MTL - My Dad Is the Galaxy’s Prince Charming-Chapter 177 Please re-do

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"What the **** is going on?!" Yao Si pushed open the four hands that pressed her chest and held back the urge to open the confirmation. Looking at the reactions of these four people, it seems that the opposite person said that he exchanged his body with the cockroach.

"Do you know?" She saw her eyes rolled over. "When I woke up, it was like this."

"How do you get it back?" Yao Si felt that the whole person was not good. She never thought that she would become a man, and she would still be a dog.

The four of them were silent, and obviously no one has experience with this kind of thing.

“Sisi.” Xuan Xuan frowned and asked, “You told me what happened at the time? Don’t miss any details.”

"What can happen? We were attacked by the force field around the last sign. We must use the firepower to forcibly break through. The result was swallowed up by the force field and bounced back. I am in a hurry..." Stopped in half, suddenly thought of a possibility, fierce eyes wide open, "My ability!"

Lying in the trough, the current situation, will not be caused by her potholes?

When she used her powers, she used fire powers, so she took it for granted that even if it was a reverse power, it should be a water system. But I forgot that it is a whole system, which means that she should be completely unresponsive.

That became what it is now... Is it because the original power was not generated by 蔺珑, but because of that special force field?

Because it is a reincarnation space, and the ability to rebel with the reincarnation is... reincarnation! ! What kind of person is it? !

By! Do not bring this kind of rhyme!


Before I think of myself fainting, it is clear that there is a fire dragon in front of me, but it has become a fireball in the blink of an eye. When I faced the fireball, it should be only 蔺珑, that is, they were already interchanged at that time.

This... is really caused by her ability!

Yan Xuan apparently thought of this problem, and turned to look at him and ask, "Do you have any power now?"

"What?" He took a step back cautiously. "You still want to fight? I tell you, don't think that I will be afraid of you!"

"That is there." Xuan Xuan did not care for him, and continued to look at the people around him, "Sisi?"

Yao Si knew what he meant. He felt a little. Although he changed his body, his body was still empty. He could not feel any power, and then he shook his head.

This is a sigh of relief. It seems that the two abilities have changed with consciousness, that is to say, 蔺珑 is still full, and Yao Si is still the reverse abilities. Since the abilities haven't changed, it's because the abilities have become like this before. If you go back to the same place and use the abilities again, maybe they can switch back.

"Where is the last signing point for you to go to the first place?"

Bai opened a light-brain map and pointed to the position of the lower right corner of the star. "Your Majesty, this is the point."

"Go, go to the power star again." He stepped forward and walked out.

"Why do you want to go back?" 蔺珑 蔺珑 , , , “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 喂

Xuan Xuan has already stared at him out of the door. He just turned to the door and turned to her and called her, "Sisi."

Yao Si stunned, and this went out. Seeing the scene where ‘self’ was taken out by Xuan Xuan’s eyes, I always felt strange. However, the meaning of Xuan Xuan is very obvious. Although her ability is awkward, she never goes offline. It may be possible to change it again.

Since the check-in point could not use space transfer, they planned to take the spacecraft back to the check-in point. Fortunately, they are on a space station not far from the star, not far from signing.

Xuan Xuan with a look of reluctance to squat all the way, holding her in one hand, looking serious, a cold face through the space station's promenade, towards the location of the spacecraft.

Originally it was a normal scene, but due to the exchange of the body, the picture did not come from a sense of violation. Wherever they went, all the staff members subconsciously looked over here. For a time, the entire space station revealed a strange atmosphere, and various voices of doubt were heard from the ears.

"What's wrong with your majesty? Is it quarreling?"

"Don't you see that your Highness is being shackled? So pitiful... Is Your Highness a cub?"

"I heard that this time my Highness was injured in the adult test, and my Majesty will not be angry because she didn't pass it?"

"Isn't my baby going to raise a baby? After all, for so many years... Do you understand?"

"It is possible! Whoever has a young adult can't try three or four times, and that is the first time that His Highness has failed."

"Hey, have you heard the rumors that flowed out from the Presbyterians? When I first woke up, I heard that my Highness was a five-generation blood family, and I immediately recognized my son. I heard that there is something in the middle!"

"Your Majesty is now making such a big fire. Do you say that your Highness will not really be..."

"Ten tenth... Your Highness is poor!"

"His Royal Highness +1"

Xuan Xuan: "..."

蔺珑: "..."

Yao Si: "..."

"Rely! Why are these people looking at me like this?" He was looked at the hair by the pitiful eyes around him, and even the mother-in-law stopped. He subconsciously wiped the goose bumps on his body and turned to look at Xuan Xuan. "When did you wake up to the end?"

Yan Xuan’s face was black, “Shut up!” Speeding up and walking towards the spaceship. Finally, I knew that he thought that he wanted to be crazy, and that the rumors of acknowledging the son of the five generations came from? The elders are too comfortable, it seems to be loose bones!

"Hey, you slow down!" He was dragged by him. The street that had just stopped was immediately awakened. "The trough! I am now short legs. Why are you going so fast? Don't think that I am afraid of you." There is a kind of work with Laozi, you %...&#@"

He opened his mouth and pulled out a string of three-character scriptures, without the gasp. Yao Si heard a black line, couldn't help but step forward, grabbed his mouth, and let you go down, the image of the mother was completely destroyed!

The three people were so hard. They walked to the spaceship in the strange eyes of the entire space station. Just about to board the plane, suddenly the ground shook and the space in front was instantly distorted. The spaceship that was originally in front of us suddenly disappeared as if it had been swallowed.

A huge white lotus-shaped spaceship suddenly appeared in front of the space station. It was very huge, and it was about to catch up with the entire space station. The pure white color looked... especially familiar?

This is... the flower of the tree king!


Yao Si still did not respond, but saw the ground like cracks, the inch split, she did not stand still, with the next Xuan Xuan, directly fell off.

"Sisi!" Xuan Xuan anxious, directly raises his hand, suddenly a transparent bubble floated over her, and she will wrap her in.

Suddenly a familiar voice came from the ear, with a full sense of excitement: "Sisi, I finally found you!" A huge illusion appeared in the front, glamorous, not the object, behind the two butterfly-like wings Expand, across the entire field of vision.

"Love Yu!"

"Dear, this time I won't let anyone take you away." Her voice fell, she didn't know where to shoot a lotus-like light, and even crossed the transparent bubble of Xuan Xuan, at a very fast speed. This is floating over here.


... wrapped around the beggar next to her, instantly disappeared in front of me!

Yao Si: "..."

Xuan Xuan: "..."

Aggressive onlookers: "..."

The next moment, whether it is the flower of Wang Shu, or the shadow of the love feathers, is gone, leaving only the space station that has been ruined by half, and the blood races with various lying guns floating in the space.

The ear is still echoing the words of love feathers as if they were sworn, the source is long...

"We are true"

Love your mom!


掀 table!

Return the aging mother's body!