MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 539 Serious injury, unimaginable horror harvest!

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"This sixth-order flame dragon lizard is so powerful. In other words, this Demon Soul Race is taking advantage. They only need to have a template to continue to become stronger, and they don't need to suffer the pain before becoming stronger. They are envious of the dead."

"That is, they can not only maintain this form to fight, but also change to other comfortable forms to live in. It's not like we've transformed it, it's inconvenient for anything but fighting."

"That's not true. They use other people's templates, and it is difficult for them to exert 100% of their combat effectiveness, let alone perform exceptionally. Just this flame dragon lizard, if the master comes over, how can our squads be comparable to it!"

"That's right. Although the Demon Soul Race can change, it's not its own body after all. How can it be controlled like an arm!"

Around the main battlefield on the street, more and more reformers completed the battle and hurried over to watch the battle with passion.

Like hunting a boss, the demon souls that were brought out by the sixth-order flame creatures have now been wiped out by the turbulent offensive of the transforming team.

Only one of them was left in the siege of the crowd, constantly roaring and fighting as the last trapped beast.

And, as these spectators said.

The template obtained by the Demon Soul Race can still maintain a bit of an upright demeanor before it makes a full effort, and it looks majestic.

But when he showed all his strength, because of his weakness inside and poor combat skills, he basically reached the end after about 80%, and it was difficult to exert his true sixth-order strength.

According to the current rhythm, if it wasn't for the reformed people, they didn't launch the final attack for the sake of stability.

Even if this sixth-order flame dragon lizard has a special flame spurt, it won't last long at all.

"Hey, brother, why are you smiling so happily? Are we going to win?!"


It's like watching a football game when everyone sweats while others laugh and don't worry at all.

In such a tense situation, as soon as they heard someone laughing happily, the remodelers of the audience suddenly turned their heads and looked at the place where the sound came from.

In the transformed worlds of the Empire of Light, just like the Demon Souls can judge their strength with their marks, their way of judging a person's strength is also very simple.

At a glance, you can see that the rank of the transformation trace is definitely below the third rank, and very few people can break through to the fourth rank.

There is no trace of transformation at a glance, but the transformation parts that can be seen are definitely above the third-order, and there is potential to break through to the fifth-order.

At a glance, you can't see the traces of transformation, and at the same time, you can't see the transformation parts. It looks like a normal human. Starting from the fourth rank, there is a high probability that it is above the fifth rank, or even the sixth rank powerhouse!

Now, looking at this figure in black, with a black scarf on his face, and a big dark red gun in his hand.

Everyone was stunned, and instantly gave the opponent's strength rating.

Rank 5, definitely a master above rank 5!

"Aha, oh yes, they are going to decide the winner. Look, the dragon lizard's flame is almost gone!"

Realizing that he had become the focus of the crowd, Su Mo suddenly touched his head, and then skillfully shifted the topic back.


Hearing this, the crowd turned their heads again and turned their attention to the center of the battlefield.

Just like what Sumo said, the flames that the flame dragon lizard keeps spewing from the mouth is five or six meters from the beginning, and even seven or eight meters when it is high.

Today, even if he is spraying with all his strength, he is only a little over two meters away, and his decline is already very obvious.

And the transformation team standing next to him, the offensive also began to increase, and all of them became masters in beating the underdogs!

"I'm going to win!"

He spoke softly again, and before Soma's voice fell, the flame dragon lizard suddenly stopped its swift offensive just now. Judging by its figure, it turned out to be trying to escape directly.

However, the transformation team obviously prevented this move, and effortlessly passed a large net of traits and trapped it inside.


At the moment of being caught by the net, six or seven long weapons were instantly connected, completing the end of the flame dragon lizard's life.


"we won!!!"


The screaming death of the flame dragon lizard seemed to sound the horn of victory.

For a time, the reformers who watched the battle on the entire street cheered loudly, and the trembling air shivered again and again.

As the Transformers team stepped forward and held it high, the other exchanges on the same street that were still stubbornly resisting also lost their last fighting spirit in an instant, and chose to be obedient and captured.

"This brother really has a brilliant eye, and he is indeed a master of our Bright Empire!"

"That's right, this Demon Soul clan has its own appearance, how can we have strong fighting power!"

"Brother, do you have a team? Why don't you consider my team, we are a fourth-tier team, and we will fight the Demon Soul Race together!"

"Look at me, brother, we are also a full fourth-tier team, you join, come directly to be the deputy captain, and I will directly share 30% of your income, without any ambiguity!"

