MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 1076 : Playing tennis?

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The dinner of the Walton family, which is quite face-to-face in the top family in the United States, although they gather three times a year, which makes some of the top families have some speechless, but as long as the party, it is inevitable to send someone. ??

The Walton family is also famous for its low-key. Those big guys don’t come here. If you come over, you can do it. They don’t care too much, but even so, the Walton family dinner. That is also the whole of the United States, and even the entire Western world, all the people sharpened a party that they want to drill inside.

However, as I just said, the Walton family is very low-key, so unless it is a guest invited by a family member, other people, people who care for the relationship can not enter.

Americans, to be exact, Westerners like to party because it is a way to connect with each other.

In addition to the Walton family, such gatherings are also opportunities for them to connect with each other, find partners, and even have some stars, whether they are in the entertainment industry or in the cultural and sports circles, they will find opportunities. come.

After all, the chances of having such a relationship with such a rich set of people are not too many.

Since they are coming to make friends, they can’t take time to come over. They just come to the dinner for one or two hours, then they leave, so they will know the fart, so there will be many people, very early. Will come.

Generally speaking, the lower the status, the more people who want to know more people, the sooner they will come.

Of course, I don't want to say that I will come in the morning, but after lunch at noon, someone will continue to come back at two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

The Walton family is not the first time to do such a banquet. Naturally, it has long been prepared. In addition to the main banquet, there are several deputy banquet halls, which are also filled with dried fruits, cold dishes, etc., just to give these A place where people stay.

Just as the old people in the country live long life, the children will meet the same. Since it is a banquet, it is natural that someone needs to be greeted. The person who greets is the third generation of the Walton family. It was originally except for Hope. People have to go.

After all, Hope is a member of parliament. He wants to go to the official road. Therefore, he will not go to entertain other people. He even did not come today. This is also to avoid suspicion. You must know that the United States is also a high-paying and honest person. The crime of corruption is serious, but it is really necessary to sit on the bottom of the prison. Therefore, people who are in politics must not be caught by others.

Even when you are in politics, you have to be quiet, and how can anyone dare to come together? Not to mention such an occasion.

Under such circumstances, basically every year, the people who come to call these guests are the eldest sons of Jim Walton, Cooper Walton, with a bunch of younger siblings, greeted outside here. The guests.

In the past, Pula-Walton was naturally going to go, but since last year, she can not go, who told her that she is so powerful, such a family, who makes more money, whoever is better, but she I can't wait for the time to pass, and I still have to go ahead in advance, so after lunch at noon, Pula-Walton took Jiang Hai in the room for a few more hours, about four in the afternoon. She changed into an evening gown and Jiang Hai, wearing a suit, went downstairs and went to one of the rooms. Although she didn't have to entertain, her face must be revealed.

"If you look at it, wait here first, then I will come back to see you after I meet them." After coming to the room, Pula-Walton looked at Jiang Hai and said with a smile, Jiang Hai also knows that although the entertainment of Americans and Chinese people is different, but she is always the master of this, she has to ask, whether it is good or not, what other needs, such as this or It is the United States, it is inevitable, so Jiang Hai just nodded and did not say anything.

Seeing Jiang Hai agree, Pula-Walton also walked over to some of the people she knew in the room. These people were all invited through the invitation of the Walton family, but basically everyone Take care of every guest.

If you don't know this person, you don't need to go up to say anything. Even if you don't know it, it doesn't matter. It is very free.

Watching Pula-Walton enter into the crowd like a butterfly, Jiang Hai also found a place to sit down.

Although he ate a lot at noon, he consumed a lot, so now when he sat down, he started eating again.

Just as he was happy, several people came over and unwittingly went to Jiang Hai.

Jiang Hai looked up and saw the present person who he knew. The guy who said that his country’s country was shackled yesterday seemed to be called Blair or what he called. He didn’t remember it. Others had two of them. Some familiar, but I don't know.

Looking at the eyes of these people, Jiang Hai’s brow wrinkled and threw a biscuit into his mouth.

