MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 45

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"Your dad actually let you go home?" Yue Wenwen bit his straw and asked, "Will you go back? Is n’t he a full-time family when he celebrates his birthday ..." A bunch of relatives are here. "

Ji Ran leaned against the wall, and his brim covered his eyes with most of his eyes. He couldn't see the emotion: "I didn't think about it."

Yue Wenwen said that he missed the milk tea near his alma mater, and today they had to be dragged here.

"Otherwise, don't go, don't blame me for not speaking well. Most of your relatives are dog-eye-looking." Yue Wenwen worried.

Ji Ran didn't answer him. Most of his mind was on the side of the time wall. After confirming that there were no familiar fonts on it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He drank milk tea and asked the person opposite: "Why not speak?"

Cheng Peng raised an eyebrow, as if just returning to God: "No. Where did you say that?"

Ji Ran asked Yue Wenwen: "What happened to him?"

"What else, you didn't see Chen An didn't follow me today." Yue Wenwen said in a word.

Cheng Peng obviously didn't want to talk more about this: "Qin Man didn't come without him."

Ji Ran: "What is it about him?"

Qin Man applied to him last night, saying that an old friend had asked him today to go out.

Coincidentally, there were three or two truancy high school students passing by the store entrance, Yue Wenwen felt tickled: "Let's go back to school in a while?"

"Don't go," Ji Ran didn't even think about it, and refused. "Go and go."

The boss brought the snack and interrupted their conversation.

"I fried some chicken nuggets today, you guys try it." When she put it in front of Ji Ran, she said.

Ji Ran tried to stop her, but it was too late.

"Okay, you came here secretly behind us!" Yue Wenwen said, "when is it?"

"Passing ..."

"Not long ago." Speaking of this, the wife looked at Yue Wenwen anxiously, implicitly, "Xiaowen, I have let Xiao Ran take your note back."

Yue Wenwen said for a moment: "Note? What note?"

"It's nothing," Ji Ran said. "Auntie, give me another cup of milk tea, the same."

Yue Wenwen: "So much left before you ..."

Ji Ran rolled his eyes and said, "You control me."

After the aunt left, Cheng Peng returned to his original position and sat upright: "I found one thing in the past two days."

"At the end of the month, there will be a good plot of land for auction in Wangxing. Wangxing is currently experiencing development. It is estimated that in a few years, it will become a new commercial district."

Yue Wenwen: "What do you tell us about this kind of thing?"

Ji Ran played with the lighter on his hand, and said nothing.

Cheng Peng glanced at him: "Many companies want to grab the right to use the land. Our company was a bit interesting before, so people checked it. The owner of this land ... surnamed Qin."


Qin Man threw the file full of account ip to the table.

"You can just say it. You don't need to give me the data."

"Okay." Liu Chen took the document back. "After checking, under the name of Mr. Ji's Weibo, he published rumors in the name of friends and relatives. Indeed, there were two accounts with the same IP address. However, the other party was particularly careful. This situation only appeared. There are two groups. This group is a professional team with tens of thousands of active accounts. The main business is to help celebrities praise and criticize. "

"Is this all given to the lawyers?"

"I paid it. The team said that they wanted to handle the matter peacefully, and said that they were willing to pay Mr. Ji's compensation and also apologized to Weibo for the top of March." I remembered that the team leader met with him and the lawyers during the period. Liu Chen couldn't help but be sighed.

Even if the person in charge had seen so many storms, I did not expect that one day, I would have tea with five top lawyers in the industry.

"No reconciliation," Qin Man said slowly, "compensation and apology are on top, and wait until the court results come out."

Liu Chen nodded his head busyly: "There is also the account number of the payer ... It is also found out."


"Hu Rui is a board assistant to a company," said Liu Chen. "The boss is Gu Cheng, Gu Cheng has a son, Gu Zhe, and Mr. Ji is a high school classmate."

The results were expected, so Qin Man was not surprised. Most of Gu Cheng's projects are related to the entertainment industry. It is not unusual to get along with this trick.

Moreover, the other party was obviously not afraid of the matter being exposed, and did so boldly without any concealment, and directly asked his assistant to do the work. It is also in line with Gu Cheng's youth, who will not be afraid of heaven and earth.

That is to say, knowing that the Ji family will not intervene, and will not take the lead for Ji Ran.

Qin Man bowed his head: "I see."

Liu Chen tentatively asked: "Gu Cheng has been pursuing several projects recently, do I need me?"

"No." Qin Man chuckled, leaning back, "Go check Gu Zhe."

"Gu Zhe?"

"Gu Zhe has done a lot of things before, and he is even lawless after graduation ..." Qin Man narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "dig out all the things buried by money."

Liu Chen: "Don't move Gu Cheng?"

"He let go first." Qin Man smiled.

To be a whole person, start with where the other person cares most. Gu Cheng understands this truth, and he understands it.

"And after that? What about the police?"

