MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 2004 Anqing Beixi

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Chapter 2, 4, 4

When the one-thousandth of the gods of Chiyoda were transported to the body of Qin Chao, the Qin Dynasty understood the good intentions of the thousand generations.

The reason why Chiyoda betrayed himself was to undercover Cao Cao and explore the purpose of Cao Cao. By the way, he also knew that Li Baishan had not been a good person.

In order to prevent accidents, she harvested a quarter of the Qin Dynasty in Qin Dynasty as a “backup” and stored it in her.

Although Chiyoda’s heart has such a hint of hatred for the Qin Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty once slaughtered the family of the Chiyoda.

The death of the father of Chiyoda, and the Qin Dynasty also have a relationship that cannot be separated.

But in the heart of Chiyoda, she has already regarded herself as a woman of the Qin Dynasty.

Chiyoda is a very traditional woman with a strong tradition of marrying husbands and husbands.

After she followed the Qin Dynasty, she felt more in her heart and thought about the Qin Dynasty.

When Cao Cao found the thousand generations in private, the thousand generations saw that Cao Cao was a man... really terrible.

His strength can easily smash the current Qin Dynasty.

Therefore, it took pains for thousands of generations to get a quarter of the Qin Dynasty.

She is worried that if Qin Chao was killed by Cao Cao, she could resurrect the Qin Dynasty through this part of Yangshen.

Cao Cao’s final end was death, and he was killed by Li Baishan, a more obscure man.

Later, Li Baishan absorbed the Yang God of the Qin Dynasty and completed the fulfillment of the body.

Because of the quarter of the thousand gods of the thousand generations, the Qin Dynasty can successfully complete the resurrection.

"You are still alive!"

Seeing that the Qin Dynasty climbed up, and also intercepted his own mindfulness with great intentions, Li Baishan was amazed.

Haven't you absorbed the guy's yang!

So you can become the perfect body of Yingtian!

How did the Qin Chao, who had no Yang God, resurrected?

Didn't Qiandai betray the Qin Dynasty?

Did she always undercover at Cao Cao!

"It turns out that... I can't think of it, your woman loves you so much, admire and admire. Although your Qin Dynasty is not very good, but there is a set for women!"

Li Baishan said with a little admiration and with a bit of sarcasm.

"I don't like you, even my own woman can't protect it. Now I have to deprive others of the woman..."

"Looking for death."

Li Baishan's eyes are cold.

"Your big idea is fragile, and there is no way to compete with me completely!"

Li Baishan emphasized, "But I won't kill you right away. It's relief for you. I will torture you in front of your woman, and then let you look at your two most important two." The woman leaves you. Finally, my woman can come back to me."


Qin Chao pinched his fist.


Li Baishan snorted. "Do you love someone wrong? You actually said that I am a madman? If you are not the one who lost the woman today, but you are Qin Chao, then the guarantee you made will be more than me!"

The Qin Dynasty was somewhat silent.

He can't deny Li Baishan's words.

If any of his women leave their own... Probably, he will do whatever he wants to resurrect them.

"So, you can't blame me. Qin Chao, I know you, because I was the three corpses of your body. Although you have reincarnate, you have not changed a lot of things! We are basically the same. You are me, I am you."

"Less fart, you are you, I am me!"

Qin Chao pinched his fist.

"Oh, although you don't like it, it is the truth."

Li Baishan smiled faintly. "But it doesn't matter. Now your entanglement has long been clear. You are no longer the day of the year, and your strength is not enough for your previous quarter." Is the supreme sage! But I am not called Yingtian, my name is Li Baishan!"

Said, he reached out and swayed at the Qin Dynasty.

The body of the Qin Dynasty suddenly flew out and slammed into the distant land.

Indeed... his yang **** has just recovered, but the strength is only a quarter of the peak period...

It’s impossible to deal with Cao Cao, and it’s against Li Baishan who has restored the whole body... It’s not useful...

"Oh, uh... lay down there, waste. I will let you see how much pain it is for a woman to die!"

Said, he restored the soul of Su Yao, and then let this group of blue light float in the air, continue to lead the soul of Su Shi and Su Ji two girls.

The twins screamed in pain, and the voice tore the heart of the Qin Dynasty.


The Qin Dynasty supported the painful body and tried to climb up.

"Hey! Great idea! Give me a slap!"

Li Baishan slammed the Qin Chao directly as if he had carried over a million mountains. He slammed back.

Under the oppression of the great mind, Qin Chao remembered that he could not get up.

His great thoughts can only be used once a month. They have just been used to save thousands of generations, but now they can't save their two most beloved women.

Not reconciled... I really don’t want to be...

