MTL - My Pet is a Snapping Turtle-Chapter 15 The vast sea is your stage

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  Chapter 15 The vast sea is your stage

  Out of the park management office, after getting into the car, Hu Shijun couldn't bear it anymore, and said loudly: "Brother Yong, pinch me hard, are you dreaming?"

  Liu Yong smiled, very happy, "Junzi, we are not dreaming, this is a total of 100,000 yuan that we were rewarded."

  Holding the money, Hu Shijun kept giggling. He had no choice but to be poor. It was the first time he had so much money.

   One hundred thousand yuan!

   A thick bundle! !

   Excited for a long time, Hu Shijun finally asked, "Brother Yong, how do we divide the 100,000 yuan?"

   Without hesitation, without even thinking about it, Liu Yong said: "It's very good, half for each person."

half each!

  Hu Shijun was pleasantly surprised. Half of each person was 50,000 yuan per person. Fortunately, he also knew that he didn't have to put in much effort, so he quickly said: "I'll divide 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, and you can take the big one."

  The current net worth can be regarded as several million, and there is no need for tens of thousands of dollars to take up the bulk.

  Liu Yong insisted: "Don't be polite to me, come on, I'll give you the 50,000 yuan."

   Unpacked the large bundle of money, took 50,000 yuan and put it in Hu Shijun's hands.

  This, this, this...

   Wanted to say something, but was interrupted, Liu Yong said: "Don't let those who come and go, you just take 50,000. If you really feel sorry, it's easy to handle. Let's go to dinner later, you treat."

   "Okay, then I won't be polite. Let's go to Liu Ji Seafood Restaurant and have a meal of fresh seafood to satisfy our appetite."

  Giving Hu Shijun 50,000 yuan was mainly to repay the favor. When he was the most struggling, Hu Shijun gave himself the only 2,000 yuan. This favor is now repaid.

  The two left, but Ink Lake Park had almost exploded, and the news was like a gust of wind.

   "I heard that the big crocodile released a few days ago has been caught."

   "Really, this is great!"

   "We can go to the lake again."

   "Our family's old Li likes to go fishing by the lake the most. The past two days have suffocated him. I need to call him and tell him."

   "Mom, I'm going to go boating in the lake, why don't you take me there."


  As the news spread, the lakeside, which had been a little deserted in the past two days, became lively again, and the number of people gradually increased.

  The reporter of Huahai TV station was also very well informed, and immediately drove over in an interview car. This incident was reported on the prime time news report of Huahai TV station that night.


  Liu Yong was lying on the bed.

  No need to go to work, leisurely leisurely, it is really a fairy-like day.

  Woke up from a nap just now, didn't get up in a hurry, and looked at the phone for a while.

  Sister Liu Lan, who is a freshman at Huahai University, sent a message, so the two chatted on WeChat.

  Summer vacation is coming soon, and Liu Lan proposed to use the summer vacation to work and study to earn some living expenses.

   Liu Yong felt distressed for a while.

  A freshman girl is going to work as a waiter in a restaurant, and girls who are about her age are probably enjoying a pleasant and relaxing vacation.

  Liu Yong disapproved of her being a waiter, and transferred 2,000 yuan to her, telling her to spend it at ease, because she now has money on hand.

  Two thousand yuan would take a while for Liu Lan, who has always lived frugally, and Liu Yong didn't dare to transfer too much.

  Yesterday, I also deposited 10,000 yuan in Liu Hongfu's bank card, but I didn't dare to save more, because I was worried that my father would think too much.

   To be precise, Liu Hongfu is only the father of this body. Since Liu Yong has transmigrated into this world, then Liu Hongfu is also his father.

   Liu Lan is his own sister.

   Chatted with Liu Lan for a while, and after transferring 2,000 yuan, Liu Yong couldn't help but think of the snapping turtle again.

  In fact, it can no longer be called a "little snapping turtle", because it has grown to more than 100 catties.

   To be precise, it has reached 52.6 kilograms, which is considered a "monster" in Ink Lake. If it is exposed to the water, some tourists may be shocked if they see it.

   It's not good to scare innocent tourists.

   After so many days in a row, nothing of value has been found in the lake. It is probably gone, and it is time to leave.

   It is of course the best thing to go to the sea, but Liu Yong is not sure, he needs to try.

   Soon after, Liu Yong drove out. Today's task is to help the snapping turtle find a new home.

Where are you going?

  The last time I drove around the seaside, I basically knew what to do. This time I went to the mouth of the Qingjiang River.

  Qing River is a famous river in Yan State, winding for thousands of kilometers, and entering the sea in Huahai City.

  Liu Yong's idea is very clear, let the snapping turtles launch into the sea at the mouth of the Qingjiang River, and try to see if they can adapt to the seawater environment. If not, it is also convenient to swim back to the Qingjiang River.

   Arrive at the estuary of the Qingjiang River, where the vast Qingjiang River enters the sea, with a width of several kilometers.

  Standing near the wide estuary, looking into the distance, it is the open sea.

   “This place is great!”

  Liu Yong was satisfied and quickly found a suitable place.

  This is the seaside, the kind that can be driven directly by car, the important thing is that the place is a bit out of the way and there are fewer people.

  Let the snapping turtle go into the sea here first. If you can’t adapt to the seawater environment, then swim towards the Qingjiang estuary. The distance is not far. The snapping turtle stays near the Qingjiang estuary, where the freshwater environment is.

  Standing on the beach, Liu Yong watched for a long time before leaving, praying more than once in his heart, God bless, the snapping turtle must be able to adapt to the seawater environment, and the vast sea is its stage.

  Back home, Liu Yong made some preparations, such as emptying the trunk of the off-road vehicle to facilitate the loading of this giant snapping turtle.

   To transport the snapping turtle to the sea, this big G is the vehicle, just put the snapping turtle in the trunk.

  It was still early, and Liu Yong planned to act at night, because there were relatively few people in Ink Lake Park at that time.

  So, patiently waiting for the dark.

   Ink Lake Park.

  The danger of the big crocodiles has been eliminated, and the number of people by the lake has gradually increased. Some are patiently fishing, some are sitting on chairs to enjoy the cool, and some are walking along the lake. It is quite lively.

  In the lake, a giant snapping turtle is swimming around. When it sees delicious fish and shrimp, it will always catch some to eat.

  The giant snapping turtle weighing more than 100 kilograms looks relatively large. If you have the opportunity to watch carefully, you will find that it really looks like a dragon in armor.

  The carapace is huge, bigger than a millstone, and the protrusions on the carapace are like hills.

   The limbs and claws are strong and powerful, the claw tips are abnormally sharp, and the mouth is relatively large, full of sharp teeth.

   It is now the veritable overlord of Ink Lake.

   "Ink Lake feels smaller and smaller. The owner said that he would help me change a place. I am really looking forward to it!"

  The sky was gradually getting dark, and the bustling Ink Lake Park became much quieter, especially since there were not even one-tenth of the people by the lake during the day.

  A **** G drove in from the gate of the park, with a very clear goal, heading directly towards the lake.

   It was Liu Yong who drove the car. It is around 8:00 pm, the lights are on, and there are fewer tourists in the park. It is the best time to transfer snapping turtles.

   Ask everyone for recommendation tickets, collections and other support.



  (end of this chapter)