MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 160

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Hung Hom's remarks were made to everyone's heart.

You see me, I see you, there are vigilance, doubt, and guilt in your eyes.

Originally several returning monks were okay. In their cognition, Seizure House can only choose the spirit and soul that are weaker than their own physical body. The demon remnants in the secret realm are the highest, but they should be safe. However, Jingyue knew that this was not the case. Gods and demons must be different from the human race. Otherwise, the spirit that he passed through the robbery period must be the spirit that had passed through the robbery and soared above to compete with him.

But he couldn't say clearly, only reminded: "I can sense that the spirit and spirit of the demon are powerful, and the way of taking homes is different from the human race."

With that said, everyone was more mournful.

Jing Yue: "This is the end of the matter. It is useless to think about it, everyone is careful."

There is no solution to this matter, because robbing the house will devour the memory and continue the original cultivation of the body, even if you want to try it.

The crowd helplessly agreed, but Qin Yanzhi said, "Let's go in pairs and monitor each other just in case."

Hung Ho smiled bitterly: "That's fine."

In the next few days, they walked through the dark valley, explored the bone-bone land, climbed the extreme cold peak, descended the underwater cave, experienced many things that Jing Yue experienced in that year, and did not experience before, and it was the tenth day.

In a vast snowy field, there are countless giant rocks floating in the air, chaotic rocks pierce through the sky, and strange rocks swell, and they are extremely spectacular at a glance.

The shape of each giant rock is extremely irregular, like tiger claws, chicken crowns, eagles flying, snake disks, staggered up and down, like floating mountains.

"It is said that because the gods and demons of the two races contended, here once the world turned upside down, so there were mountains and stones floating." Thinking of the records he saw from the tower, he sighed: "The ancient gods and demons are really not me I can imagine, if only I could go to the ancients and have a look. "

Another laughed: "Our human race is in antiquity. What is the difference between the four deities, the dragons and phoenixes, and the ants? If we can really go back in time, of course I will go to the Middle Ages and see how the first generation of ancient repairs appeared.

Hung Ho gave him a white look. "It's like you can really go."

The two talked as they walked, because they didn't encounter a terrible remnant on the road, and no one showed signs of being taken away, so they could not relax.

However, they still did not find the core of the mystery.

Jing Yue followed Qin Yanzhi and walked behind. At this moment, he was quite upset. Today is the tenth day. No matter what, they will leave.

What about after leaving? If Biyun Zhong was born here, did they judge the direction of vitality wrong, or did they miss it?

"do not worry."

Jing Yue froze, looking at Qin Yanzhi, and said to the other side, "We have the fate of the sky, we try our best. Even if we think the worst, the magic fetus can really come to life, the magic path is full of luck, and the right path is unable to resist. Totally die out, at best you can only survive in the cracks. I'll stay with you anyway. "

Jing Yue's brow color decreased slightly, "You're right, we try our best."

As long as you are ashamed of your heart, the road is unobstructed.

Pedestrians just go forward, they hope to pass through this floating rock forest on the last day of the deadline, but they have walked for half a day, but still do not see the end of the rock forest.

Walking and walking, Qin Yanzhi suddenly stopped and stopped Jing Yue.

Jing Yue saw Qin Yan's face look dignified and wondered, "What's wrong?"

Qin Yanzhi: "I feel like we have walked here, these rocks are very familiar."

Because Jing Yue had a lot of thoughts and had to raise his mental defenses, he didn't pay much attention to what the mountain rocks looked like. Now, after being reminded by Qin Yanzhi, he found that the giant rocks in front of him were somewhat familiar.

"But we have been going west."

There is no road on the snowy field, and they have no reference to judge the direction, and can only be calculated by extrapolation.

But the calculation is based on the constellation of the Big Dipper in the sky. If the foreign objects are not transferred, they will definitely not get it wrong. If it is westward, it must be westward. How can they get back?

Jing Yue: "Are they just similar?"

Qin Yanzhi was silent for a long time. "It is possible, but there is another possibility. Here is a natural puzzle."

The natural formation can not calculate the formation of the eyes, only luck, which means that it is difficult for them to leave the formation.

Neither of them looked very good, and finally attracted attention.

Liu Yun: "Old man, is there something wrong?"

Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi glanced at each other and said the suspicions in their hearts, and the others really sank.

Qin Yanzhi: "This matter cannot be confirmed for the time being, and we need to observe it again."

Hung Hom: "Mostly, when Qin said, I also felt similar, no wonder I felt something wrong before."

"Too clear."

When Qin Yanzhi ordered, Taiqing broke through her sheath and stopped firmly in his hands. But when he saw his sword cut, the sword was shining, and a "jing" word appeared on the mid-air giant rock.

Jing Yue: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Of course, Jing Yue knew that Qin Yanzhi was going to make a mark, but he didn't expect the other party to have the words engraved, and he was still his own surname.

He whispered, "What are you doing ..."

Qin Yanzhi: "I thought you liked leaving a name in a secret place."

Jing Yue was silent, "At that time I was young and frivolous ..."

Qin Yanzhi: "You are younger now."

Jing Yue: "..."

With a wave of Qin Yan's hand, Taiqing rose into the air again, leaving a 'Qin' character on the giant rock, then nodded with satisfaction.

When the blue phoenix in the space jade saw this, he immediately quarreled, "There is also 叽 ', 叽叽 is also wanted!"

