MTL - Mr. Fu, You’ve Spoiled Your Wife Rotten!-Chapter 652 ancient concert

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  Chapter 652 Concert in ancient times

  I didn't expect that she could create such an exquisite song, it was just haunting me for three days.

   And this new stage performance is unprecedented.

   It was so successful.

  Xu Niang said: "Grandma, you can do what you say, I'll go out to greet the guests first, and I will cook for you in the evening."

   After speaking, Xu Niang went out.

   Qingfeng Building became popular like this.

  Everyone in Chang'an Avenue knows that there are four immortal-like people in Qingfeng Building.

  These four fairy characters only perform one piece of music every day, all of which are sounds of nature.

  The major brothels have followed suit, but they haven't got the essence.

  The F4 combination of Qingfenglou has even become the most sought after object by high-ranking officials, ladies and ladies.

   Every day, many people spend a lot of money wanting to meet them.

  The threshold of Qingfeng Building is about to be broken.

   And whether it’s songs, costumes, or stages, every time they come together, they will lead the fashion frenzy on Chang’an Avenue.

  The happiest one is Xu Niang.

  Recently, she was counting money so that her hands cramp.

  Every day is full of smiles.

  I can't wait to enshrine Li Beibei as a god.

  This woman, how could she write so many songs, each of which exploded.

  What about "Chrysanthemum Terrace", "Blue and White Porcelain", "Jiangnan" and so on, no one in Chang'an Street can sing a word or two now.

  Now the Qingfeng Building does not need to receive guests, it has simply become a place for performances.

  Everyone needs to buy tickets when they come in to watch the show.

   This ticket is still hard to find.

   Every day, countless dignitaries come to open their eyes.

  Xu Niang also found a new backer.

   Qingfeng Building has become the most prosperous symbol of the entire Chang'an Avenue.

  More and more foreigners come here especially.

   On this day, Li Beibei was rehearsing a new dance for the artists of Qingfenglou.

  Fu Jingmo pushed the door open and entered.

  At that time, Li Beibei was dancing tango with "Wu Yanzu".

  Li Beibei has gradually integrated some modern dance styles into this era.

  Donghua has always been open to the people.

   These current things fit in effortlessly.

   It quickly became a hit.

  Li Beibei has already discussed with Xu Niang to hold a concert here next month.

  So the rehearsal is going on in full swing.

  Fu Jingmo saw that Li Beibei was teaching the men in Qingfenglou to dance.

   Their hands are folded together, and their bodies are also very close.

  And the man looked at Li Beibei with eyes full of admiration and admiration.

  Fu Jingmo frowned, and then said: "Beibei, I have something to tell you."

  Li Beibei also raised her brows, and replied directly: "Okay, wait a minute, when I finish this dance, you can just help us see if this dance at the beginning of the concert is too avant-garde."

  Li Beibei finished a tango with "Wu Yanzu".

   After letting go of his hand, Li Beibei wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

  Then turned to look at Fu Jingmo.

   Who knew that Fu Jingmo's brows were furrowed tightly.

   His face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

  Li Beibei walked up to him.

   asked: "What's wrong with you?"

  Fu Jingmo looked up at Li Beibei, and suddenly said, "You must teach this kind of offensive dance?"

   Li Beibei froze for a moment.

  Seeing Fu Jingmo's angry eyes, he reacted.

  Fu Jingmo is jealous?

   Li Beibei suddenly smiled.

  Fu Jingmo's complexion was even worse: "What are you laughing at?"

   Li Beibei was pleasantly surprised.

  After Fu Jingmo lost his memory, Li Beibei had never seen Fu Jingmo jealous.

  Most of the time, he is dull and indifferent.

   Although now they are together every day.

  He listened to her very much.

   But in their relationship, Li Beibei will always be in the dominant position.

  Fu Jingmo will not raise any opinions, but just silently stay by her side.

  Li Beibei always thought that he had lost part of his emotions because of being hit by the heart-breaking Gu.

  Will not be angry, not happy let alone jealous.

   It's rare to see Fu Jingmo jealous, Li Beibei was really overjoyed.

   This also means that his cognition in all aspects is slowly awakening.

  It seems that Situ Jing's drugs are indeed useful.

   Li Beibei suddenly had a prank idea in his heart.

  Li Beibei said: "If this is all offensive, then I have an even more offensive dance, do you want to watch it?"

   After finishing speaking, Li Beibei turned around: "Azu, come, my sister will teach you a new dance called striptease, you take off your robe first."

