MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 665 665 Temptation Four

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   Chapter 665 665 Temptation Four

  Luna raised her hand and looked at the skin on her arm that had returned to normal. Surprised.

   According to Raf, there is almost no way to undo the pollution of evil breath.

   But why is he safe and sound even though he is clearly on the verge of pollution?

   "Are you confused? Why hasn't the pollution on your body changed?" At this time, several people strode in from the door.

  A stern man with short brown hair and black eyes walked into the door quickly.

  The man had a cross scar between his eyebrows, and he was wearing a long gray coat, which was like a combination of a cloak and a windbreaker.

   "Because, this is the People's League. It is a land of survivors who can suppress all evil."

  People's League? land of survivors? ?

   Luna's eyes were blank.

  He heard the three of Raff talk about the survivors, and knew that these were weak and helpless poor mortals.

  These mortals cannot walk on the ground at will, and can only hide deep underground like mice.

  They do not refer to the mortals in the interactive zone. The word survivor refers more to the living people who are not in the interactive zone, but live outside the sky, on this land shrouded in skylight.

  These people are not spirit line parasites, unable to adapt to the harsh external environment, not to mention the skylight, even the poisonous gas emitted by the lava melted by the skylight occasionally can kill them.

but now.

  What are these people talking about? Can you still suppress all evil breaths? What means?

   "It seems that you are very confused. But during your recuperation period, we have a long time to talk slowly." The man named Onan continued.

   "In addition, you don't have to think about going back to the ground again. In your current state, once you go out, you will be polluted by evil breath again immediately, and you will turn into an evil spirit in severe cases."

   "Thank you." Luna thanked in a low voice.

   No matter who the opponent is, in the end, they are the ones who saved themselves.

  He was too careless after all, thinking that he could last until he reached the Palace of Eternity, but he did not expect

   "Take a good rest." Ou Nan carefully looked at Luna, and saw the deep tiredness between his brows.

  He waved his hand and signaled the rest to leave the room together.

   Several people walked out of the door, closed the door behind their backs, and looked at the underground gathering place block coming and going outside.

   Carts of various mushrooms just brought in are being surrounded by strong laborers gathered here, and they are starting to unload on the side of the road.

   Underground, mushrooms of all varieties are the most common staple food of all.

   Not far away, a few young men and women dressed in fancy clothes looked out from the second floor of the small building with red lights.

  Further away, teams of patrolling inspectors were holding miscellaneous sharp weapons and walking quickly along the aisle dedicated to street patrols.

  These strong men and women patrols, when they passed the three of Onan, they all raised their hands neatly to show respect.

   "Brice, is there any news from the League headquarters?" Onan asked in a deep voice.

  Bliss is the strong man who woke up before Luna.

   "Yes, we are asked to go out and search for clues. The Perpetual Palace has started channel testing again."

   "La has been trying to reproduce the experiment more than ten years ago. But she is just a **** being guided. The real trouble is the tower of Shanna." Onan replied.

   "Hey, we adapters are tired of everything," Bliss said helplessly.

   "We are the ones who survived under the light of day. For the sake of our family and friends, it is only natural that we take on more responsibilities." Ou Nan said calmly.

   "I heard that last week the members of the ninth team fought with the hyenas outside. Several people died. At least three replacements were selected from the reserve." The petite woman on the side said.

   "If they also have extreme spiritual adaptants like Onango, they won't always have to be replaced by casualties." Bliss sighed. "So we're lucky."

   Onan didn't reply.

  He is one of the ten strongest fighters in the Human League. He is also an adaptor who survived under the sky, and he is the ultimate human consciousness with the ultimate spiritual consciousness.

   As a human being, climb to the genetic extreme, and then combine the technology left by the spiritual eye tribe to create flesh and blood weapons.

  They are the only pillars against those wandering parasites outside.

   "The Tower of Shana may be brewing some conspiracy again. The Palace of Perseverance is their apparent minion. Recently, the Palace of Perseverance released a mysterious map, which seems to be searching for a special interactive area.

   It is very likely that there is some kind of inside story in it. "The petite girl guessed.

"No matter what, Di En, who was strangled decades ago, killed so many people that time, and it was Shana Tower who was causing trouble. Those monsters that eat people, sooner or later we will kill them all!" Bliss gritted his teeth in resentment road.

  Onan didn't reply, just fell silent.

  The ground is full of disgusting parasites, and they control almost all resources.

  And above the ordinary parasites are those furnace monsters and evil spirits.

  The Furnace Monster comes from the Palace of Perseverance, and the Evil Spirit comes from the Tower of Instant. For ordinary people, these are all cannibalistic monsters, and there is not much difference.

  So destroying the Eternal Palace and defeating the Shanna Tower is the goal that the Human League has been setting for countless years.

  Unfortunately, even the strongest human warrior like him can only deal with an ordinary evil spirit elephant at most.

