MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 527 Feeling exhausted, the last arrangement before the long winter!

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"It's April 8th, and before the disaster on April 20th, there are still 11 days to go."

"Get ready. I'll send you there in about two or three days. It's very likely that you won't be able to come back from this disaster. Are you mentally prepared?"

When he was called, Hao Qiang nodded again and again: "Director, I have no problem going there, but my brother..."

"Don't worry, from now on, your talent level will be directly upgraded to A-level by us. According to your performance in Liberty City, we will also have an equal upgrade."

"I think your brother's rank is also B-, right, you are gone, we can let him inherit your talent rank preferential treatment, enjoy A-rank treatment, and we will give double, which is to save your share first! "

During the construction period of the depression, different from the previous big pot of rice, in the case of individuals owning private property, the materials in the territory also began to flow slowly.

In the same way, the charging items and taxes have been smoothly implemented.

Take food expenses as an example. In the past, people who ate more and those who ate less shared this collective expense. Naturally, many people were dissatisfied and felt it was unfair.

Now, after changing to a certain fee per meal, it has been praised by most people.

Of course, among them, as a manager, you will definitely charge a certain amount of material storage fees, as well as processing fees.

However, the evaluation and treatment of talent level is also reflected in this.

Depending on the tier, the share of these fees charged varies.

For example, B-level, you have to pay 8%, and A-level, you only need to pay 4%.

Although the main amount of the fee is not high, it is destined that there will be a double gap between the two, and it is difficult to have an intuitive figure to reflect.

But taking into account the miscellaneous expenses such as accommodation fee, farm implement usage fee, land management fee and so on.

There will always be a lot of people coming down, and over time, there will definitely be a big gap between the two!

On the tax side, the current payment is only one medical tax, which generally means that when you get sick, you will get collective assistance.

There is no charge for treatment, but there will be a certain fee in the later stage depending on the number and time of rescue.

Among them, as the lord, Soma will spread out the consumption of the big head, and the sick villagers only need to pay the remaining small head.

It is also a kind of preferential treatment similar to welfare.

Similarly, the preferential treatment of talent level is also reflected here.

B-level talents need to pay 15% of the medical tax, while A-level talents only need to pay 8%, the gap is quite large!

"Thank you, Director, now I'm relieved!"

Hearing that his treatment had risen to A-level and that his brother could also enjoy it simultaneously, Hao Qiang nodded in satisfaction, his excitement over his words.

"Wait, boy, don't be too happy!"

"If you want to go to Liberty City to hide and implement a series of things that the director explained to you, you have to pass my level first."

"The real lurking environment is not like a simulated sand table. The other party will not doubt your identity. Even if you make outrageous actions, they can accept it by default. As you are now, I promise, don't say that you are integrated into the other party's identity. The refugee camp went to reconnaissance news, and as soon as your front foot entered their territory, your back foot can be forked out. Believe it or not!"

"As a spy, a dark son who penetrates into the other party's interior, you still have a lot to learn!"

As the oldest fighter in the depression, Su Deben's words were old-fashioned.

And Hao Qiang also nodded obediently, and calmly admitted his shortcomings.

Lurking is a science, especially for people in the 1990s who grew up in spy movies.

Lurking into the base camp of the alien race, Sumo relied on his powerful strength as a backing, plus the disguise of Turner and a group of mercenaries around him, to eliminate the sense of disobedience in the early stage.

As Sudben said.

In a refugee camp with extremely high vigilance, even if Hao Qiang entered with a mark, his appearance would definitely arouse the other's vigilance.

When the time comes, people will have nothing to do, and the news that the depression can be cracked will be revealed, and it will be over.

"It's time to change, time waits for no one, go back and pack up, just come and let me report here to Commander Su."

"By the way, don't tell your brother that he is leaving, we will arrange it later!"

Continuing to explain some relevant precautions, Hao Qiang was sent away, looking at the weather outside, which was approaching the afternoon, and the task list that was finally emptied.

Soma took a long breath and collapsed on the sofa in a relaxed manner.

Lu Kuan stepped forward: "What? Are you tired?"

"It's a little bit, it's really busy these days. I'm running around every day. I'm not tired, but I'm a little tired mentally!"

He poured down the warm tea on the table in one gulp, and through the door of the shelter, under the sun slanting west, Soma's eyes narrowed.

