MTL - My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease-Chapter 1014 Hancang door-to-door

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  Chapter 1014 Han Cang Visits

  Luoping City.

  Han Dazhu and Dahei are planting fruit trees in Qingfeng Village. There is a clear division of labor between one person and one dog. Dahei is digging a hole, and Han Dazhu is carrying a fruit tree as thick as an arm into the hole.

  Looking at the row of fruit trees planted, the old man smiled widely.

"Dahei, from now on we can pick whatever fruit we want to eat. When our little granddaughter is born, we can sit under the tree and eat while enjoying the shade. How wonderful!" Han Dazhu buried the soil with Dahei, looking forward to the child In the scene after birth, the creases on the face are squeezed out.

  Dahei seemed to understand, wagging his tail excitedly and barking.

Han Dazhu smiled and patted its dog's head, "You're still the most obedient, that brat has been away for a month, and he doesn't call his elder brother at home, it's too shameful, when you come back this time, Dahei, you have to help grandpa take care of yourself." Teach that unworthy grandson a lesson."

  Dahei raised his front paw and stomped twice, and then yelled twice while taking advantage of his neck.

  Han Dazhu knew that the dog could understand, so he laughed from ear to ear.

  At this time, someone from the guard came to report, "Master, someone is looking for you outside."

  The guards of Qingfengzhuang are all veterans, they are all carefully selected and trained by Wang Zhiqiang and others.

   "Are you sure you are looking for me?" Han Dazhu asked suspiciously. All the people he knew were in Shangwan Village. Since moving to Qingfengzhuang, he hadn't seen any old neighbors in the village.

   "Sure, he is a stranger, and his surname is Han. I think he is well dressed, has a good temperament, and is as old as you," said the guard.

  Han Dazhu frowned and pondered, "Same age as me, also surnamed Han, come to find me."

   It seems that the family came here.

  He had a premonition before that the Han family should be looking for them soon, but he didn't expect that after only a few months, people would come here, and he didn't know if it was the ghost of that brat.

   "Okay, the visitor is a guest, let someone come in!"

  Han Dazhu took out the towel hanging around his neck, patted the dust on his body, and wiped Dahei's head again, "Let's go, let's go in, it's very hot today!"

  Dahei heard the words, and ran into the house wagging his tail.

  After a while, the guard led Han Cang and Han Jiafeng into the villa in a hurry.

Han Cang saw Han Dazhu sitting on a wicker chair and drinking tea leisurely at a glance, and his heart was shocked, like, really similar, he looked like his grandfather by six or seven points, especially at this age, he seemed to see his grandfather The shadow of the past.

  His excited mouth trembled, and his eye sockets gradually became moist, "Hello, I'm Han Cang, I believe you know the purpose of my coming."

   "I am your cousin, and the biggest injustice of grandpa is to let you recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors! Cousin, come back to the capital with me!"

  Han Dazhu was indifferent, and did not feel emotionally agitated by his words.

  To tell the truth, at his age, he sees everything. Now his life is very good. His sons are filial, his grandchildren are filial, and now he has a great-granddaughter. What is he not satisfied with?

  I heard Shitou talk about what kind of family the Han family in the capital is like before. To be honest, he doesn’t care too much. The Han family has never been short of money since they got Xi girl, and he doesn’t care whether they belong to the same family or not.

"Yes, I already know about the Han family. I'm not familiar with that place, so I won't go there. As for the matter of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan, there is no rush. I will discuss it with my family when I come back. Come on, sit down, drink tea, and rest your feet!"

  (end of this chapter)