MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-Chapter 3 cave

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   Chapter 3 Cave Sky

  This black wooden box is slender and rectangular with complicated patterns on it, which is old and simple.

   I have to say that it is really close to the image of the Moonlight Treasure Box in the movie.

  Chen Ling wasn't sure if this thing had the same ability to travel between the past and the future like the Moonlight Treasure Box.

   However, what he is sure of is that this thing must be inseparable from his travel through parallel time and space.

  When it was auctioned abroad, I just thought that this black wooden box belonged to the motherland, and I didn’t want it to be left out.

   I didn’t think much about it.

   As for the Sakura Auction House's claim that this thing is a secret box of the royal family who lived abroad during the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty, he just regarded it as a gimmick.

   At first glance, it is to attract people who are stupid and rich to bid for the auction.

   Of course, although this black wooden box is made of some kind of wood, it can’t be called exquisite, but it is better than the ancient charm, and it is still very good as a collection.

   An eldest brother who accompanied him did a lot of research on antiques and knew the approximate method of identifying the authenticity of antiques.

   It is said that this box is indeed an old object in ancient China. As for whether it is something from the Tang Dynasty, no one can guarantee it.

  Chen Ling didn't care so much at the time, he wasn't rushing to get rich, as long as it was something from the ancient times of the motherland.

   After the auction was over, he took a little play with the box after taking a hot spring bath.

   Later, a friend said that he wanted to taste the special customs here. He declined on the grounds that he wanted to protect his body from abroad, so he stuffed the box under the pillow and slept in the room honestly.

   He couldn't remember what happened next.

   Only know that as soon as he opens his eyes, he will return to 1995 from 2021 in the parallel world.

   became the lucky one with more than 20 years of experience in the advanced era.

   "Since I can go to another parallel world in a coma, I wonder if I can travel back and forth?"

  Chen Ling fiddled with the black wooden box, opening and closing it with a clack, the thought made him gradually excited.

   I just tried many times, but the black wooden box didn't respond.

  Chen Ling believed that the black wooden box was inseparable from his time travel.

   Just whether it can take effect again, he has no idea in his heart.

   After researching for a long time, I couldn't find a reason, so Chen Ling didn't sleep well that night.

   Now that you know that this secret box is special, even if you can’t go back, you still want to dig out its secrets. This is human nature.


   So the next morning, Chen Ling got up and fiddled with the black wooden box over and over again, but there was still no gain.

   This feeling of seeing hope but not being able to get in through the door made him very aggrieved, and he couldn't help but bring a few wisps of sadness on his face.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Wang Susu slept with the box all night last night, thinking he was unhappy that he didn't find the money in it, and didn't dare to provoke him, so she silently took out the waste charcoal from the stove and went to Falling outside.

  Chen Ling was holding the box, recalling some details of obtaining this box before and after crossing, and was a little dazed.

   It wasn't until Wang Susu came in to talk to him that he interrupted his thoughts.

   "I heard someone say outside that Erzhu has exchanged arable land with several families in our village, and some of them will not be exchanged with him, so he will pay for the contract..."

   "It's been a few years. I heard that I want to build a greenhouse."

   "Build a greenhouse?"

  Chen Ling blinked and looked at Wang Susu.

   Immediately afterwards, he remembered the policies of encouraging greenhouse cultivation and the second round of family land contracting around 1995.

   Even though Chen Erzhu is a second-rate, he was arrested a few years ago.

   But the rat has the way of the rat. This guy doesn't know what's going on. After he came out, he actually met two or three respectable people in the county. He entered the county's sand quarry and made a lot of money.

  Otherwise, there would be no such capital to contract land.

  This time, I think Chen Erzhu heard the wind from the county, and took advantage of the opportunity to re-allocate the land to find people to exchange farmland, but he couldn't get the money.

   "Want to grow a greenhouse to make a lot of money? Then this year he's going to lose all his pants..."

  Chen Ling sneered and thought to himself.

   To ask why? Because there was a big flood in 1995!

  According to the memory of parallel time and space, several counties including this county are the hardest hit areas.

The reason    is so certain is that the historical events of the two parallel worlds are consistent with natural disasters, and what happened in history has been proven to be indistinguishable.


  Wang Susu didn't know what Chen Ling was thinking. Seeing him laughing inexplicably, she was about to speak, and she suddenly hesitated.

   "Huh? What's wrong?"

  Chen Ling regained his senses and asked.

   "I, I'm thinking, can we go and discuss with Erzhu, like those people in the village who don't want to exchange farmland with him, let's contract to him..."

   "If he thinks it can't be done, let's pay him an extra two years based on the money he paid for the land exchange."

   Wang Susu said softly, she is a typical little woman, afraid of her husband, to the core.

   Even if a big brother came to support him, he was still afraid.

   Although she was talking to her husband, her attitude was as if she was asking for help.

   Speaking of the back, his eyes couldn't help but dodge, and he didn't dare to look at Chen Ling.

   Because she understood that the money Chen Erzhu subsidized must have been almost wasted by Chen Ling.

   Even if it is not spent, it will definitely not be taken out again.

   She didn't have the guts to say anything to ask Chen Ling to return it to Erzhu.

