MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 624 624 Battle Twelve

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   Chapter 624 624 Decisive Battle Twelve

  The blood cocoon was offset by the blue light, and the two returned to the previous state of confrontation.

   Zhang Rongfang's eyes were burning with blood flames. They were not real flames, but fluorescent blood surging in his pupils.

  He stared at the Saint Xun at this time.

   "If I'm not mistaken."

  He paused, stood tens of meters away from the opponent, and started to condense the blood cloud again.

   "Your rebirth should be limited, right?"

  Sheng Xun's face was solemn, and at this moment, the way he looked at Zhang Rongfang was completely different from before.

   "I admit that I underestimated you," he said softly. "You are more dangerous than Master Ni."

   "In the beginning, I just saw you as a little trouble that could only interfere. But now it seems that I was wrong"

   Sheng Xun looked at Yue Dewen who had recovered from the distance.

  The other party’s physical and mental injuries cannot be repaired, but at least the physical and physical injuries can be repaired, and people will always slowly get supplemented by the body as time goes by.

  The mind will also slowly mend back.

  So Yue Dewen's life was saved.

   "That's great." Sheng Xun sighed. His gaze returned to Zhang Rongfang again.

   "You guessed it right. My rebirth is called Nine Phoenix Nirvana, which is an extreme stunt I created myself based on the true meaning of the phoenix in mythology.

   is one of the core seals of the Great Zhoutian Nine Phoenix Holy Spirit Art. "

   "The true seal of this move can be used nine times every ninety years under the final form. That is to say, the chance to recover Nirvana once every ten years.

   And now, your master killed me four times, and you killed me once. Now it's five times. There are still four times left, but unfortunately you have no chance. "

   Sheng Xun sighed.

   "Four times?" Zhang Rong calmed down.

  He made a move with one hand.

  The cloud of blood in the sky began to slowly revolve around the three of them, forming a huge vortex.

   "Then come again!"


  His figure disappeared in place.

  Suddenly appeared around Sheng Xun, and four phantoms of Zhang Rongfang moved forward together.

  Sheng Xun was about to block, but the surroundings became dark again, and blood cocoons emerged out of thin air, once again offsetting and covering his whole body.

  The perception that was still round and wishful just now fell into absolute darkness again.


  The blood cocoon was shattered, but there was no Zhang Rongfang approaching at all.

   There are, but more continuous thick blood.

  The mighty river of blood is continuously transformed from the blood cloud, forming a huge vortex, washing away the holy patrol in the center.

  The blue light spot formed by the combination of the holy patrol's momentum and the divine power representing the blood of the sky. It is crazily offsetting with the surrounding blood and eroding each other.

   This is so similar to Yue Dewen's trick against him before! It's just that the erosive effect of this blood is not as powerful as Yue Dewen's general momentum.

  Sheng Xun's heart shuddered, and he quickly backed away, trying to get out of the range of the **** water.

  But in an instant, a huge force slammed from behind.

  He punched backhand. The huge force just repelled Zhang Rongfang who was attacking from behind.

   But this blocking also blocked his retreating figure again.

  Blood constantly corrodes the surrounding blue light.

  Sheng Xun tried to break through again and again, but was forcibly stopped by Zhang Rongfang at high speed.

  The two are on the same level to defend against the enemy first, and no one can avoid the other.

   For a while on the ruins, the two stalemate temporarily.

  Sheng Xun obviously suffered from speed. Although he is strong, his speed is far inferior to Zhang Rongfang.

   And if he chooses to concentrate on fighting against the blood around him, Zhang Rongfang will suddenly attack a few times.

  Using the blood cocoon to isolate the perception for a moment, coupled with the blood coagulation fake body, deceiving the senses. Then drive the blood river to move.

  He was forcibly dragged into the blood river and blood cloud by Zhang Rongfang.


   After a few minutes.

  A piece of blue light exploded.

  Holy Tournament Nirvana again.

   This is the sixth time.

  The saint tourer, who quickly regrouped, stopped moving and stood on the spot. While guarding, he gathered blue light spots with all his strength to resist the erosion of blood.

   "Since you want to confront me, then I will accompany you to the end! I want to see how long you can last!" Sheng Xun's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

  At the current level, he died six times in a row. Even in the last time when the heavens and the earth met, he had never been in such an embarrassing situation.

   And now, it was actually done by Yue Dewen's master and apprentice!

  Zhang Rongfang didn't say a word, and he used his blood call with all his strength, continuously converting the essence of the surrounding world into blood.

   At this time, Yue Dewen had retreated further away, standing on the top of a steeple temple in Xuehong Pavilion, watching the two fight from a distance.

  The blood cloud has replaced his powerful white cloud, flooding the entire Xuehong Pavilion.

   And a huge vortex has formed, rotating around the two people in the center.

