MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 480 Qing Shi Liu Ming (End of main text)

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The palace ambassadors sent the cloth given by the Empress Dou Dou out of the palace. He Mulan could not ride a horse in the palace. She could only leave the palace slowly, and she was intercepted only half way.

It wasn't anyone else who intercepted her. It was Su Hejun who had just returned to the palace not long.

"Why are you here? Waiting for me?"

He Mulan froze and looked around.

The guards and the palace people didn't look at this side, obviously, the reputation of the egret officer is not just outside the palace.

"You came from the harem?" Su Hejun didn't answer He Mulan's question, "Is she visible?"

"Who?" The blank He Mulan looked at Su Hejun's sudden red face, and suddenly realized: "Ah, ah, you say Yunniang? Are you taking care of the little prince, now when the Prince's Palace goes to class, it's all by Yun Niang took the little prince to take care of Ci'an Temple. "

After Mrs. He enters the palace, she will probably not be so busy.

"She upgraded again, and the family refused everyone's marriage ..." Su Hejun's tone was a little low. "Your Majesty said that he could marry, but I was worried that she was unwilling, and it was a disaster."

When it comes to marriage, it is Tuoba's style.

It's a pity that he didn't know the heart of his daughter's family at all. I am afraid that there will be more couples in this world to marry.

He Mulan nodded sympathetically: "Yun Niang is a very special woman. She is in the East Palace. You can often go to the East Palace ... Oh, yes, Chu Jun must be careful when he makes foreign ministers."

Even to avoid suspicion, Su Hejun and Wang Muyun could not meet often.

Think of it this way, this pair is really hard, let alone Su Hejun just shaved his head and got hot.

"You don't have to be so direct ..." Su Hejun glanced at He Mulan grievously. "By the way, I didn't come here to specifically ask you about Wang Muyun. I got a message that felt something wrong, so let me know in advance ..."

His face suddenly became suddenly calm.

"Your apprentice Gai Wu, set up another Tiantai army in Xingcheng, Qinzhou. The surrounding Lushuihu people, the Beishui Lushuihu tribe, and many miscellaneous hushes are all close to each other. North Korea and China are paying attention With regard to Bei Yan, Cui Situ suppressed it, but it was certainly impossible to hide at the time of the dynasty. You had better write to ask about it, otherwise ... "

He Mulan's expression suddenly became cautious.

"Gai Wu is not a reckless person, it will become like this, I'm afraid he didn't expect it."

"Beiliang is a country founded by the Lushuihu people. Now that the name of Beishui is dead, it is normal for Lushuihu people to run into the Tiantai Army. I am afraid that the miscellaneous Hu in various places just want to take advantage of it. , But this momentum ... "

Su Hejun coughed.

"And the new Tiantai Army flag ... if you write, it's better to have Gai Wu change ..."

He Mulan did not dare to neglect, and immediately thanked Su and Jun for their kindness. Both knew that the palace was not the place to talk, and they hurriedly parted here and returned to their respective houses.

He Mulan returned to his home. Hu Lihun and A Dan Zhiqi from the Fuzhong had already selected weapon armors. Yuan Fang sent someone to send them to their house. At this time, he heard He Mulan returned. Thanks a lot.

In particular, A Danzhuo, has begun to persuade A Dan Zhiqi to leave him in Pingcheng and learn from behind He Mulan.

"Can't Auntie accept the disciples? Doesn't it mean that Auntie Hua has an apprentice? I just want to be a little disciple!" A Danzhuo jumped on the ground anxiously.

"I eat very little! I have great strength!"

"It's not a matter of eating ..." A Shan Zhiqi scratched his head, "Did you ask your mother? In case I didn't take you back, your mother must have hit you in Pingcheng!"

"I don't go! I want to be a general too!"

When A Danzhuo made a noise, He Mulan immediately thought of Gai Wu, and summoned Chen Jie.

"Chen Jie, I am repairing a book, and you immediately go to Xingcheng and give the letter to Gai Wu." Among the people, Gai Wu and Chen Jie had the best personal relationship. It was assured that this matter was left to him.

"Someone is telling Gai Wuju to work. Go and inquire."

"What? Get everyone together?"

