MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 1936 Shocked

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The first thousand nine hundred and thirty-six chapters

"Magic Rohan? King Kong growls!"

On the body of the Qin Dynasty, the magical Luohan gold body suddenly popped up!

The dense ray of death fell on the body of the Qin Dynasty, and suddenly it was bounced back.


These death rays were retaliated on the body of the Prophet Loli, and her metal warfare was shot out of a black charred pit.

Her body couldn't help but step back a few steps, and her face was full of surprises.

"What power is this! It's weird!"

The prophet Lori squinted a few times and looked at the Qin Dynasty.

"Strange is still behind."

Qin Chao smiled coldly and shot again.

He extended his **** on his index finger and pointed at the prophet Lori.

"Linger, lend me strength! Fire thunder!"

The red lightning flashed the room.

A red light fell directly toward the body of the prophet.

"Magic Rohan? King Kong growls!"

But the scene that shocked Qin Chao appeared.

The prophet Lori’s body also popped up with a Luohan who was exactly the same as the Qin Dynasty.

This Luohan is not the golden body of the Diamond Sutra, but the silver metal arhat formed by the Okmi liquid.

But this is the metal Luohan, but it has the power of the Qin Dynasty King Kong Luohan!

He released the fire thunder, and instantly turned around and rushed back to Qin Chao.

I am a grass!

Qin Chao could not help but want to marry her.

What a joke!

That gimmick still has such a wonderful ability!

Use Oakmi liquid to imitate your strength!

Whether you can believe it or not, that fire blast is indeed coming back to the Qin Dynasty.

"The owner doesn't have to worry, give it to Linger!"

The red dragon came out from the chest of the Qin Dynasty and swallowed the fire directly, then returned to the Qin Dynasty.

"Hey! What is that magical creature!"

The Prophet Loli looked at Linger and suddenly burst into the hand.

"A cute creature! It seems to be a special creature of the C-998 galaxy! It’s so good, big brother, I want to come!"

Said, the prophet Lori's chest, even flying a silver metal dragon.

The dragon smashed the ceiling of the chamber, then aimed at the Qin Dynasty and opened a huge mouth.


The fire ray that the black death ray mimicked fell toward the Qin dynasty.

"How can this be!"

The Qin Dynasty has never been so surprised.

This black fire thunder, I am afraid that Linger can not be the next.

"Give me a roll!"

Qin Chao took out his own dragon axe.

The dragon axe spun and flew high, cut directly the fire that was imitated, and then cut off the head of the metal dragon.

The axe rotated a circle and returned to the hands of Qin Chao.

"The power of the big brother is still amazing!"

The prophet Loli couldn't help but blink her eyes and said.

"It seems that the place where big brothers deserve to be studied by others is much better!"

By! Still learning!

This ability of myself is almost imitated by the prophet Loli!

Qin Chao hates tooth itching.

"It seems that my big brother can't do it."

The prophet Lori said with a smile, "It is better to be a big brother than to be a man! If there is a big brother like this, people will definitely be able to defeat that guy!"

That guy?

Qin Chao could not help but suspicion.

Who is the person in the mouth of the Prophet Loli?

However, Qin Chao’s eyes turned slightly and he had an idea in his heart.

"Then let's make a bet."

Qin Chao suddenly said.

"Bet? What kind of bet?"

The prophet Lori looked at Qin Chao with a funny smile and said, "Big brother, the computing power of others, but the first in the universe! What gambling can exceed my calculation?"

"Just bet we can win!"

Qin Chao said, "If I lost to you in the Qin Dynasty, then I will be your men, follow you * the guy in your mouth, how?"

"Okay, okay!"

The Prophet Lori immediately smirked and said, "This is the best, I like what I like."

"Don't be in a hurry, there is still."

Qin Chao looked at the prophet Loli, and the smile on his mouth hangs evil. "If you lose, you have to be my men and listen to my assignment."

"The big brother thinks so naive!"

This prophet Loli couldn't help but grin. "How can people lose? But since the big brother likes to gamble, then the family will gamble with the big brother! When you lose, remember not to cry!"

"No, it is you. If you lose, don't accept it."

"I am at the end of the day, it is also a program!"

Prophet Loli laughed. "The program won't lie. But big brother, according to people's calculations, you really don't have a chance to win 1%! Even if you have the armor of the emperor's attributes, you are not that person! It’s a long way off!”

It is that person.

He is also the purple value-added arm of the emperor's attributes!

Qin Chao wrote down.

"Then let's get started!"

"Okay, okay! People must have a strong man! Oh..."

After waiting for the prophet Loli to laugh, the figure of Qin Chao appeared again in front of her.

