MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 135 2 sons

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My Girlfriend and I Crossed the Chapter 135 Second Young Master

On the eleventh day of the tenth lunar month, Luo Jing, riding a thin horse, arrived at the last barrier to enter the Central Plains, the Xiongguan Longmen Pass in the northwest.

Since the Jiamen Pass on the border of the Great Moon Kingdom, there is only one way.

This official road travels through the barren Longmen Mountains in Qi District, passing through Tiandiguan, Longmenguan, and finally out of Longmenguan to set foot in the Central Plains.

The three major passes in the northwest, Jiamen Pass was controlled by the Dayue Kingdom, while Tiandi Pass and Longmen Pass were under the control of the Central Plains court.

However, the Longmen Mountain between the three major gates stretches for thousands of miles, and the large and small villages and towns scattered in the mountains are in a kind of zone of no concern.

The God Dynasty believed that these people were all outlaws and were not under their jurisdiction.

Da Yueguo believed that these were all from the Central Plains and had nothing to do with them in the Western Regions.

There are many bandits in the mountains of Longmen, and horse bandits often appear on official roads.

And the Dayueguo garrison in Jiamenguan has always been too lazy to care about these Central Plains people in the mountains, as long as they don't come to Jiamenguan to disturb them.

The imperial troops stationed at Tiandiguan and Longmenguan would occasionally go to the mountains to sweep the caves, destroy the horse bandit castles, and return with the heads to receive rewards.

It's just that the more the court suppressed the bandits, the more horse bandits there were.

During the two hundred years of confrontation between the Central Plains and the Western Regions, the horse bandits in Longmen Mountain were almost famous in the northwest.

Many terrifying rumors circulated among the merchants who traveled from south to north.

However, these horse bandits did not rob Luo Jing.

Luo Jing, who rode a thin horse on the official road alone, didn't look like he had any oil or water.

The large-scale horse bandits are all robbing caravans, so it is impossible to see a loner like Luo Jing.

Occasionally, there are small thieves who cut the path in the mountains to block them, and they can only be turned into food for refining the Demon Blood Sword.

The Demon Blood Sword was slashed away with a single sword, not even a drop of blood was left behind. The little bandits who tried to pick up the soft persimmons were all sucked up by the blood refining sword, leaving no bones.

Luo Jing walked silently on the official road like this, crossing the Longmen Mountains with the footsteps of mortals.

When he arrived at Longmen Pass in a turbulent manner, the soldiers guarding the pass were slightly surprised after seeing his guide.

"Three years ago?"

The soldiers looked at Luo Jing up and down. At this time, Luo Jing was in the dust and riding a thin old horse. Obviously, he had paid all his capital outside the customs.

This is often the case. Although there is a chance to get rich overnight, there are more people who lose all their capital.

The soldier smiled and returned Lu Yin to Luo Jing, saying, "It's just as long as the person is still alive... the next one."

Longmenguan guards the northwest, and there are countless businessmen who come and go every day. Even if these soldiers pay for cards, they don't bother to embarrass a lonely person like Luo Jing.

Luo Jing was easily put into the pass without attracting anyone's attention.

The cultivator on duty at the gate didn't even look at Luo Jing.

Checking the magic weapon of the magic cultivator, naturally there was no alarm.

The moment Luo Jing walked out of the Longmen Pass, he let out a long breath in his heart.

After passing through the Longmen Pass, there will be basically no more stringent inspection levels on the road ahead.

For him who is a magician, it is excellent news.

Along the way, he found that the atmosphere of the Central Plains court was better than expected.

Even these soldiers guarding the gates are mostly friendly, and they don't say bad words.

The Central Plains ruled by the Queen is generally considered to be rich, and people are not as alienated as in the Western Regions.

Although in recent years, the queen in her later years has become more and more faint, and the court is a mess. But the calamity of those big men has not spread to the people for the time being.

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As long as Luo Jing does not reveal his identity as a magician, living in the Central Plains seems to be a very good choice.

Luo Jing, who was riding a thin horse, quickly walked out of the Longmen Pass. He did not stop in the pass, but continued to go south.

Under the night, Luo Jing rode a thin horse silently.

In the second half of the night, Yuehua was cold, and the official road seemed to be covered with a layer of silver-white frost and snow. Coupled with the bleak and cold night wind, it had a bit of chilling meaning.

Luo Jing noticed a carriage not far behind him.

There was only one bearer in the carriage, and the lights were always on in the carriage, which was extremely conspicuous in the dark night.

The thin horse that Luo Jing was riding couldn't run fast, and the carriage didn't seem to be in a hurry, so the two sides kept a delicate distance.

Luo Jing was slightly suspicious.

What is this... to follow him?

What can I follow him for?

Judging from the carriage of the carriage, this should be a rich boy, right? The kind that is either rich or expensive.

Could it be that when he came out of Longmen Pass, he caught the attention of a big man in the Central Plains?

But if the other party saw his identity as a demon cultivator, why didn't he do it directly, but always chose to follow behind?

Luo Jing was a little nervous.

This is the Central Plains, and a demon cultivator like him is like a mouse in the gutter, and cannot be seen.

During the time he was walking on the official road while riding a thin horse, Luo Jing had already seen three different night wandering gods patrolling the official road after nightfall.

The imperial court in the Central Plains was full of military virtues, and the city emperor, land, mountains, water, and gods all obeyed the orders of the imperial court.

Although these night wandering gods do not manifest themselves in front of people, once they find a demon or a monster, they will immediately report to the night wandering division, and then there will be a high-level person to kill.

Luo Jing felt uneasy, not knowing what happened to the carriage that followed. UU reading www.

Did the other party see his identity as a magician?

Maybe the other party was just guessing and wasn't sure that Luo Jing was a demon cultivator, so he just followed and didn't make a move?

Luo Jing thought about such a possibility and did not act rashly.

In the Central Plains, he is a black householder, and he has not yet been named in the Yexingsi. If possible, he hopes that he can always be a little transparent.

At least no one from the Night Travel Division has appeared to encircle and suppress him. Even if the carriage behind him is really following him, his identity should not be confirmed.

It's enough for Luo Jing to continue to pretend to be an ordinary person...

Thinking like this, Luo Jing rode on the thin horse without stopping, and continued to walk on the moonlight.

Inside the stable carriage, the young man with a slightly pale face held a book and read the text in it with interest.

Occasionally he would stop, close his eyes and think, completely immersed in the world of the book.

Obviously, the road on the official road is not smooth, but this carriage seems to have some kind of special power. Even if the wheels pass through some potholes, the vibration of the body will not be transmitted to the carriage.

The night pearl hanging on the roof exudes a bright light, replacing the oil lamp to illuminate everything in the car.

The inside of the carriage, which looked small from the outside, was as vast as a small study with a row of bookshelves.

At a certain moment, a figure appeared silently in the corner of the carriage.

The figure saluted respectfully: "Second Young Master, there is a person in front of us who has been following us since he came out of Longmen Pass... Do you need to go down and test his authenticity?"+ bookmark+