MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 31 Hall battle

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The first batch of mafia rushed down, unprepared, had a hard bullet in front, and just lay down several times as soon as they saw it.

The rest of the people quickly leaned over and hid behind the handrails of the stairs, and the gorgeous marble railings blocked some of them.

However, from time to time, some people were hit by bullets that were injected between the gaps. The mafia were completely suppressed there, and they could not lift their heads for a moment and could not fight back.

But soon, wave after wave of the mafia ran down from the second floor and attacked Chen Mo by the stairs.

Although Howard’s several people continue to kill the enemy who is heading, there are more and more gunmen gathered on the stairs. Several people hide behind the cover and start a fierce battle with the opposite mafia.

Xu is the rise of the fight, Howard, who is afraid of death, has actually moved out from Chen Mo’s body, standing on the field and shooting continuously on the stairs, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Everyone was hiding behind the bunker, and Howard, who suddenly popped out, caught the attention of several mafia. A strong man with a double-barreled shotgun saw his movement and pointed his finger at Howard.

"Hey!", a burst of fire in the muzzle, dozens of lead shots filled in the 20th shotgun bombs spread into a small piece, just hit Howard's chest and abdomen, the huge impact force directly flew him Go out.

Howard, who fell to the ground, screamed and licked his mouth. The moment he was hit by a shot, it felt like he was hit with more than a dozen punches at the same time, which caused the bones to hurt.

Not too late to sigh the strong defense of bulletproof armor, Howard tumbling several times, hiding behind a pile of sofas, strong solid wood is enough to withstand the attack of these small caliber bullets.

The strong man who hit Howard just squinted his eyes and looked at Howard, who had nothing to do with him. He wondered if he had just filled in the rubber bullets, and waited for him to attack again. A bullet shot from the corner would penetrate. His head.

More and more gunmen rushed down on the second floor, and everyone in the martial arts hall was gradually suppressed. They could only hide behind the bunkers such as corners and pillars, and slammed their heads to recover from the weak fire.

In fact, with the strength of Chen Mo, one can quickly kill all these gunmen, but he rarely hides in the corner of the hall.

Most of Chen Mo’s attention is on several people in Albert. When they poke out from the bunker and expose them to the firepower opposite, Chen Mo will pay close attention to the other’s muzzle pointing when their heads are When aiming, Chen Mo's bullets will take the first step and kill the threatening gunman directly.

As for Howard’s shot? As long as it is not the attacking head, the non-fatal attack Chen Mo does not care.

He is not in a hurry to end the battle. It is rare for the martial arts people to have the opportunity to participate in actual combat. It is just that this opportunity can be used to exercise them. The real battle is the fastest way to grow.

Chen Mo’s secretive care, although several people were pressed against the opposite side, but there is no danger to life, and occasionally there are bullets on the body, just feel like being beaten by a person, the place where the bullets are unscathed.

And their shooting methods are not weak. Although they are suppressed by the oppositely-contained bullets, the firepower of the attack has weakened a lot, but they are still killing the enemies upstairs. With the fierce gun battle, the large and magnificent stairs On the top, the body of the mafia member who was shot dead was gradually lying.

There are fewer and fewer people rushing downstairs, and more and more people are being killed. The mafia gunmen face these enemies, although not many people, but they are powerful, even though they still occupy the number of people. The advantage, the momentum is gradually weakened.

In such a fierce gun battle, one side suffered heavy casualties, but the other party did not have any casualties. I felt that the companions around me were slowly decreasing, and the rest of the people could not help but feel fear, and the firepower was weakened.

Huang Wei hid behind a large marble column and quickly replaced the magazine. Just a fierce battle, with his keen reaction and precise shooting, he killed at least five enemies.

After replacing the clip, Huang Hao was keenly aware that the bullets on the marble column behind him were obviously sparse. There was no chance to waste it. The scorpion immediately came out, and the two guns aimed at the enemy on the opposite stairs and quickly pulled the trigger. .

The first bullet hit the marble handrail of the stairs, and the smooth and gorgeous marble cracked into a gap.

The second bullet that followed immediately passed through the gap between the handrails and shot into the chest of a mafia hiding behind.

Two shots killed an enemy, and Huang Hao immediately flicked, and once again hid behind the marble column, a dense bullet also followed, and the stone fragments hit by the stone column.

Han Qing, Wang Kun, and Luo Zhen were not idle. They also seized the opportunity of weakening the other side's firepower. They fired an enemy and killed each other.

However, the performance of the old Albert is somewhat eye-catching. He originally hid in the corner of the wall on the side of the hall, leaning against the wall, holding a pistol in his hands and holding it on his ear. The calm and calm face is a bit cold and murderous~ With the weakening of the fire, he turned directly and flashed out, and his hands stretched out as the body turned. At the same time, under the impetus of the explosive gunpowder, the two bullets rushed out of the gun, and rushed to the stairs at high speed.

On the stairs, two mafia were standing in front of the armrests, carrying two Thompson submachine guns, and pouring a bullet down in a twilight.

"Hey! Hey!" Two bullets sounded into the sound of the meat, and each of them had a **** splash on their chests, and they snorted and fell to the ground.

Albert's hands with his gun kept swinging, constantly aiming and shooting, while his feet kept moving, quickly moving to the marble column on one side.

Albert can be said to be the best of all the guns except Chen Mo. With the two guns open, the opposite mafia fell one after another, and the opponent’s counterattack hit him, but only made his figure slightly A stagnation.

When he hid behind the stone pillar again, the bullet in the gun just shot.

The sturdy figure and calmness make Chen Mo, who always pays attention to the battlefield, nod his head, and can't help but think of the old agent of Harry, who is a superb and elegant gentleman in "Ace Special Agent".

As for the warlike but fearful of death, Howard, hiding behind a pile of heavy solid wood sofas, shot through the gap, the place he chose was more smashing, the gunman on the opposite side of the stairs was difficult to aim him, he has been Hiding there, the face is excited and constantly shooting, the enemy killed is not less than the old Albert.

A mafia gunman on the stairs noticed Howard, who was hiding behind the sofa, and sneaked his gun at him.

Howard, who thought he was hiding well, was unaware of this and was still shooting with a gun.