MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-Chapter 10 The transformation and sublimation of LV seven

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Lu Yi clicked to receive the reward of the second task, and immediately, a pair of light blue boots with delicate cloud patterns appeared on the table in front of Lu Yi.

Mid-grade magic weapon, Liuyun boots.

Lu Yi was a little excited in his heart, he is also a person with a mid-grade magic weapon! Think about the cheap man Lao Lu, he didn't even touch the long sword of the mid-grade magic weapon, and now he has it himself! If Lao Lu knew, I don't know how envious he would be.

Lu Yi couldn't wait to start recognizing the master. All magic weapons need to recognize the master. Only by recognizing the master's magic weapon can it exert its full power. It is very simple to recognize the master of the magic weapon. Lu Yi's spiritual power enters the magic weapon and leaves his spiritual imprint. , it is easy to complete the identification of the master.

After recognizing the master, Lu Yi took off his boots and put on Liuyun boots.

After putting on Liuyun boots, Lu Yi stood up and jumped on the spot twice. He was pleasantly surprised: It is indeed a medium-grade magic weapon, and it is comfortable to wear!

And what surprised Lu Yi even more was that after wearing Liuyun boots, he felt that his body became lighter. In this case, his speed would be improved?

Lu Yi poured spiritual energy into Liu Yun boots, fully activated the magic weapon, then he ran the Baiyun footwork, his body swayed, and the next moment, Lu Yi appeared from one end of the room to the other, his face was only one centimeter away from the wall.

It's so dangerous, I almost hit the wall with my handsome face.

Lu Yi was a little scared, and then he was a little surprised: these Liuyun boots increased his speed by nearly 30%!

You must know that Lu Yi has already cultivated the Baiyun Footwork to the realm of returning to the original state. The speed is very fast. It can be compared with the monks who practice the eighth level or even the ninth level, and it can be improved by 30%, even the monks who practice the ninth level of Qi. , I'm afraid it can't match him in speed.

It is worthy of being a medium-grade magic weapon, it is strong!

Lu Yi seems to have got a new toy, running the Baiyun footwork, and his figure is constantly flashing in the room, here and there, erratic, like a ghost.

After a while, Lu Yi had played enough, sat on the chair contentedly, and continued to count the harvest.

The third task is also to defeat the outer disciples, but the opponent is Wang Xinqi, and the reward is two perfect Qi condensing pills, which Lu Yi received and got them.

The fourth task is to demonstrate the White Cloud Swordsmanship with Senior Sister Liu Ningshuang, and his White Cloud Swordsmanship level +1.

After Lu Yi received the task, he suddenly felt his brain swell, and a lot of information entered Lu Yi's mind: it was all the perception of Baiyun swordsmanship.

Lu Yi closed his eyes to absorb the information. When he completely absorbed the information and opened his eyes, there seemed to be a flash of sword light in his eyes. He exhaled slightly, and then raised his fingers. Very soft, with a stroke of his finger, cloud-like ripples suddenly appeared in the air, the ripples slowly fell to the ground, and a few cloud patterns were silently printed on the ground.

Lu Yi looked at the cloud pattern on the ground and was extremely excited. lv6 and lv7 are completely two different concepts!

Although Baiyun Swordsmanship is still the same as Baiyun Swordsmanship, Lu Yi's current way of aura's operation is no longer the same as before. After changing several aura's operation routes, the efficiency of aura's utilization has become higher, and its power has become stronger. !

This is an optimization! If it is said that the Baiyun swordsmanship before level 6 is constantly proficient in the original white cloud swordsmanship, but at level 7, it has already jumped out of the original framework and sublimated the white cloud swordsmanship.

Lu Yi has a feeling that if he uses his full power now, his power will be nearly 50% higher than the previous Baiyun swordsmanship, and his mastery will also become more free. Most importantly, the consumption of spiritual energy has not increased!

The consumption of spiritual energy has not increased, and the power has increased by 50%. Can you believe this? !

The change is simply unimaginable.

Lu Yi's heart was shaken. It's just that the lv7 Baiyun swordsmanship is so powerful, what about lv8 and lv9? Continue to optimize, will the power of Baiyun Sword Art continue to increase? Wouldn't the consumption of aura still change?

...What kind of magic is that?

Generally speaking, cultivators in the Qi training realm can only exert their full power by practicing Qi training realm techniques. Some geniuses can indeed master the foundation-building techniques in the Qi-training realm. It is a huge burden, even if the genius has a solid foundation, it is impossible to use it normally, and it can be regarded as a hole card at most.

And if Lu Yi's Baiyun swordsmanship continues to be upgraded, on the basis of the increase in power, the consumption of spiritual energy will not change, then isn't he equivalent to using the power of the foundation-building spell to practice Qi?

Lu Yi's face was a little weird. Those techniques that geniuses used as a big move were just flat A for him?

...isn't that good? Isn't this a little unfair to others?

Lu Yi thought about it, and the corners of his mouth began to rise wildly - it wasn't that he wanted to laugh, he really couldn't help it.

After all, he seems to have become a little fierce.

Lu Yile took a long time before taking a deep breath to calm down his restless mood: Calm down! Even if the ultimate move can be regarded as a level A, I am just an ordinary 6-layer rookie of Qi training!

I really cook well! How can I be like this? !

Don't say anything else, I'm not invincible at the outer door!

Even if you can't beat Jindan in the Qi realm, how dare you say that you are powerful? ! shameless!

There is also a limit to Ping A when it is a big move, and it is not just waving the forbidden spell! What is floating? !

As long as it doesn't go beyond the timeline, I am a rookie dog!

Stupid birds fly first!

Hold on, we can win!

Lu Yi silently instilled in himself the idea that he was still a rookie dog, so that he would not be too inflated. Once a person is inflated, it is easy to be conceited.

Lu Yi felt that although he was not the kind of very cowardly person, it was wrong to die!

Refuse to die, start with me!

After constantly adding psychological hints to himself, Lu Yi gradually felt that this was a normal phenomenon. What happened to the Qi cultivator whose normal attack was a foundation-building technique? Not yet a Qi cultivator?

I, someone named Lu, is an ordinary sixth-level qi training cultivator! You have to continue to practice hard and walk steadily on the road of immortality!

Lu Yi nodded slightly, approving his own thoughts.

After counting the harvest, Lu Yi looked out the window, the sky was orange, and the sun had already set in the west. Today, Senior Sister Liu Ningshuang preached for a day, and it was already late when he came back. Dharma, before you know it, it's already so late.

I don't know if Lao Lu and Mom got off work? Lu Yi felt a little hungry in his stomach.


At the same time, in the Outer Sect Affairs Hall, Lu Gaoyang and Wang Siqi were planning to pack up and get off work. As deacons, they also have time on duty, and now it is their turn to get off work.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a rosacea came over in a hurry, looked at Lu Gaoyang and exclaimed, "Okay, Lao Lu! I didn't expect that kid in your family to be so powerful?! Why haven't I heard of you before? ??"

Lu Gaoyang looked at the man with rosacea with a bewildered expression: "Ah? What?"