The Prophet Lori was not in a hurry, and extended her left hand, and it was a memorable clutch of the nine sacred palms.

"Imitating is really good."

Qin Chao smiled.

And that slap is falling on his chest.

Little Loli felt that she seemed to be playing on a copper wall.

She found that at this time, the big brother's eyes flashed red.

And on his body, there is a slight golden light.

"Fortress Battle Armor!"

The prophet Lori was shocked. He didn't expect that he would imitate the palm of his hand and hit him on the other side. There was nothing at all.

She snorted, and suddenly, the battle coat on her body changed.

A piece of silver metal is armed and constantly appears on her.

Soon, in the eyes of Qin Chao, this girl was sitting directly in a huge humanoid mech.

The man-shaped mech is very large, a hundred meters high, and the entire arsenal has been broken.

Nana was sent to a safe place directly under the yin and yang bells.

"Big brother, you really don't have a chance of winning!"

The shape of the man-shaped mech is similar to that of the prophet Lori.

At this time, she gave the voice of the prophet Loli, and said to the Qin Dynasty standing on the ground.

"Now, I am a hundred times the power! See how you can hold it!"

Said, the huge humanoid armor, burning flames, to the mosquito-like Qin Chao, slammed down.

Nine secluded palms.

Amplifying the power of a hundred times of power, it seems that the prophet Loli is holding the belief that it must win.

Unfortunately, the person she faced was Qin Chao.

"Dragon girls, let us surprise this girl."

The Qin Dynasty, which has opened up the demon possession, has put on the Kowloon plaque directly on the body.

Decisively, this Kowloon is more comfortable and has a **** connection.

I don’t know how much better than the value-added armed forces.

"Linger, your main force!"

Under the command of the Qin Dynasty, this piece of Kowloon cockroach evolved into a red body.

Qin Chao stood there, pretentious, like a Yum! general.

His right hand, golden light flashes.


This is the strongest move of the Qin Dynasty.

Especially in the early days of his almost sacred power, the shot was shocking and the momentum was amazing.

The potential of the seven dragons continued to swim behind the Qin Dynasty.

The Qin Dynasty felt like this moment, like a bullet that had been smashed, and had to send it.

Power, vigorous power.

I have been in the big time since I entered Da Luo Tianxian for the first time.

The kind of incisive feeling makes Qin Chao really comfortable.

The pores of the whole body seemed to open at this moment, happily absorbing the power in the air.

The sky also changes the power of this palm.

In the entire sky, a golden vortex appeared, as if it was under the influence of the power of the Qin Dynasty, it was stirred up.

The Prophet Lori also felt a shock, but this palm, she continued to shoot.

She does not believe that the Qin Dynasty can have stronger strength than itself.

She is a prophet!

She has the strongest brain!

She has bionic power, and in addition to him in the universe, no one should be his own opponent!

I have worked so hard for so long, and developed this bionic body, just to deal with him!

In this universe, how can there be people who are stronger than themselves?

Be sure to let him know that he is strong!

The huge palm has fallen.

The small palm of the Qin Dynasty greeted him.


One big and one small pair of palms finally met together.

In an instant, the planet was trembling.

Imitated the nine sorcerer's palm, and the Qin Chao's shocked palm hit.

The golden vortex in the sky suddenly exploded.

The body of Qin Chao did not move.

Look at the fortress armor of the prophet Loli, and it will begin to collapse in an instant.

First from the arm, and then continue to spread, collapsed layer by layer.

In the blink of an eye, this huge fortress mech was broken.

Inside the young prophet Lori, she slammed out and slammed on the floor, her eyes flashing with fear and confusion.

"Why is that……"

The huge fortress mech has vanished.

The prophet Loli fell to the ground, and there was a constant flow of electricity from her body.

The Qin Chao’s horror, not only ruined her fortress armor.

Even caused a certain degree of damage to her body ~ ~ mad at the side, are scared.

Even the prophets were defeated.

He is still a P!

Qin Chao straightened up and took a slow breath.


Really refreshing.

He retracted his palm and slowly walked toward the prophet Lori.

"Don't, don't come near our Prophet!"

At this time, beyond the expectations of Qin Chao, the arrogance was stopped in front of him.

Although the mechanical body trembled violently, the arrogant still stood there firmly, trying to protect his master with his own body.

"It is very courageous."

Qin Chao smiled and waved.

Suddenly, the arrogant body flew out and disappeared on the other side of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

The prophet Lori stared at it all, unable to stop it.

All of her remaining strength is repairing her body, and for the time being there is no power to do other things.

So, just so blindly, looking at the terrible man, standing in front of her.


Chapter to push "Cang's career" ~ evil people evil book ~ urban control must see Oh ~

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!