MTL - My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World-Chapter 6 Liu Laohan's Secret

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Liu Laohan was silent for a long while and sighed long.

It turned out that he was the close guard of the old Chen family's homeowner, and he had six exercises for practicing Qi. But in an accident, he rescued his homeowner, but he practiced backwards and broken meridians, which made it impossible for him to practice. In order to repay him, the homeowner regarded him as Chen's parents and respected him in the clan.

Five years ago, the old owner suddenly passed away. According to the usual practice, the position of the owner should be passed on to the long room. However, the long room population was declining, leaving only Chen Shi with a baby. How can he live in the other houses? So, someone secretly poisoned Chen Shi, ruined the foundation of his cultivation, and forced the elders to abandon him.

Liu Laohan was very angry and vowed to find out the underworld man, but when he learned the truth and revealed that the second-room master Chen Yong was the murderer, the other party was already plump and won the support of most of the elders.

Jing Yue curiously said, "Is there no adult in the long room?"

Liu Laohan: "Sheng Shi ’s father, Chen Qi, died unexpectedly six years ago. His mother was so sad that he died of depression shortly after he was born. I originally wanted to find Xiao Shi ’s mother's house, that is, the Jiang family came forward to recover it for him. Fair, but the Jiang family doesn't want to care about him. "

The current owner of the Jiang family is the son of the successor, and the mother of the small stone is the original daughter. The two are not close to each other. The family owner does not want to avenge the cheap nephew and the Chen family who have been abandoned.

In short, Liu Laohan was unable to return to the sky, and he could only watch Chen Yong board the position of the homeowner. He was again charged with slandering his homeowner and was expelled from the Chen home.

Liu Laohan: "In order to cut the grass and eradicate the roots, Chen Yong even removed the small stone from Daizong."

Jing Yue: "Elder Chen parents took the liberty of Chen Yong, no one cares?"

Liu Laohan: "Since it has been decided to let him be the homeowner, why should those people offend him? However, Chen Yong is a little dreadful, afraid of doing so will provoke the elders to bounce back, leaving a small stone for life. I see small stone Having a hard time at the Chen family, he asked the elder to pick up the small stones and leave the Chen family. "

Jing Yue nodded: "This should be Chen Yong's pleasure to see."

Liu Laohan: "Of course, otherwise it would not be so easy for me to take away the small stones."

He was worried that his stay in Da Richeng would be suppressed by the Chen family, so he moved to the village. On weekdays, he has to take care of small stones and dare not take risks to take on dangerous tasks. As a monk, he only knew cultivation and did not make a living, but now he can only earn a little money by hunting for medicine.

Liu Laohan sighed: "For five full years, I wouldn't even go to Xiaorizhen if I didn't offend Wang Cuihua. There were monks there, and I said I might meet the Chen family someday."

Sure enough, isn't it here?

At this time, Lan Feng flew out of nowhere, circled around Jingyue's head, stopped on his shoulder, and thought in disbelief: "The experience of the small stone is simply the protagonist of the wastewood counterattack flow! Counterattack flow you Have you heard of it? Everyone treats him as a wastewood, but he has another chance, secretly advancing, and stepping on the feet of the people who originally harmed him, is one of my favorite plots! "

"Hurry up and ask, does Little Rock have a fiancée? Is it because he thinks he can't practice and has retired? This involves another genre, the remarriage--"

Jing Yue could not bear it: "Shut up!"

Lan Feng fell down aggrievedly.

Liu Laohan, who was unaware of the situation, continued to sigh with emotion: "Oh, Little Rock is also suffering. After he was poisoned, even the family relationship with the Chu family was blown out. I went to the door but the Chu family didn't see it.

The bereavement of Lan Feng shuddered immediately: "Look! I said it was a divorce stream!"

Jing Yue: "..."

Liu Laohan: "The reason why I didn't tell you before was that it was useless. But now that there is hope, as long as the foundation of the small stones can be cultivated, the things that were lost will be won back!"

Lan Feng blinked mung bean eyes, this sentence is inexplicable, in which small world have you heard it?

The next day, the steward came again.

Accompanying him was another elder from the Chen family. After they handed over the alchemy materials to Jingyue, they tapped variously. It is a pity that it has no effect and can only return without success.

As soon as someone left, Jing Yue took out the Dan furnace and prepared to refining the Dan Zhuanjing.

Although this Dan appears precious because of the loss of Dan Fang, ten thousand years ago, Dan Zhuan Jing Dan was only a low-order elixir that did not require reiki.

Therefore, Jingyue's practice of just introducing air into the body is sufficient for refining.

He picked out the most suitable materials, and worked for one day and one night. When the Dan furnace was turned on again, there were two red beans in the furnace.

"It's done!" Jing Yue took the elixir and looked at it, it was all top grade, he relaxed his heart and said to Liu Laohan: "The refining process will be more painful, and a certain amount of erysipelas will be left, but it is fast Will repair your meridians. "

Liu Laohan took it cautiously. He looked down at the red elixir in the palm of his hand, only to think that it was the most beautiful color he had ever seen.

Three days later, Liu Laohan and Little Stone rebuilt.