   "Wu Yanzu" is naturally very obedient.

   Be obedient and take off your clothes.

  Fu Jingmo suddenly stood up.

   His figure was as fast as lightning, and he was already standing in front of "Wu Yanzu".

   Immediately, a long sword was already on her chest: "Get out!"

  Wu Yanzu's face turned pale, and she looked at Li Beibei, obviously asking for help.

  Li Beibei smiled, and said: "Okay, Azu, you go out first."

   Azu's eyes clearly showed disappointment, but he went out anyway.

   After going out, Li Beibei turned and sat down, and poured himself a cup of tea.

  Li Beibei took a sip and looked up: "Why are you so angry, it's just a dance with him."

  Fu Jingmo's face was gloomy: "I'm not angry."

   "Oh? If you're not angry, you're just jealous?"

  Fu Jingmo stopped talking.

  Li Beibei smiled: "If you don't say anything, I will take it as your default, okay?"

  Fu Jingmo still did not speak.

  Li Beibei was very happy.

  She stood up and walked up to Fu Jingmo.

  Holding Fu Jingmo's face on purpose, he said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's just my sister's passing, I still love you the most..."

   Before Li Beibei could finish speaking, his mouth was sealed.

  Seal it with a kiss!

   Li Beibei was completely stunned there!

  First time, really first time!

   This was the first time Fu Jingmo kissed her actively after meeting Fu Jingmo here.

  Li Beibei always thought that he had become a wooden man after being hit by the heart-wrenching Gu.

  Even if Li Beibei usually provokes him and teases him, he remains indifferent.

  On weekdays, Fu Jingmo treated him well, never crossing the line.

  Fu Jingmo kisses deeper and deeper!

  Li Beibei suddenly burst into tears.

  In fact, she just thought of Fu Jingmo before she lost her memory.

   thought of their wedding.

  Thinking of the two of them overcoming all kinds of difficulties and finally being together, they were suddenly separated by the hand of fate.

   And over there.

  Fu Jingmo felt the wetness on Li Beibei's face, and reacted instantly.

  He quickly took a step back.

   Then he said in a daze, "I'm sorry!"

  Li Beibei knew that the well-behaved Fu Jingmo was back.

  Li Beibei turned around and wiped away her tears.

   When she turned around, she had already adjusted her emotions.

  Li Beibei said: "You just came in and said you have something to tell me, what do you want to say?"

  Fu Jingmo also returned to his usual cold and distant appearance: "I just saw Wei Feng on the street, I want to ask, how long do you plan to stay here?"

  Li Beibei also knows.

  During this time, the two of them have become wanted criminals across the country.

  Xuanyuan Junyi used all his troops to look for them.

   Chang'an Avenue is covered with their notices.

  The government dispatches a large number of troops to search for them every day.

  Of course, Xuanyuan Junyi thought they had escaped from the city.

  So a lot of troops were spent searching outside the city.

   It was Wei Feng who took the lead in finding them.

  Fu Jingmo said that today he saw Wei Feng leading troops looking for someone outside.

   That is to say, Xuanyuan Junyi may have already reacted.

  He has already started trying to find someone in Chang'an City.

  If this is really the case, then Qingfeng Tower must not be able to stay for long.

  Li Beibei's face also became serious.

  Li Beibei said: "When this concert is over, let's leave when we have a chance."

  Fu Jingmo hummed.

   His gaze was still fixed on Li Beibei's face.

   Li Beibei asked: "Is there anything else?"

   "Just now, I'm sorry, I was overstepping."

But Li Beibei suddenly stepped forward and hugged Fu Jingmo: "Fu Jingmo, you may have forgotten it a long time ago, but we have been married a long time ago, we are husband and wife, and the closest people in the world, you don't need to tell me I'm sorry, when we escape together, we will find a place where no one knows and live together, okay?"

  Fu Jingmo was silent for a while, then said, "Okay."

   On the day when Qingfenglou F4 concert started, Qingfenglou was unprecedentedly lively.

  Because too many people came.

   So the stage is rebuilt.

   It was built in the open-air yard of Qingfeng Building.

   The yard is huge.

   has been reworked.

  It became a terrace concert venue that can accommodate thousands of people.

  Many people came in and sat on the ground.

   Someone even climbed a tree.

  The walls of the courtyard are also full of seats.

  Of course, those nobles who paid a lot of money to buy tickets have their own private seats.

  When the concert started, the whole venue seemed to explode.

   Even the screaming and crying of many people can be heard.

