MTL - My Beast Master is Really Not An Evil God-Chapter 71 Rules are Secret Treasures (recommendation ticket monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 71 Rule Secret Treasure (Please recommend a monthly ticket)

  On the chair near the door at the round table, a thin black-robed man wearing a crow mask took out an amethyst crucible with mysterious runes engraved on it, surrounding a huge dark mouth.

  He put it on the table in front of him and introduced:

   "This is an extraordinary secret treasure of the rule system..."

   "Rule system!?"

   "There is such a good product tonight?"


  Before he finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar, and everyone's eyes gathered in an instant.

  Rules are secret treasures. As the name suggests, they exist on the basis of certain rules. As long as they conform to the rules, you will definitely get corresponding rewards for your efforts.

  For example, there is a magic box, you only need to pay 100cc of blood in exchange for a hundred catties of rice.

  Although it looks evil, it follows the principle of equivalent exchange, no more and no less. It is equivalent to a wishing machine with a single ability. If it is used well, it can be used as a concept-based ability to exert miraculous effects.

   It's just that everyone quickly thought of a problem. The secret treasure of the rule system is generally extremely precious, and the easiest way to use it is to use it as a means to obtain unlimited resources.

   Some advanced rule secret treasures, even tampering with the world's laws.

  Many forces, including the Alliance, have been buying rule-type secret treasures at high prices. They can easily exchange for a large number of rare treasures or top pet beast cubs, and there is no need to exchange them.


   Lu Yu under the yellow robe suddenly said:

   "Spiritual food school stuff..."

  The words are vicissitudes, with a little emotion, as if remembering the old people who lived a long time ago.

  The man in the crow mask suddenly raised his head and looked at the figure in yellow with horror.

   "So it's this..."

  The rest of the people were also awakened, and they were no strangers to this name.

   Every mature professional system has been explored and evolved over a long period of time.

  The school of spiritual food is one of the branches of the early cultivator system. Unlike ordinary pet feed, they are good at making spiritual food with extraordinary materials and reconciling the spiritual power in it.

  Although there is only one word difference between Lu Yu's secret food and Lu Yu's secret food, his ability is completely different. What he masters is the power of refining the root, a great miracle.

  The spiritual food can promote the growth of pets after taking it, and it has a magical effect similar to that of a potion. If a large amount of potion is taken, it is easy to cause spiritual disorder and distortion, but it is gentler, and there is no problem even if it is taken frequently.

  However, just such a brilliant school suddenly disappeared one day, and no one knew where they went, whether they were dead or alive.

  In their former site, there are seven world-class secret treasures that contain the power of rules, possessing terrifying power, which has caused many strong people to compete.

  The final result was that two pieces were taken away by the alliance, one piece was taken away by the other schools, one piece was smashed, and the last three pieces disappeared.

   And these fragments were divided by many strong people, and they were made into uneven high-quality imitations, in an attempt to reproduce part of the power.

  However, these inferior imitations not only have a variety of harsh conditions of use, but also have the only ability to make delicious food.

  The spiritual food made through them is only delicious, and the quality of the food is a little higher, but it has little effect on improving the strength of the beast.

  The brilliance of the spiritual food school fell silent.

  However, these imitations are highly sought after by ordinary people, and they are called dream kitchen utensils, which means that legendary delicacies can be made.

  Thinking of this, most of the beast masters present lost interest. It would be too extravagant to buy a cheating rule-type secret treasure just to satisfy their appetite.

   What shocked them even more was that this mysterious [collector] seemed to be very familiar with this thing from a hundred years ago, and even had some nostalgia for it.

   Could it be that he was one of the strong players who participated in the competition?

  The old immortal who has lived for a long time?

  After the crow mask man was exposed, he could not hide it, explaining:

"That's right, this is a fantasy kitchen utensil called the Crucible of Gluttony. It can improve the quality of the prepared food and make it more delicious. The price is that you will lose part of your body at random. If you refuse it forcibly, it will turn into mental pollution for a period of time." .

  Although there are many shortcomings, it is also the last relic of the Spiritual Food School, and it may be possible to discover the ancient inheritance..."

  Many beast masters just watched with cold eyes after hearing the side effects.

   Inheriting this thing, let alone learning or not learning, unless it involves the level of law, otherwise it will be better as it develops. We must know that today's trainer system has inherited part of the research of the spiritual food school, and has developed to a new peak after a hundred years.

   Except for some special secret techniques of the Spiritual Food School that are valuable, the rest are meaningless.

   Losing a part of the body just to satisfy the appetite, eating a meal and missing a part of the body, if some key parts, such as the eyes, even the healing system is not easy to repair.

  Once rejected, it is to set a negative buff for yourself, increasing the possibility of distortion.

   Only crazy gourmets would do this.

  The crow-masked man smiled wryly as he felt the dead silence, and probably won’t be able to sell this time.

  However, just as he was about to put it away, Lu Yu said again: "It's a good collection, what do you want?"

  The rest of the people looked sideways, but considering the status of [Collector], it seems reasonable.

   This strange thing is very suitable for collection.

   What's more, according to the tone of the collector, it seems that one of the contenders a hundred years ago may have bought it as a souvenir.

  The character design created by Lu Yu began to gain popularity.

  The crow-masked man was taken aback for a moment, then ecstatically, and quickly said:

   "Soul-type treasures above gold will do!"

  Even the worst rule-based secret treasure is worth at least one morning star-rank treasure, but these imitations that imitate the world-class secret treasures of the Spiritual Food School can only be sold at low prices.

  Lu Yu nodded, and silently rubbed off from the tree of ghosts, a little bit of bark that was spawned by dozens of souls during the previous mission. It was useless to the tree of ghosts, but it is useful now.

  He pinched it lightly with two fingers, twisted it into powder, secretly wrapped it in paper, and threw it on the table.

  The man in the crow mask carefully opened it, and with just one glance, he trembled with excitement.

  Although the quantity is pitiful, the soul essence contained in it is extremely high, and it can be used as a versatile material for any soul-type potion, with a high chance of improving its quality.

   This kind of treasure has surpassed the morning star class, but a higher-level material, and the tree dust made him think of it, the seven sacred trees that only existed in the legend...

  He didn't dare to think about it, if it is really related to that kind of top existence, then what kind of terrifying power is the collector?

  The man in the crow mask was both afraid and afraid of Lu Yu's repentance, so he nodded his head like crazy. After the transaction was over, he was even more afraid of being robbed, so he didn't look at the follow-up products, and left in a hurry.

   This scene made everyone secretly terrified. Even the material of the morning star class appeared several times in the mutual aid meeting, and no one ran away in such a hurry.

   What kind of treasure is it that requires such caution?

  Collector, really worthy of the name!

  Lu Yu accepted the things calmly on the surface, but his heart was already turbulent, and his hands under the yellow robe trembled slightly.

  Because of this thing,

   It is related to a mythical material!

   Sacrifice a friend's book, written by an old author.



  (end of this chapter)