown had to be re-cut to remove the warhead.

But if you don't have medical insurance at all... you'd better find a **** to protect you from illness and injury, otherwise the hospital bills will be enough to bankrupt you several times, which is why there are many unlicensed black doctors with a prosperous business and extensive cult organizations in Empire City .

All in all, the hospital in Empire City is not only an important face of Empire City, but also an infrastructure to meet the living needs of the middle and upper classes.

"It's on the top cover of the camera!"

It is already 8:56, that is to say, when there are only four minutes left, the leader Goshawk hurriedly found the communicator, and it was only after he frantically pressed the button that he suddenly realized that he Probably hit it off.

What if this is not a simple communicator, but the remote control of the bomb? It's even possible that it wasn't the medical center that was blown up, but the TV station under their own feet.

However, just a few seconds after the tense to suffocation, even the sweat on the forehead dripped down frame by frame like a movie lens, the expected earth-shattering explosion and **** scene did not appear, replaced by A burst of dynamic music drums... and the Joker on the screen is swaying his hands and feet and dancing passionately.


Nevergonna let you down!

Never gonna run around and desert you~

Nevergonna make you cry,

Nevergonna say goodbye!


(Never give up on you, never let you down!

I will never abandon you~

Never make you cry, never say goodbye!

Never lie, it won't hurt you! )'

...? ? ? Although the police squad leader was completely puzzled by this unexplained scene, he still instinctively sensed that the other party must be fooling himself, so he immediately became furious.

"Motherfxxk! You, a criminal who messed up the Empire City, still have the heart to dance! I'll see if you still dance when we arrest you!"

"Hehehehehe...Why so serious, Mr. Inspector? People can dance at any time. It is more lively than words, more vivid than expressions, so why not?"

Captain Goshawk just wanted to refute sharply, but suddenly heard the sound of chicken paws scratching the floor behind him, so he turned his head and stared with a black bird face, which scared the pigeon police officer who couldn't help jumping with Jogo Cooing, he quickly flapped his wings and stood at attention to salute.

After seeing his subordinates behaved properly, Captain Goshawk continued to speak.

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense! Tell me quickly! Where did you bury the bomb!"

"...It seems that you still haven't grasped the essence, Mr. Police Officer, but don't worry, I always keep my word. Not only that, in order to reward the public servants of the people for their timely rescue of the citizens of Imperial City, I will provide a little help. "

"Help? Are you up to some trick again!"

"No, no, no, listen, how am I going to explain it to you stupid and boring extras? Don't you all realize that the side representing justice in this game lacks a heavyweight soul? It's unfair to you guys."

There is no doubt that Jogo is talking about Batman. After all, in most of DC's stories, the only role of the police is to help Batman detain criminals, and then release them to promote the plot.

It's hard to imagine what would happen in a world without Batman, and the police could only face the Joker "alone". Anyway, to describe Jogo's own experience, it can only be if God has taken back one-tenth of his power, guest door.

So Qiao Ge can only "crack" the police by himself, otherwise the game will not only be boring in terms of difficulty, but will definitely affect the final settlement.

It's a pity that Captain Goshawk doesn't know what Batman is. He just thinks that Jogo is going to come up with some new potion to lure the police force to degenerate.

"Don't even think about it! I won't let any of your tricks succeed again!"

"Hey, this is the wish of the general public in Imperial City, and it is also the original meaning of chaos, and I am just a moment of chasing a vehicle forever..."


Just as he was reciting the "Chaos Bible", a broken window suddenly sounded in the TV studio on the 12th floor. Surprised. Because it was someone who broke through the glass from the outside and entered the studio like a special police high-altitude rope drop, but in fact there was no rope on the person who came, but he flew directly.

Because ta is a bird, a birdman wearing a special one-piece technical armor for birds, even covering the whole bird's head, only showing a pair of orange-red wings... Oh no, it's Birdman .

Unlike Qiao Ge who was full of doubts, all the members of the Liboli police force suddenly became extremely excited, as if a little fan had seen their idol superstar with their own eyes.

"Holy shit, MCGAMan! It's McGAMan himself!"


Jogo seems to have realized some elements of déjà vu, even though the corners of his mouth remain the same, his eyes are still unavoidably wrinkled, just like someone who accidentally bumped into Gavill secretly trying on the white silk nurse uniform Same expression.

"You haven't heard of my name, so let me answer you personally. I am the killer of evil, the defender of justice, and the MCGA that makes Columbia great again! McGaman!"

"..." Well, Jogo still underestimated his premonition. It should be exactly the same expression as when he saw Kelsey stealing Miss Christine's cat food.

Chapter 626 Nobody Knows Better Than Me, Old Woman

"Uh... who are you, man, can you say it again?"

"Hahahaha, I can talk all day long, MCGA, I am McGaman, who is here to stop your evil deeds!"

"You came too timely, McGaman! The villains are too cunning and powerful, we need your help!"

"No problem, you have done a great job, leave the rest to me, no one knows how to deal with these high IQ criminals better than me!"