   If you encounter a stronger evil spirit cannon, or even one of the three evil kings, it will be a deadly situation.

   Not to mention the ultimate strongest skinless Taki.

   That is the ultimate goal of all alliance fighters to defeat in the end.

   It is the source of all evil, the root of all chaos and destruction!

   There are various evidences to prove that the mutation of Baitong is most likely caused by the skinless man Taki in the Shanna Tower.

  The tunnel experiment they planned more than a decade ago made everything worse.




  Outside the sky, there is a pure black spiral tower with burnt marks on the walls.

  One of the walls suddenly opened a big mouth, from which flew out a red light and a tall skinless humanoid.

  The red light fell to the ground and quickly turned into a pool of blood.

  Blood blood shaped the shape, and Zhang Rongfang's tall body with bat wings was condensed in a blink of an eye.

  He stood up slowly and looked around.

   "Where is this?"

  Skinless Taki slowly opened his arms behind him.

   "Here is the tower that no one has ever found alone. It means eternal moment."

  "Shana Tower" Zhang Rongfang looked down from the fence to the bottom of the tower.

   There is no end in sight at a glance, and there is only a black blur at the bottom.

   "Let's go, down, you will see our strength and sincerity." Takibe explained with a smile.

  Since it is cooperation, what is needed is equality.

  The other party wants him to do something in order to open the passage to his hometown smoothly.

  In exchange, Taki naturally has to show what they are going to do.

  Taki shook his slender body, began to spiral down the stairs, and hurried towards the bottom of the tower.

  Zhang Rongfang glanced at the big mouth on the wall that just came in, flapped his wings slowly, floated into the air, and followed Taki all the way down.

  One floor, five floors, ten floors, twenty floors.

   The two of them descended rapidly.

   Gradually, the entire tower body began to become larger and larger, and the stairs became wider and wider.

  In the beginning, the stair passage was only four meters wide.

   But later, the aisle even expanded to more than ten meters.

  From a narrow tower body, it has become like a large old castle.

   Moreover, as it continued to descend, the surrounding walls and floor handrails were all stained with a layer of blood.

   Wriggling flesh and blood can be seen everywhere up, down, left, and right, covering everything that can be touched.

   Continued to go down another ten floors, and finally, Taki stopped first.

  The bottom of the tower, here we come.

   This is a wide circular square with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

  The ground looked like a blood blanket of blood, with countless dense blood bubbles growing and exploding, releasing a large amount of pungent poisonous gas.

  A mass of black smoke and evil breath diffused around, infesting all spirit line parasites who dared to approach.

  Taki glanced at Zhang Rongfang to make sure that the latter did not respond.

   "Ophega, Ming, Latielan, come to meet our distinguished guests. The king of evil spirits and blood descendants from the super-large interactive area, Qiankunzi!"

  His voice clearly conveyed a message to the empty square.

   The voice just fell.

  Three clusters of black distorted smoke quickly condensed and shrank in three places in the square.

   There was a soft tearing sound.

  The black smoke dissipated, and three blurred and distorted tall figures slowly appeared on the ground of the square.

  A tall woman with snow-white body, pale skin and pale eyes, wearing a gorgeous white dress, bowed slightly to Zhang Rongfang.

  The second place is a fuzzy human form made up of countless black flying ants.

   The third place is a bald figure with a translucent body, like jelly, and a faint glare of electric light on the surface.

   "Ophega, one of the three kings, has seen the king of blood." The woman in the white skirt bowed softly. If her eyes, ears and mouth were closed, there were no black bugs that burrowed around from time to time. In fact, this one has the most normal painting style among the three.

   "Evil Wang Ming, since he is the lord's distinguished guest, he must be an extraordinary person. I am very happy to meet you here." The second human figure, made up of countless flying ants, also bowed slightly towards Zhang Rongfang.

   "Evil King Latielan." The last translucent human figure surrounded by electric light didn't express much, just responded indifferently, and there was no further text.

   "The end is approaching, and they are my three kings of savior and three different hopes and directions," Taki Jiansheng introduced.

   "What I want to see is the passage." Zhang Rong looked cold, "How do you prove that behind the opened passage is my hometown?"

   "It's actually very easy." Taki stretched his slender fingers and looked down at Latiyalan, one of the three kings.

  Lattieran took a step forward, stood in the middle of the square, and slowly raised his arms.

  A brilliant electric glow rose from his body and condensed above his head, forming a blurred blue disk.

  The disc gradually became clear, like a mirror, reflecting the image of a huge city.

"That is!?"

  Zhang Rongfang's eyes froze, fixed on the image.

  Tall buildings, flowing cars, and people.

   There are also stars and stars that are sometimes bright and dark.

  Even the billboards hanging on the exterior of those high-rise buildings, he can see clearly.

   That was the city he used to live in!

  (end of this chapter)