MTL - My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease-Chapter 947

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  Chapter 947

   "I'm sorry, Ms. Qin, I still need you to go back with us to assist in the investigation of the cause and process of the incident. Don't worry, if what you said is the truth, we will give you justice."

   Although I don't know whether Qin Xi is innocent, but from the perspective of a security officer, it is impossible for a young pregnant woman to do anything to five or six big men.

  Unless Qin Xi used some nasty means, but then again, why did Qin Xi deal with them? What did they do to make her unhappy?

  In short, this matter still needs to be clarified.

  President Wu is in a hurry. Qin Xi finally came, and now he is about to be taken away by the security guards. What about the patients in his hospital? In a state of mental breakdown for a long time, who doesn't want to have a healthy and normal body.

   "Officers, can you wait a minute, Doctor Qin is here to see patients in our hospital, and you call her away like this, what about the patients in our hospital?"

   "See a doctor? Are you a doctor?"

  At this time, the security officer suddenly realized that Dean Wu had indeed been emphasizing that Qin Xi was a doctor, and he was still a genius doctor by his name.

   This made the two of them feel inexplicably inconsistent. A genius doctor in his early 20s feels like a plot of a TV series. However, if Qin Xi is really a genius doctor, are the legs of those big guys really related to her?

   This recognition immediately made the two of them enlightened. After all, during the hospital examination, it was difficult for the doctors to find out what was wrong with the big guys, but they kept complaining about leg pain and couldn't stand up.

  If Qin Xi is really a miracle doctor.

  No, it is a bit exaggerated to say that he is a genius doctor, but if the medical skills are superb, it is not impossible.

   "Ms. Qin, are you a doctor?"

Qin Xi said quietly, "Don't bother, I still have patients here, you can call them over, and if they can be responsible for what they have done, I can make them stand up again, but if they don't know Repent, and I can make them unable to stand up for the rest of their lives."

  The two security officers immediately frowned, "Ms. Qin, it's wrong for you to do this. They have the right to sue you."

  Qin Xi smiled, leaned gently into Han Shi's arms, and said casually, "Sue me? They kidnapped a pregnant woman and threw me into a mental hospital. Do you know what the consequences will be?"

   Besides, what are they suing me? I didn't admit that their legs were injured by me, I just said that I can help them treat them, or choose to die, police officer, this should not be against the law! "

  The two security guards choked for a moment, looked at each other, and pondered Qin Xi's words carefully, but they did not hear her admit anything. Obviously, this woman is not simple.

  However, this is the first time that their police officers have refused to handle the case, and they will naturally not be sent away.

   "Ms. Qin, please come back with us to assist in the investigation. If you are innocent, please come with me."

  Qin Xi really doesn't want to toss back and forth. She just got out of one bureau, and now she's going to another bureau. She still has a lot of things to do. If she keeps going on like this, when can she go home?

  Seeing Qin Xi's reluctance, Han Shi said, "Officer, my wife is already heavy and heavy when she is pregnant, so it is not easy to move around. If something happens, it will be difficult for everyone.

  Besides, she still suffers from motion sickness. How can she see a doctor for others after going through all this tossing back and forth? My wife is the victim in this matter.

  Although this is your duty, but due to my wife’s health, how about one of you stay here, and the other go and call them, and we can confront each other face to face, how about it? "

  (end of this chapter)