MTL - My Disciple Died Yet Again-v3 Chapter 328 I am literate

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The law was filled with three large glasses of water before he stopped and he took a sigh of relief. When Zhu Yao thought he was going to continue to groan, he suddenly turned his head and looked at her with the expression of this slag. He said coldly, "Three days later, the garbage will succeed in the position of the head."

"Ah?" What garbage? The topic turned too fast, let her buffer first.

"I don't know what method the garbage used. It actually awakened the spirit to lead the beast." Faye looked cold and cold.

Originally, the garbage refers to the female lord. I wish you a sigh of relief from the corner of your mouth, and humbly ask, "What is the spirit of the beast?"

Wicked? I have never heard of such a monster.

"The spirit of the beast is the guardian sacred beast of the Spirit of Heaven." Faye gave her an idiot's look. "Be born and nineth-order. After full adulthood, you can progress to the tenth order. As long as you are robbed by the thunder, you can fly." Spiritual beasts can only be awake at the head of each spiritual temple, and they are only willing to contract with the head."

"Is the spirit of heaven not calling the spirit to lead the beast?" Zhu Yao asked.

"How is it possible!" The law glanced at her. "Every day is the real head of the spiritual heaven. It is only the spirit of the beast born in the heavenly cave. It takes a hundred years to break through the shell. When it was in the Temple of Heaven every day. The beast is still an egg! At the time of birth, of course, it cannot be forcibly awakened. God knows what method the garbage uses, and urges the spirit to lead the beast in advance."

Is this the case? I wish that the distance will not doubt the identity of Lingtian, or the world will not collapse after the death of the plot. What she is worried about is what the woman is doing?

"My family is the head of the Lingtian Temple every day, the real daughter of the destiny. That garbage is a bird!" Fayen looked at it for granted, as if he had thought of any wonderful memories, complained of broken thoughts, "I want to be home every day." When I came to Lingtian Temple on the first day, I knew that she was the best in the world. How can other **** compare with her? Is it too dirty for her to put shoes on her shoes? What is the head of Lingtian Temple? She deserves the best in the world, otherwise I don’t have to worry about it. If I am repaired, I will grow up with her. If it is not to block the mouth of the old guy, I can deserve her, I Need to leave her, come to Qiongyu to send this ghost place as a head? I just want to protect her every day. Keep her. Look at her..."

I wish to turn my head silently, she seems to know something that is incredible.

He complained halfway, and turned his head to look at the side of Zhu Yao. It was like thinking that she was next to her, and her face was lying.

"You..." He glanced at her, murderous and warned. "Don't tell me every day, or I will make you look good!"

"Good president. No problem, the president, I will not say if I kill it!" Zhu Yao immediately made a vow, I will not let you secretly frustrate the darkness of the world, and planned a whole loli development plan Things. Tell the sister, "But...".

"What?" He is more murderous.

"Then...the heavenly girl seems to have heard our words all the time!"


The commander of the law of the tyrants. Suddenly the whole portrait was as red as the blasted tomatoes. next moment. Suddenly, like a deserter, he rushed out of the door, like a ghost behind him. He accidentally caught the threshold and slammed it, but he immediately climbed up and ran away.

"..." Say good, let me look good?

a long time……

Lingtian: "Small 禹 is so cute..."

Zhu Yao: "..."

Hello, where do you see cute? Does she only see metamorphosis? In order to play Loli, what is it that I have become a child? Don't be too heavy, okay?

It's no wonder that Lingtian is just a foundation, but the law is already a Yuan Ying, and this is a role-playing role.


Since the law knows everything he said to Zhu Yao, Ling Tianmei has been watching the whole process. He is not good for the whole person, and he does not know what is wrong. I haven’t appeared for two days. I wish that the shell of the front door of the Lingtian Temple is not easy to walk around, and I can only stay in the previous room to avoid being discovered.

On the third day, Fa Ling appeared in a sly face, but compared to seeing her before, she despised her expression in the dust. This returned to normal and a lot of peace... No, it was especially.

"Every day..." He glanced at her and looked sullen and nervous. "Have you ever been angry with me?"

"Sorry, I am Ma Liang!" Zhu Yao raised his hand.

His face was stiff, and immediately opened a tender, watery smile. His eyes seemed to be like flowers. "Ma girl, I am sorry, I have a wrong attitude in the past few days. I apologize to you."

Hey, is this sun coming out to the west? This poison tongue is abnormal, so it is so fast? Also, what kind of ghost is the horse girl?

"You are here to help, and it is our benefactor. I should thank you for it." He looked sincere and suddenly took a bottle from his arms and handed it to her. "Before I started, I didn't know how to measure it. Did you hurt the girl, this healing medicine is offered, and the mind is filled."

I wished that the corner of the mouth would be drawn, staring at the bottle she had handed over, but did not reach for it.