   "This kid has become so strong all of a sudden!?" Yue Dewen suddenly felt that all his previous hardships were in vain.

  I knew that my apprentice was so capable, why did I still put so much effort into it?

   Isn’t it good to just lie down and enjoy life?

  Anyway, when something happens, the apprentice can settle it.

  Yue Dewen looked more and more complicated.


  Suddenly, another blue light exploded in the center of the blood cloud vortex.

   Seventh time!

  The holy patrol died again.

   "It seems that the outcome has been decided." Yue Dewen sighed slightly.

   Although such a tactic is a bit helpless, a large quantity is strong, and a large number of people is reasonable.

   Zhang Rongfang is able to gather so many blood rivers is also a skill.

   What Yue Dewen couldn't understand was, where did so much blood come from?

  They can all see that Zhang Rongfang is playing tricks.

  He didn't gather together by himself. Instead, it created a large amount of blood with its own power and let it besiege the enemy.

  These bloods are very pure, they are simply the best soldiers. It is also the best potential consumable.

   In the blink of an eye, there was another explosion of blue light.

The eighth time!

   Soon there will be the last time left.

  In the blood cloud vortex.

  The bodies of Zhang Rongfang circled the Saint Xun and danced in mid-air.

  All the bodies are exactly the same, with huge bat wings, it is hard to tell the real from the fake.

   For this sake, both Shengxun and Zhang Rongfang were exhausted.

   Sheng Xun died too many times. Although the body recovered every time, the mental wear and tear could not be recovered.

  Although Zhang Rongfang was not injured much, he hid in the blood cloud and made various sneak attacks.

  But it takes a lot of effort to activate the call of blood all the time.

  The target of the blood river erosion, after all, is the holder of the blood of the sky, the strongest person on the ground of Lingfei Sect.

  If Zhang Rongfang hadn’t gathered a massive cloud of blood before he came, in fact, the blood water he temporarily summoned would not be able to keep up with the speed of offsetting the blue light.

   At this point, everything is unimportant. The real competition is the consumption of endurance! It is the consumption of spiritual will.

  The sky finally turned completely dark.

  The cold wind blows, rolling snowflakes in the sky, scattered like raindrops, falling inside and outside the blood-red vortex.

   Zhang Rongfang spread his wings and stood quietly on a piece of ruins, looking at the Saint Xun who was still being worn down.

  His complexion has begun to show fatigue.

  As for the holy patrol at the core of the vortex, the blue light spots around him became thinner and thinner.

  But he looked at the unabated blood river and blood cloud around him in a low voice.

  The opponent's blood seemed to condense from the surroundings out of thin air, not from his own body at all.

   Match consumption.

  He lost completely!

   Soon, the blue light of the remaining bodyguard flickered a few times, and was completely submerged in blood.

   Sheng Xun himself was also covered in a huge amount of blood, and gradually closed his eyes.

  Boom! !

  In an instant, countless blue lights exploded and gathered into a new complete human form.

   Ninth Nirvana!

   This is also the last time, the limit of the holy patrol's true seal.

   "Finally. Let's end!"

  Zhang Rongfang flapped his wings, and the bodies together with the main body floated into the air.

   Then suddenly rushed to the center of the Holy Tour.

  The river of blood rolled, and the cloud of blood surged.

  Sheng Xun's three heads and six arms stretched out with all his strength, blowing up the body of Zhang Rongfang who was rushing.

   But every time one is exploded, he will be covered in viscous blood that explodes from the shell.

   This is the last consumption and also the last persistence.

  Zhang Rongfang's main body appears and disappears from time to time, making sneak attacks from time to time.

  The Nirvana of the Holy Tourer is extremely troublesome, he can only rely on this attrition tactic to forcibly erase his rebirth times.

   And now, it's finally done.

As the time goes.

   Sheng Xun's expression became more and more exhausted, and the expressions of the other **** priests and Sheng Wu also showed ferocity and fear respectively.

   "It's over"

   Zhang Rong's body vacated, and rushed forward at full speed towards the already weak Saint Xun.

  Moving at super speed, destroying sound waves, controlling the mind of human beings, steel skin, innate strength, and the most core soul plunder.

  All offensive abilities are in full swing at this moment in conjunction with blood manipulation and blood call.

  His right arm was completely black, passing through the blood cloud soundlessly, like a stream of black light, he slapped Saint Xun behind him.

   No surprises.

  San Xun was also too tired.

  Position, in essence, actually comes from spiritual consciousness. It is a variant and derivative of mind.

  The mass confrontation consumes the spiritual consciousness of the two people.

   In this regard, Zhang Rongfang is far inferior to the holy patrol of the trinity. Even with the increase in the blood of the blood ancestor, there is still a huge gap between the two.