"What does Gai Wu Hao Shengsheng do ..."

"I knew it would be bad when he said he would go back to rescue the soldiers!"

Chen Jie, Yuan Fang, and Na Luohun turned together.

"This matter can't be delayed, I will write now ..." He Mulan looked at Adanzhu apologetically. "You apprentice, I accept it, but I am busy with other things now, waiting for you and you Grandpa goes home and asks your mother for permission. As long as you are willing, come to Aunt Hua at any time. The position of this little disciple is yours, is it okay? "

A Danzhuo was not an invisible person, and nodded immediately upon hearing the words.

"OK! OK!"

He Mulan handed A Danzhuo to A Dan Zhiqi, waved a pen, and wrote a full stack of worries about his worries, and handed it to Chen Jie, and asked Yuan Fang to take him around and send him out of Beijing.

Actually 10,000 Chen Jie didn't want to leave, but this matter is a big deal. When it comes to "rebellion", at least the family is ruined, and at least the clan is sitting together, not a joke.

He received the letter without delay, and followed Yuan Fang to go out.

Before he left, he shouted back, "General, don't forget me even if you want to return to the land! I, I'll go live in a house in front of your house!"

"go quickly!"

He Mulan didn't answer his words and laughed.

"What's next, say later!"


The matter of Gai Wu was like a shadow, which weighed on He Mulan's heart. She knew that it was impossible for Gai Wu to commit "conspiracy" because Tuoba had already faintly acknowledged the strength of the "Tiantai Army." In the future, if "officials and merchants" were established, the garrison hired must be Lu Shui Huh people.

Now that the three Taiwan flags have been collected, as long as Gai Wu accepts strokes, there is almost no force in the sky that can limit the Taiwan army. They are well-informed and go north and south, and are best suited to handle things that are not convenient for Wei.

At this juncture, this kind of thing has happened, and it is hard to make people think that someone is helping the situation and deliberately set off the matter.

Maybe the Tiantai Army itself didn't know why so many people belonged and what people came.

Of course, this kind of worry is not vain. The dynasty will be here in an instant. This time, the dynasty will discuss the issue of where He Mulan is going to stay and the issue of military reform. The Minister suddenly became ambiguous because of what happened to Wu.

In this great dynasty, Di Yefei, several people, and others who returned to Beijing because of their rising status are also in the front row of the dynasty. In addition to Di Yefei and a few people, Helendin, Kumodi, and He Mu Lan had some friendships. Many of the seats in the first half of the court were occupied by young generals, which made many old ministers feel a little bit sick.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the dynasty, many ministers began to cover Mu Wu's turmoil in Xingcheng and pressed He Mulan.

"Gai Wu was originally the son of a traitor. When you fled to Pingcheng City, you took it in. Now you have not played the role of supervision, but you have indulged him as a scourge in the countryside! His Majesty's homely heart and kindness gave Lushui and Huren the field to live and work in peace. What Tiantai army did you get when you got Tian, ​​it's just ingratitude! "

An old general's beard flew straight.

"A woman is a mess when she is a general! Even the soldiers under her hand are not good enough!"

"The veteran General Qiu Muling was wrong, and Gai Wu was only Mulan's disciple, not her subordinates." Tuobayu and Muddy.

"Furthermore, the custom of Lu Shuihu people for mercenaries has been there since ancient times. It is not clear what exactly happened in Xingcheng. The old generals have now concluded, it is too early!"


The veteran still glared at Mulan, apparently very dissatisfied with her behavior of "turning the tiger back to the mountain".

Di Yefei and several others did not know that this happened, and they looked at her with worried eyes. At this time, even if He Mulan wants to get rid of the armor and return to the field, he can't get out of the business anymore, so he inevitably goes out to list:

"Gai Wu, an apprentice of the general, wanted to rebuild the Tiantai Army for a long time, but he did not want to rebel, but to protect the safety of business travel from Wei to the Beiliang commercial road. Now that the commercial road is open, the desert is in the sand. Stealing is rampant, and it is unrealistic to rely solely on our country ’s strength. The reappearance of the Tiantai Army is not a mess, but a move for the country and the people. But why is it so powerful, and there may be some misunderstandings, I have sent a letter to Xingcheng, no There will be news tomorrow. "

"It is so good that Hua Mulan will be responsible for the" Xingcheng Recruitment Envoy ", and will be fully responsible for the affairs of the Xingcheng Tiantai Army. Ruoge Wu Zhen gathers all the people ..."

