MTL - My Cold and Beautiful Wife-Chapter 4055 Hualong

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That dark shadow was imprisoned in the body of the sword god! Ye Fan discovered that Severin, holding a black needle, was so small, like a grain of sand?

He is completely dark, like a small bacterial virus, but just such a pocket-sized creator can make all living beings feel pain! The sword intent erodes, but it doesn't seem to have a strong effect on Severin?

On the contrary, Severin released countless dense black needles, like countless black capillaries, distributed in a net shape, quickly spreading to the entire body of the sword god! "Sword God! Let you and I feel the same way!"

Severin gave a weird smile.

Immediately afterwards, a severe pain spread to Ye Fan's insides and outs, and even the soul! ?

Ye Fan gritted his teeth for a while, only then realized that Severin was suffering from the sword intent and passed it on to him through the body of the sword god! ?

As the master of pain, Severin himself will not suffer from pain, it can completely ignore it.

It is indeed not easy to gain an advantage against such a painless opponent.

However, as far as Ye Fan is concerned, he only needs to be able to determine the location of Severin, and it will be easy! The body of the sword **** withdrew instantly, and the pain also disappeared! Severin successfully escaped from the range of sword intent, but found that the surrounding time and space began to freeze! "The moment is eternal!"

In the realm of the Creator, Ye Fan is actually the Nine Tribulations Azure Dragon in a sense.

At this time, he can use the power of time again, which is truly handy! Only then did Severin realize that he had focused on Ye Fan's sword intent before, and he had forgotten that the opponent had the Azure Dragon skill! "The source of pain!"

Seeing that he was stuck in time, Severin wrapped himself in a cloud of purple-gray! Countless painful powers, turned into ugly nightmare monsters, linger around! Ye Fan swung it too early, and was about to swing a sword "Chen Hui", but found that something was wrong! He hurriedly closed his hand, frowning in the frozen time and space.

"Heh... Sword God, you are still keen."

Brid sneered and said: "You think I'm waiting for the gods, you can kill them if you say they kill them?"

"If you smash the source of the pain, Severin may not fall, but the entire Dragon Blood Tree tribe, countless people will die in pain!"

Hearing this, Nuolan, Singh, and many others from the Dragon Blood Tree tribe, their complexions changed drastically! This is the power of the Creator! One **** fell, ten thousand bones withered! Even if you die, countless people will be buried with you! "With one enemy three, let you survive, you should be content, and you want to kill us, don't be kidding!"

After Breed said, her eyes flashed with fuchsia evil light.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of Aslan people, regardless of age or sex, all knelt to the ground! ?

Except for Nolan and other Star Gods and gold-powered masters who can resist, everyone is directly controlled! ?

"did you see it?

If it were not for the kindness of the gods, these people would commit suicide now! "

"Everyone is kind, let this matter go, if the jade is burned, unfortunately... it may not be us."

Brid pointed to Neel, the **** of death waiting for an opportunity not far away.

"We, the **** of death, is very angry. It can take the lives of the Aslan people of the entire tribe at any time."

"Are you really sure, continue to fight?"

The atmosphere is suppressed to the extreme! Nolan and Singh looked at Ye Fan nervously.

Ye Fan's thought might kill countless people instantly! It may seem exaggerated, but it is normal. The mortal war will flow thousands of miles, let alone the battle of life and death of gods?

" will be fine if you come back... we will discuss the long-term plan..." Ye Qun regained a little energy at this time, and said weakly.

Ye Fan looked at the haggard old man.

"Uncle Qun, you have worked hard."

Ye Qun shook his head, but faintly uneasy.

Ye Fan's eyes grew deeper... "You said before that my plan was too risky. You were right. I was too impatient."

"But... Even so, I survived!"

"There are thousands of gods in this world. I have had enough! I have endured enough!"

He had a bumpy road and endured humiliation. Although he was in the name of the sword god, he was always forced to make life and death decisions.

For his family, in order to protect everything he loves most, he endured too much! Naturally, Ye Qun knew this well, and when he heard this, he already understood it.

The child who used to live in the shadow of Ye Wuya has gone through wind and rain and turned into a dragon! " have worked hard," Ye Qun sighed.

Ye Fan smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then his smile turned into a domineering and stern look! "From now on, even if it is a god, anyone who offends me... I will kill it!"

The temperament released by Ye Fan's whole body was suddenly several times fierce, like a divine front out of its sheath, a sharp blade shining out of the world! "Sword God! You really want to hurt both sides!?"

Brid was furious.

"Both lose?

Are you worthy too? "

Ye Fan outrageously released a sword intent like a wild and raging wave! "Unparalleled Sword Realm!"

The millions of flying swords that had been summoned turned into pure sword energy from a solid state and became a part of the entire space.

Together with them, they transformed into the sword intent space, as well as the countless solid and liquid sword intents released by Ye Fan! The black and gold sword intent is like a roaring giant wave, sweeping in all directions.

The sword intent is shattered into the void, wherever it passes, all things in time and space are evaded, and they are all controlled by the emperor's sword intent! The entire Dragon Blood Tree tribe was swallowed by this black and golden sword intent! From the original Emperor Dragon Sword Prison to the later Emperor Dragon Sword Tomb... After becoming the creator of the sword, Ye Fan finally raised this sword intent of "painting the ground as a prison" to a whole new level! With Wushuang sword intent to create the realm of emperor's sword intent, it is Wushuang Sword Realm! "This...what is this!?"

Both Brid and Nair felt something was wrong.

"Did you find that you are cut off from the outside world?"

Ye Fan asked without surprise.

Except for him, no one inside actually felt it.

The people in the Dragon Blood Tree tribe outside have awakened from mind control.

Wushuang's effect is to destroy all laws, unless these creators are strong enough to crush his emperor's sword intent.

Otherwise, their power would not be able to interfere with the outside world.

Obviously, these three evil gods who took precedence as their masters were not enough to contend against his emperor's sword intent directly! For the first time, there was panic on Brid's face.

The **** of death Neel condensed the power of death and waved a gloomy sickle of the **** of death, smashing it into the black and golden space, but did not open any gaps at all?

Ye Fan didn't bother to pay attention to the two gods at all, and once again aimed at the trembling purple-gray energy..."You haven't shown up yet...then don't come out."

In an instant, hundreds of millions of Senhan Flying Swords appeared in the Sword Realm! In the Wushuang Sword Realm, Ye Fan can create an infinite flying sword in a single thought! Now, he doesn't even need to keep any swords.

Because all swords are under his control! "No... don't... don't come over! You guys, save me..." Severin was hiding in the painful nuclear bomb he created, and could only cry.

But it is no longer useful to ask for help, countless flying swords rushed towards him! Severin's painful veins could not be used in the Wushuang Sword Realm, and he could no longer transfer the pain to Ye Fan.

Although it will not feel painful, it clearly feels that its soul is constantly being shattered by sword intent! "No! No!" The voice became weaker and weaker, and countless painful energies were vented frantically.

However, everything can only be trapped in this unparalleled sword realm, and nothing can be leaked to the outside world! After a while, Brid and the **** of death had unknowingly retreated to the edge of the sword realm..."" They still couldn't believe what they saw, the **** of pain...there was so powerless to resist. The earth is destroyed! ?

Ye Fan turned his head and walked under his feet, and he came to Brid in an instant! In the Sword Realm, he can move at will, because Ye Fan himself is already the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords, the incarnation of Ten Thousand Swords.

"now you."