MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 116 : Sea Warriors

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"The place is here!" Pat the car door, Edward turned his head and said to Jiang Hai who was sleeping in the back seat.

"Hello, have you arrived?" When he heard Edward's words, Jiang Hai also licked his eyes and then sat up in confusion.

Then he took a lazy look and looked at the scene outside the window.

At this time, what caught his eye was a big ship. The length of the ship was about 100 meters, and the width was nearly 30 meters. Compared with the average ship, this thing is obviously not a general fishing boat. Or a cruise ship, but more like a warship.

Actually, it is not like this. This is a warship. It is just a warship that has been retired for a long time and has been completely dismantled. It is obvious that the ship has been scrapped for a long time, but it is only parked next to the port. There are fewer lanterns, and under the illumination of the night, there is a different light shining. There is a sign in the middle of the ship, the sea warrior.

It seems that this is the name of the ship.

"Oh, it's really not small." Opened the door, Jiang Hai jumped down, looked at the big ship in front of him, and sweared by himself, while the other side of Edward Anderson also jumped from the car.

This morning they went fishing and hit two nets to sell. When they sold out, it was about two o'clock in the afternoon. According to Jiang Hai, he was going to ask Edwin and Philip to go out to eat. However, Edward told him that today, when he was not going out to play, Jiang Hai and his three men first drove the boat back to the port of Jiang Hai, and then the three moved the remaining fishery to the residential area.

After all, it’s not possible to sell them all at once. After all, Robbins also wants to eat fish. Instead of buying them, it’s better to eat them, so they only sell nine of them. In the fifth, there are still more than a hundred kilograms of fish, one can divide a dozen kilograms, it is enough to eat for a while, but compared to fish, shrimp and crabs and most of the lobster, it belongs to Jiang Hai Dedicated food, but there is still a problem... he will not do it.

After these fish are disembarked, they will die if they are not handled immediately. Therefore, Jiang Hai has been busy collecting these fish since they moved the fish. When they are all busy, it is already more than five o'clock in the afternoon. It is already dark.

So after everyone had a seafood dinner at home, Edward took Jiang Hai to recruit people.

Originally, Jiang Hai also wanted Robbins and Philip to follow them, but there were rivers and lakes in some places, like in Winslow. No, it should be said that the dispute between the United States and the land and sea has always existed. The cowboys don't look too much in Shanghai, and the seafarers don't look at the cowboys.

So in a sense, the seafarers are not going to the denim bar, and the cowboys naturally will not go to the seafarers' sites.

This is also seen from Edward and Robbins. They are all a town. If it is not because of the Philippine, he knows Edward, and Philipmont is not a pure cowboy. Maybe Jiang Hai can't recruit this person.

They usually don't even have friends, even in the manor, they work for Jiang Hai. Usually, Robbins will never go to Edward to play with them. Of course, when they are together, at least It is still very harmonious on the surface.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Hai is going to recruit seafarers. Robbins has some embarrassment. Finally, Edward came forward and explained that Jiang Haicai understands that it is difficult for him to come to himself.

But after knowing it, he naturally would not force them to come over, so only he and Edward came over.

"The owner of this maritime warrior is called Al-Claude. You can call him Ayr. He has participated in World War II. Before he retired, he was a major in the Navy. This destroyer was the ship he had commanded. Midway Island, but it was later sunk in Pearl Harbor, but although it was later recovered, it was also seriously damaged. After the end of World War II, he retired with the ship. Later, he made a fortune by business. A few years ago, when the government sold the ship, he bought it and transformed it into a bar. This is also the favorite entertainment place for all the sailors in the vicinity." After Jiang Hai got off the bus, Ed Hua also stopped the car, jumped out of the car, and went to the front of Jiang Hai. He looked at the huge ship in front of him and introduced it to Jiang Hai.

"Let's go in and see and see." When he heard Edward's words, Jiang Hai also smiled. Then the two went to the big ship. Obviously, the seafarers are richer than the cowboys, even the navy. More than the army earned.

The customers here are more rich and more willing to spend money. Naturally, the hard facilities here are better.

Not only the outside main body is a warship, but when you walk into it, you will find that there are other caves in the decoration, but it is not comparable to those of the top hotels, western restaurants, and sprinkles.

