MTL - Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary-Chapter 66

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Chen Kezhen said that the reason why the previous reaction was not so frequent was because he did not dare to think about it during the period of self-recognition. But now it is different. Now he sees Yi Yi walking past the front, and he subconsciously wants to get into his arms and kiss him.

But the reality is that the whole person is not good enough before it can be put into action.

He didn't even think about whether to mark or use it right away, but it's really hard to kiss.

Chen Kezhen said that when sitting in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel in both hands, his face was melancholy. Sitting on the co-pilot, listening to the quiet and thoughtful.

After a while, with a red light, he leaned a little to the left and said, "I will take the initiative to kiss you when you don't need to pay attention later?"

Unfortunately, Chen Ke’s head did not return.

He frowned and took a deep breath, then said: "...I am driving, I beg you not to talk."

Then he started to back the formula.

Yi Yi immediately understood what was wrong with what he said just now.

In fact, Yi Yi saw that his second-time boyfriend also wanted to hold a pro. If he is not worried about Chen Kezhen's physical discomfort, he can suddenly attack eighty times a day. The average couple just decided that the relationship is even like a glue-like love, but also some are left, but they are different. Yi Yi always felt that she and Chen Kezhen had actually been in love for a long time. I have seen each other since the day and night, and there is no place to hide, even the enthusiasm is particularly open.

Most of the time he couldn't remember himself and Chen Kezhen became a lover not long after. He thinks that they are a pair of old wives who are in love, but they have not experienced the great harmony of life.

If you have to say it, in fact, it is somewhat depressed. But this kind of emotion he did not dare to let Chen Kezhen know. Chen Kezhen said to netizens in a private letter, "The right person will be willing to accommodate you." Yan Yi looked especially happy and felt that he was trusted, so he did not want to live up to it.

What he is more worried about now is that Chen Kezhen may not be able to accommodate himself.

After returning home, Yi Yi was busy cooking, and Chen Kezhen hugged his notebook and lay on the sofa in the living room.

Put Chen Ke's favorite small ribs soup on the gas stove and set off the fire. He slipped out of the kitchen and looked at his eyes. When Chen Kezhen did not respond, he returned to the room. After half an hour, when he finished finishing, he just planned to go to the kitchen to take a look and the phone shook.

Chen Kezhen, who was less than five meters away from him, gave him a look of grievance.

Yi Yi is inexplicable, shouting outside the door: "What's the matter with you?"

Chen Kezhen did not say anything, but Yi Yi’s mobile phone vibrated again.

"If you say good, I don't pay attention to lie to me."

Xiao Yi can't laugh.

He put down his mobile phone and went outside the door. He coughed softly as he walked to the door. And Chen Ke, who is still lying on the sofa, does not squint and looks at the computer monitor as a dedicated look.

Yi Yi went to the sofa and deliberately slowed down. She also lowered her head and stopped her eyes on Chen Kezhen.

But after that, he passed the sofa and walked straight into the kitchen. After snickering in the kitchen for a while, he sneaked out and saw that Chen Kezhen had already sat up and was bending his face in pain.

It seems a bit too much. But now going out to make up a kiss, will it affect his self-strike?

Yan Yi stood in the kitchen and frowned and hesitated. After a while, Chen Kezhen suddenly opened the door and walked in.

His face is still not very good, and his expression is obviously very unhappy.

"You are deliberately playing with me," he said.

Yi Yi quickly rushed to him and laughed: "No, but you obviously pay attention to me just now, this is not the same as saying good."

Chen Kezhen ignored his sophistry.

He frowned and walked straight into it, and the rare appearance of the momentum made the original guilty conscience a step back.

When Yu Yi's back was attached to the kitchen's cold tiles, Chen Kezhen, who had already walked up to him, raised his arm and held his hand not far from his face.

" are not... uncomfortable?" Yi Yi asked cautiously.

"Well," Chen Keqi nodded, then leaned over to him. "He just took the time and took the time."

While closing his eyes, Yi Yi thought in his heart, and occasionally there were some strong Chen Kezhen, and he really liked it.

I thought I could only taste it. Like every kiss they have had in these days, it is warm but short. But Chen Kezhen may have caught up with himself.

When Yi Yi felt that some of her breathing was not good and she wanted to dodge, his Alpha did not immediately let him go, but he continued to chase after him.

Before the two men's lips overlapped again, Yi Yi passed his head and then reached out and held Chen Ke's face. He whispered to his cheek and said, "Are you alright?"

Chen Kezhen shook his head slightly, then he kissed him again.

Yi Yi feels that he may not be very good at the moment.

The gentle and fascinating smell of Chen Kezhen’s body has covered the entire space without knowing it. And he is like the frog in the warm water, and every inch of the skin on his body has become hot.

Only when he can't suppress his impulses and start to hungry more, his Alpha seems to have endured to the limit.

