MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 1967 Cao Cao Yu Wei

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The first thousand nine hundred and seventy seven chapters Cao Cao Yu Wei

"Are you crazy? Actually launch the destroying gun! Have you been authorized by the president?"

Back to the command center, Vice President Aliu Si suddenly screamed.

Several generals stood there paled.

They did not expect that the vice president returned so quickly.

And the woman slipped away so fast!

"Say, what are you doing!"

Arius clenched his fists and his face twitched.

He is very angry and really angry.

"Reporting adults."

And the most savage general, this time opened.

"We are planning to start directly with Huang Shaling."

"Why? Who told you to do this!"

"Adult, you think about it..."

The gloomy general is not nervous, slowly said.

"The development of Huangshaling seems to have exceeded the expectations of all of us. Vice President, although this is a force that the President of the United States deliberately cultivated... but you never thought about it, in fact, we did not seem to be The president’s adult is in his eyes, but it’s just a plaything that he spends time...”

When it came to this, the vice president’s heart jumped a little.

He seems to have guessed what this big man will say.

"Perhaps, even if we are destroyed, the president will not feel sorry for it... He is already the strongest in this universe, no one can rival. Even if he destroys the zero world, he will not feel more distressed, big deal. Supporting the second zero is just out..."

The eyes of Arius are unpredictable.

"So, if the strength of Huang Shaling is too large, it really ruined our zero-knot alliance. I think that the president will not take the shot, but will be happy with it. Because in his lifetime, there has not been a zero knot. The opponents that the Alliance has destroyed. Now that such an opponent is coming, his interest is definitely greater than the survival of the zero world!"

"What you said... makes sense..."

Arius felt that there was a slight cold sweat.

"So, adults, our top priority is to quickly kill Huangshaling and do whatever it takes!"

The general said, looked around and said, "Here, we are all of us. We destroyed the Huangshaling with destruction, and no one told the president. At that time, I was introduced into the ears of the president." Only Huang Shaling and the slave army are doing the same story..."


Arius was silent.

"The Vice President, the survival of the zero world is in your hands..."

The general smashed down to Aleus. "We are all your most loyal subordinates..."

"Yeah, ah, adults, it depends on you!"

"Adult, let's order..."

Each general has collapsed against the vice president.

"You... let me think about it..."

The vice president sat there in hesitation, and his mind was in a mess.

In this case, how should he choose?

And he did not know, at this time, the beastmaster and him like a needle felt.

The Yalong Knights have been damaged more than half!

Members of these knights, each one is the heart of the beastmaster!

There is one less, and the second one, it takes a long time to do it!

How did the Huang Shaling Legion build it out!

What power does those cars have?

The bird people with wings add strength to the soldiers.

Those cars add magic to the soldiers!

This is too bad!

Also let them not fight!

This will only watch the members of the Yalong Knights constantly rushing to the streets, and once the soldiers of Huangshaling fall down, they will be immediately pulled up by various radiances, and they will join the battle!

Is there such a joke!

This is what is being done, is this still a fight!

This one by one, all beasts are attached!

The beastmaster pinched his fist and watched his Yalong knights fall in a pool of blood, and finally could not sit still.

"Huang Shaling, you are deceiving too much!"

The snoring of Bimeng directly rang through the entire Huangshaling.

"He can't sit still, Qin Chao, it's time to see you."

Su Shi nodded to the Qin Dynasty and said.


Qin Chao also stood up.

"Do it well, don't let us down!"

Su Ji walked over and gently sorted out the clothes on the body.

"Don't worry, you are doing so well. If I am doing badly, I am not losing your face!"

The Qin Dynasty gave Su Ji a reassuring smile.

"This battle for the finale will be handed over to me."

"How can this be called the final battle?"

Su Jibai took a look at the Qin Dynasty. "The Beastmaster is just a test of water. Then we have to fight with the zero world and fight with Cao Cao. Cao Cao is your biggest enemy, husband!"

Su Ji’s husband, called Qin Chao, was soft.

Thinking of the fact that he has not eaten this hoe, Qin Chao deeply regrets.

Oh, it’s all **** slave army, **** Fox.

If it weren't for them, Su Ji was a man who had become a man.

Thinking of these, Qin Chao was a fire.

"Huang Shaling, let the emperor personally destroy you!"

If you don't shoot again, the Yalong Knights will really finish playing.

The beastmasters together, directly into the state of Bi Meng super mad five.

The whole person is like a golden gorilla, and instantly falls into the middle of the battlefield and steps on the ground.