  At that time, Li Beibei and Fu Jingmo were sitting on the roof.

  Holding a bottle of Nurhong in his hand, he clinks glasses and takes a sip from time to time.

  Looking at the scene so lively, Li Beibei felt emotional.

  It turns out that the ancients were even more enthusiastic about chasing stars.

  This concert is unprecedented in this era, in Donghua, and on Chang'an Avenue.

   This unprecedented excitement lasted for four full hours until late at night.

  Li Beibei was already slightly drunk.

  She stood up and said to Fu Jingmo, "I'm going back to my room to sleep first."

   After speaking, Li Beibei rolled over and got down.

  Fu Jingmo also followed, planning to return to his room.

  Li Beibei walked into her room, and the moment she closed the door, she felt something was wrong.

  There seems to be someone in the room.

   Li Beibei's wine instantly sobered up.

  She turned around: "Come out!"

  That person didn't seem to intend to hide either.

  A slender figure stepped out from behind the screen.

  By the moonlight outside, you can see the face of that person clearly.

  He is still dressed in white, holding a white feather fan.

  The ink-like hair is pulled up casually, the face is like a crown jade, and the temperament is as cold as the moonlight.

   is Situ Jing.

  Li Beibei didn't expect that the first person who found him was Situ Jing.

  Li Beibei hasn't spoken yet.

  Situ Jing was the first to speak: "Your Majesty is looking for you, and you are living a happy life here."

  Li Beibei laughed twice: "If you don't look for me, I will live a more comfortable life."

  Situ Jing walked over slowly, walked up to Li Beibei, but squeezed Li Beibei's chin for the first time: "After playing for so many days, shouldn't it be time to go back with me?"

  Li Beibei flung his hand away: "Go back with you, why should I go back with you, I escaped from that cage with great difficulty, how could I go back again."

   "If you don't want to become Xuanyuan Junyi's noble concubine, I will not force you. As long as you return to the palace with me, I will have a way to make the emperor take back your order. You are still the most revered saint in the world."

Li Beibei said: "Situ Jing, don't you understand what I said? I won't go back, no matter what my identity is, I don't care about the identity of the saint you gave me, don't talk to me Saving the common people in the world is all a game you set up, and I will never be your **** again."

   "I never regarded you as a pawn." Situ Jing said.

   Li Beibei sneered: "Then what plot do you have against me?"

  Situ Jing walked up to Li Beibei, staring closely at Li Beibei's eyes: "I want you to be my wife."

  Li Beibei was stunned for a long time, and then said in disbelief: "What did you say?"

  Situ Jing said word by word: "I want you to be my wife, Situ Jing."

  Li Beibei finally realized: "Situ Jing, is your head broken?"

   "Why, what I said is so incomprehensible, I like you, it is difficult to accept?"

  When Li Beibei heard Situ Jing say this, she felt goosebumps all over her body.

  Li Beibei said: "Are you kidding me? Why do you like me? Why do you like me? What are you planning?"

  In Li Beibei's heart, Situ Jing is like a poisonous snake.

  Insidious and cunning, completely invisible.

  She originally thought that she was just a **** designed by him to get rid of the Chen family for the emperor.

  But I didn't expect Situ Jing to set up a game within a game, planning her and Xuanyuan Junyi at the same time.

   And there may be bigger bureaus.

  Li Beibei doesn't want to play these political games with them.

  Situ Jing rarely raised the corners of his mouth: "You are the most special woman I have ever seen. Although I am a national teacher, I am also a mortal with seven emotions and six desires, so it is normal to like you. You don't need to be so surprised."

  Li Beibei said: "I really thank your eighteen generations of ancestors."

  Situ Jing: "..."

Li Beibei continued: "I told you from the beginning, I have someone I like, no! I have a husband, and my husband is Fu Jingmo, the national teacher will never grab a married woman by force. "

  Situ Jing's face changed slightly: "You married him, when did it happen?"

  He already knew that Li Beibei was hiding here to stir up trouble.

   During this period of time, he also sent people to monitor.

   Or in other words, it also protected her, blocking her from the eyeliner who searched outside.

  But those people did not report that she held a wedding ceremony with Fu Jingmo here.

  Li Beibei said: "I have been married to Fu Jingmo a long time ago, oh, the meaning of marriage is the meaning of marriage here. I have long been Mrs. Fu, and please respect yourself."

  Situ Jing stared at Li Beibei.

  Her eyes were determined, her tone was casual and natural, it didn't look like she was joking at all.

  (end of this chapter)