"How can there be such a good thing." Qin Mandao said, "Doesn't Gu Cheng like to go online? Let him do it this time."

Liu Chen busy nodded: "Understand."

Qin Man groaned for a moment and said, "There is still something for you to investigate. This matter ... try to be as secretive as possible."

After explaining things well, the two left the restaurant together.

Liu Chen watched as Qin Man walked in front of a silver-grey Ferrari and got into the car very naturally. After ten seconds, he whistled away.

...... Sure enough, young people's ideas are really the same every day.

It used to be that the sports car was abandoned, but now it is the latest model.

Qin Man was driving and Ji Ran's phone came.

He put on his headphones and answered, "Huh?"

"where are you?"

"On the car, I just met my friends." Qin Mandao said, "I'm going to find you?"

"You go directly back to the company." Ji Ran stunned the phone after she said it.

The two turned up in the morning class together. When Qin Man arrived at the office, Ji Ran was playing games with his legs up.

Hearing the news, Ji Ran didn't look up: "Wangxing's land is yours?"

Qin Man heard from his car that his voice was not right, and he had prepared for all aspects. He heard the interrogation without a trace of panic on his face: "Yes."

"Aren't you bankrupt?" Ji Ran lost his phone and dropped his phone on the table. "Why is there such a large land?"

He thought of the rumor that Cheng Peng had told him before, narrowing his eyes, his face was even heavier, "What the **** is going on in your family?"

Knowing this, Ji Ran has been afraid to think about it.

That land can be sold for hundreds of millions of dollars. If it is true as Cheng Peng said, Qin Man does not need other people to support him, and those liabilities are not worth mentioning.

Really so, what is Qin Man doing in front of him?

What is his purpose?

"It's bankrupt. Do I need to show you the bankruptcy certificate issued by the court?" Qin Man pretended to helplessly, with a bitter smile. "This land is left by my grandpa, and it is my last card."

Ji Ran sneered: "Holiday?"

How did he feel that it was more like a row of straights out of the landlord, and finally left two king fried?

"Have you been to Wangxing?" Qin Man asked suddenly.

Ji Ran hugged his waist, and responded angrily: "Have been."

"Then you should know that in the first two years there were few people except the residents. There wasn't even a big supermarket around, let alone the business district." Qin Man paused. "Of course, because of this, the above Will decide to develop that area. As a result, until now, the decree has not yet come down, only some wind. When my family went bankrupt six months ago, if I sold this land use right, I could only get five cents now One ... even less. "

"Too bad, I won't sell. So ... I really have no choice."

Ji Ran was still puzzled: "You said it all, but some winds came down ... you would rather be in debt and refuse to cash the place to solve the problem?"

"It was naturally a bit shaken at first." Qin Manwaner said easily, "but didn't you show up?"

After speaking, he propped his hands on the desk, approached Ji Ran, and asked with a grin, "Speaking of this, if the land really sells for a good price ... then I have to thank you."

He said very lightly, "Tell me, what do you want in return?"

Ji Ran's heartbeat was rapid, and he even suspected that Qin Man would kiss him in the next second.

They didn't need to have too much physical contact except in the bed. He had intended to make it clear, but there have been too many recent incidents, and he has left it behind.

"... Who used you to repay?" Ji Ran returned to God and moved back.

"But I know graciousness," said Qin Man.

What's going on with this guy? Why are you still in a hurry?

"I said no."

Qin Man laughed: "Want to keep first? What do you want in the future, despite mentioning."

He emphasized, "Everything will do, I will do it for you."

Ji Ran was dumb, only felt his throat tight: "As soon as you go bankrupt, what can you do for me ... hurry away!"

When Xu Lin pushed in the door, he saw this scene.

What he wanted to say got stuck in his throat, neither was it going in, nor was it going back.

Ji Ran turned back sharply, his face became hot, and he pushed Qin Man away without thinking, pretending to be calm, "What's the matter?"

"Oh, oh." Xu Lin responded, hurried forward, put the card and many documents on his desk, "This is what Ji Wei told me to give you. The rest are the documents to be approved for the past two days. You see, it's fine if you sign it. "

"... I see." Ji Ran said, "You'll get it before you get off work."

Xu Lin's work ability is really good. During the two days he was away from work, the other party organized his work in a well-organized manner. Basically, the rest of the work was done for him except that he could not sign for him.

Ji Ran tossed the document aside, and then set his eyes on the red card.

Or how to say that these giants are exaggerated, just a birthday banquet, just call for an invitation, and send invitations to relatives.

It's all nonsense, and the card is written at the end.

[Qin Man and Ji Ran are invited to the banquet. 】

Qin Man's name is in front of him, and his handwriting is very large. His name was crowded behind, but it was just added.

"Are you going?" Qin Man stood at his desk and asked as he flipped through the documents.

Ji Ran threw the card aside: "Why not go?"

The heat on his face had subsided, and he said, "They are not afraid of tossing, of course I am with you."

The author has something to say: I have a more 2k novel reading network later