I don't know if it's because they are also from the Liboli tribe, but the existence of the "superhero" McGaman made the birds of the police force present in a state of excitement, even Captain Goshawk, who spoke righteously just now.

They even sang together and started talking nonsense, completely ignoring the "big villain" Jogo on the screen, as if he was McGaman's supporting role.

That's fine, but... don't you **** recognize the great commander from home! ? This guy says the exact same lines on TV and newspapers every day, and even exposes the color of the feathers on his wings, don't pretend to be blind!

And your name really sounds exactly the same as Rockman's beautiful sound MegaMan!

Although Jogo almost made an appearance because his aunt opened the door for the outrageous, but after experiencing the initial surprise, he quickly noticed something unusual and had a stronger sense of sight.

The state of these policemen is obviously not right. Although it cannot be said that their minds are directly manipulated, they are definitely guided by a large degree of tendency, just like...

Bugs Bunny's retarded halo!

However, unlike the halo of mental retardation, the effect of this "halo" in front of him is likely to make people worship McGaman very much, and unconsciously agree with his words.

This is probably also a spiritual skill, but it certainly can't compare to the rule-distorting aura of Bugs Bunny. It must require some kind of trigger condition or over-resistance judgment.

Even if Jogo is very happy that a new hero has appeared on the "just side", this method does not seem to be a righteous act...

Well, those methods of Batman probably cannot be regarded as "justice". Anyway, as long as he doesn't kill people, he can do anything.

However, if one thinks of the "prototype" of this orange bird commander in another world, it seems that it is not so difficult to understand.

By the way, the species of this grand commander is a hibiscus bird, that is, a canary, but it is a variety with red feathers, plus a pinch of lighter-colored big hair on the top of the head, which is more wild in shape.

"Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt your star talent show, but there are already lucky people who are about to find our first wanted criminal. Please allow me to go first. I also have my own show to host."

Qiao Ge was too lazy to be the background board for the great commander, so he immediately turned off the communication to do things. Who knows that McGaman, who had ignored him just now, felt like being electrocuted when he heard this, and hurriedly picked it up. He opened his fans and yelled at Jogo.

"What are you talking about! I haven't knocked you down in front of the national broadcast, how can you leave without permission? I don't agree!"

"Dude, you do know you're just talking to me remotely on the communicator, right?"

"So what? As long as I want to, I can beat you anywhere! Come on, I'll let you make the first move!"

"...It's good, maybe you will have a common topic with someone I know, but...I don't want to make her more stupid, so I will see you again."

Jogo didn't care about the "retaining" of the Grand Commander McGaman at all, and just turned off the communication screen. Until this time, the policemen who were wandering around McGaMan still didn't respond to this.

On the contrary, McCaman, who had been talking so much, suddenly became quiet, and looked back at the sky outside the window.

"Do what you have to do to make...great again."


"Who, who will save me...Damn beast! Pack beast! Shit! I was nailed here to read the lines for almost an hour, but no one came. Can't I put my old lady down for a rest first!"

A Sarkaz gorefiend "girl" who was tied to a stone pillar in a dark prison by a huge chain and pinned to her heart by a bat dart, her weak voice gradually became irritable, showing that she was being tortured by someone. Resentment.

"Patience is a necessary prerequisite for becoming an excellent artist..."

When the scary green-haired man's voice suddenly sounded next to her ear, the Gorefiend girl trembled as if she had been splashed with a basin of ice water, and her tone suddenly became weak and pitiful again.

"But, but it really hurts~"

"Pain is the tempering of artistic sublimation. I present this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to you. You should feel honored, Miss Camilla."

Qiao Ge's footsteps followed the sound, and he looked down at the shy expression on the other's youthful face, and had to say...

He has seen many old women like this who are pretending to be virgins, and the blood demon "girl" Camilla's skills can only be ranked third, which obviously can't shake his window operating system.

"Or do you want me to remind you, how many Originium explosives are buried under your ass? Hehe, if you think you can survive, just try to break free, I don't mind anyway."

"...You **** lunatic! Don't be caught by my mother if you have the ability, otherwise my mother will **** you up and down!"

"Oh, I'm so scared."

Don't look at Camilla, who was restrained here by Jogo, seemed to be powerless and furious, but in fact she was a six-star wanted criminal in the Victoria area, and countless victims died of being sucked dry by her.

Although blood-sucking is a common disease that many gorefiends cannot control themselves, almost all other gorefiends can only choose to obtain blood in a more covert way, and no one can get away with it like she does.

However, she has recently noticed that a mysterious storm is brewing in Victoria's political situation. She doesn't want to be involved, so she joins the Swire Group's rich tour group and comes to Columbia Empire City to avoid the limelight for the time being.

Who would have thought that this would hit someone's dart head.

Of course, Camilla's verbal threat just now was indeed just incompetent rage. Having personally fought with Jogo, she knows what kind of monster he is.

If she had a chance to escape, she would never come back here again, and even wanted to find an ancient castle deep in the mist to live in seclusion for a period of time like those traditional old-school gorefiends, to heal her injured "heart", both physically and mentally. .

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