MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 1029 : Teacher looking for Taraga

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"Jiang, where are we going?" Sitting on the co-pilot of Jiang Haizhan Shield, Taraga asked with some doubts.

When she heard her, Jiang Hai smiled and looked at her sitting next to her and said, "Go to New York and take you out to play!"

"What's fun in New York, haven't you been to it many times?" Although Jiang Haiping often has a house, he occasionally goes out to play. He is tired of playing in Boston. Naturally, New York has been there many times. There are no thirty, there are twenty-five times.

"This time is different, mainly to take you there, well, don't ask, go and you will know!" I messed up Taraga's hair, Jiang Hai said with a smile, then speeded up. Speed, rushing toward New York.

Since Mary-Jane and Jiang Hai have said that Taraga has some inferiority, some are not confident, and some can't let go, Jiang Hai also considered it. This is indeed a problem, although such children are very popular in China. Parents are welcome, but in the United States, there is no personality, inferiority, and aggressiveness is not a good thing, but to cultivate confidence, and to be honest, Jiang Hai himself will not do it. He said that the nobility is rich for more than three generations. It is called a nobleman, because the atmosphere of the nobles is not simulated by ordinary people. Jiang Hai is not a nobleman. He is strictly speaking, it is a burger.

The things he considered were the previous small farmers' thoughts and private thoughts. He didn't have much overall view. The only thing he wanted was how comfortable he was, how he came, how to come, the country, the political power, the nation, what humans, he I don’t think about it at all. Don’t look at him earning seven billion dollars a year. His current thinking is the same as that of a migrant worker who earns 70,000 soft sister coins a year.

What nationality, what is righteous, what is messy, he does not want to, he just wants to buy what to buy, what to eat and what to eat, of course, this is also quite in line with the positioning of a otaku, what is the national meaning, and he can not say.

This is also why, he does not go public, saves the bank after having money, does not invest in the company, does not go to other places, does not play real estate, and does not make the relationship with the dignitaries, because he does not want it at all. Going here, worrying about the country and worrying about the people, has nothing to do with him, he does not have such a great sentiment, and naturally there is no such great idea.

Jiang Hai himself is a hanging wire, you can not expect him to teach Tarajia a confident aristocratic temperament.

So he deliberately found a teacher for Taraga, the car was driving very fast on the highway, and a few hours later, out of Massachusetts, the outline of the world's largest city in New York in the distance has gradually emerged.

Compared to the narrowness of Boston, New York at least looks bright on the surface.

As the highway entered the New York City, the original speed gradually slowed down. New York, the world's largest city, naturally has its gorgeous side, and the traffic volume is quite large. It is also one of the characteristics of this place.

The car has been moving, but the speed is not up, even if it is more than ten o'clock on Saturday, no one is going to work, there is no work, just people who come out to play, there are these people, after entering the city, opened almost one Hours, Jiang Haicai came to the agreed place, the car just stopped, I saw a girl wearing a baseball cap in the distance ran all over the road, looking at her, Jiang Hai also used his eyes to indicate Taraga Get off the bus, and he himself opened the door and went inside.

"Jiang, you are finally here!" The petite girl suddenly jumped into the arms of Jiang Hai, not to mention a French wet kiss, although it was in the very open United States, but it also caused no The attention of few people.

"Okay, come down!" Patted the **** of the short girl in front of him, Jiang Hai said with a smile.

Listening to what Jiang Hai said, the girl also jumped down, at most the height of one meter and six heads. It was really petite at the side of Jiang Hai, and she was also curious to look at the tower that followed Jiang Hai. Laga.

"This is Taraga, hello, I am Selena Gomez, I am very happy to meet you." After seeing Taraga, the girl smiled and greeted him, and Taragar grip. After shaking hands, and Taraga saw the person clearly, there was some surprise. Selena Gomez may have no reputation in China. She knows her and only knows her and Justin. Bieber’s break, after all, Justin Bieber said these things every day.

However, in the entertainment industry in the United States, he is definitely a small flower, the level of the first-line star.

She was a TV drama debut, and she has been singing since she turned to the big screen. Although she has not won the Grammy, Oscar and other awards, but the small prize is countless, especially the youth selection award, which can almost be said to be the year. It is not an exaggeration to sweep across the year.

