MTL - My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease-Chapter 1030 miraculous little doctor

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  Chapter 1030 The miraculous little doctor

  As soon as the medicated food was served, all the guests couldn't take their eyes off. What's more, some people swallowed. Although it was a bit embarrassing, no one cares about it now.

  Even No. 2 is a bit novel, "This herbal diet is not something ordinary people can make, old Mu, your in-laws are definitely not ordinary people."

   After all, he is a big boss who visits various countries on official business. He is also very knowledgeable about food, especially medicinal food. Almost every meal has it. But after eating for so many years, he has never smelled such delicious medicinal food.

"Ahahaha, you guessed it right. It is said that my ancestor, an in-law, worked as an imperial cook, and then he was exiled among the people for unknown reasons. Later, relying on the skills of the descendants of the imperial cook and the girl Xixi's proficiency in medicine, he figured out After eating so many medicinal foods, not to mention, I tasted it last night, and the taste is unforgettable for a lifetime!"

  Mu Tian was thinking about the scene of eating herbal diet for the first time yesterday, and his face was slightly ashamed and flustered.

  However, he believes that no matter who they are, as long as they eat these medicinal meals, they will show the same expression as himself.

Sure enough, after taking a bite of No. 2 and No. 3, my eyes popped out immediately, "This medicinal food has no bitter taste at all, and it tastes sweet and mellow. If I didn't see the medicinal materials floating in it, I would have thought It's seafood soup."

   "This is the cooking technique." Mu Tianzheng said, and pushed a special dish in front of No. 3, "Come on, this is what my Xi girl specially ordered for you, saying that it is good for your health."

  No. 3 was unknown, so I checked that no one else was there, and asked curiously, "Is this for me?"

   "Yes, you will know after you try it!" Mu Tianzheng said deliberately.

  No. 3 didn't know what kind of medicine was in his gourd. Although the taste of the medicinal food was irresistible, he couldn't eat it because of his illness, but Mu Tianzheng said so, so he could only taste it.

  So in front of everyone's curious eyes, he took a bite of the ingredients inside.

At the moment of the entrance, he only felt something tender and slippery entered his stomach along his mouth. Within a few seconds, there was a burst of warm current from his stomach, and the tingling stomach before seemed to be relieved. A warm feeling spread from the stomach.

  He even sighed comfortably, "This, this"

  He wanted to say that this medicated diet actually nourished his riddled stomach, as if a dying young seedling had received sufficient water, as if it had been revived all of a sudden.

   "Yes." Mu Tianzheng actually didn't know why Qin Xi prepared these for No. 3 alone, but seeing No. 3's slightly sick face, he could more or less guess something.

   "The girl said that if you are interested, you can find her at any time. She is very sure about this!" This is a hint to No. 3 that your illness can be cured by my granddaughter.

  No. 3 was very excited when he heard it, and his eyes were full of shock.

  If he said this before he had tasted medicinal food, he would never believe it. Although Qin Xi is said to be a miracle doctor, no matter how good his medical skills are, it is absolutely impossible to cure cancer.

  However, he took a sip of the medicated diet, and the needle-like stomach improved significantly, which made him pay attention to this little miracle doctor who was rumored to be miraculous.

   "Hey? What are you two talking about, tell me too." No. 2 was a little anxious at the side, and hurried over, but her eyes were fixed on No. 3's special bowl of medicinal food.

  No. 3 and Mu Tianzheng looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

  (end of this chapter)