The earth trembled fiercely.

A wave of gas spread out and hit around.

The Jiu Li Army, the pedestal warrior and the soldiers of the Yalong Knights, who were smashing together, were thrown out of this moment and each slammed into the distant sand.

The power of the beastly emperor is really too strong.

"Huang Shaling, I am rolling out and being killed!"

The beastmaster reached out with a hand, and the palm of his hand condensed a golden shock wave, aiming at the opposite Jiuli fighters.

"Those women are coming out to die!"

Said, the shock wave in the hands of the beast, the soldiers of the Jiuli people passed.

But at this time, a man’s figure suddenly appeared in front of the Jiuli fighters.

He extended his right hand and looked at the golden beam of light that spurted over him.

"King Kong is at hand!"


The beastmaster couldn't help but sneer, just relying on the flesh, would you like to break his own shock wave?

This man is simply looking for a dead end.

His own shock wave will leave him with no slag!

But very soon, the beastmaster's mouth couldn't help but grow up, almost spit out the heart.

The beast is on!

What's happening here!

My own shock wave... was actually broken up by the palm of the hand?

What is the palm of that person doing?

Is it... He also has the ability of the Vice President Aleus, the absolute defense?


The kind of absolute defense of the proliferation of outerwear, the entire zero world is only one set!

This man...what is the way...

At this time, Qin Chao stood up and waved his right hand, who was braving the smoke, and said.

"It’s not the beastmaster, it’s really a little powerful."

Qin Chao has already put on the Kowloon Dragonfly.

The strength of the beastmaster is not covered, and the power of the shock wave is also great. Qin Chao can't just pick it up casually.

This is so, his palms are slightly numb.

A good beast.

"Who are you?"

Seeing the other side has solved his own shock wave, and the Beastmaster began to play drums.

"Did you not want to see me long ago?"

Qin Chao patted the dust stuck on the clothes and said.

It’s a pity that Suu Ji’s clothes for himself were dirty.

"You are the chief commander of Huang Shaling, Qin Chao?"

The beastly emerald's slightly red eyes stunned.

"Yes, long time."

Qin Chao arched his hand.

How to say, courtesy is also necessary.

"You came just right... Killing you, Huang Shaling will be able to break it."

The beast's mouth hangs a sneer.

"Don't be too confident, Comrade Emperor."

Qin Chao quickly reminded, "I will not be responsible for being crying for a while."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The Beastmaster suddenly laughed.

"The people in Huangshaling are too stupid!"

He smiled and said again, "Do you really think that the power of the emperor is only this? I admit, you can resolve my shock wave, it is a bit of a skill. But in order to deal with the vice president of the zero world, the emperor has already Developed a new force. With this power, let alone the vice president, even if the president of the zero world comes, the emperor has a fight!"

“Is it just a fight?”

Qin Chao couldn't help but grin. "You can't be a little angry?"

"It seems that you are not aware of the power of the president of the zero world."

The beastmaster snorted. "The powerful guy... his power is terrible... even if it is the emperor, he dare not face him alone. To defeat him, the emperor needs the power of the prophet. If you Willing to return to the emperor, the emperor can let you be the prince of the emperor. At that time, the power of defeating Cao Cao will be a little more."

Even this arrogant beastmaster has no confidence to face Cao Cao directly?

Qin Chao also began to guess the ~ ~ Cao Cao's prestige, really quite loud.

"Come on, be the right hand of the emperor."

The Beastmaster said, extending the claws of the Qin Dynasty to the Qin Dynasty. "It is better than you die in the hands of the Emperor."

"My Qin Dynasty will not be subordinate to anyone."

Qin Chao stood there, and his eyes flashed with perseverance. "Everyone is afraid of Cao Cao, then let me Qin Chao come to defeat him."

"That's why you don't know Cao Cao's power! As the saying goes, the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger. You are like this now. After you know how strong he is, you don't think so."

Said the beastmaster.

"Don't try, how do you know. If you don't fight, you will be defeated. This may be the favorite thing for your Bicester family."

"What do you know!"

The beastmaster's face changed, his paws were pinched, and his mouth whispered.

"You don't know anything at all, you are an ignorant foreigner!"

There was a burst of murder in his eyes, and there was a fear that could not be concealed.

In front of the beastly emperor, the scene of the year emerged.

A man, standing in the air, raises his hand and kills half of the Bicester population.

The shock and fear he left for himself... is always in his own heart and cannot be erased.

Even if it is now!

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!