MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 223 Planning, intensive cultivation and fine-tuning

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Farming is a job that sounds simple but difficult to do.

Especially when facing a large area of ​​land, if you don't have a concept in your heart and don't know how to do it, this feeling of inability to start is even more exuberant.

Sitting on the ground, feeling the warm sunlight above his head, he took out the nether energy water in the storage space, and Sumo took a sip.

Passing the remaining water bottle to Moore who was also sitting next to him, looking forward to it, and watching Moore drank it happily, Somo showed some "friendly" smiles.

"Moore, look at the master, am I treating you well!"

"Okay! Moore eats well, drinks well, and is very happy." Almost instantly, after hearing Somo's words, Moore patted his chest and stood up, croaking.

In this way, Oreo, who was lying next to him in the warmth, rolled his eyes in disdain.

What a sucker bear!

But before this sentence in Oreo's mind took shape, Oreo yelled happily after hearing Somo's next sentence.

"Eating so well, of course, we must play the role of Lei Xiong fighters. These black lands, this is a hoe, you come and look through it for us one by one!"

Righteously handed the **** into Moore's hand. Looking at Moore's stunned expression, Su Mo stretched out his hand and patted Moore's furry back.

"Hurry up and do a good job to give you a snack!"

Hearing the extra meal, Moore finally recovered, and excitedly picked up his hoe, Ding Dong Ding Dong dried it up.

The work of turning the ground is simple, it only requires physical strength and strength. For the Lei Xiong clan, as long as they regard the black land as the enemy on the road to food, they are naturally motivated.

Seeing Morch's extremely fast speed, Somo nodded in satisfaction, began to drain the seeds, and carefully arranged the planting plan.

Spring wheat is very regional, and not all places are suitable for planting spring wheat. Different varieties and different regions have large yield gaps, and the yield per mu is about 1,000 jin. In China, only some areas can be grown.

On the waste soil, it is because it is snowing everywhere, and there is a rich snow environment, which finally creates an environment for the growth of spring wheat.

For the first planting, Somo decided to plant a pound within a fixed range to study the relationship between the level and the investment.

While Moore was still diligently turning over the back ground, he looked at the black ground that had been opened.

Finding the most fertile piece of land, Somo began to operate patiently.

Farming, in the training ground provided by the system, there is no such wonderful training.

Therefore, Somo can only try to find his own way based on the experience summed up by the current owner of the world channel.

"When dressing the seeds, the moisture should not be too high so as not to affect the unsuccessful planting during sowing and affect the amount of seeds per acre."

"The seeds should be mixed well, and every grain of wheat should be mixed with water to avoid too high leakage rate"

"After the seed dressing is over, the wheat needs to be air-dried a little bit."

Sitting on the ground, separating a catty of anti-disaster wheat seeds on the ground, Somo luxuriously took out some nether energy water and small pots to ensure that every seed on the ground can fully absorb the nether energy water. Of nutrients.

The sun in the wasteland is very poisonous. When the Nether Energy Water began to evaporate a little, Somo quickly poured all the seeds into the basin and began the second step.

Before sowing, intensive tillage is required, which can not only enhance the fertility of the soil, but also break the bottom of the plow to reach the standards of deep, fine, transparent, flat, solid, and watery.

That is to say, the tillage layer should be deep, after ploughing, rake thin, rake thoroughly, level, and steadily, so that the upper pine and the lower are solid, and the water is stored to preserve moisture.

Seeing that it was easy to say from experience, Somo himself had a headache when dealing with it.

Fortunately, this thing has no technical content. After spending a little bit of time, it reached the final step.

As the main food for one-third of the population on the planet, wheat is not difficult to plant. You only need to be careful and control the amount of planting and the distance between the two ears to ensure the health of wheat.

"Huh, this time I am afraid that the rank will not be high. While watching the strategy and planting the land, I didn't even invest one-tenth of the effort. It is difficult for b to increase the seed rank."

Standing on the ground and looking at the leveled ground below, Somo distressedly drew out a one-day coin from the storage space.

The fingertips flicked slightly, and the coin fell into the ground in front of him. As a slow tremor broke out, the coin began to disappear gradually and merged into the ground under him.

At the same time, the land seemed to be affected by some magical force, and the colors on it began to change.

"The way time and currency work is peculiar, but I don't know how it works!"

Seeing that the game panel could not identify the black ground in front of him, Sumo's thoughts moved, the system panel automatically unfolded, and he began to scan the properties of the land in front of him.

Scanning slowly, scanning from the top of the ground to the end of the ground, and when it was retracted, I brought a surprising attribute panel.