They walked out of the room with sweat, and when they saw Jing Yue, they knelt, but were avoided by Jing Yue. "Kneeling kneeling down, my ancestor, kneeling master, kneeling master, kneeling parents, and I am just a passing person, don't kneel me. "

Liu Laohan's heart was irritated, with tears in his eyes: "I, I didn't expect it, and I still have today. When I was expelled from the Chen family and brought a small stone to this village, I thought it was over ... ... "

Seeing him like this, Little Stone was very at a loss. All he knew was that he was in good health and no longer needed to take medicine, but it was clearly a good thing. Why did Grandpa cry?

But soon Little Stone felt that this might not be a good thing. Because Grandpa suddenly became severe towards him, he kept practicing every day when it was not dawn, except for eating and sleeping, no rest time, no matter how coquettish he was.

One night at dinner, the little stone ate and suddenly burst into tears.

Liu Laohan didn't know why, so he hurriedly asked the cause, the small stone fluttered in Jing Yue's arms, wailing and crying out a few days of grievances.

Jing Yue's heart was funny, holding the smooth face of Little Stone, and whispering in harmony: "Little Stone, do you want to protect Grandpa?"

Little Stone still had tears in his eyes, but nodded without hesitation.

"Only if you are successful in cultivation can you protect the people you value and protect them from the slightest harm.

Little Stone seemed to understand, but he remembered Jing Yue's words, and released Jing Yue and hugged Liu Laohan's determination.

After soothing the small stone, Jing Yue also persuaded Liu Laohan in private: "Everything is rushed, but the small stone is still young. You have to let him understand why you practice, otherwise you ca n’t find your own way, and you can walk more on the path of cultivation. far?"

Liu Laohan has long been used to Jingyue's youth. He said with a bitter face: "I was forced to be anxious, but then Chen Yong has already practiced Qiba Rehearsal. I am worried ... 唉 ......"

He suddenly hammered down the table severely: "Unfortunately, our monks cannot provide disciples with enough remedies like Xianmen, but it will take thirty to forty years just forging the body."

After all, he suddenly looked up at Jing Yue, and then he kept his head silent.

Jing Yue froze. He knew that Liu Laohan wanted to ask himself if he could make a tonic medicine for a moment, but later he didn't know how to mention it.

Of course, he can. With the help of tonic elixir, there are great hidden dangers. Even the best elixir will precipitate a small amount of erysipelas.

In previous lives, disciples were not allowed to take tonic pills, but now many traditions have been lost, and cultivation has become more difficult. According to his knowledge, taking Dan to assist in cultivation has become the norm.

Liu Laohan and Little Stone still had erysipelas that had been turned into tannins in the body. Reliance on replenishing elixir would only add poisons and poisons. Even if the benefits are fast in the early stage, the later stage will be difficult.

Suddenly, Jing Yue's light flashed. He thought of a kind of polluted alchemy in the previous life, which could dissolve erysipelas to a certain extent. It should reasonably have a market, but he didn't see it in Fangshi and medicine stores.

Jing Yue asked the doubts in his heart, and Liu Laohan stunned: "Hua Pollution Dan does exist, but Dan Fang only holds it in the hands of Daozongmen or Danmen, and never tells, at least I have never been in Da Richeng. I've seen it. Oh yes, I heard that Danhuomen can be refined. "

Seeing Jing Yue thoughtfully, Liu Laohan carefully asked, "Might you also be able to?"

"Not yet."

Refining the polluted dandelion needs to provoke its own spiritual power.

Liu Laohan mistakenly thought that Jing Yue would not, and did not take this matter to heart.

Half a month later, Jing Yue officially broke through and became a monk with heavy training.

The training phase and the forging phase are both foundation-building phases, also known as innate phases, both of which have ninefold. Among them, the three, six, and nine are the status quo, and it is difficult to break through. After Nine Heavy, it is the great consummation state. Once it breaks through the great consummation, the foundation is successfully established.

Only when the monk enters the foundation period can he truly embark on the avenue.

Jingyue has already practiced Qi, and can use spells from Shiyu Cangdai Dafa. What soft water decision, condensed water decision and so on, he has become too cooked. Therefore, he wanted to learn some lightning spells to enrich his attack methods.

He glanced at Lan Feng, who was narrowing his hair in the corner. "Well, since you were born, do you know some thunder trains?"

Lan Feng was dissatisfied with Jing Yue's title, but did not dare to resist, staring at the corns: "Of course, the wind and lightning are decided, the thunder strikes, the thunder and the thunder, the ghost thunder, and the thunder-"

"Say you will." Jing Yue interrupted it in time, saying that the names of so many higher-order exercises are useful?

Lan Feng reluctantly said, "Palm, palm thunder."

Jing Yue thought about it, the thunder in the palm is indeed a spell that can be used during the Qi training period, so he asked Lan Feng to teach him.

Lan Feng immediately said the cultivation method in a whispering way, "Hum, you know me? Don't call me anymore!"

"You are so good, oh."

Lan Feng: "..."

Because Lan Feng has always been unreliable, Jing Yue deduced the method it taught several times before and after, and felt that there was nothing wrong, she tried to stimulate the spiritual power.

A moment later, a tingling thunder light was born in his palm, and the room was illuminated like daylight.

The author has something to say:-theater-

Lan Feng: Have you heard of counterattack flow? Ever heard of a divorce stream?

Jing Yue could not bear it: Shut up! Where did the pheasant cheer himself up?

Lan Feng: QAQ


Liu Laohan: You must get back what you lost!

Lan Feng: Where did you hear it?

——I waited for this opportunity for three years, not to prove that I am better than others, but to prove that what I have lost, I must take it back! by 《Hero Nature》