The light flashed in Tuoba's eyes.

"Hua Mulan, then you will lead in person and go to Xingcheng to chaos!"

He Mulan was startled, looked up at Tuobayu, and found that he showed a fox-like smile and smiled proudly at her.


He Mulan understands that Tuobayu uses this method to retain herself, but she also understands that if another person investigates the situation of Gai Wu, she may frame Gai Wu for rebellion for military merit estimation, but the army will be under pressure. Lu Shui No one will have any good results.

Only by investigating and inviting herself in person can she turn Gan Ge into a jade maiden, and misunderstanding can be solved as soon as possible.

He Mulan took a firm look at Tuobatu, remembering the phrase "You can affect many people" said by A Shan Zhiqi, and then remembered the Lushuihu people who had a hard time looking forward to a good life, and finally leaned down.

"The general ... consulates."

"I don't agree. She is a woman. She should be disarmed and returned to the field!"

A Xianbei Xungui stood up.

"How can Dawei let the women lead!"

"Why can't a woman lead? I'm familiar with the regulations of the Great Wei Law and Military Mansion. No one writes that a woman cannot lead."

Cui Hao stood up and sneered at the honorable man.

"Since you think it is impossible, then we should first discuss the inadequacies of the Dawei Law and Military Regulations, modify the law, change the rules, and add the phrase" women can't do it. "When this clause is added, you It's never too late to call a woman! "

Good job!

Sir is the best!

Several people and Di Yefei quietly waved their fists, watching Cui Haoyu fight with the ministers, and once again raised He Mulan's "replacement of his father for the army" to "the obsolete military regulations."

The Chaozhong quarreled all at once, and Tuoba's heart became more and more angry and prosperous.

"It's all about to argue! It is said that Hua Mulan cannot be an official. Let me first martial arts over Hua Mulan! I will not only make Hua Mulan a leader, but I will also re-determine the military membership, thoroughly check the total number of households, and the situation of the war dead's pensions! Today Liang, Yan, Xia, and Rouran all return to Wei. Our country has a wide border, and the recruitment of countries is not consistent. The military government does need to change. The areas of Xia and Liang are more than the previous generations. Rely on my Xianbei military family to fight, where are so many people! "

His angry eyelids shuddered.

"If you want to recruit all the men from each household to guard the new territory, there will only be more and more 'Hua Mulan' serving the army for your father! You do n’t want to think about what to do for Wei ’s change. Is it interesting to discuss these trivial matters? "

Tuoba's gaze swept across every courtier.

"Not only the military government, but now after the war, there are hundreds of wastes waiting to be revived. I want to relocate the Liangguo and Yanguo people to settle in the Central Plains, imitating the 'Rouran' and the 'high car', weaving wasteland and weaving, and persuading farmers to make peace. When China is in urgent need of talents, Mo is a woman, a child, and a miscellaneous husky. As long as it is useful, I will use it! As a country, both cultural and military, I will not only use Mulan, but also recruit scholars to enter the DPRK Official! "

As soon as Tuoba's remarks came out, the Han people were all ecstatic, and the Xianbei nobles were more happy.

The Northern Wei Dynasty has always been a three-government system. There are two Han officials, and there is a Xianbei "head" supervision. Although the large number of appointments by the Han people will cause some power to be scattered, Tuoba has obviously done this to manage the newly acquired Beiliang. And Bei Yan, will not divide the power of the old and influential, but will let a large number of Xianbei noble children to be educated by Confucianism, and to be officials at all levels.

In the eyes of many opposing ministers, whether Hanchen or Xianbei, this is a compromise Tuo Baji made to Hua Mulan as an official, so they are all silent.

