MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 654 654 Dilemma One

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   Chapter 654 654 Dilemma One

   "Okay, don't talk nonsense, just confirm the location of the interaction area detected. We will go again when it gets dark. We don't have much food." Raff restrained his smile.

  Luna did not speak any more, but just waited quietly.

  The cold wind was howling outside, and the sky slowly began to dim as time passed.

   Clouds began to gather again, blocking the originally bright light.

   This light is very strange.

  It will appear beams of light beams like pillars from time to time, falling from the sky and falling to the ground.

   These are the truly deadly lights.

  And if you just watch carefully from the side, it won't be affected too much.

  Overcast clouds block the sky.

  In the ruins of the town, the magma flowing in the cracks on the surface glowed red again.

   These thin red lights became the only illumination for this land at night.

   "It's almost there. Let's go."

  Raff was the first to straighten out his long silver and black coat, and walked out of the attic.

  His leather boots stepped on the ground with fine slag, making a clear and crisp sound. Bold and piercing.

   "Let's go~~~ There's something delicious again~~" Zhaoyuge happily followed out with a smile.

  Rongxin took out a cigarette, bit it in her mouth, rubbed her fingers together, a cluster of flames exploded, and lit the cigarette.

  Even though it was just the roughest hand-rolled cigarette, he seemed to be smoking a supreme delicacy.

   Taking a breath intoxicated, he looked at the last Luna.

   "Lao Yue, let's go."

  Moon God stood up silently and walked out beside him.

  In the beginning, he might not know what the other person meant, but after getting along for a long time, he already understood that Heart Blending was arranged by Raff to keep an eye on him.

   Staring at him, not allowing him to run, and seeming to keep telling him what to say.

  They have been roaming the area for a long time.

   seems to be looking for something.

  Luna actually already had a guess in mind.

  He felt that although Raff didn't say anything, it was very likely that he was looking for the interactive area where he came from.

  The four walked out of the rest area. The speed is neither fast nor slow, as if walking in the green.

  Raff, who was walking in the front, waved his hand and smashed some rocks from time to time to lure away the ghost cars wandering nearby.

  Avoid unnecessary consumption, this is the principle of their actions all the time.

  Because, the heart-burning furnace also needs to consume energy.

   It seemed lucky this time, they didn't get far.

  Suddenly, Zhaoyu Pavilion paused, looking at the ruins of a tomb-like building in the distance on the right.

   It was the ruins left after a stone restaurant collapsed.

  But at this time, in Zhaoyu Pavilion's plump chest, a faint red light began to light up.

   "There seems to be something" she strode closer.

   Grabbing a corner of the ruins of stones, suddenly lifted up.


  Large rocks were thrown away by a huge force.

   reveals a hidden metal secret door below.

   "An entrance to the interactive area!? Good luck." Zhao Yuge opened his eyes wide.

   "Are you going in?" She turned around and asked the three of them.

   "I leave it to you, the entrance is probably only a small place." Heart Rong said without interest.

   "I'll be with you." Luna said first.

   This is the first time he encountered them and found the interactive area after he joined the group.

  He wanted to see how the Wuxin Brigade dealt with the interaction area they encountered.

   "Alright, then let's work together to make a quick victory." Zhao Yuge licked his lips.

  She pressed her hand on the surface of the secret door.


  The secret door was crushed by a huge force and exploded, revealing a dark and deep hole below.

  The moment the hole appeared, a huge attraction quickly spread outward.

   And Zhao Yuge had already stood up and retreated with considerable experience, avoiding this traction.

   "Use the external environment first to destroy the inner circulation sky in this interactive area. Then when there is chaos inside, we can go in and harvest." Zhaoyu Pavilion imparted experience to Luna.

   "It's so hard, what if there is a strong trouble inside?" Luna asked in a deep voice.

   "Troublesome? No matter how strong we are?" Zhaoyuge laughed. "Like you, I can't beat you without a furnace, let alone Heart Melt and Boss Raff."

   She never seemed to encounter such an exception.




   Night time.

  Bai Lin carefully walked on a piece of desolate black soil.

  A long snake tail grew out from under her skirt, and a fire was burning at the end of the snake tail, hanging in front of her for illumination.

  ‘Boss, are you still there? ’ She asked at intervals.

  ‘I’m still there, but the distance is getting farther, and I’m gradually unable to project my main consciousness. ’ Zhang Rongfang felt that the outside of the sky was completely different from the interactive area.

  Consciousness communicates between various parts of the body, the loss is too great.

  Perhaps this is a normal reaction.

  As in the interaction area, no matter how far the distance is, there is no loss at all, which is a bit abnormal.

  ‘Then I won’t go forward? ’ Bai Lin paused, feeling a little flustered.

  ‘Continue, unless you encounter a danger that cannot be solved, after you explore more information. Come back and report back to me. ’ Zhang Rongfang ordered.

  'But me.' Bai Lin raised her head and looked around, it was dark all around, as if she was the only one alive in the whole world.

   Except for the sound of the wind, there is no other sound.

  ‘Stop talking nonsense and continue. ’ urged Zhang Rongfang.

  Bai Lin didn't dare to delay immediately, so he could only move to the distance, and his figure gradually disappeared at the end of the dark plain.

  The contact with Zhang Rongfang was gradually disconnected due to the distance.

   "Is there no way to contact at all?"

  At this time, Zhang Rongfang's body, which was suspended in the sky, withdrew his consciousness and frowned.

  Although from Bailin's perspective, he briefly saw the scene outside the sky.

   But it's not enough.

  Comprehensive bloodline, the purpose is to fight against the sinking of the sky.

