MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 630 truth four

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  Chapter 630 Truth Four

  The sun is getting brighter, closer and bigger.

   The two continued to rise.

  Through a layer of light blue invisible halo.


   Then everything in front of me suddenly went black.

  Zhang Rongfang felt as if his whole body had passed through an extremely thick diaphragm.

  It seems to have entered another environment, another space.

  The dazzling sun that was still on the right side just now disappeared.

   Immediately afterwards, there was an endless biting cold wind.

  His eyes widened, and at this time he had completely lost his previous expectations.

  According to the common sense of his previous life, shouldn’t passing through the clouds and the atmosphere directly lead to space? ? !


  Why, they would.

  He raised his head, looking at the deep blackness above his head.

   Suspended in mid-air, unable to speak for a long time.

   Luna was by his side right now.

   also looking up at the sky.

   Looking at the dark, wriggling sky.

  "People are longing for stability, longing for peace, longing for a peaceful world without disputes.

  It's a pity that no one has ever really thought about what is the root cause of all these struggles? "

   Zhang Rongfang stared at the endless dark sky.

   In the sky, there are countless black lines that are endless and cannot see the border.

  He recognized it, the highest-level spiritual thread similar to the core of the gods and Buddhas—the black spiritual thread!

  He lowered his head slowly and looked down.

   Below is a huge and extremely bright ball of light.

   Inside the sphere, heaven, earth, mountains and rivers are faintly reflected, and the sun and the moon are changing.

  On the outside of the sphere, a layer of azure halo is tightly wrapping the sphere.

   That is the divine power of Ling Feitian.

   "Have we always been surrounded like this?" He asked softly with a dry voice.

   "Maybe." Luna replied softly.

   The two of them looked at the dark and wriggling sky, and they were in no mood to talk for a while.

  They floated between the black sky and the huge sphere below.

  Looking at the sun rising and the moon setting below, the inner world rotates and gradually turns into night.

  The bright sun shattered and exploded the moment it set, turning into countless blue light spots, condensing a new crescent moon, and slowly rising from the other side.

  The ball is spinning. Both the sun and the moon are just shadows on the inner surface.

  They have no substance, they just look like the real thing.

   "What is it outside the black sky?" Zhang Rongfang suddenly said.

   "Outside the sky" Luna showed a trace of nostalgia. "It's light."

   "Light?" Zhang Rongfang frowned, "Golden light?" The first thing he thought of was the sun.

   "It's not moon white." Luna's eyes revealed a trace of gentleness, "Moon white light."

  He closed his eyes, as if remembering.

"long long ago."

   "The sky was once broken once."

  “The light was projected from the gap, illuminating many people”

   "Is the light coming from the moon?" Zhang Rongfang asked.

   "I don't know." Luna shook his head, "But I looked out from that gap. I saw real white clouds, a crescent moon, and a starry sky."

   "The people who were illuminated by the light of that day have all become immortals. They have all undergone mutations. That is, the first generation of skylight people." He explained.

   "Then what about gods and Buddhas? What about Ling Feitian? What does your existence represent?" Zhang Rongfang asked.

   "We...represent the never-ending hope." Luna replied.

   "Hope? You want to break through the sky!?" Zhang Rongfang asked in a deep voice.

   "Yes. Break through it." Luna nodded, with a hint of regret in his eyes.

   "If you can live a stable life, why do you have to go all out to break through the sky? Isn't it good to enjoy life?" Zhang Rongfang asked.

   "Enjoy life?" Luna laughed. "Yeah. Many of our companions chose this way. So they sank into the abyss of oblivion."

   "But why!?!" He suddenly raised his voice. "We just want to go home!"

   "Go home!?" Zhang Rongfang was taken aback.

   "Our fathers fell here from outside the sky. We should have lived outside that!"

   Luna's voice became sharper.

   "Why do we have to be like ants, paralyzing ourselves in this small ball of illusion, and spend our lives!?"

   "." Hearing this, Zhang Rongfang roughly understood the truth.

  If Luna didn't play other tricks, didn't create a shocking deception.


   All this is actually very clear.

   "Which side is the truth?" Zhang Rongfang asked suddenly.

   "Taiyuan." Luna replied without hesitation. "You are just... poor worms living in the huge void of Ling Feitian."

   "It's just rice fields, crops that harvest the resources it needs at a fixed time."

  Zhang Rongfang was silent.

  He suddenly thought of Chen Junshen, and thought of Di Kun.

  They obviously have a bright future, a bright future.

  But you still have to risk your life, enter Taiyuan, find everything, and explore everything.

  Perhaps all of this is just because they all understand that the world they live in is originally just an illusion.

   "My father once said." Luna spoke again at this time. "He was a sailor on a very large ship."

   "Later. There was a big storm on the sea. A huge crack appeared on the sea surface.

  So, he and many people were involved. "

   "What is there outside? It's outside the sky." Zhang Rongfang asked.