The "loot" in the imported goods exchange is destined to be the carnival of a very small number of people.

For those who are watching the battle from the outside world, they will join in the fun and gain knowledge, so that they can go back and have the capital to bragging.

But the master Soma was different.

Once they can get him to join the team, the team will be able to take on the 5th-order quest immediately.

"Xingxingxing, my team is indeed scattered, and now I need a hunting team to lead."

"Strength? At least it has to be all Tier 4, and it has to have a well-equipped team lineup."

"Let's say it first, I won't go to dangerous places, I will only go to the ones that I will surely succeed in. If you have a team that wants to take risks, don't come and pull me!"

Pretending to think for a while, looking at the eagerly smiling faces of the reformers below, Somo said his request with a smile.

This time, the number of invited teams dropped by as much as 90% in an instant.

Obviously, the strength of the transformation team is not as terrifying as imagined. Most of them are teams that are temporarily put together after entering the city.

After some selection, looking at the conditions given by each team, Soma immediately chose one of the teams named Tianxuan to join.

In terms of conditions, what this team has given is not very generous.

But on the trophy, there was a promise that Soma could choose freely.

"I'm the chosen captain, Dyson, what do you call my brother!"

He successfully pulled the fifth-order strength Soma into his team. Dyson, who had transformed most of his body, was obviously overjoyed.

"Brother Dai, don't be polite, just call me Su Chi."

Shaking out his cousin's name casually, Soma pulled the mask down a little, showing a harmless smile.

The reason why he didn't leave immediately and stayed at the "incident scene" was not because of Soma's wicked taste. He wanted to see how these people would react when they found out that they had lost their belongings.

On the contrary, after stumbling around and clarifying why his identity was judged as his own by these transformed people, Soma decided to do the next big thing tonight!

Now, the storage space is completely full, and the authority to replace the body has been exhausted. If I want to find another house to rob, there is no means of transportation.

At this time period when the transformation of human beings is obviously not over yet.

Instead of relying on manpower to continue to rob some trivial things, it is better to find a team to join and try to plant a "seed".

With a name, and neither of them are social phobias.

After the other six members of the team were selected that day, the group of eight quickly got to know each other.

In the Empire of Light, a standard transformation team usually consists of seven people, and the equipment is:

There are three combatants, mainly responsible for the frontal attack, including two assaulters and one defender.

There are two logistics personnel, mainly responsible for maintaining equipment and carrying tools, including one maintenance person and one tool person.

One observer, who is mainly responsible for exploring the terrain, finding locations, and accepting tasks.

A commander, mainly responsible for quickly formulating tactics according to the opponent's terrain, and then implementing them.

Of course, Tier 4 squads definitely don't have a real commander.

A captain like Dyson is a pure-blooded assault fighter, and he is at best a half-hearted commander.

"Hey, there seems to be a quarrel over there. Could it be that the contents inside were destroyed?"

Looking at the map, everyone was still discussing where to choose their next target.

Suddenly, there was a lively scene in the Import Exchange, accompanied by bursts of roars, which sounded extremely frightening.

This scene, Su Ma is well aware of it, and did not dare to show any weird expression on his face.

But the others were extremely curious, and hurried over to observe the situation inside through the open door.

"Captain Qingtian, what are you holding in your hand? Why do you feel a little familiar?"

"I'm also a little familiar, it always feels like something I see often!"

"Ah? Don't you think it's similar to underwear?"

"??? You seem to be a bit similar when you say that!"

As the most powerful captain of the Transformers team, he deservedly became the focus of attention in the first place.

But it's a pity, unlike the majestic Ending Flame Dragon Lizard before, at this time he was holding a black boxer briefs, and his eyes were full of terrifying anger!

Then, after seeing someone talking outside.

Qing Weather threw his **** on the ground on the spot and picked up the book beside him.

At first, seeing the colorful paint on the book and the dense text inside, his expression softened a little.

But after turning to the back and seeing a large section of the space, with obvious signs of being torn from it, the relief immediately turned into rage!

It is tolerable, but unbearable.

This exchange was evacuated under the eyes of others, let's not talk about it.

Unexpectedly, the other party also deliberately left these things to ridicule, it was like slapping everyone's face with a big mouth.

It doesn't hurt, but the insulting effect is directly full!

"Yeah, although these underwear have only been worn four times, but the last time, it seems that they haven't been washed?"

