MTL - My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease-Chapter 906 lump of meat

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  Chapter 906 A lump of meat

  Han Shi rushed to the edge of the flower bed quickly, aimed at the moving land, clawed his right hand, and grabbed it directly.

   The thing trembled visibly when it was grabbed for the first time, and then slid away like a loach. Han Shi was slightly surprised, and always felt that he had caught a lump of meat.

   And it’s still a moving piece of meat.

  How is this possible? Could it be that the touch just now was a mouse? But it's not right, how could the mouse be so big? From the moment he caught it, he concluded that the thing underneath must be big and fleshy, but he didn't know what it was.

  Since you can't guess it, just grab it directly.

  Thinking of this, he looked around to see that there was no one around, and directly summoned his true energy, and directly overturned the entire flower bed with a single prize, and large tracts of platycodon flowers were flying every now and then, like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.

   At this moment, suddenly a black mass rolled out, and it seemed like a Q-bomb when it landed. It rolled several times before it stopped.

  Han Shi walked over with a look of astonishment, looked around curiously, looked left and right, but didn't know what it was.

  He poked it with a small stick, but there was no response. Now he was completely stunned. Wasn't he still moving before? Why is there no movement now? Could it be that he is dead?

   No, just drop it. Could it be that this thing is made of water?

   But no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out what it was, so he thought, forget it, maybe his wife will know about this thing, so he should take it back for her to have long eyes.

   As he said that, he put the disgusting thing in the storage space, but in a blink of an eye, he saw a mess on the ground, and the platycodon flowers that were still healthy just now turned into this fiasco in an instant.

  Han Shi's mouth twitched. I really don't know if the second brother Mu would go crazy if he saw this Mu.

At this time, an old man in his fifties came here humming step by step. He is a gardener, and he waters these flowers and plants every day. These platycodon flowers are planted one by one by him. , put a lot of effort into it.

  But when he saw the remains of bellflowers all over the ground, he almost turned his back in anger, scratched his neck and cursed loudly, "Which **** ruined my flowers like this? Ah, who the **** did it?"

  When the old man gardener walked away, Han Shi had already slipped away. Hearing the old man's scolding gradually approaching the void, Han Shi silently apologized to the old man in his heart.

  Walking in front of the office building, Han Shi found the restroom and wanted to wash his hands. After all, he just touched that big meatball.

   Just as he was about to wash his hands with water, a voice suddenly came from his ear. The voice should be from the other side of the wall. Han Shi was not interested at first, but he didn't expect to eat melons on his head.

   "Young Master Ye, I have already done what you told me to do. This batch of medicines is the first batch of medicines. If something is found out, it will definitely make Sunshine Pharmaceutical and the Mu family fall hard."

   "Well, you have done a good job. If things are done well, you will be the manager of the Department of Commerce. Work hard and cherish it!"

   "I will, promise to complete the task!"

Just a few words made Han Shi's face turn cold in an instant. It seems that the second brother Mu is not all his own people here. He was lucky to hear this sentence today. If he didn't know, then his sunshine medicine Business is in big trouble.

  Han Shi knows that there must be the shadow of Kangmao Pharmaceuticals behind this. After all, before Sunshine was established, Kangmao Pharmaceuticals was the real leader.

  It's a pity that Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, and this Cheng Yaojin's momentum is too violent, they can only use these unsightly tricks to overwhelm him

  (end of this chapter)