Black soil crop planting field spring wheat

Grower: Suma

Planting area: 32

Planting category: Anti-disaster Star II

Crop grade: excellent

Crop attributes: resist low temperatures not lower than minus 20 degrees, resist high temperatures not higher than minus 40 degrees, resist pests below five degrees, resist plant diseases below grade eight, immune to similar plant nutrition competition, immunity

Estimated crop yield: 1,225 kg is affected by a number of man-made conditions such as weather and natural factors, not the final value

Estimated crop maturity time: 823 days are affected by a series of factors such as land, fertilizer, weather, etc., not the final value

Evaluation: Can not be said to be very bad, can only be said to be so-so


"Even so heavy has allowed me to grow good-quality crops. Suma really is a genius for farming!"

Looking at the word "Excellent" on the panel with surprise, Sumo directly ignored the evaluation given by the system!

Anyone who has seen the first farming can produce excellent quality crops!

Of course, there may be reasons for adding pyloric water, but it is definitely not the main factor.

Black soil bonus, choice of seed model, weather factor, excavator plows the land again and again, Moore hoes the land again and again

All the conditions are combined to ensure that Suma is only a beginner and can grow good quality crops.

"Well, the multiplier for good quality crops is 200 times, which means that in just over ten hours, the crops can go straight from the planting to the harvest period."

“If you don’t have tools to harvest, you can only rely on manpower. The time to harvest an acre of land is about 5 hours. Counting the rest time, one person is responsible for two acres, and the harvest will have to work for 11 hours without sleep.”

"If you do this, the next day will definitely be exhausted, and it is estimated that there will be only one and a half rounds in the next two days. This is still a good situation."

Holding a shovel, standing on the mountain buns, Sumo quietly pondered, and began to calculate the specific output of the excellent-level crops under the bonus.

Counting the time for harvesting and re-opening the ground, three days of hard work, with the help of King Kong, two rounds of work should not be a problem.

Taking a yield of 1,000 catties in the middle of 200 acres of land, the tax and grain collected is about 280,000 catties.

If you want to convert tax grains into flour, so many catties of pure wheat, Somo alone can't deal with it until the year of the monkey.

Either think of a way to build an automated production line, or you have to take out 10% to 20% of the food and continue to hire refugees from the candlelight shelter to help with the crops.

Come and go, plus the flour extraction rate of wheat is between 75, 420,000 catties of spring wheat, after being converted into flour, only

84 tons!

With the current appetite of the wasteland, about one and a half catties of flour a day should be a normal food intake. If you do more work, this amount will have to be added to two catties.

Everything was calculated according to the worst-case scenario, and after some calculations, Somo got the final value.

If the three-day welfare disaster buried all the minds in spring wheat, it could grow enough flour for 240 people to eat for a year.

Conversely, if the number of people in the shelter remains around 1,015, it can last for eight to ten years.

This number sounds exaggerated, but after Somo's careful consideration, it was immediately ruled out!

"Not enough! Even if the shelter doesn't need to be expanded in the future, this little flour will definitely not be enough!"

"In the future, the hard currency of the transaction will definitely be food. Whether it is used to replace things or travel far away, food will not depreciate at any time."

"What's more, I must set aside enough time for planting other things, otherwise the flour alone will not last a year, and everyone will be short of vitamins and will die!"

Directly rejected the idea of ​​planting excellent crops, looking at the vegetable field below, Sumo simply sat down and began to slowly recover his energy.

There is only one chance. The types of things you choose to grow must be nutritious, convenient and simple to store, and the yield must not be too low.

Therefore, in all the crops is in accordance with Somo's original vision.

It consists of four crops in total.

Yield thousands of catties per mu, anti-hungry generals, spring wheat.

Charger, cabbage rich in carotene, vitamins, vitamins, crude fiber, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements.

High-quality plant protein source, and very easy to preserve, even if it is a veteran that will not break for a few years, Soybean.

Protect human organs and tissues and prevent various diseases. Carrot is known as the top pioneer of small ginseng.

In addition to these four, it is necessary to plant a round of cotton used to make gunpowder, which is smokeless gunpowder, and wait for the mass production of cannonballs in the future.

Even if there is plenty of time, Somo wants to try the apple tree seeds that have grown in about three years to see if they can grow fruit.

Finally, in the black soil, Somo intends to purchase a large amount of medicinal materials, and strive for refuge to have a large and abundant resource reserve.

With so many crops waiting to be planted, one must not lose sight of one another. Choosing a more convenient and excellent level will naturally waste a vital opportunity.

"All the crops must be upgraded to excellent quality, with 400 times the flow rate difference, in order to ensure that my plan is carried out as scheduled!"

The plan was determined, and the direction for the quality of the crop was given to Somo.

Sitting on the ground, Somo began to slowly reflect on the points that were not achieved in the steps of farming just now, and at the same time began to simulate each step in his mind to do the best.

Under concentrated thinking, until the sun above his head slanted west, Somo suddenly opened his eyes, picked up the shovel in his hand, picked up the high-yield wheat grain bag next to him, and his eyes became extremely focused.

At the same time, the thought ring on the finger began to emit a hazy light, making Somo's attention more concentrated!