MTL - My Husband With Scholar Syndrome-Chapter 48 Have long liked him

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The surprise that Shirakawa made to his wife also caused a lot of turbulence to the Yifeng Group. Among them, the most blame is to get Shirakawa's assault idea to fight for two more weeks of debugging time.

The next morning, Astro Boy honestly pleaded guilty to the crime outside Bai's office.

"General manager, it's all my fault. It was my idea for the second young man to let him pick up the second young lady off work." Astong did not make excuses for himself and came straight to admit his mistake.

"And me, if I didn't leave the front desk at that time, I could see the second child go out, and then I could contact the driver to pick up the second child." Xiao Li at the front desk also blamed herself. One of Xiaoli's tasks is to notify the security guards and drivers downstairs when Shirakawa is about to leave the company to ensure that Shirakawa can get on the car arranged by the company smoothly. But unfortunately, she left for a while and went to the tea room to pour a glass of juice.

In order to ensure the safety of Shirakawa at the company, Shirahama set several levels, but after all, leaks still appeared. People in the R & D department thought that the front desk could be seen when Shirakawa went out, but the front desk happened to leave at this time. People in the security department thought that Shirakawa would only leave the office when he was commuting, so no one kept staring at Shirakawa. The driver was not notified by phone, so he was on standby in the office.

A series of coincidences caused yesterday's incident, but in the final analysis, they did not make any big mistakes, and they could not even give people time to go to the tea room to pour a cup of coffee.

"Forget it, don't make this mistake again in the future." Bai Yan did not intend to pursue it.

"Thank you, the general manager. We promise that we won't." The two did not expect the general manager to forgive them so easily, and their faces were unbelievable.

"Come on." Bai Yan opened the documents at hand and was ready to work.

"Yes." The two turned and left, but Astro Boy was suddenly shouted by Bai Ye.

"Tongmu, you stay."

"General Manager." Astro Boy had to tremble and walked back, did it really not easy to let go of my culprit?

"People in the planning department said that you would delay the game's release by two weeks?" Bai Yan asked.

"No, no, I will go back to work overtime, even if I do n’t sleep, I will debug the server as scheduled." Aston, who dared to mention the extension, because of this extension, he almost got the second less. lost.

"If you don't sleep, it's easy to die suddenly. Although Yifeng is not short of money, we don't want to pay the funeral expenses to the employees." Bai Yan gave a cool look at Astro Boy.

Astro Boy only felt that his back was cold, and he was afraid to breathe while standing in place.

"Is it enough for two weeks?"

"Ah?" Astro Boy froze for a moment, and when the reaction came over, Bai Jue was almost out of control, "Enough, Enough."

"I'll give you one more week, so that everyone under you can go back and pack up. I almost died in the office yesterday," Bai said with disgust.

"More ... for one more week." The pie that fell from the sky made Astong directly silly on the spot. What does this mean? Not only did they agree to postpone the release, but also gave them one more week for the R & D department?

"Go out." Bai Yan hurried.

"General ... bye, general manager!" A Tongmu went out aggressively.

The door of the general manager's office was closed, and Astro Boy stood at the door, always feeling that he was working too late yesterday, so that he hallucinated. Why did he make such a big mistake himself? The general manager not only did not punish them, but also rewarded him? Would you like to go back and ask again? No, he doesn't have the courage.

"Why are you standing stupid?" Lu Yang saw Astong standing at the door and became stupid, and tapped on his shoulder with the folder in his hand.

"No ... why do I always feel untrue?" Astro asked for help. "Luts help, did the general manager really agree to the extension, and still three weeks?"

"Look at you," said Lu Yangxi with a smile. "How can the younger general manager not give the time required for the second young man to come forward in person?"

"That's true, will it work ?!"

"You can move the second child, you are also capable." Lu Yang sincerely admired, second child has been working in the company for more than three years, not willing to go downstairs for a meal, let alone a meeting.

"Hehe ... hehehe ..." Happiness came too suddenly, and Astro Boy touched his greasy head and left with a smirk on his face.

He couldn't wait to run back to the R & D department and wanted to share this great news with everyone, but he retreated with his nose covered as soon as he entered.

Oops, it's really flustered, why didn't you find it before?

Fang Hui encountered a traffic jam when she came to work, so she arrived a little later than usual, and when she entered the studio, she found Mu Xiaoya's station was empty. She frowned and asked the two employees in the studio: "Mu Mu, Are you here today? "

"Come here, in the workplace." Xiaoxin pointed to the back.

"how do you feel?"

"I'm in a good mood, and brought us snacks." Leng Yi raised the hot bar in his hand.

"Restoring so fast?" Fang Hui raised her eyebrows in surprise, then patted a cold hand full of spicy oil, "What spicy bars to eat early in the morning, wipe the keyboard clean."

"Oh, oh." Leng Yi realized that she was too arrogant, and hurriedly wiped the wet tissue to start cleaning.

Fang Hui dropped her bag and went directly to the work room. In the workshop, Mu Xiaoya is proofing the leather shoes.

"Shirakawa's shoes?" Studio leather shoes customization business has not yet officially started, Mu Xiaoya's shoes can only be Shirakawa's.

"Yes." Mu Xiaoya smiled and nodded.

"The left and right feet are half a yard apart." Fang Hui glanced at the sole of Mu Xiaoya's sole.

"Yeah, Ogawa's left foot is half a yard larger than her right foot."

"I'll help you." Fang Hui picked up the tool and wanted to help Mu Xiaoya proofing together.