"Hey, this book seems to be used a lot when I go to the toilet. It's really a sin!"

"This pot seems to be stuck on a rock, and I accidentally left a gap after it was left unused."


Gu Seeing that Qingtian had just dropped the book in his left hand, picked up a pot again and observed it carefully, then frantically smashed it on the ground and roared again and again, Somo shrank his neck and quickly withdrew his gaze.

"Let's go, don't wait until Lord Qingtian can't find anything, so discourage us"

"Ah, yes yes yes, Brother Su is right! Hurry up, hurry up!"

Feeling that the atmosphere inside was extremely anxious, looking at some people outside who had begun to retreat quietly, Dyson patted his head and hurriedly left with a group of people.

After a long while, they didn't stop until they walked out of this street and came to the side road next to them.

Expanding the map again, facing the label on it, the discussion continued:

"Brother Su, listen to you, our next target can't be next to the inner city?"

Su Mo nodded: "Yes, the inner city has now become a hot potato, and the masters and crowds of the Demon Soul Race are concentrated there. Even if we go there, it won't take much advantage, not to mention that these poor ghosts can bring It's all small things that are worthless at all."

"On the contrary, once the means of the Demon Souls break out, it will naturally start from the inner city, you know~"

Everyone nodded quickly: "Understand, understand!"

When choosing a team, Soma focused on the hunting concept.

Although the strength of the Tianxuan team is not at the forefront, in terms of Gou, they have not lost to other teams of the same rank.

After confirming the restricted area, he glanced at the map, and Soma Yuezu directly started to arrange:

"Now several main roads have already been swept away, and if we go again, the profit will not be high."

"So, I suggest, we can put our goals here!"

Without missing any trace, Soma seemed to stretch out his hand at will, but his goal was to land on the block where the antique building marked with the fourth-order danger degree was located!

Dyson scratched his head in confusion: "Here?"

"Yes, most of the exchanges in this neighborhood are fourth-order risk exchanges. They belong to the neighborhoods that are too high or too low. There is a high probability that the high-level team will not like it, but our team's strength is just enough to be stable!"

"Going here now, you can definitely make a lot of money!"

Regarding Soma's ultra vires behavior, after thinking clearly about the reasons, Dyson didn't care, but nodded leisurely, his face full of surprises!

Originally, he thought he had only picked up one fighter to join the team.

But now it seems that it just makes up for the team's last shortcoming.

In this way, as the captain and vice-captain nodded, the group of eight quickly identified the direction and began to move forward rapidly.

During the period, with Dyson at the head, the forward route this time was the main road occupied by the transformed people, and the natural speed was much faster than when Soma came.

At 1:35 in the night, when the heavy snow reached a new level again, the eight people arrived late and stepped on this quiet neighborhood.

"That's great. Brother Su looked at this place, and sure enough, no one came here. We just got a bargain."

From the beginning to the end, there are nine exchanges on this street, two on the third tier and seven on the fourth tier!

The persimmon picked softly, and soon, with the help of the observer, everyone successfully entered the first third-order house, and took it down effortlessly.

While the others were gathering the spoils, Soma stepped forward without any hesitation, and easily harvested six fresh imprints and put them in the storage container.

The others were not surprised by his actions, but generously let him go.

After all, in the city of the Empire of Light, although the mark of transforming people cannot be sold for a high price, it is not short of sales, and it belongs to the best commodity category.

Moreover, in the battle just now, Su Mo took the lead and directly broke out the fifth-order strength to establish a victory, and it should have such benefits!

"Brother Su, continue to the second house?"

"it is good!"

With the fifth-order boss as the guarantee, everyone's courage instantly increased, and the second goal was directly placed on the fourth-order exchange.

And what happened next did not exceed everyone's expectations.

With the intrusion of the **** Su Mo, after wielding the big spear and killing three enemies in an instant, everyone made up for the output, and the situation was instantly controlled.

Nine Sigils...Six Sigils...Seven Sigils...Four Sigils...

Just like cutting leeks, the further you go to the back exchange, the faster everyone advances.

And the marks in the container gathered around Soma's waist also skyrocketed from the initial 18 (mercenaries) to 69!

According to the current harvest, tonight's income has been unimaginable.

But looking at the last antique building with its gate tightly closed, Soma resolutely announced a storm!

Unlike the previous exchanges, Soma will always be at the forefront.

This time, he shrank back secretly and stood in a row with Dyson.

Of course, with such a change, the members of the team above were not aware of it, and they still rushed forward with the same screaming as before.