It was precisely because Tuobayu threw out a huge “pie” that the next dynasty became much easier. Tuobayu ordered his army to read Mulan ’s twelve-turn achievements and gave her Zijingjin Sealed and sealed as "Yu Chenghou", you can lead the 30,000 with the purple seal, plus the opening of the government, and the general will be "Louqi Grand General", in charge of the general, deputy general, long history, puppet, army, master book, etc. There are three hundred people in official positions and two thousand people in the army.

There are many great generals in Wei Kingdom. Many Xianbei clan are also generals at the same time, such as Tuobasu, Tuobayu, Tuobati, etc., but Kaifu represents not only power and honor, but also a social status. Pull up.

Even if the ancients were rich and powerful, they could not build the government at will, otherwise they would be in violation of the rule, which is a precursor to rebellion and a serious crime. Similarly, the ceremony of going out also has a strict system. The gongs are opened, and the flags, cards, umbrellas, and fans have strict hierarchical systems. Therefore, although it is not a specific post, the opening of the government is more important than the actual post. After all, Wei officials have no pretense.

The opening of the government is the most desired goal of all generals. Once the government is opened, these two thousand people have no right to call even the court, and they will not be transferred. This is the most confidant, even if there are more leaders in the future, these two Thousands of people will quickly become the "leaders" of recruits, and everyone can bring out a team.

As soon as Tuoba was ready to present the gift, all the young generals were red-eyed, and even Di Yefei and a few others couldn't help looking at each other, their eyes were full of shock.

Hou Ye in his twenties is not uncommon, and there are also many generals in his twenties, but the generals who opened the government in their twenties were still female generals, enough to be recorded in history.

He Mulan was also somewhat flattered, and even more than flattered into deep panic.

She had no idea what she was going to do after opening the government. The generals who opened the government either guarded a place or were at the border guards. They never opened a government in Pingcheng.

If Tuoba asked her to open the government, who would she hit?

Not only did He Mulan think so, the officials present also thought so, and some officials even thought of General Beiliang Gu Zangshangwu Zhenxi, saying that he could not take the ordinary path, and did not use the clan but the cold door.

Thinking about it this way, more people can't sit still, just get up and play:

"Dare to ask His Majesty, where does General Hua spend his office? What is his position?"

"Opened in Pingcheng, the army army recruitment, six town recruits drills, military disciplines in various places, and soldiers' caressing and so on." As soon as Tuoba opened his mouth, he assigned the military army recruitment to He Mulan, attracting everyone's faces. .

The military mansion is old and the organization is bloated. The northern mansion has more than one person and is too busy to wait for one person for ten people. The southern mansion is idle, and it is rarely used from the north for the Xianbei military households. filling……

But now that Beiliang and Beiyan have entered the Central Plains, they must definitely re-establish a new 'military household' according to their merits and the power of the local clans. In Beiliang and Beiyan, opening military offices, these are extremely heavy burdens.

It is the rule of the tribe that the Xianbei military households are soldiers. People in other places are not necessarily willing to become military households. Even if the military households have many preferential treatments, when the new military government opens, there are always people who are deserters. Some of them were self-harm, some even fled their homeland.

How to determine who is willing to become a military household and who is loyal to Wei Guo will never cause turmoil. How to prevent the situation of "zhuangding" has become the most headache of each military government.

The military mansion is generally a gate set up by the generals who opened the government. Now, with a decree of Tuoba, the military mansion will become independent in the future and become a new official office. It is also a very important official office, so everyone looked at in horror. He Mulan was entrusted with the heavy task.

However, this "General's Mansion" is not as powerful as the generals in other places. It may be even more difficult to fight in battle. It is more about doing things that are not pleasing. The biggest gain is to get good results in the army. Reputation

Then again, you do n’t even go to war, what do you want for such a great reputation?

No matter how good the recruits are, they also need to be divided into border guards and military camps all over the place. They are all training for others.

Thinking of this, in addition to a few city ministers who are extremely deep and immediately gain insight into Tuoba's intentions, most of the ministers have suppressed their jealousy, and even many short-sightedly voted for He Mulan. Gleeful gaze.

In their view, Tuobayu gave He Mulan a lot of rewards, and even gave her the best birth, but she moved her away from the center of power. In the future, unless there is a war, it is not even possible to enter the battle, but A symbol is enough to be sympathetic.