Her main audience, junior high school students, high school students and college students, may have no feeling for her after entering the society. Taraga is a high school student, even if she does not chase the stars, she also knows that there is such a person. .

But she never knew that this guy had a leg with Jiang Hai, coughing, and it might be more than just a leg.

"You, hello, nice to meet you." When she heard Selena Gomez, Taraga also said something awkward.

"Let's go, eat first, I know a very good Italian restaurant." Looking at her look, Selena Gomez couldn't help but laugh, then led Jiang Hai to the distance. .

"Let's go!" Looking at the stupid Taraga, Jiang Hai also smiled, then took her to the front and walked over.

Turn left and turn right, not long after, Jiang Hai came to an Italian restaurant.

This restaurant is not big, but it is not too small. The most important thing is that each seat has a small partition, so it will not affect other people, but it can also protect **, obviously there are many who do not want to be People who know others will come here to eat.

Selena Gomez was obviously a regular class here. After coming in, there was a waiter who took her and Jiang Hai and walked to a window, but could not see the inside from the window. After sitting down, Jiang Hai also looked at the menu.

When it comes to Italian food, maybe the first thing that people think of is pizza, and then pasta. Indeed, when it comes to Italian cuisine, it really doesn't give much impression, but in fact, the mother of Western food is Italian. It is not a French dish that has been blown out. There are many French dishes that have been transplanted from Italian cuisine.

After all, don't forget that Italy's predecessor was the Roman Empire. This guy ruled a lot of the existence of Europe.

Therefore, Italian roast beef, seafood, meat dishes and the like, in the Western world, is not worse than French cuisine.

Jiang Hai, they came here to eat Italian food. Naturally, it is impossible to make pizza or something like cheese. For these female stars, it is a huge load, so their staple food is pasta, bolognese sauce. Into the pasta, plus a little steak, barbecue tray, salad and the like, to eat rich, at least Jiang Hai is very fond of eating.

Americans don't like to talk about things when they eat, so when they eat, they just eat, eat, and eat desserts, which is the famous Tiramisu, when they start chatting.

"Your thing, Jiang also probably told me about it. In the afternoon, let's go shopping." Looking at Taraga, Selena Gomez smiled at her, but heard her, Taraga looked at Jiang Hai, she didn't know that it was not reliable, and Jiang Hai said that she shrugged her shoulders. If she talked about fostering self-confidence, he still believed in Selena Gomez. .

Who is Selena Gomez? It’s an artist. Whether it’s acting or what it’s like, it’s important to cultivate self-confidence. For example, when you are acting, if you play a rich daughter, or a rich person, You just want to perform that fan to come, not like the domestic, have a face value, you can circle a lot of powder without expression.

This is not possible in the United States, at least in this very few people can completely rely on the face to eat.

"Can you tell me what to do?" Jiang Hai is still ready to explore her bottom in the eyes of Taraga.

"Do you know how to improve a man's self-confidence?" Looking at Jiang Hai, Selena Gomez asked him with a smile.

"I don't know." After thinking about it, Jiang Hai himself was not a very confident person, so he shook his head.

"Power, status, fame, money, women, these things can enhance a man's self-confidence, let him become the focus of focus, you are also a successful person, you do not know?" Looking at Jiang Hai is shaking his head, the game Linna Gomez couldn't help but smile. She just liked Jiang Hai's stupid feeling because she felt really cute.

"Oh, okay..." I thought about it carefully. Selena Gomez said that it is also true. How can a man be confident, that is, to envy others, to make others jealous, to be in a high position, to hold power, Money is all over, beautiful like a cloud, if these are concentrated in the hands of a man, then this man will be quite confident, although Jiang Hai is not born with confidence, but now he is actually speaking more than a few Years ago, it’s much harder. A few years ago, I didn’t say that a person represented a country. A section chief can compensate him with a smile, but now, a representative of a country comes over to buy meat and buy grass. I have to look at his face, so think about it, it is indeed a reflection of self-confidence.

Looking at Jiang Hai nodded and agreed, here, Selena Gomez looked at Taraga again. (To be continued.)