"You are sure this is a healing holy medicine."

He smiled purely. "Of course, this is the best healing medicine for my Qiongyu."

"Why is there a word on the bottle that is attached to the soul soup?" You fall when I see it!

The law smiles and accepts, "cut." Forgot to tear!

In an instant, I returned to the previous shackles, and the face became the same as the book.

"..." By the way, this guy is absolutely deliberate, and what he is embarrassed is to let her leave the body of Lingtianmei.

When I saw it, I was not seen, and I was not interested in pretending it. "Hey, put this on!" Yang put a hand at her.

I wished that I could catch it and found that it was a bracelet. The chain had a lot of methods on it, and the aura was compelling. It was a seven-order instrument. As she took it, there was a circle of light that swept across her body.

"This instrument can hide your appearance." Faye explained with impatience, "The gods of the gods may not be seen."

Zhu Yaoyang handed out a water mirror, and sure enough, her appearance changed, and the five views tend to be ordinary, which belongs to the kind that can not be recognized by throwing into the heap.

"You give me this?" The law will not give her this stuff for no reason.

"Tomorrow, the **** will call the various factions to come to observe the ceremony, officially become the head of the Lingtian Temple." Fa Yi gave her a blank look and looked disgusted. It’s just a lot better than before. Before he looked at her eyes, it’s always: your disgusting slag. Look at her now, always ask with your eyes first, Lingtian is not watching, and then switch to: you slag.

The same is slag, but as for not disgusting. Well, she is a very contented person.

"Although Qi Qi has compiled an excuse for twins, the old man of the Lingtian Temple is not a fool. It is impossible to not know at all. Although the garbage awakens the spirit of the beast, it does not necessarily make it recognize the Lord. If you want to take back the palm. The position of the door is only now."

"You want to let the spirit go back and accept the spirit to lead the beast to prove her identity."


This is indeed an opportunity. Now Fan Yanshan thinks that Lingtian is already dead. I don’t think I will prevent it, and I can’t guess it. She will come back so boldly. just……

"If you do this, it is like tearing your face with Fan Yishan. You know that she is the first fairy door who is born in the door, and there are many people behind her. The Lingtian Temple is only part of her power. If she comes back, Dealing with Qiongyupai..."

"After the future, I will say later, I can't let her filthy every day!" Fruen frowned and looked angry. "If she is today, she really became the head of the Lingtian Temple, and there is no place in the future." ""

Zhu Yao did not persuade, but it is even more difficult to prevent hiding. It is not as good as a bright face. At least in the near future, Fan Yanshan does not dare to do it directly.


Early the next morning, Faye took a large number of disciples to go to Lingtian Temple. She deliberately selected some of the disciples from all the disciples. Zhu Yao was mixed among the founding disciples. There were more than 30 people, and it seemed to give the face of Lingtian Temple.

When I arrived at Lingtian Temple, I was greeted by Qi Qi. I hoped that this is the first time I saw the male No. No. Cao Qi. I have to say that he has a good deputy appearance. The appearance of the deputy gentleman, the ceremonial number of leading the law into the inner hall.

I don’t have enough identity, I can only follow a bunch of other disciples and stay outside the hall. This is the time to look at the Spiritual Temple. The Lingtian Temple is similar to other Xianmen. It is composed of several floating peaks. The floating peak she lives in is the main peak of the main hall, but not the largest one. Not far away, there is a larger floating peak than the main hall, but it is opposite to the temple of the temple, and the opposite peak is a lush green, and there is no smoke. She is faintly surprised. It is said that the aura is more intense. Why is the main hall not built there, but built in the present spiritual peak?

This question flashed past, she did not go deep into it, could not help but look up at the sky and a misty place. There is a shadow of the pavilion in the vagueness. It is the Dongfu of the head of the Lingtian Temple. The most aura is the place where she woke up.

"The rogue door is a secluded person!" With a pass to the public I saw a person flying in the distance, the whole body of Huaguang is full, a blue shirt, long body, standing on the end The temperament.

I wish you a moment to draw a corner of the mouth, this man's appearance also comes with light and shadow effects, it seems that this is the male No. 1, the master of the female master. It’s shocking to be shocked. If it’s not half the light, it’s like being blocked by half.

Hey, wait! What light is that?

When I want to look at it carefully, the light on the savior has disappeared. Is the illusion of the sun too big?

When she came back to God, the man had already landed, and the people from all walks of the temple who came to participate in the successor ceremony greeted them and said hello to the savior. (To be continued)

Ps: Thanks to my loved ones, Nangong Cheng’s and the wall of the wall, and more.

Today, I was originally asked to take a sick leave at home. As a result, I was rewarded and climbed up to add more code. The third is already the limit. I am going to meet.

Ps: The only friends of the paper and the wall of the wall, I will make up tomorrow.