But they did not know that when He Mulan heard such a fate, her heart almost stopped for a moment.

No one knows what she is most uncomfortable with in this era. It is not the system, not backwardness, but the old "concepts", the homes of those who were "fearless to die", and the "usual practices" that are almost abhorrent in the army. It is her "mountain" that is both painful and irresistible.

Now, Tuobayu puts the "seed" of change into her hands.

Tuobayu, who handed out the "seeds," stood up and proclaimed to His Highness He Mulan:

"Hua Mulan, you once ordered the Husao Army. The tiger's sword will always point to a strong enemy. Husao will not be a coward or a beast. I take it for granted. But I need more than just a 'Mulan'. Tens of thousands of Mulan ... "

"The fire of the stars can be Ebara. You are a woman who can still achieve the accomplishments of men. Now I entrust you with the burden. Would you like to give me a satisfactory answer?"

Suddenly, He Mulan seemed to be back in the humble hut of the Hua family.

Those promises, those spirited, that vowed to be loyal to him fell down.

The Tuobayu in front of her was still laughing, just like in the past, the words of the past linger in her ears, making her eyes blurred.

"So your worries are superfluous, because they have to listen to me."

Why did she forget it?

"Mulan, would you like to?"

Tuoba stood proudly and asked again.

There was a silence in the palace, and everyone looked at the Mulan standing in the highness, waiting for her answer.

Her knee had already been bent twice like this ...

And now, for the third time.

"Final admiration, never die!"


The news that Hua Mulan had to ride the general, Yu Chenghou, Prince Taibao and Baoping, opened the city of Pingcheng, but it spread throughout Pingcheng overnight.

It is probably that Tuobayu was worried that He Mulan was too poor to support so many officers and soldiers. When the merit was given, by the way, the reward of her twelve transfers of military merits was enough. It ’s not an exaggeration at all, there are only two in the pasture, cows, sheep, horses, horses, horses, horses, horses, horses, horses, horses, horses, horses, and other belongings.

He Mulan became the first female general, female prince, and female division of Wei State as a woman. The opening of the government in Beijing is a name that is enough to enter the annals of history.

In addition, she will be responsible for rewarding good and punishing the military forces in various places, inspecting the current situation of military forces in various places in Wei, training recruits, and even including the caress of war dead families in various places and military families who are about to die. Redistribution, etc., also revealed a message ...

For at least a few years, she had little time to think about personal issues.

Many men sighed deeply about this incident. After all, they could not be the one who Qingshi left the name of, and the husband who could be the one left by Qingshi, was it a way of fame?

Many generations' families have already prepared the gift, and they want to try for their children.

In response to this, He Mulan was scared and entered the palace the same day. She took a leave of absence for a while. On the one hand, it will take some time for the DPRK to prepare for her opening of the government. On the other hand, she had to go to Xingcheng to see what happened. head.

On the same day, Tuobayu agreed to her "vacation" and gave her a tiger charm, which could mobilize the local army and horses to act cheaply, but not to deal with Lu Shuihu people, but to let her clear the bandits everywhere and open the business roads to the west. In preparation for Yuan Fang's establishment of "official businessmen" in the coming year.

Banditry between local bandits and the local government is also a common occurrence. She was given a tiger charm to keep her from being outnumbered, and also for her convenience in selecting suitable generals in various places.

More is the trust in her.

He Mulan knew that Tuobayu would not give her a vacation in vain, but now Beijing is too chaotic and there are many rumors everywhere. It is the best policy to avoid Fangfu, so when he gets a tiger charm, he returns to the camp and joins her, ready to follow her out of Beijing. Go to Xingcheng to investigate the incident of Gai Wu, and stop the bandits along the way.

The Tigers Army had already prepared for the general to dismiss the armor and return to the field. He Mulan became a general and he was able to open the government without paying attention. These people are firmly "guards". The guards can leave the military and become "home generals." It ’s like the ancestor of the Hua Family. That night, the soldiers of the Tigers and Tigers were almost excited to overthrow the general camp. The ups and downs of life, the ups and downs, but that is the case.

Tuobayu not only named He Mulan as a prince, but also gave her father "County Male" and mother "Mrs.", praising them for cultivating talents for the country, although most of the parents who benefited because of their daughters were harem concubines. But the people in Huajiabao are still grateful for this honor.