From the moment of leaving one person and entering the collective, the days when you could rest comfortably in the shelter before, have become the past tense and will never return.

Every day, there are new goals and new challenges.

Up to now, even lying on the sofa in a daze for a while has become an almost "luxury" enjoyment.

The territory is getting bigger, the supplies are increasing, and the technology tree is moving forward without stopping.

But life has not improved at all. The underground shelter is still the same as it was two months ago, and the entertainment still stays at flipping through the game and system interface.

From a certain point of view, Soma had to admit.

After finishing a lot of troubles, I felt a little tired.

"Tired? It's time to get tired after working so hard for so long. This territory is everyone's territory, but life is yours alone. You really should take a break."

"Besides, the more than two-month-long winter is coming soon. With our current preparations, although it is not extremely abundant, compared to others, it is already generous enough."

"Wait until tomorrow, I'll let someone set up the solar panels, and then bury the wires, so that the basic electricity will be connected at night."

"When we have electricity, we can also do more work, and we won't have to do everything manually now!"

He also sat beside Soma, and Lu Kuan, who had obtained human form, comforted him softly.

At the same time, the warmth of the sun also reminded him of more things hidden in his memory.

In the past, he was a robot without any sense of touch and did not need human enjoyment. The first thing he woke up from the forced sleep every day was work.

When you are tired from work, just press the button and you can fall asleep.

Naturally, he didn't think too much about what it means to have entertainment.

But now, after turning into a human form, he suddenly remembered that Soma, the lord, had the same time as his robot form from beginning to end.

Never rested, never stopped!

This kind of behavior is simply anti-human, and it is an inhuman self-control ability!

While Lu Kuan pondered, Ai Jianfeng also came over: "Although the materials stored in the village are not enough for us to build a modern smelting factory with a fully automatic assembly line, building a medieval smelting furnace is not a problem at all. , If the progress is fast, in a few days, I can also instruct people to set up the furnace and produce the first pot of steel in our depression as soon as possible!"

"When the time comes to have reinforced concrete, as long as the winter is over, we can start large-scale infrastructure right away!"

Another piece of good news.

Although iron smelting is not Ai Jianfeng's housekeeping skills, but the most mechanic major is obviously within his ability.

"It's going to be very soon, I'll hold on for a few days, and when winter really comes, I'll take a good rest."

"Right now, we are still short of the last three moves. In the past ten days, we have to carry it over and say anything!"

Knowing the good intentions of the two, seeing that Su Deben was also coming to persuade him, Su Mo waved his hand unconsciously, and Chaos's mind became clear again.

Before the arrival of winter, there were the last three things left for the lord to do.

First, it was an imminent development task. Before the blizzard came, Hao Qiang had to be placed there, and by the way, the development of Liberty City had to be arranged.

It is best to develop steadily in the winter period, to ensure that the Xinhuo Exchange will have a stable position after the spring, and supply resources to the depression without pressure.

The second is the investigation mission. It is also before the disaster, and it is necessary to have a close contact with the ancient Shuren neighbors who have never met before.

It doesn't matter what you gain, but at least you have to know the other party's bottom line, so that it won't go blank.

In this way, even if winter comes, you can use this information to roughly speculate on the possible actions of the other party in winter.

The third is a strategic mission. The relationship between the neighbors and the dwarves is already irreconcilable, and there must be a battle between the two.

Considering the need for a large amount of coal resources in the future.

If you have enough time and you can successfully complete the above two deployments, then it is very necessary to attack the Blackrock Camp.

At that time, as long as you can find a way to lay down the camp, you will not only be able to seize a batch of supplies, but also find out more secrets about the dwarves.

The above three points are all time-sensitive tasks, and naturally it is impossible for Soma to rest now.

Listening to his narration, the three of them were silent for a while, and in the end, they all nodded, ignoring the strategic significance of it.

"Since this is the case, the progress on our side can't be stopped. I will go to the virtual reality to construct a training scene."

"I'm going too. As long as we can nibble on battery technology, our energy will definitely be greatly improved, and we don't need to limit ourselves to the interior."

"Then I'll take someone to pour the mold now, and strive to complete the preparatory work before tomorrow!"

Su Mo couldn't be idle, and felt that it was not the time to enjoy it at all. The three of them also took their tasks and started to get busy.