"Is there something?" While chewing on the biscuits in his mouth, Jiang Hai said to the people in front of him, the attitude is naturally not very good.

"Oh, nothing, just come over and see you, because I don't seem to have seen you as a real person. Bright said that he has seen you, I will ask him to take me to see, these are mys. Friend." Hearing Jiang Hai’s words, a man he didn’t know smiled and looked at him. Jiang Hai’s brow was picking. How did this guy say that he was so uncomfortable? What is it to come over and see me? Is it what animal is not? But picking the thorns, but can't pick anything out.

"I have seen it now? I want to continue to eat, is there a problem?" Jiang Hai shook his head when he heard this person, and he was not prepared to deal with him any more. He lowered his head and prepared to continue to deal with the cake in front of him.

But these people did not come to see Jiang Hai eating cakes. When Jiang Hai was to ignore them, the man leaned forward and pressed his hand on the table where Jiang Hai was eating. He looked at him condescendingly.

"My name is Austin Walton. Pula is my sister. I heard that Mr. Jiang's sports level is good. Is there any interest in activities before the dinner party? Even if you can eat more things in a while, is it good?" "Looking at Jiang Hai, this man smiled and said without a smile. Hearing his words, the friends and friends around him laughed."

Originally these guys were not good people. Naturally, there is now a chance to fall into Jiang Hai. They will not let go.

Of course, these people just dare to laugh and laugh. Jiang Hai’s current strength is far from what they can provoke.

As a second generation, you can bully, but you have to know that the person you bully can get into trouble, you can come to the Walton dinner, and the relationship with Pula-Walton is very close, tell the truth. As long as these people are not stupid, they just dare to smile.

"Sorry." The laughter here quickly caught the attention of the audience. At this time, Pula-Walton also saw the situation there, when she saw Jiang Hai being surrounded by those people. She couldn't help but glance at her eyes. Then she said a word of sorry to the person who was talking. Then she walked straight over. Without saying anything, she came to Jiang Hai's side and glared at these people.

"Are you looking for death? Dare to dare to provoke him, you don't know who he is?" Hand caressed Jiang Hai's shoulder, Pula-Walton said nothing, directly said coldly, heard her words, this People on the side have some chills.

The people in this circle may not know the existence of Pula-Walton. This devil is not so good to imagine. Although it is beautiful, it is a poisonous rose. If you are a poisonous rose, if you Dare to provoke her, but it is not only simple to root the thorn, but it will kill people, and these people have some embarrassment.

"Cough, Pula sister, you don't have to be so nervous, we don't have any malice. Just ask Jiang Hai, I am not good at sports. If you are good at it, let's go out and play. If you are not good at it, even if... We are also here. Do a good job." Hearing Pula-Walton said, Bright is flashing here, and Austin smiled awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter, I can do it for sports. What do you want to play, you can talk about it." I took a picture of Pula-Walton. Although Jiang Hai didn't know what these people were going to do, they could still play with them. He is also a little bored anyway.

"I heard that you played basketball and the level is very high, then we will play tennis today!" When I heard Jiang Hai's words, Austin's eyes lit up here, and then said with a smile.

Yes, he has already checked Jiang Hai. He knows that Jiang Hai is very strong in basketball. He even went to the NBA for training. If it is not because he is really rich, he may be debuted, so he He plays, playing basketball is definitely not enough.

And in his good friend, there is a master playing tennis. Today he also invited him to come over.

"Tennis? Fight with you, go!" Hearing him, Jiang Hai thought about it, tennis, he used to play, but only once, many, many, many years ago, it was very popular at that time. The anime, called the Prince of Tennis, felt very interesting after he watched the anime. He went to the tennis department of their school to play, but to be honest, there is no talent.

He just understood the rules, nothing more, but now it doesn't matter. With his physical quality, besides the need to plan for billiards, there is nothing wrong with him. He plays other things without problems.

"No, no, don't misunderstand, playing tennis is playing tennis, but the person you want to fight with is not me, but he!"8