Chen Kezhen finally let go of his lips, but did not loosen his arms. He hugged his head and buried his head on his shoulder, with unnatural shaking between the heavy breath.

So Yi Yi also hugged him. He put his hand on the back of Chen Kezhen's head and tried to appease him.

"Well, it will be fine soon. Then it will be completely good soon." He Yi whispered, and turned his head and kissed him on his cheek. "Hey, this time, you are not paying attention." It is."

He felt that Chen Kezhen, who was shaking slightly at the moment, might be laughing.

Just standing for a while, it was estimated that Chen Kezhen had once again resisted once again, and Yi Yi slightly opened a little distance with him, then pulled up his hand and took him back to the living room.

"Sit for a while," he pressed him to the couch. "I'll help you with a glass of water."

He said that he was about to turn around, only to find that Chen Kezhen did not want to let go.

Yi Yi looked down in disbelief and then, after a sudden increase in power, he pulled forward and fell.

Chen Kezhen did not want to let him go.

After a short panic, Yi Yi chose not to struggle.

When the pheromone belonging to Chen Kezhen was poured into his lungs again, he only had the instinct to respond in his mind. He knows that he must also release a large amount of pheromones between the unconscious, and now every time Chen Kezhen smells it will be his only smell.

This is very dangerous, but this kind of cognition makes him feel very satisfied.

He can clearly feel what kind of changes are happening to himself and his body. This made him feel more and more excited, even when Chen Kezhen once again bite his lips and felt a shudder.

But at this time, Chen Kezhen stopped the action very unnaturally. He held the shackle still sitting on him, slightly over his head, and closed his eyes and locked his eyes.

He must have felt uncomfortable again. Yu Yi looked at his face at a very close distance, watching him with red eyes and eyes because of repeated forbearance, and because of the endless kisses of some **** lips.

Perhaps it is best to stop now, so it will be out of control. Chen Kezhen should not be so eager to follow his own desires. He must be very uncomfortable now.

Yan Yi repeatedly warned himself in his heart, but in the end he reached out and took Chen Kezhen's face, regardless of his protest, and kissed the past again.

Chen Kezhen responded to him immediately after a brief period of rigidity.

They don't want to stop.

Kissing with Chen Kezhen is the most comfortable and pleasant thing that Yi Yi has ever done. But he is now becoming more greedy in repeated satisfaction. He knows that with this person, there are more happier things to do.

He reached out in extreme excitement and confusion, groping for something that had been coming from him since the beginning of his life.

Just after the fingertips touched, his hand was held down by Chen Kezhen.

"Yi Yi," Chen Kezhen's voice was attached to his ear, a little shaking, "I may..."

Yi Yi shook his head, an opening, the moist water vapor in the sound was shocked by himself: "...but I want."

He said, he lowered his head. The heartbeat was too loud, and even the eardrums were vibrating again and again, and even some pain. He felt that his tone of voice sounded like he was about to cry.

He may be really crying.

But that has nothing to do with sadness and all negative emotions. He clearly feels happy and even excited. He may just be too eager.

Chen Kezhen frowned and stiffened for a while, and he was almost quick to recover his senses.

Then, just hold his hand and let go. However, Yi Yi did not have the opportunity to continue to do something, because after a whirlwind of rotation, he was lying on the sofa with his whole body pressed against him.

After the kiss, he also experienced it on the hotel sofa a few days ago.

Bring him instinctual panic, and endless indulging.

He subconsciously raised his hand and wanted to hug Chen Kezhen, but he accidentally hit the tissue box on the coffee table. The box flew down on the ground, and after the "beep" sounded, the two men's movements paused at the same time.

Just as they were looking at each other at a very close distance, Yi Yi unconsciously glanced at the direction of the tissue box, and then burst into a huge scream.

Chen Kezhen, who was still very addicted to want to kiss him again, was scared, and looked back at the heart, then shouted without natural.

There is a person in the living room near the door.

When Yi Yi noticed him, this person was carefully squatting and planning to go outside.

But now, he stopped in the eyes of the two men panicked.

He turned and cleared his throat, trying to squeeze a smile from the two people who were still on the sofa.

"That..." He said, raising his hand and covering his nose. "Is there any smell in the room?"

There is also a taste, a mad Alpha and his omega stick together and the brain is mating, the smell is not big.

"Dad," Chen Kezhen looked like she was crying. "I am not talking to you today!"

Chen Kezhen’s father frowned and his eyes slowly moved to the direction of the kitchen: “I know, but...”

His voice had not yet fallen, and a strange noise came from the kitchen.

The author has something to say:

Make a point. Someone secretly moved from the back seat of the car to the first officer. pS, you made your own seal and Mr. Chen is already the old wife of the old man. How long has it been with Mr. Chen? [[[Open a new article for the first time interested in seeing a ha! Open later! 】]]