For a while, the garage, which had just been born a little bit popular, returned to its former desertedness again.

Getting used to this feeling, Soma didn't feel lonely at all.

He lay down until five o'clock in the afternoon and took a nap for a while. After the sky darkened, he stood up and walked to Guoshu Mountain.

In the early days, almost every day there were earth-shaking changes.

Following the village and the underground shelter as the center, the team responsible for the road construction has completely started the progress, and the efficiency is amazing.

According to the current speed, with the depression as the center before the blizzard, the entire nearby five kilometers can be roughly repaired, and it has basic moisture resistance.

At the same time, it can also lay a solid foundation for future conditions.

On the right side of the village, the land that was not opened yesterday has now been completely opened.

Relying on the previously accumulated water source and the fresh water pulled from the freshwater lake, the entire cultivated land has been thoroughly irrigated, forming a clear boundary with the surrounding area.

It only takes a day or two for the early winter wheat to enter the field and become the first crop to be cultivated in the depression.

On the top of the Iron Stone Mountain, there are also mining workers.

Relying on the tools accumulated before, it is not difficult to mine iron ore whose hardness is not more than 5, but the convenience of storage space in transportation has been delayed for some time.

As for the construction of the spectacle that Soma ordered yesterday, there are now some signs of it.

At the back of the village, there are already quite a few stones piled up.

Calculated from the famous stone statues on Easter Island, the average weight is about 7 meters, and its weight is as high as 35-50 tons. It can be said to be a giant!

If you really want to carve a huge 20-meter-high stone statue with pure natural stone, its weight is at least 100 tons. Without a complete modern technological creation, it is extremely difficult to complete.

Therefore, after some thought from the beginning, Soma completely dismissed the idea of ​​natural stone statues.

Instead, a combination of clod + stone + steel skeleton is used!

Relying on the steel skeleton, a model about 20 meters high was first recorded, and some internal weak points were filled with the fired soil to form a support.

Then, when the entire interior is completely formed and can bear the weight of the stone, the stone is made into stone skin and pasted to form a stone statue.

This kind of production method can greatly omit the difficulty of erasing, and there is no need to find and move the stone statues.

At the same time, the construction period can also be greatly shortened, so that it can be produced in ten days, and the spectacle that primitive people may take decades to complete!

Look at this for a while, look at that for a while.

Thousands of people walk like ants on the vast expanse of the land, which looks magnificent.

But unfortunately, now is not a disaster time, there is no convenience of live broadcast.

In the current scene, only Soma, standing on the top of the fruit tree, enjoys it alone.

"There are still too few people. Compared with the tens of thousands of people in Liberty City, the progress of more than 1,000 people in the depression is much slower."

"It would be great if we could find a way to gather some people!"

Like strategy simulation games, the number of people also has a progress bar and unlock points.

When there were 100 people, it was basically impossible to develop an infrastructure of the current scale.

In the same way, when there were 10,000, 50,000, or even 100,000 people, the scale of infrastructure that was opened would definitely not be comparable to it now.

Before the population reaches a qualified base, like scarce resources, the population is also an important strategic point that must be fully searched for and gathered!

"We can only pin our hopes on the information channels in Liberty City."

" In order to gather a large number of people, the resources of the depression must also keep up with it. At least everyone must have sufficient food."

"If everyone can't get enough to eat, how can we talk about construction and development!"

Silently thinking about future plans in his heart, Soma started to patrol around the top of the fruit tree.

In order to achieve the best effect, the only rice leaf seeds must ensure the first wave of harvest.

Therefore, whether it is sunshine conditions, nutritional conditions, or other possible factors must be considered.

Fortunately, every piece of land in the upgraded Guoshu Mountain is extremely fertile.

Very easily, Soma chose the best sunshine location, took out the rice leaf seeds, and planted them.

Immediately, he took out a small pot of precious second-generation nether energy water again, and Soma poured it down precisely at the position of the seeds.

"Grow up quickly, the hope of the whole village is on you!"

Looking at the place where the water was poured, some light blue light spots ooze out, slowly floating in the air like an elves.

With a little anticipation, after putting a fence around the position of the seeds again, Soma strode down.

What should be done is now as perfect as possible.

Next, we just need to brew over time and wait for the end of winter and the arrival of spring.

The depression will be like a seed buried deep in the ground, completely sprouting out!