Jing Yue directly locked the space.

After that, they engraved all the way, of course, Jing Yue asked Qin Yanzhi not to engrave the surname.

After an hour, they went back to the original point again, and saw Qin Jinger on the giant rock, and everyone felt heavy.

Hung Hom: "It looks like this place is really lost."

Liu Yun: "It doesn't work to calculate by star position, we have to go out, and I don't know how long it will take?"

The original plan was disrupted. If they were trapped here, they would be threatened by an array of annihilators, and the fruit would be bad. At the moment of worry, a wind suddenly blows in the mysterious array, and the vast white mist rises immediately, making people unable to distinguish where the snow is and the fog.

In the fog, a few remnants were faintly visible.

The eyes of the crowd were sharp and they attacked first. The remnant soul that Jingyue and Qin Yanzhi faced was the name of the returning virtual protoss. The two had a tacit understanding and joined forces to break up the remnant soul.

I was trying to help other people. Suddenly, a solid hand broke through the dense fog and hit Jingyue's back!

Qin Yanzhi stepped forward, grabbed that hand, and the other side slipped away like a snake, but Taiqing had captured the trace of the incoming person and attacked from behind.

The man was forced by Taiqing and had to avoid it, so he showed his true feelings.

"It's you!"

Jing Yue and Qin Yanzhi were both stunned, and the other was actually the returning old man from Zixia.

Qin Yan frowned, "He was taken away."

This is obvious.

The two sides immediately tussled. The remnant soul possessed the flesh and was now much more flexible, but rarely used spells, even if it was used, it was a bit wrong.

Jingyue and Qin Yanzhi quickly gained the upper hand, but the remaining souls did not know by what method they called a lot of remaining souls. Among them, there were returning to the strong and powerful. Help each other.


One hand tore through the sleeve of Jing Yue and left a deep paw print on his arm.

Jing Yue abruptly retreated, and there was an afterglow attacking behind him, pointing directly at the key points.

Qin Yan's heart was tight, his men moved faster, and she let off her opponent a few times to help Jing Yue block a blow.

The opponent slaps his palm on his chest, and he is chopped back, but after all, he is injured, and there is a trace of blood on his lips.

Jing Yue looked at more and more afterimages in the dense fog, and the consciousness of the afterimages gradually regained, so he could summon the same kind, that is, the other party was their biggest threat.

Jing Yue originally wanted to join hands with Qin Yanzhi to kill this person, but thought that the other person's body was a fellow monk, hesitated a little, and decided to take a chance.

When the afterimage attacked again, Jingyue let out his consciousness and hit the other side's soul!

At that moment, he only felt great pain in the soul, and an irresistible suction swallowed up his sense of God. If Jing Yue cut off that knowledge in time, he would only be attacked by the opponent.

Seeing that this was impossible, he could only kill the killer!

Jing Yue was about to convey Qin Yanzhi's voice. Suddenly, the old man from Zixia sent a message, and his expression was painful.

"Go ..." The hoarse voice came from the other side, and the old man's long face was distorted and he couldn't distinguish the features, and his body was twitching.

Jing Yue immediately understood that the old man's soul had not been completely devoured, perhaps because he had just hit the head, which gave the old man a chance to struggling to a little consciousness.

"Fang Yan ... Where ... Southwest ..." The old man complained arduously, with a smile on his twisted face, looking extremely strange, "Go ... don't look back ..."

This is the first time the old man has laughed since he entered the mystery, and it is also the first time that Jing Yue laughs at the other side.

What the old man said must be true, because while the remnant soul devoured his soul, he also saw the memory of the remnant soul.


The old man screamed again, and the whole man curled up, muttering in his mouth: "Go ... Go ..."

The sound faded.

But suddenly, the old man raised his head, his eyes were cold.

As soon as Jing Yue was suffocated, the rumors hurriedly fled to the southwest, while the rest of the souls chased after them.

I don't know how long it took to escape. Finally, the monks saw a giant rock standing on the ground, but at this time, the remnant souls that followed them had blocked their way from all sides, and they did not know when to surround them.

The old man controlled by the remnant walked out and made a "creak" sound when he stepped on the snow. He walked very rhythmically and made a hoarse laughter in his throat. Then he said something that no one could understand, but the tone was Scorn and ridicule.

Only the eight monks were back to back, forming a circle, and each of them tightened their nerves.

The killing started immediately, but suddenly, Jing Yue noticed that the old man's face shook strangely. He subconsciously felt that the original soul of the old man would appear again. Sure enough, the next moment, he saw the old man reached out and grabbed his head. Dead on the head.

When the opponent's hand was slightly off his head, all the monks held their arms, and they saw two unreal souls in their hands!

It's Soul Search!

The old man endured great pain and used his soul-searching technique!

In this way, he will disappear forever with the remnant soul entangled with his soul!

Cruel, but it's a straightforward solution.

Seeing the elders sacrifice themselves for their future life, the monks were irritated and angry, and Hung Hoi said, "Go!"

The crowd swarmed up, and instantly mingled with other remnants, and it was snowing like a cloud.

Jing Yue, under the cover of everyone, focused on breaking the line.


The giant rock broke apart and the road was clear. Just listening to Jing Yue's roar, "Go!" Everyone immediately turned around and accelerated.

When they flew into a mountain stream, they found that all remnants stopped and wandered around the mountain stream.