"Swallow the pot... break and stand..."

At this time, Chiyoda slowly raised his head and said to the Qin Dynasty.

Swallowing the pot of heaven...breaking and standing...

The heart of the Qin Dynasty suddenly lighted up.

Did the secrets of the thousand generations of swallowing the pots inquired?

Qin Chaoyu was there, and quickly took out his own swallowing pot!

But the swallowing pot still lies quietly in his own hands, and the eight stars above are shining brightly, and they do not respond to the mind of the Qin Dynasty.

This, what should I do...

However, when the Qin Dynasty did not know how to be good, the figure of the thousand generations suddenly turned into a black smoke, and fell to the side of the Qin Dynasty in the blink of an eye, kneeling in front of him.

Thousands of generations extended their hands and took the potion.

A black smoke emanates from the swallowing pot and is integrated into the body of the thousand generations.

Devouring the instrument!

The ability of Chiyoda to learn from Cao Cao!


Roone saw this scene in the ethereal purple house of the Qin Dynasty, and could not help but exclaimed.

"Can't even do what my sword can't do! This woman has done it!"

"She doesn't seem to be doing it easily..."

Rhodes was squatting next to him.

Thousands of generations swallowed the pot of swallowing, and the side effects of the body may not be light.

In both of her ears, she began to lick the red blood.

"Thousands of generations... No, stop!"

Seeing the bloodshed of the thousand generations, Qin Chao scared the heart and flew out.

I am so hard to save the thousand generations back, this gimmick will not go like this!

"It doesn't matter... Master... I'm fine..."

Chiyoda slowly absorbed the black smoke while laughing at the Qin Dynasty.

"Master... let the thousand generations... Finally, help you once..."

Said, the lips of Chiyoda, gently kissed on the lips of Qin Chao.

In an instant, a huge force, from the lips of the generations, madly poured into the body of the Qin Dynasty.

If the Qin Chao body is not a blank piece of the body, such a huge force poured into the body of the Qin Dynasty, he must not bear it!

But because he was blank, there was a huge storage space for these forces, and there was room for improvement!

The power of this law column is continuously injected into the body of the Qin Dynasty.

This power is even stronger than the power of the Qin Dynasty!

The power of the law!

This is the power that can change the world!

The power of the gods in the Qin dynasty automatically condensed and tried to confront the power of this law.

But the power of this law is too great, and the only power of God in Qin Chao can't compete with it!

In the blink of an eye, the power of the gods in the Qin Dynasty fell apart and completely declared defeat.

The power of the law was washed in the body of the Qin Dynasty, constantly transforming the body of the Qin Dynasty and replacing his power.

Soon, the Qin Chao body exudes a faint white light.

The previous golden light, all faded.

Qin Chao feels like he is born again...

It feels... really uncommon...

The Qin Dynasty slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten everything and concentrated on "rebirth."

Because he also knows that only by mastering this power as soon as possible can he defeat Li Baishan...

"Hahaha... soon, it’s fast..."

Li Baishan controls the soul of Su Yao and constantly pulls the soul of the Su family sisters.

Two weak souls slowly emerged from the Su family sisters.

Li Baishan couldn't help but be excited and laughed.

"There will be another meeting, Anqing Beixi, you will be resurrected!"

"Mad... you crazy!"

Xi’s body floated in the air, feeling that the two struggling Su’s sisters’ souls continued to approach her, and they could not help but roar Li Baishan.

"You doll, do you want to resist?"

Li Baishan smiled coldly, and he reached out and took a shot at the body of Hee.

Suddenly, with a bang, Xie was directly removed from the air by the Her mask completely fell off.

A pair of pretty faces like the Su family sisters appeared in front of everyone!

"I didn't expect... she turned out to be the past life of the Su family sister..."

The flower girl squatted weakly on the ground, and saw this scene, could not help but smile.

"Oh... make people make people... God wants to get people..."

"The fate is unfair..."

Shen Qing trembled and reached out, trying to catch the sword that fell on his side. "We... why succumb to fate! I only believe... my sword..."

But she was destroyed by Li Baishan, and even her own sword could not be held.

The sword that comes from the usual hands is now as heavy as a pound.

Shen Qing kept trying, and the forehead was full of sweat, but he never gave up.

"It will be successful soon."

Li Baishan watched the two soul bodies have reached the top of Xi's head, and the excited eyes were widened.

"Immediately... I’m coming back soon...Anqing Beixi..."

Li Baishan said that he has increased his strength.

Five heavens and the earth squatted, releasing a force, impacting on two souls.

These two souls immediately fell into the body of Hee.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Li Baishan burst into laughter, "I! I finally succeeded!"

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!