  And if Tianguang is still strengthening, then this kind of confrontation will have no end.

   Therefore, he must figure out what is going on outside the sky, and whether there are other solutions.

  ‘I hope Bailin won’t let me down.’ Zhang Rongfang stared at the sky.

  He suddenly turned around and flew towards the headquarters of Renxian Temple.

   Now there is no other way but to wait, instead of waiting here, it is better to return and continue to practice.

  In addition, the attribute points accumulated before should continue to be improved.

  He had to make a plan to forcibly destroy the sky and violently rush out of the interaction zone.

  His wings vibrated, and the blood in his eyes flickered from time to time.

   Not long after, the blood shadow shot back from the sky above Yuanv Gorge and flew back to the cave.

  Zhang Rongfang landed on the ground, retracted his wings, merged into himself, and then took a step forward.

  His body began to change rapidly, and within a few seconds, he transformed into the appearance of his disciple Chang Yuqing.

  Ever since he knew that Chang Yuqing practiced five-heart Qi Jue faster than himself, Zhang Rong conveniently changed into Chang Yuqing's body to try to practice the exercises.

  Sitting cross-legged, Zhang Rongfang closed his eyes and began to concentrate.

  At the same time, the 400 attribute points he accumulated were naturally added to the life attribute at this time.

  Life broke through 3,000 points, and at the same time, Zhang Rongfang's **** aura became stronger and stronger.

   More importantly, brand-new traits and talents began to slowly emerge again.

   There are four abilities in total.

  'Super Flight','Radiation Resistance','Vacuum Survival','Fire Resistance'.

  These four abilities are obviously less effective than before.

   Perhaps Zhang Rongfang himself has reached a huge bottleneck in his current strength, and a single trait talent has little impact on him.

  The newly obtained ability talent largely overlaps with the ultimate creature's talent.

  ‘It seems that staying here will gradually limit my development. '

   Lost the need for strength, Zhang Rongfang estimated that this is the reason for the overlap of his current traits and talents.

  What he desires, his talent will evolve.

   Now he is the strongest in the world, no one is his opponent in this interactive area.

  His only hope now is to break through the sky and explore the situation outside.

  So the newly acquired talent is mainly based on survivability.

   After confirming the four talents, the new bloodline combination was not activated this time, which made Zhang Rongfang a little disappointed.

  But he still suppressed his temper, focused his consciousness on the five Qi Chaoyuan, and continued to practice.




  In the unknown interaction area.

  The gloomy sky was forcibly broken into a large spiral hole.

  Luna and Zhaoyu Pavilion are floating on the outer layer, and they can clearly see the inner land inside the cave that is rapidly becoming scorched and blackened.

  After the protective canopy is destroyed, the entire interaction zone will bring about a devastating disaster.

   "Let's go." Flames flashed all over Zhaoyu Pavilion, turning into a furnace.

  She spread her wings, opened her right hand, and countless red lights gathered from her palm, turning into a group of dazzling eyes like the sun.


   She flicked it lightly.

   Immediately, the red light ball burst out and flew in from the opening of the sky.

   In the blink of an eye, the red light ball passed through the sky and stopped suddenly.

   From it, pieces of dense red filaments quickly grew.

  These filaments shot out, like raindrops, falling from the sky and flying to the earth below.

  All the filaments fly halfway, and continue to split, and the number increases to several times the original.

  The red filaments that split out split further.

   So repeated, layer upon layer, increasing again and again.

   Just a few minutes.

  The originally normal world of the interactive area in the sky was dyed light red by the red filaments.

   "What is this?" Luna looked at the exaggerated splitting speed, feeling a little uneasy.

   "It's a collection line. It can collect the brains of all living bodies in the interactive area as quickly as possible. At the same time, it can also smelt the spiritual thread and turn it into a material reserve for us to recycle." Zhao Yuge replied.


  Suddenly, in the interaction area, a blue light shot up into the sky. It was a strong man shrouded in blue flames.

  Holding a three-edged spear angrily, his whole body was full of light, facing the hole in the damaged sky, he swung the spear with all his strength.


  The gun body in the man's hand flew out, turning into a blue phantom of a snake-tailed male lion, roaring and flying towards Zhaoyu Pavilion and Moon God.

  But the phantom of the lion just rushed out of the hole in the sky, and before it got close to the two of them, it automatically disintegrated and turned into a primitive ordinary spear.

  The supernatural power and spiritual lines condensed on the gun before, all collapsed automatically at this moment.

   "Idiot." Zhaoyuge laughed loudly.

   Reach out and lightly touch the tip of the gun.

  The spear shattered and turned into countless metal fragments, scattered and disappeared.

   "Still living in vanity and hothouse garbage."

  She threw two groups of red flames casually again.

  The flame flew into the sky and turned into two giant firebirds in the blink of an eye.

  The firebird swooped down on the man, enveloping him in an instant, burning him to ashes.

   Afterwards, the two firebirds exploded, turning into countless meteor fire showers, flying to the ground.

  The entire interactive area, at least half of the area, was shrouded in these rain of fire.

  Luna is only suspended in the air, but can also see the ordinary people on the ground in the interactive zone, who were ignited by the sky fire, burned all over, and fell to the ground crying in pain.

  Countless cities were engulfed in fire.

  The forest is burning, and the flames are soaring into the sky.

  Rivers are roasted and boiled, molten crystals appear in deserts, and even oceans begin to float countless **** of never-ending flames.

  Zhao Yuge laughed and threw out **** of flames, causing them to explode and turn into a rain of fire.

  Her originally lovely appearance became extremely ferocious and vicious at this time.

  (end of this chapter)