   He could only discuss with Chen Ling as euphemistically as possible, according to Chen Erzhu’s exchange of farmland subsidies, and contract him for a few more years.

   In this case, Chen Ling doesn't need to move the money in his hand, and the land can be kept, so he is less likely to object.

   In addition, people like Chen Erzhu who belong to the dog year, talk to him about conditions, don't give up some meat to go out, and don't bother to pay attention to you at all.

"I heard from other people in the village that they are contracted to Erzhu for 100 yuan per mu of land for a year, and he exchanged land with us to subsidize 200 yuan per mu. We can pay him the 200 yuan for three or four years. !"

   "Just don't exchange farmland with our family..."


   After Wang Susu finished speaking, she looked at Chen Ling almost begging.

   In order to keep the land at home, she mustered up her courage.

   At other times, how dare you talk so much in front of Chen Ling.

   But I didn't expect that after hearing her words, Chen Ling nodded and said ok, and then said with a smile: "I'll go to the county town after breakfast and find Erzhu to discuss the farmland again!"

   This time, it made Wang Susu a little confused, and even wondered if her ears had heard it wrong.

  According to Chen Ling's temperament, he shouldn't agree so easily, could it be...

   Does he regret it too?

  I wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask. Seeing Chen Ling finished saying these words and walked out, he sighed helplessly and walked to the side to prepare breakfast.

   In fact, how did she know that Chen Ling was no longer the **** he used to be, so how could he dislike her as usual, and lose his temper at her if something went wrong?

   It's just that Chen Ling was thinking about the black wooden box, and he was a little absent-minded when he did anything.

   Otherwise, how could she be the same as before, not taking care of her feelings in everything she did.

   "It's hard to do this thing!"

  Chen Ling put down the box, took two breaths of the fresh morning air, stretched his muscles and bones a few times, and prepared to clear his mind, otherwise he would be driven crazy by this box.

   "cluck, cuck..."

  The old hen at home has laid eggs, pacing and shouting in the yard to show off.

  Chen Ling saw this, grabbed two handfuls of bran and put them in the stone trough of the chicken coop, poured water into it and stirred it until it was thin, and rewarded the old hens who laid eggs.

   Then he walked to the water well to wash, and the whole person suddenly felt a lot more awake.

   Then he took out the secret box and looked carefully at the sunlight.


   "Have words?"

  Chen Ling's eyes stopped, and he stopped on a distorted text inside the box.

   This is a dim to almost disappearing text, engraved in the middle of the inside of the case.

   distorted like a ghost painting, similar to Zhong Dingwen, like a monster's eyes.

   The specific Chen Ling can't tell the difference, and he doesn't understand what the word means.

   "Huh? There's one here too..."

   There is also a similar text in the middle of the other half of Chen Ling's box. It is also dim and almost disappeared, and it is almost impossible to find it if you don't look carefully.

   Staring at these two mysterious words, Chen Ling studied in the yard for a long time, but did not come up with a reason, but made Chen Ling feel dizzy.

   Not only does things look blurry, but there is also a feeling of nausea.

not good!

   You can’t watch this ghost painting symbol too much, it will cause problems if you watch it too much!

   "Rich, Susu, incredible, incredible!"

  Chen Ling was about to squat on the ground for a while when Wang Laishun's voice came from outside the courtyard.

   In a daze, I saw a thin black old man pushed open the fence door and walked in in a hurry.

   "What's wrong, Fifth Uncle, what happened?"

  Wang Susu was cooking and hurried out of the house when she heard the movement.

   "Erzhu found a relationship in the county and wanted to build a greenhouse in advance. Now that the documents in the village have given approval, the land on which Erzhu built the greenhouse has been determined."

   "It is contracted, it is contracted, and the cultivated land that is exchanged belongs to Erzhu."

   "The farmland exchanged can't be changed, and your land can't be replaced now."

   Wang Laishun's voice was urgent, but every sentence made Wang Susu's face pale.

   was talking over there, but Chen Ling could only hear voices, the world was spinning in front of him, and he couldn't see clearly.

   In the end, I felt that I couldn't hold it anymore, my eyes went black, and I fell to the ground with a thud.

   "A Ling!"


   There were two screams in the yard, but Chen Ling could no longer hear them.


   After an unknown amount of time, Chen Ling opened his eyes and was surrounded by white mist.

   can only see clearly that there is a stone tablet in front of him, and a line of mysterious twisted characters is engraved on the tablet.

   Looking carefully, the first two words are exactly the same as the two words inside the secret box.

   "Sun and Moon..."


   I don't know why, but Chen Ling recognized the ghost painting talisman that he couldn't understand at a glance.

   "The original two characters engraved on the inside of the secret box are the sun and the moon..."

   "I was brought here by the secret box!"

  Chen Ling looked at the words on the stone tablet and muttered to himself.

   Gently touched the stone tablet, it was not as rough as it looked on the outside, on the contrary, it was as warm as jade, and it felt very comfortable to touch.


   However, just as Chen Ling came into contact with the stele, a breeze blew through the surroundings, and the thick white mist began to gather towards the stele.

   "What's the situation?"

  Chen Ling was taken aback and hurriedly took his hand away.

   But then, a scene that surprised him even more happened, the thick white mist began to pour into his body crazily.

   (end of this chapter)