MTL - My Girlfriend Is Really a Superstar-v2 Chapter 1181 Opening ceremony

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The crowd just nodded slightly, this is also a face, and if you don't give face, nodding will not point.

"Okay! Then go to the clothes." After he finished Shangguan Yuxi, he left.

Tang baby patted the clothes on the body, and originally wanted to play in this way, how handsome, actually have to change clothes, really do not force.

It’s not just that Tang’s baby thinks so. Those who want to dress up are like this. They have to fight uniforms and fight uniforms. I don’t know what the official is thinking.

When you see the so-called war suits, when you are ugly to the sky, everyone is not willing.

You let us a group of abilities in school uniforms go out to hang out? impossible! Certainly impossible!

"This kind of clothes, I will not wear!" Chen Dahu directly tore the clothes in his hand.

As Chen Dahu tears it up, other abilities have begun. If it is a grand suit, it can be said, but such clothes are just a joke.

The situation on the scene quickly spread to Shangguan Yuxi's ear, his face was not very good looking.

Yang Yao seems to know this too, and immediately find Shangguan Yuxi, after all, this matter is responsible for Shangguan Yuxi.

"what happened!"

"I don't know, I don't know, Yang team." Shangguan Yuxi actually thought, let these abilities seem to be so ferocious, to be more approachable, so they came up with such a set of clothes, but ignored A little, others will not wear it at all.

If it is a person, but it is not a person to do things, everyone is taking the lead in doing things, can not stop.

"Forget it! Don't take care of it, you can't have an accident now, you know!"

"Yes, I know the Yang team." Shangguan Yu said apologetically. He hung up the phone and smashed his forehead. He really failed. As a newcomer, it is not easy to have such a task. Ok, it’s been good all the time, and now it’s a mistake.

At this time, Tang baby looked at everyone not wearing it, then he still wore a fart, we are not going to participate in morning exercises, it is really no face to pass out, this is what Shangguan Yuxi thinks, too rash.

At this time, the whole stadium was sitting with black pressure, the scene was extremely spectacular, how to say that there are 890,000 people, each person has a excited color on his face, but today can sit here, in addition to the lucky one to grab the ticket Others are bosses, rich people...

It’s really exciting to appreciate the powers in the audience. I don’t know if there will be any exaggerated fights, but don’t look like boxing. If that’s the case, I’ll have to refund the ticket.

In the audience, of course, there are a few people in Pingluo Ling, of course, the children are indispensable.

"When did Dad appear?" Mu Yaoer asked curiously. Today is to see Dad. When Dad is playing, he must shout loudly and his father is handsome.

However, if Mu Kexin is sitting here, he must be jealous again. Why don't you ask your mother when to play, full of only his father.

Ji Xia night said softly: "Yao, your father still has to play, but mom wants to play?"

"Yeah, I forgot my mother." Muyao slaps his head.

Everyone: "······"

Fortunately, Mu Kexin is not there, or I will definitely cry in the toilet. It is a rumor.

"But a lot of people, the first time I saw so many people." Xiao Lingling said with exclamation, after all, seeing such a scene for the first time, children should look more.

"Yeah, there are more people than the National Day." Xiao Yiqing also said.

Ji baby sat next to him and said nothing, even with vigilance to observe the surroundings, it is simply the guardian of the mother and sister.

In the words of Ji Jibao, Dad is not there. My baby is the only man in the family. I want to protect everyone.

"I don't know if the uncle will make a joke." Gong Shishi whispered, but worried that the uncle would come in chaos, every time the uncle was drunk, he began to mess.

"Dad will not." Little Lingling is a little fan of Dad, and I am not happy.

Gong Shi Shi pinched the face of Xiao Lingling: "Hmm, I am wrong, Dad is the most handsome."

Xiao Lingling smiled instantly: "That is of course, Dad is of course the most handsome~"

Ping Luoling shook his head helplessly, and the baby's position in the hearts of the children was still very high.

But a little worried, my husband can not mess around, after all, this is a serious occasion.

However, the baby of Tang has come in chaos, and it is very chaotic. Just put a fart and almost stun everyone.

In the crowd, maybe the sisters did not find, the master is also present, in addition to the one, there is a man sitting around...

This man is Huang Quan, the mutant who interrupted Zhou Xiaoming.

"Today is a good day." Huang Quan held a large popcorn in his hand, stuffing it from time to time, with a charming smile on his face.

Sitting next to it seems to be a bit cautious and doesn't know what to think about.

"Huang Quan, when can I meet a virtual person?"

"That's a look, the abilities of your abilities, good performance, you can naturally see the virtual people, the imaginary people have a lot of things, you know."

"That is, a character like a virtual adult, I think I have to deal with a lot of things in one day."

Huang Quan’s mind couldn’t help but think of it. Yes, these days, basically, they are double-rowed with that woman. It’s really busy.

"Know it, you have arranged everything."

"I can rest assured that I will arrange it properly."

"Not bad, this is the character that the virtual adult needs, has the mind, and has strength."

"It's all for the virtual adult one with a good tone and laughed.

Huang Quan nodded and continued to eat popcorn, picking up the ice at the hand and taking a breath, so cool... This is the feeling.

At this time, Wang Xinsi also sat in the crowd, sitting next to Wang Xinsi, a man with a smile.

Of course, it is the seniors of my sisters, Yunxiao··· This man with a murderous smile.

"Wang, how do you feel in the last few days?" Yun Yun curiously asked, a pair of eyes because of a smile, confused into a seam .... people feel not very good.

Wang Xinsi touched the pillar on his wrist: "The beads you gave are really amazing. The doctor said that the cancer cells in my body have temporarily stopped spreading."

"That's natural. After waiting for things, it will definitely help you clear the cancer cells. These are small things. As long as we keep working together, there will be more benefits in the future." Yunxiao said softly, which made Wang Xinsi feel a little bit moving. ··