MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 50 Enter Yuyang County

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  Chapter 50 Entering Yuyang County

Ever since I heard that Yuyang County was ransacked by rebels seven or eight days ago, Pei Huaixiu started to be in anxiety mode. The young master, who was originally the least efficient traveler in the team, suddenly became neither afraid of hardship, nor tired, nor afraid of pain. .

  Ye Anlan understood that he was worried about her brother, and she slightly extended the daily commuting time without causing unnecessary burden to everyone's bodies.

  After walking for three days from dawn to dusk, everyone finally saw one of the city gates in Yuyang County from a distance.

  There was no guard at the city gate, only empty door openings, torn door panels, and a layer of dark blood stains, which showed what the city had experienced before.

  Seeing this scene, Ye Jinkui and Li Shi's first reaction was to hold Ye Wei and Ye Tang in their arms respectively, covering the eyes of the two youngest children.

  Pei Huaixiu reacted the most violently. He retched and was about to enter the city with tears in his eyes. Ye Anlan's ears were sharp, and he heard him calling "brother" in a low voice all the time in a daze.

   "Calm down." She reached out and grabbed Pei Huaixiu, "We're going to the city right now, and when we find a place to live, I'll ask someone to help you find out about your brother."

  Pei Huaixiu looked back at her with red eyes, "Thank you."

  Ye Anlan sighed inwardly, but her tone was not softened at all, "Take a deep breath, and then wipe your tears away. Didn't you see that others walked around you in horror?"

  Pei Huaixiu was used to Ye Anlan's occasional heart-rending words, so he wiped away his tears and followed Ye Anlan and the others into the city.

  The city is not clean. Although there are no corpses, blood stains can be seen everywhere on the ground, and dilapidated buildings pop up at intervals.

  Ye Anlan and the others walked for a long time before they saw a shop with its door ajar, which looked like it was open for business.

  There were not many pedestrians on the street. After entering the city for a quarter of an hour, Ye Anlan and the others met only seven residents of the city who had sad faces and walked in a hurry.

  Ye Anlan wanted to ask them where there was an inn or a private house for rent, but every time she showed that she wanted to get closer to the other party, the other party would quickly evacuate in the opposite direction like a ghost.

  After more times, Ye Anlan lost his temper completely.

  She was self-reliant, found an empty house, and took everyone to live in it.

   "Father, mother, please tidy up this house first, I'll go out and see if I can buy some food."

   After saying hello to Ye Jinkui and his wife, Ye Anlan took Yang Xiaotao out.

  Pei Huaixiu couldn't wait, regardless of the blisters on the soles of her feet, she insisted on taking Qingchun out with Ye Anlan and the others.

  Ye Anlan didn't stop him, so the group of four went to the most lively and prosperous streets in Yuyang County together.

  Pei Huaixiu and Qingchun started asking people for news as soon as they went out. As long as the master and servant caught someone who didn't look like a refugee, they would immediately go to them. It's a pity that not all aborigines are willing to deal with strangers.

  They asked all the way, and the aborigines either hid directly, or shook their heads rather perfunctorily, refusing to listen to their questions seriously.

  Pei Huaixiu became more and more frustrated as he walked, and Qingchun also had a slumped face, as if the sky was about to fall.

  Ye Anlan was quite speechless, she took the two of them to the only grocery store that was open with a big door, and started shopping without saying a word.

  Coarse grain noodles, white noodles, japonica rice, salt, brown sugar, eggs, pork, pork ribs, live fish, cloth, straw mats, tableware, cups.

  Although the price of every item has more than doubled compared to usual, Ye Anlan has no intention of saving money at all.

  She piled up all the copper coins and scraps of silver she had harvested from groping the corpses on the counter, "For the excess, I want to ask the shopkeeper for someone."

  The fat shopkeeper with a goatee flashed his small eyes, "Oh? I don't know who the little brother is looking for?"

  Ye Anlan turned her head to look at Pei Huaixiu, Pei Huaixiu suddenly came back to her senses, "Look for a young man named Pei Huaiyu, 16 years old."

  He rambled on a lot, but Ye Anlan didn't recognize Pei Huaiyu's appearance, so she interrupted Pei Huaixiu, "You know how to draw, right? Draw a portrait of your brother."

  Pei Huaixiu suddenly realized, borrowed the pen and paper from the shopkeeper, and drew a portrait of his brother.

  Ye Anlan poked her head out of curiosity and took a look. Emmm, I can't say it's not good-looking, but it's just not suitable for finding people.

why? Because Pei Huaiyu's personal characteristics could not be drawn at all.

  But she can't do anything about it, she has never learned sketching in her previous life.

   "Has the shopkeeper seen him?"

  Passing the portrait over, Pei Huaixiu stared at the fat shopkeeper expectantly.

The fat shopkeeper shook his head, "I haven't seen it before. But since I have received the hard-earned money from this little brother, this Yuyang County will help the young master to look it up again. How about it, you will give me three days. At this time three days later, you come here and wait for the news."

  Pei Huaixiu was a little disappointed, "Then I'll have to thank the shopkeeper."


   Carrying, hugging and carrying, the four of them hung up all kinds of things and returned to their temporary residence in the afterglow of the setting sun.

  Ye Anlan had the strongest strength. Although she carried the most things, her footsteps were the briskest among the four.

  She walked at the front of the line, full of thoughts about what to eat tonight and what to eat tomorrow. If there were not three people behind her, she would have wanted to hum along while walking.

   "Eh" turned the corner of the street, Ye Anlan was about to step into the alley, but out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a handsome boy who was tightly **** with a rope.

  Seeing the boy's swollen wrists, teary cheeks, mouth gagged with rags, and the two men who were about to load the boy into the donkey cart, Ye Anlan's original good mood suddenly disappeared.

  She piled things up against the wall, "Xiao Tao, I've given these to you guys too."

  Yang Xiaotao was taken aback, and was about to answer "Yes", but Ye Anlan had already strode towards those three people.

  She reached out and pulled out the rag from the boy's mouth, "Tell me, what are you doing? Human trafficking?"

  The two father and son who had just thrown the boy into the donkey cart looked fierce, and the middle-aged man with a big mole on his face directly threatened, "What are we doing? It's none of your business. I advise you not to meddle in your own business."

  The young one looked Ye Anlan up and down unscrupulously, "Father, this is not bad, it should be worth twenty taels."

  Yang Xiaotao: (ΩДΩ) Isn't she just a little late? Why do you feel like you missed a wonderful show? In other words, they actually wanted to sell her girl. I'm afraid they haven't seen how to write dead characters before, right?

  Ye Anlan didn't directly teach the father and son some lessons as Yang Xiaotao thought, she was busy untying the handsome boy, and temporarily ignored the father and son who were trying to trick her.

   It's just that the other party couldn't just watch her let the handsome boy go. The father and son looked at each other, and then rushed towards Ye Anlan in unison.

   Thank you Shi Gandangdangdang for your reward, thank you book friend 20190719124301091 for your monthly pass, thank you for your cute collection, investment and recommendation tickets (▽`)ノ



  (end of this chapter)