"No, I need to make these shoes myself." She promised that Shirakawa's shoes will be made by her personally.

Fang Hui stared at Mu Xiaoya. Mu Xiaoya's expression was very focused. When she talked to herself, she smiled and smiled, and couldn't see anything unusual. But the more this happened, the more worried Fang Hui was, suddenly, she remembered the content of chatting with Liang Nuonuo last night.

"Nono, you didn't see it, Mumu looked anxious after he found Shirakawa lost." Fang Hui worried, "I can see that, even if Shirakawa performs well, he is not an ordinary person after all. He With autism, he can't integrate into the society. He is just going out alone, and can make Mumu anxious like that. The days after that are so long, how should she endure? "

"Why, do you want to persuade her to divorce?" Liang Nuonuo asked.

"Don't dare." Fang Hui sighed. "I just can't find Shirakawa, Mumu is like losing my soul. How dare I let her divorce."

"So ah, let's just say nothing, Mumu needs not our concerns, but support." Liang Nonuo said.

Is it supported? Fang Hui looked back, put his tools back in place, and found a chair next to Mu Xiaoya, and discussed with her the future arrangement of the studio.

"I plan to start the shoe customization business next week. How much do you think it would be appropriate for us to customize a pair of shoes?"

"It depends on the other person's choice of leather." Mu Xiaoya replied.

"I think so. I only plan to keep two or three high-quality leathers. Customization. If the price is too cheap, not only will we not make any money, but we will also spend a lot of effort. So it is better to use the best from the beginning And the price is set a little higher. "

"I agree." Mu Xiaoya thought Fang Hui was right.

"So I plan to tentatively have a pair of shoes ... 30,000 yuan."

"Thirty thousand?" Mu Xiaoya gave Fang Hui a surprised look.

"Of course, this is just the initial price. After our brand starts, we will adjust the price."

"No ... you are sure that a pair of shoes is 30,000, and someone will customize it?" Mu Xiaoya asked without confidence.

"Why not? This year, the middle class is the most willing to spend money. Although the tyrants can't take a plane to Italy to customize a pair of hundreds of thousands of leather shoes, they spent 30,000 to 40,000 to customize a pair of their own shoes. Fang Hui said, "Furthermore, it doesn't matter if no one is set, we don't just make money by this."

"I see, you see that our casual shoes are selling well during this time, and everyone is floating."

"Regardless, set the price anyway, I think we are worth it."

"Okay, listen to you." Mu Xiaoya saw Fang Hui insisted and it didn't matter if she agreed, anyway, she didn't open this studio to make money.

"That ..." Fang Hui was supportive and wanted to say something, but couldn't find the topic for a while.

"I want to ask about me and Shirakawa." Mu Xiaoya laughed. Since Fang Hui came in and pulled her away, she guessed Fang Hui's intention. I was frightened by how I looked like yesterday.

"See it?"

"I just wrote my face." Mu Xiaoya gave her a white look.

"Since you can see it, then you talk about it." Fang Hui's gossip looked.

"What do you want to hear?"

"You ... are you in love with Shirakawa, right?" Fang Hui asked straight forward.

"Um." Mu Xiaoya smiled and admitted without any concealment.

"It's really ..." Fang Hui's face was so expressive, "I'm saying I read it right. You looked like yesterday, and you know that you are in love with Shirakawa, and it's not ordinary love. But I'm surprised The thing is, in just two months, why did your relationship suddenly become so deep? "

Fang Hui remembers that the day she first heard Mu Xiaoya said she was getting married, she clearly did not see a little love on Mu Xiaoya's face. If you have to say yes, it can only be regarded as simple. Even for a time, Fang Hui suspected that Mu Xiaoya would only marry Shirakawa because of his mother's love overflowing.

"Fang Hui, I think ... I should have liked Shirakawa long ago, but I didn't realize it myself." Mu Xiaoya replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Shirakawa is two years older than me. He lived next to me when I was five years old. Our community is all old teachers, and there are very few children of the same age. Coupled with the good looks of Shirakawa, I especially like to run to his house. Mu Xiaoya recalled, "Kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school. Every weekend and every summer vacation, I would go to Shirakawa. I didn't know that he had autism at first, and because he ignored me, I was very happy every day Angry, at that time Grandma White told me ... "

"She said, your brother Shirakawa is special introverted, so he doesn't like to talk. If he doesn't run away, it means he likes you, and you should never be angry with him. Then Grandma White will take a lot of delicious snacks. Give it to me, and I was coaxed by these snacks, I believed in Grandma Bai. "Recalling here, Mu Xiaoya couldn't help but smile.

"Later when I knew that when Shirakawa had autism, he would already talk to me. He ignored others, but he ignored me. I was not good at math and he taught me over and over again, sometimes five minutes ago I just turned around and forgot about the topic I just taught, but he still taught me tirelessly. In junior high school, I was not good at English, so he accompanied me to memorize words. In high school, I studied Chinese and kept me from me He lived a historical event, and he remembered it, and read it to me every day. "

"He actually doesn't like talking, because I told him, you read it to me a few times every day, maybe I remember it. Then he kept saying those words to me every day, historical times or whatever. "

"I have never heard of these things before," Fang Hui was surprised.

Mu Xiaoya froze a strand of hair that fell down and smiled bitterly: "Because ... I haven't remembered for a long time, I left Shirakawa ... in high school."

"Don't you always ask me before, so many people chased me, why don't I see any of them?" Mu Xiaoya laughed, "Maybe it's because, in my heart, no one can treat me so well."

How can such a good person lose him?