In an atmosphere of grandeur, He Mulan didn't tell anyone. On a fairly quiet early morning, he led the tiger army and his guard, and asked about A Dan Zhiqi, Hu Lihun, and Turuo in the government. Daman and others quietly walked out of the city.

She thought she had been careful enough to hide her news. When she expected to leave the city, she saw Zheng Zong who had been waiting for so long at the gate.

"How are you here?"

He Mulan was dumbfounded.

"Who told you that?"

Zheng Zong smiled, took the horse to He Mulan horse, took out a "waiting official order" from his arms.

"The minister is the new candidate Zheng Zong. His Majesty ordered me to assist the general in investigating the collusion between bandits and officials. If there is any wrongdoing, he will be interrogated in prison."

He smiled and bowed to He Mulan.

"Understanding martial arts, please also take care of General Hua all the way."

He broke his head and grabbed the errand!

For this errand, he spent his entire family, but he did not regret it at all.

He Mulan heard that Zheng Zong was doing the business, and no doubt he was there. He nodded and let him enter the team. A group of people continued to move forward. After crossing the boundary of Pingcheng, he met an acquaintance at the boundary monument.

"... Fire long, you go, we are waiting here."

A Dan Zhiqi sighed slightly.

The willow branches on the moat swayed, Di Yefei and Yuan Fang wore riding suits, riding high horses, wet with dew all over the body, and had been waiting for a long time.

When He Mulan left Beijing, in addition to the heavy logistics officer, only Su Hejun and Tuobayu knew the exact time. Tuoba didn't even send an ambassador to send a letter. He was afraid that He Mulan would be crowded when he left the city. Chase down.

"You don't have to avoid it. Di Yefei is not a reckless person. He must be waiting for any reason."

He Mulan sighed in her heart, and took the lead in playing.

At this time, the sun had risen, and Di Yefei and Yuan Fang saw He Mulan's leader here, and his eyes suddenly lighted up, and he controlled the horse and flew over.


"Long fire!"

"You ... aren't one to raise a business in the coming year, are you the one who will be the supervisor and responsible for supervising the execution of weapons and armors?"

He Mulan looked around.

"Why wait here?"

"Your Majesty ordered me to follow the general and open up important business roads everywhere." Yuan Fang coughed. "You also know that if there is no business road, there will be a lot of troubles. No one wants to do business ..."

Di Yefei squinted at Zheng Zong in the team, retracted his gaze, and said coldly, "His Majesty ordered me to survey the arsenals of various places to fill the needs. I will go to Beiliang next year. Before this, Leave it to my office. After I leave next year, I will leave it to Dou Guangguang. "

"What! The new General Zhenxi has failed you!"

Zheng Zong's face suddenly changed.

Di Yefei did not show any cheerful expression, but shook his head slightly.

"Now I can't open a government office. Your Majesty wants to set up the Xirong School Government House in Dunhuang and Yiwu. After the investigation of the military preparations is completed, my achievements will be enough to open the school Government House."

This is an admission in disguise.


He Mulan was sincerely happy for him.

Di Yefei smiled when He Mulan congratulated him.

"Fire long, walk with you all the way, if you are dispatched, don't be polite."

"This is nature ..."

‘I think you ’d like something else! ’

Zheng Zong scolded in his heart, his face crooked.

Di Yefei had no dislike to see He Mulan. Goodbye Zheng Zong was so embarrassed that he suddenly became enthusiastic and followed He Mulan on horseback and talked all the way.

"The military towns will be set up next year in Dunhuang and Yiwu, and the military government will also be set up. The local situation is complicated. If Beiliang survivors are used as military households, hidden dangers are likely to occur ...

"Yes, so I think ..."

"When you arrive in the Western Regions, you may wish to visit with me first. The 16 countries were chaotic and many Xianbei clans stayed in Beiliang ..."

"Then there is something for you ..."

For a while, the laughter, the old voice, and the singing of the male singing all the way, although there was no farewell, but it was more joyful than when the farewell was harvested.

Why are you always afraid of parting?

Parting is often the start of goodbye.