  But he made full use of the ability of blood summoning, using a large amount of heaven and earth essence and blood consciousness to cooperate with himself to share and weaken the holy patrol.

   In this regard, Zhang Rongfang only narrowly won.


  His arm pierced straight into Sheng Xun's chest.

  With three heads and six arms, no matter which side he sneaks up on, he is facing the chest.

   "Yes. It's time to end everything." Sheng Xun looked wearily at the arm piercing his chest. There was a strange look in his eyes.

  He looked down at Zhang Rongfang. It seemed that he wanted to say something more.


  Suddenly, a stream of pure white cloud energy turned into a spike, piercing Zhang Rongfang's heart from behind in the blink of an eye.

  The severe pain caused the blood flames in Zhang Rongfang's eyes to tremble rapidly.

  He could feel that his body and consciousness were being eroded and torn apart by a force stronger than his ancestor's blood essence.

   But none of that matters.

  Compared to these, he is even more unbelievable, why! ?

  Why, Master Yue, you want to attack him! ? ?

  Zhang Rongfang turned his head with difficulty, and what he saw was Yue Dewen's calm eyes shining with moon-white fluorescence.

   "Master... Fu??"

   "You've done a good job." Yue Dewen said softly with a complex expression in an inexplicable tone.

   "Far better than I thought."


  He pulled out the sharp spikes condensed by the white smoke in his hand, and hung them by his side.

   "If Yue Dewen is still there, maybe everything will really be a happy ending for you."


  Boom! !

  At this moment, Sheng Xun slapped Zhang Rongfang with a palm.

  He is already extremely powerful, even Zhang Rongfang at this time cannot compare.

  The palm was swung out, and it was blown away with a bang, like a cannonball, it spanned a distance of a thousand meters, and slammed into the ice layer of the snow mountain in the distance.

  Amidst the rumbling vibration, a large piece of snow powder and ice shattered, slid down, and fell down the mountain.

   Sheng Xun laughed loudly.

   "Sure enough, it really is you! I knew it! I knew it! You are not Yue Dewen at all! You are the moon god! Half body of the moon god! Hahahaha!"

  He was obviously weak, but at this moment he seemed to understand everything.

   "No wonder you can withstand the gathering far beyond Damir!"

   "No wonder you can worship the moon god, but you are not restrained by Yujing Hanshi Tianzun!"

   "Did you kill the original head teacher of the Daoist sect? Li Daitao stiffened, and replaced him with so many years of dormancy! Create a body with a god, pretend to be a mortal, and then lead the general trend of the world and rebel against the heavens!"

   "Amazing! Really amazing!"

   "No." 'Yue Dewen', or the real half body of the Moon God, showed an inexplicable expression at this time.

  "Actually, the previous me, the previous personality, was the real me. Everything about him was real.

  Emotions, layout, life, emotions, all are true.

  There is only memory and only this, I wove it with my own hands and forged it. "

  Luna was a little disappointed.

   "Just like just now, when I killed his most valued disciple, it was clear that according to logic, everything about him had returned to my body. There should be no more self-awareness.

  However, there was a trace of resistance in my heart, a trace of resistance. "

   "Interesting. It's so interesting!" Sheng Xun laughed until tears flowed down his face.

   "It's just right, you don't really think that after my last Nirvana, I will disappear completely?" He suddenly withdrew his smile.

   "Of course I know the last second final pose." But Luna raised his hand with a calm expression.

   A series of majestic white clouds swept and surged behind him again.

   "Yue Dewen is me, but I am far more than Yue Dewen. You can understand"

  Suddenly his complexion changed. Hastily backed away.

  Not only him, but also Saint Xun, his complexion changed drastically, and he retreated wildly.

   The moment they backed away.

  In the sky, a blood-colored giant ax with a length and width of more than 20 meters smashed down with a cloud of blood all over the sky.

  Boom! !

  The ground was split and collapsed.

  The entire Xuehong Pavilion, under this huge bombardment, a deep crack hundreds of meters long was split from the ground.

  Amidst the clattering sound, the blood-colored giant ax was slowly pulled up and raised again.

   At this time, the surrounding blood cloud was slashed by a huge slash to open a channel.

  Luna and Saint Xun followed the giant ax and looked.

  I saw the place where Zhang Rongfang fell in the distance.

  A blood-colored giant with a height of more than fifty meters, full of muscles, and three arms.

   was standing at the edge of Xuefeng, pulled out the giant axe, and threw it at the two of them again.

  The giant's eyes were burning with blood, and there were dark red horns between his brows that stood up to the sky.

  The skin on his body was like flowing magma, and countless blood mist evaporated.

  The most shocking thing is his face!

  That face, although full of fangs, is square and ferocious, covered with ancient and strange patterns.

   But the two recognized each other immediately.

   That is the face of Zhang Rongfang! !

  (end of this chapter)

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