MTL - My Extraordinary Achievement-Chapter 16 Live broadcaster

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No matter which boy does not want to hear the girl say that he is fast, even if Meng Fan knows that Wu Tong said it is not the same thing as he thinks.

Meng Fan coughed: "Practice can make perfect."

Although Wu Tong is not learning animation, but after all, he is learning to paint. Meng Fan’s speed is obviously beyond the scope of familiarity. He thought that this fat man has quite a lot of secrets, but he did not continue to ask questions, but suddenly I thought of a point and said, "If you use this speed to broadcast live, you should be able to attract a lot of people to see."

Because of his live broadcast, after seeing the speed of Meng Fan’s painting, Wu Tong first thought of things related to the live broadcast.

Wu Tong’s slogan, but for Meng Fan, ....

"Drip! Trigger achievement task [live broadcaster]."

“The mission requires viewing 100 million live broadcasts.”

"Task completed to get the [live broadcaster] achievement title (Charm +10)"

Meng Fan looked awkward.

The achievement task is naturally triggered as much as possible, and what surprised him was actually triggered by others.

He thought that the achievement of the task was to be triggered by oneself to do something, this time it was triggered by Wu Tong's suggestion.

its not right!

Last time, Qin Hao did not trigger when he gave the illustration to himself.

It stands to reason that Qin Hao let himself draw an illustration and Wu Tong proposed to let himself live is a nature.

Then why is it different?

Is it because the live broadcast and the illustrator are different in themselves, or because Wu Tong himself has a live broadcast to suggest this, it will be triggered, or because... Wu Tong is a special person?

Just a coincidence?

Combined with the triggering of the previous tasks, it is triggered after the completion of the first process, such as [a good person]; there is a certain degree of completion, such as [Shenzhen Taibao] and [Illustrator], [Quanzi Boy]; and this Once, others gave it up with a mention.

What is the trigger condition? Meng Fan can't understand it.

"The live broadcast is more and more convenient, and there are more and more people watching the live broadcast. This is a good thing for us art students. Live broadcasts earn some material fees and living expenses, which is much easier and more convenient than going out for part-time jobs. A lot. If you can't influence your studies, that's the best, otherwise you will put the cart before the horse."

Wu Tong returned the manuscript to Meng Fan and smiled. "You are so fast, it is suitable for live broadcast."

"Yes? I don't know anything. Can you talk to me? It seems that the time is late, or else, I invite you to dinner. Do you teach me some experience?"

Meng Fan seized the opportunity to send an invitation, Wu Tong slightly thought about it, and smiled.


"You died and said that you don't understand the live broadcast, she actually believes?"

When I was having dinner around Zhang, I happened to see Meng Fan and a girl eating together. I also said that there was a laugh, and I was shocked by the heavens. This kid can actually eat for girls. It’s even more shocking to sneak a closer look. Meng Fan didn't know Wu Tong, but he recognized it at a glance, the famous beautiful Chinese painting girl!

After Meng Fan and Wu Tong separated, Zhang caught him for the first time around, and after asking about things, he looked blank.

"This won't be her intentional? It's not right, how can you have such a charm!"

"No wonder you have been running so hard recently, crazy, it turned out to be motivated!"


Meng Fan didn't take care of the hustle around Zhang, and all the thoughts in the mind were about live broadcasts.

[Live Master] The specific details of the mission have been read. The process is divided into five. In turn, the number of people to watch is 10,000, 100,000, 1 million, 10 million, 100 million. The reward is 1, 10, 100. , 1000, 10000, plus each process has an additional bonus of +1.

If you have done it, you can add 15 points to your charm.

For the attribute of charm, Meng Fan is still very eager, which is related to one of his original intentions of rebirth, that is, to fall in love.

Running to lose weight is also for this.

I haven’t talked about Meng Fan’s love so far, this is a stubborn!

Since the task has already been triggered, it is natural to do it. If you can complete the final horrible 100 million views, let's talk about it.

If you have a 10,000 person, you can add 1 point of charm.

What's more, the live broadcast can also be done with the [illustrator], which does not matter.

In addition, at the bottom of the five processes, there is also a column of convertible equipment - live aids.

According to the introduction, this is a black technology that combines the functions of a series of live broadcast equipment such as camera, microphone, sound card, earphone, computer/mobile phone, and lighting.

The most interesting thing is that this thing can track Meng Fan anytime and anywhere, or shoot according to the angle that Meng Fan needs. To put it simply, this function is equivalent to adding a professional intelligent photographer.

Can also be invisible anytime, anywhere!

Black technology is really black technology, it is a little expensive, it needs 1000 achievement points to redeem.

Meng Fan wants to broadcast live. At present, it can only be done with a mobile phone.

For the live broadcast, Meng Fan is quite familiar. Usually, the time spent on live broadcast is also quite a lot. The most frequent trip is undoubtedly the 8th station of the second yuan concentration camp.

The 8-station live broadcast is mainly based on games and various secondary-related talents. Although it is impossible for Meng Fan to look like this through "meng", it is still feasible to show no face.

In the choice of live broadcast platform, Meng Fan almost no choice but to hesitate to choose 8 stations, one is familiar, the second is the talent audience, the third is the 8-stop live traffic in recent years, and the fourth is suitable for mobile live broadcast.

Log in, the account has been used for a long time has been real-name certification, directly click "I want to live" according to the prompt to complete the application for the live broadcast.

Waiting for review Generally speaking, the review is completed within 48 hours.

It may also be the reason why Meng Fan’s account has been used for a long time. He returned to the dormitory to change clothes and ran for an hour. After returning to the shower, he saw the information passed.

"I went to the studio."

Can not wait to go out of the bedroom.

There were not many studios in the evening, and the position during the day was still empty. Meng Fan walked over and sat down, set things up, spent a lot of time debugging the picture of the mobile phone and shooting angles.

Meng Fan changed the original user name to become "Meng fat opened up", select the painting partition, set the title of today's live room called "[illustration] broadcast the first day."

Start broadcasting.

Looked at the picture, still.

Click on the "Share" button on the title of the live room and send it to a dozen groups. These groups are the "connected people" of Meng Fan who have mixed 8 stations over the years, and are the administrators of several groups.

"The first day of live broadcast, did you come to support the field?"

After sending it back to the live page, I saw several familiar account names.

"Meng Fatzi actually started the live broadcast! Sahua!"

"Illustration? Meng fat, are you really an art student?"

"Ha ha ha strongly urges Meng fat to show his face!"

- Little bee licks a pop star 100 combo.

- I don't want to give a towel 50 combo.

- Aunt who paid the annual fee to feed the spicy strip *100.

- Come on, come and feed the hot bar *200.


Meng Fan has not opened the painting. As the follow-up netizens come in, the screen is occupied by various gifts.

In reality, Meng Fan does not have much communicative ability, but there are still many friends on the Internet.