MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 182 182

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As the Golden Week of the eleventh day passed, Asheng’s box office is also rising, leading all the opponents behind.

In contrast, the twilight murders that had previously advertised a huge momentum gradually sank, and except for occasional ridicule, there was no heat at all.

Fu Wei was sitting in the house. He didn't go out in the past few days. It was like a sneak peek at the news of the dusk killing on the Internet. The more he brushed, the more angry he could, and he couldn't help it. This kind of mentality has not been seen for many years. As a new actor who has always been optimistic, he has never had such a terrible time.

Since the dusk murder was released, Fu Hao never slept a good night. His eyes were covered with red blood, and his lips were blue crimson. The whole person looked very embarrassed and there was no past. The glamour in front of the public.

Fu Hao held the mouse tightly, as if it was self-abuse.

In order to see Du Fu’s murder, I can only say how big the expectation is, how big is disappointment.

Is Fu Wei being squatted and will actually pick up such a film?

I heard that this drama is also involved in the investment. Hey, have you played so many years of drama, is your eyes still so rubbish?

Not to mention the vision, Fu Yan’s acting in it is also very junk, the whole journey sleepwalking, it feels like changing someone.

As for Fu Wei, which director will dare to ask him in the future?

Fu Yan bit his teeth, swung the mouse aside, then stood up and walked anxiously in the room.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and Fu Yan fixed his eyes and found that he was his agent and quickly connected.

The agent's tone was a little bit vomiting, and Fu Xiao had some bad feelings in his heart. He asked, "What's the matter? You say it."

The agent sighed. "Before we talked with the leader, the show collapsed."

Fu Yan took a breath and immediately pretended to be indifferent. "If it collapses, it will collapse. Anyway, I was not very optimistic about this scene."

The agent hesitated for a moment, and said, "In addition to guiding the side, there are several endorsements in the conversation. The other party is not so hot, I am afraid."

Fu Yan’s body, bite his teeth and cut his teeth. “There is nothing bad to say about it.”

The agent can only continue. "Before the twilight murder industry is not too optimistic, so the second few to increase the platoon for the dusk murder, they found the manager of the large theater line, plugged the money to get such a high platoon, but Who can think of it, directly hit the president of the film association who just took office?"

"Now the film bureau is scrutinizing the chaos, not to mention that there are two, that is, Sheng Dong himself, can not stop it, I just received the news, I am afraid that it has been smashed by the board."

Fu Yan's leg was soft and fell directly on the sofa, and a face with a crying smile.

His backing is Sheng Sheng, and now he is stumped. He had previously offended Guo Wenyuan, and he had just suffered from his career in Waterloo. He also took most of his net worth and invested in the dusk.

Fu Hao suddenly remembered what he had said before.

"It’s always necessary to return to the mix, some of the kindness is not reported, and all the life is causal."

His face suddenly became ugly, even if he kept telling himself in his heart, these are deceptive, but his face has already revealed a regretful look.

The board of directors of Guanrui Group.

Chairman Sheng calmly looked at the sacred singer of the Six Gods. "I told you before I mixed things. I have to be careful during this time. You actually dare to commit crimes. It’s really daring."

Sheng Hao quickly raised his head and panicked, "Dad, no, I don't, I am trapped."

His gaze touched the glory of sitting on the side of the matter, and the hatred suddenly stunned his head and pointed at the scorpion. "It is he who is framing me."

Sheng Hao picked up his eyebrows and ignored him.

Chairman Sheng is even more angry. A crutches hit his back. "If you do something wrong, you still want to filthy your brother."

Sheng Hao is suffering, but seeing the excitement of Chairman Sheng, he does not dare to stimulate him any more. He can only argue in vain. "I just want to worry about your father. I know that you have been worried about the project of Tancheng Film City. I just want to use the twilight to kill this project, I didn't think of it."

Sheng Dong was not touched as he had imagined. It was just cold and cold. "If you don't have a diamond, you don't want to take porcelain. If you fail, you will fail. No matter what reason you find it is useless."

Sheng Sheng looked at Sheng Dong in disbelief. He couldn’t believe that this was what he had always said to his father.

It is not surprising that Sheng Sheng is not surprised. For his father, he knows much more than this younger brother.

When Sheng Dong finished speaking, he seemed to be a little tired. He sat in a chair and said faintly, "You don't use it for the company anymore. You can go abroad for a few years and then live with the bonus."

Sheng Hao was struck by lightning and wanted to argue a few words. However, the directors present at the scene have already begun to praise Sheng Dong’s public and private affairs.

Sheng Hao looked at everything in front of him until he was advised by the father's secretary. He did not respond.

He couldn't think of it. He had not been officially confronted with Sheng Hao, and he had already been beaten out.

At this time in the conference room, Sheng Hao finally stood up from the chair and walked slowly to Sheng Dong. "Dad, let's go on a meeting."

Sheng Dong looked at his eldest son and his emotions were very complicated.

If Sheng Sheng did not feel it, he only kept a respectful posture.

In fact, he never put Sheng Sheng in his eyes. In his view, Sheng Sheng is only the embarrassment of the old lion who is old and weak. It seems to be very fierce. In fact, it is just a dog that has nothing to do.

This is from the beginning to the end, but it is about the war between the old lion who is under the power and the ambitious new lion who is young and powerful.

Sheng Dong looked at his eldest son. For a long time, he sighed softly. "Auntie, you are acting steadily. The company's business will depend on you in the future."

Sheng Sheng did not seem to hear the unwillingness in his words, smiled and said, "Dad is assured."

When Shen Huai received a call from Guo Wenyuan, he also stunned. He did not expect that the opportunity to cooperate with Shengyu would come so quickly.

The two were in the office of Shengli.

Shen Huai’s attitude is indifferent. He is very clear. For Guanrui at the moment, the most important thing is to eliminate the negative impact of the dusk murder. At the same time, it is also necessary to solve such a financial burden as Tancheng Film and Television City.

On the eagerness, Sheng Hao is more anxious than him. He only needs to see what medicine is sold in the jar of Sheng Yi.

However, he did not expect that the two of them couldn’t get a few words. Sheng Sheng went straight into the door. “I said that I hope to cooperate with Mr. Shen before. This is not an excuse. I hope to develop Tancheng Film and Television City together with Mr. Shen.”

Sheng Sheng said, directly put a plan in front of Shen Huai.

When Shen Huai took it, the more he saw it, the more surprised he was, because this plan almost gave most of the initiative to the development, and Guan Rui fell back to the second line, which became a profit.

Shen Huai almost suspected that Lao Guo was not swearing at Sheng Hao.

Sheng Sheng seems to see Shen Huai's doubts, laughing and saying, "Shen Shen does not doubt, I am not teasing you, I am very sincere in this planning case."

Shen Huai closed the planning case, compared to "Sir, please say, I am listening."

Sheng Xiao smiled. "I know that Mr. Shen has always wanted to make a film industry chain and promote the development of film industry in China. This coincides with my thoughts. Although I am a businessman, I grew up watching movies. Businessman."

"Mr. Shen is coming in this way. I am looking at it. Whether it is your contribution to the Chinese film or the amazing eye, I am very impressed. It’s almost like you when you were in the investment world. I believe that you will not disappoint me on this project."

Shen Huai ""

At this time, if you say hell, Sheng Sheng may explode.

Under the misunderstanding of this misunderstanding, the two happily reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

Just after the two sides announced the cooperation plan, the film association sent new news.

Just now, the Golden Awards announced the finalists for the film.

Hung Hom and Asheng are both shortlisted for the best film.