But as the door burst, the moment the attack came from inside.

The shield player in charge of defense and the fastest assaulter were thrown into the air like a rag doll in an instant.

If it wasn't for Su Mo's quick eyes and quick hands, and he pulled Dyson, I'm afraid that the Heaven's Chosen Team would have to destroy three people in a row in an instant.

"Oops, this is a tough stubble!"

Against the background of the fire of the surrounding houses, Dyson saw the spears inserted in the chests of the two at a glance.

Observing from the wound, this spear not only attacked extremely fast, but the enemy even coated the spear with a special poison, which was specially used to corrode and transform people's steel body.

This complete means alone far exceeds the background of the previous exchanges!

In his thoughts, after judging the strength of the enemy, Dyson instantly had the intention to retreat, but before he could react, the enemy inside attacked reluctantly.

"Beat, we can't get away, today either they die or we live!"

At a critical moment, Soma's loud shout awakened the team with only six people left.

Moreover, after Soma's big shot killed one of them, the team immediately remembered the terrifying strength of Soma's fifth-order, and the military spirit that had just been scattered once again reunited.



Just like a jet plane, when a group of transformants chose to fight for their lives and pressed the overclocking button, the transformed body immediately began to turn red and hot, and exhaled white air.

In the face of the enemies rushing out from inside, Soma completely released all his strength, using up the power of the big spear in every move and every move.

Unlike the previous Exotics Exchange, the strongest enemies in this antique building are only in their early fifth order.

But with their terrifying numbers and their waterfall-like offensive, facing the enemy is definitely much stronger than a simple sixth-order!

Now, when there are enemies on the front, back, left, and right, even if Soma wants to escape, he has to pay a huge price.

Fortunately, there is the firepower of the remaining five modified people.

After several strains, cuts, and a terrifying penetrating wound on the right side of the thigh, the enemy inside was finally cleaned up and only the last few trash fish remained!

"Brother Su, are you alright?"

Without the defender, in the battle just now, Dyson could only temporarily act as Soma's shield, responsible for defending against attacks from other directions.

At this time, there were also several terrifying wounds on his body, with blood flowing out.

"It's okay, I can still fight!"

He took the medicine handed over by the tool man at the back and sprinkled it on the wound.

As a sharp pain flashed by, Soma stood up with a grin, resulting in the death of the last few trash fish.

Until it is sure that all the enemies inside have been cleaned up.

Only then did Su Ma let out a long sigh, then sat down in the snow and looked back.

A "sudden" fierce battle, even if Soma had enough mental preparations, he also paid the price of serious injury.

And the Heavenly Chosen team at the back has been reduced from seven people to...three people!

Needless to say, the attackers and defenders who died violently at the beginning had already turned purple, and their death was terrifying.

The repairman in charge of maintenance was torn apart, and blood was spilled on the ground.

The observer with the lowest strength is even more unlucky. Until now, the whole person is still nailed to the ground, twitching constantly.

The entire team, in the end, only survived the tool man, Dyson, and another seriously injured assaulter.

Let the tool man come up to deal with the wound, and after the whole body was wrapped with something like a bandage, Soma gritted his teeth and stood up.

"Dyson, can you still go?"


" Let's go in together!"

Seeing that Soma didn't take advantage of himself because he and others were seriously injured, Dyson showed a relieved smile on his face.

Then, with a low roar, he stood up abruptly, leaving the marks of the tools and the assaulters to gather the people behind them, and the two staggered in.

"You search the first floor, I'll search the second floor!"

"it is good!"

The interior of the antique building is still the same as when it was a "guest" at that time.

Seeing Dyson nodding, holding the escalator in his hand, Soma went up to the second floor step by step and began to inspect and search.

Now, when all the owners have died, although the entire building has not undergone a formal change of ownership, in terms of the system's judgment, Soma has the authority to identify.

With a flash of green light, seeing the message popping up on the panel, Su Mo's face instantly showed a look of surprise, and strode to the third room on the second floor.

On an unremarkable floor, with Soma's five regular taps, the floor cracked and a box slowly popped out.

Then, when no one moved, the lid of the box turned out to be opened by itself, revealing the contents inside.

"Oh my God..."

"The sixth-order dwarf master template, the fifth-order harvest tree man template, the fifth-order blue moon wolf template..."

"There are hundreds of high-level templates in there!"

"My dear, is this the arsenal that the top ten exchanges want to rebel against....?"