   "There is truth." Luna replied. "We are ants trapped here. Lost ourselves, lost freedom"

   "Ling Feitian should be the person who fell in before, and came up with a way to try to get out of here.

  They built the temple and built this system of cyclic harvesting and power accumulation. Trying to wait for time, once again hit the sky. "

   When Luna said this, there was an inexplicable luster in his eyes.


  In an instant, there was silence around the two of them.

  All scenes quickly faded, turned black, and disappeared.

  The two returned to the previous hall, with the blue-gold seal in front of them.

  Everything is calm.

  The blue-gold color on the surface of the seal began to flow like a liquid, flowing towards the moon **** who touched it.

  The body of Luna, starting from the arms, was gradually dyed blue.

   "Three major spiritual seals, plus twelve small spiritual seals, if I can fully grasp and absorb them, I will be a new generation of Ling Feitian!" Luna said calmly.

   "Is this the truth?" Zhang Rongfang suddenly said from behind.

   "Yes, this is the truth." Luna nodded, "The curtain of that day, every once in a while, will keep sinking, constantly oppressing the world we live in.

  According to our calculations, in about a hundred years, our world may only be left with one-third of what it is now. "

   "Where is my master?" Zhang Rongfang asked.

   "If we don't fight hard, all of us will die in the future." Luna said in a deep voice.

   "Where is my master?" Zhang Rongfang asked again.

   "Don't you understand? The sky will shrink completely, and if we don't struggle, you! Me! I will die!" Luna raised his voice.

   "I'm only in my twenties, what does it have to do with me?" Zhang Rongfang replied, "Where is my master?"

  He looked calm.

   "Now you have two choices, one, let him come out. Two, be beaten to death by me."

   "!??" Luna couldn't understand.

  He has made it very clear, and all the truth has been fully revealed.

  They want to break through the dark sky, break out of all illusions, and find the truth that belongs to everyone.

   But this guy! ?

   "I'll count to three. If you don't choose, I'll take it as your default." Zhang Rongfang slowly spread his bat wings behind Zhang Rongfang.

   There was a thick mist of blood, and the blood spread from his feet, dyeing the surrounding area red.

   "You are crazy! This is the core temple of Ling Feitian. If this place is destroyed, the whole world will be damaged!" Luna said anxiously.

  He saw Zhang Rongfang's stunning talent.

  No matter which era, only the most powerful are qualified to know the truth of all this.

   Among them, some will choose to remain in the illusion and enjoy everything.

  Some choose to give everything and explore everything for their ideals.

   Others are silently lurking, accumulating more power, and waiting for the opportunity.

  He doesn't approve of Ling Feitian's method, but he also wants to use the strength accumulated by Ling Feitian to break the sky and reopen the sky!

   Now, he saw Zhang Rongfang's terrifying talent, and hoped to draw him into his camp.





  Zhang Rongfang's body shape changed rapidly, expanding, becoming bigger and taller.

   At the same time, Luna's body lit up with a moon-white halo, and layers of fan-like arms suddenly spread out from behind him.

   "Do you really understand!!?" Her face at this time kept switching and beating between Yue Dewen and another soft and pure perfect face.

   "I'll understand if you return my master to me." Zhang Rongfang replied coldly.

   "He is me! A part of me!" Luna shouted.

  He couldn't understand the man's thoughts.

   "Then replace that part." The blood lotus behind Zhang Rongfang began to unfold and bloom.

   Hum! !

  At this moment, in the entire hall, a glaring blue light lit up from the ground, rose upwards, and instantly turned into a blue halo, passing across the bodies of Luna and Zhang Rongfang.

  The eyes of both of them blurred at the same time. Suddenly disappeared in place.


  Zhang Rongfang quickly recovered his eyesight.

  He is falling rapidly through the sky.

   Surrounded by a bright, scorching golden desert.

   And Luna has long since disappeared.

  He looked down, and below was the ruins of the temple where he had ascended with the moon **** to watch the sky.


  The wings behind him suddenly flapped, and a strong air current was rolled up, slowing down his body.

   After flapping several times in a row, his falling speed quickly eased, and he hovered in the air two to three hundred meters from the ground.

   At this time, he looked up again, looking at the blue sky.

  'It seems that he was expelled by teleportation. ’ he guessed.

  The truth brought to him by the moon **** made him still uneasy at this moment.

  ‘Perhaps. I should prove one or two myself. '

  The thought flashed through his mind.

   Immediately, he turned around, flapped his bat wings, and flew straight to the sky.

  He wants to see alone, what is the curtain of that day! ?

   Publish a new book by a fan.

   Vera Tiantian, the author of "I Invented at Hogwarts".

   After Rigg joined Hogwarts, the pressure came to Azkaban.

   When Voldemort escaped, he was knocked down by a super electromagnetic gun from Harry Potter.

   "Rig, this is much better than a magic wand!"



  (end of this chapter)