MTL - My Inseparable House Guests-Chapter 760 My favorite character

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"Okay." Yang Zhi looked at the girl's expected expression and nodded without hesitation.

He still had some entertainment today, but he pushed it out before cooking for the girls. So he stayed idle all day.

Eri dressed in a cute girl's skirt and walked beside Yang Zhi, walking with him downstairs. The young father, who was a little bit younger, went out with his daughter.

The two walked past the small park and the commercial street.

Hualiyi didn't seem familiar with the bustling city. Yang Zhi patiently introduced her one by one.

"Do you want to eat ice cream." The two were tired, and Yang Zhi pointed to an ice cream shop.

"You sit here and don't walk around, wait for me to buy." The well-behaved girl let Yang Zhi not worry that she would be lost, so he asked the girl to sit alone on the seat in front of the ice cream shop, and he went Buy ice cream.

Eri didn't really want to walk around. She quickly sat down, then took out a psp from her skirt, and played there.

So are things really hidden in the skirt?

Yang Zhi couldn't help but laugh, and then stood behind the team, waiting to buy ice cream.

"Friend." Shortly after Yang Zhigang was standing in the line, the voice of a young man rang behind him.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry to buy, and I won't let the line cut in." Yang Zhi thought that the people coming from behind wanted to cut in, so he refused even thinking about it.

But what surprised Yang Zhi was that the people behind him didn't intend to jump in the line, but said to Yang Zhi, "I just plan to chat with you. You see this team is quite long, we can talk."

"Oh, okay." Yang Zhi turned to look at the man behind him.

This is a young man in his twenties or so, just listening to the sound just feels average. Now seeing the whole body, Yang Zhi somehow had a good opinion of this man.

Although this man is not handsome, he does not engage in base.

But it was inexplicable that Yang Zhi felt that this man could be a friend.

"Okay, what are you talking about."

"Introduce yourself first," the man said to Yang Zhi. "My name is Fangze, how about you?"

"Yang Zhi."

"This name sounds familiar." Fang Ze heard the man's self-introduction and said clearly. "This is similar to the name of an author I know."

"I have written several novels." Yang Zhi did not expect that he would recognize himself by just saying a name.

"Jiangnan, right." Fang Ze named Yang Zhi's pen name.

"Yes," Yang Zhi affirmed with satisfaction.

"I've read your book." Fang Ze looked at Yang Zhi with an emotion in his heart.

Yesterday, after Eri's loss, he found Wang Cheng and turned up the camera. He soon discovered that Eri was actively following a man to leave and got into the man's car.

In the process, the man who was followed by Eri has not found the existence of Eri.

As the owner of the blood of the Dragon King, Eri is unlikely to be interested in ordinary people.

Therefore, the curious Fang Ze did not bring back Eriyi the first time, but investigated the identity of the man, and found that the man was Yang Zhi, the author of the novel Long clan in which Eriyi was located.

This wonderful relationship made Fang Ze quite interesting.

A character, if it only exists in the text, no matter how cute and cute she is, in the author's opinion, it is just a bunch of words written by herself to make the story look better.

If this originally virtual character appears in reality and meets his creator, will the author take the initiative to change the fate of the characters in the pen?

After all, this is no longer a bunch of inactive text, but a living person who can feel the temperature.

So Fang Ze didn't come to Yang Zhi until this time, just to make Yang Zhi and Eri Yi cultivate their feelings.

"I particularly like a character in your book." Fang Ze looked at Yang Zhi and said, "It's just a pity that you wrote her to death, and she hasn't been resurrected until now."

"Sometimes the character's fate is not arranged by me." Yang Zhi said to Fang Ze, "A character, all his behavioral logic, are affected by the background of the novel story. Sometimes I do not want to write some characters It's really because the story has been advanced there. Whether it is alive or dead is determined by the overall story frame. You can also understand it as destiny. "

Because Yang Zhi was affected by the blood of his son-in-law, Fang Ze was very fond of it and said a lot of things.

As for the role in Fang Ze's mouth, Yang Zhi didn't care too much. After all, he had too many roles to play. Who knows which one.

"It turned out so." Fang Ze looked at Yang Zhi, smiled, and didn't say anything more about the topic.

"That little girl over there is who you are." Fang Ze pointed at the painted pear sitting on the chair and suddenly asked Yang Zhi.

Hearing Fang Ze's question, Yang Zhi felt anxious immediately, but soon adjusted.

He said without hesitation, "That's my friend's child. Come out with me today."

"That looks like I have the same friends as you."

"What do you mean?" Yang Zhi looked at Fang Ze in doubt.

"The child is called Eriyi. I was supposed to be a guest at my house these days, but yesterday I did n’t know why a naughty person ran out to play. I looked for a long time and did n’t expect to meet here.

If Fang Ze did not name the name of Eri, Yang Zhi might still try to hide it.

However, Fang Ze has known the unique neon name of the girl in Huaxia, so the girl is indeed a child of Fang Ze's friend's house.

Sure enough, the child didn't lie, he really ran out.

Yang Zhi also came to the counter at this time ~ ~ After paying for two cones, he turned to Fang Ze and said, "Actually, Eri and I could meet because of an accident. . "

"I know." Fang Ze also paid for a cone, but when they stepped out of the line, he suddenly threw the cone in front.

The squeezed tall cone immediately fell to the ground, and during the fall, the matcha ice cream on the top began to fall quickly from the top.

When Yang Zhi shouted subconsciously, only saw Fang Ze gently stretched out his hand, and the cone that should have fallen to the ground suddenly floated in the air, and then slowly reunited into a complete cone. , Flew back to Fang Ze's hands.

"You too!" Yang Zhi believed everything that Fang Ze had said this time.

He is the same person as Eri.

"It's just a little trick to prove myself." Fang Ze smiled at Yang Zhi, and then walked to Yang Liyi with Yang Zhi.