But at least the old Tony's cowboy songs are so far away from the street, and the decoration inside is even catching up with Jiang Hai's residential area.

I can understand it. If the cowboy song is also decorated like this, it is estimated that the old Tony is not bankrupt. I don’t know, but at least the cowboys are not willing to go. They usually carry the cows and they are more interested in drinking. There are styles that are not suitable for them.

The seafarers earn more, although they are also rough men, but the genes of the US emperors make them more willing to enjoy life when they are free. He is willing to spend more money, if the services received are the same, Then they don’t have to go to the street to have ghosts.

Of course, in Winslow, there are also some seafarers' small bars like cowboy songs, but the attraction there is not big here. Here, if you enter the door, you don't need to verify your identity.

The average kid, like a child, is not allowed to enter, if it is not because Jiang Hai followed Edward, it is estimated that he can not enter.

After entering the bar, Jiang Hai found that it was really far from the cowboy song, and it seemed that it was not just a bar. As soon as he entered the hall, Jiang Hai saw a notice next to him and told Jiang Hai. Recreational facilities above this boat.

The ship is divided into three layers. The lowermost floor is the disco. It is very embarrassing. Jiang Hai stands on the ground and feels that the ground of the music below is constantly shaking, but obviously it is not like Jiang Hai likes to go. local.

The first floor is a bar, divided into two parts. The left part is a more traditional bar. It is similar to the cowboy song, but it is more luxurious, and the table and chairs are better. There are quite a few people playing billiards there, playing with flying bets and the like, and the right side is also a bar, but it is a music bar. Unlike the disco below, there are some villages. Music, or some sailor's music, and the like, although the style is similar, the atmosphere is completely different.

As for the top floor, there are some boxes. According to Edward’s introduction to Jiang Hai, in the box above, there are naturally some people looking for special services, and some people are betting on small money and the like. of.

Although Winslow is not Las Vegas, it is impossible for the people of the United States to go to the place. If you want to play with both hands, you have to go to that place. It’s a waste of time and no need.

Today, Edward took Jiang Hai to the right side of the music bar. According to Jiang Dehui’s words, most of those who went to the left were young people, and in this old man’s eyes, young people naturally It is not very reliable.

As soon as he walked in, Jiang Hai felt a different style. As soon as he walked in, a special turning and twisting tone rushed into Jiang Hai’s mind. Jiang Hai knows what this is, r&b, specifically He didn’t know that he didn’t know how to play music. He watched the music and saw a black fat woman who looked like two hundred pounds. He was standing on the stage and wearing a shiny tight dress. There was a band behind her, and she issued a card to put her curly fluffy hair behind her head. The whole person’s head looked like a large pineapple. It was originally a good-looking Jiang Hai. There is no interest, but under the stage, there are a lot of long five big three thick guys, where they listen to the relish.

"Boss, you should wait here first, let me see if the old guys are not there." Regardless of whether Jiang Hai is interested or not, Edward seems that they are not here to listen to music, but to Enlisting, so he said to Jiang Hai, he walked into the crowd in the distance, as Jiang Hai sat in front of the bar not far away, looked around.

"Hello, what is the need?" At this time, a blonde girl dressed in a white shirt and a gauze skirt came over and asked Jiang Hai, Jiang Hai knows that this suit is the bartender here. Standard clothes, whether male or female, must be worn like this, because it is said that the boss here, that is, the officer, is a Scot, so he usually wears it at home, Jiang Hai wears a skirt for men. There are reservations, but the girl is pretty pretty. The girl in front is a pretty girl. She is about 165 meters tall, with blond hair and light blue eyes. There are some small freckles on the white skin. It looks really pure.

"A glass of beer, thank you." But unfortunately, Jiang Hai is not a **** person. Naturally, he will not say anything inexplicable. He just took a look at the price list on the bar and asked for a beer. When he heard Jiang Hai’s words, the girl would Going to the side, I played a beer in a beer mug and put it in front of Jiang Hai. Jiang Hai took a beer and drank it. It was a German dark beer. It tasted bitter, but the taste was good, although it was not as good as the old Thor. Ale, but you can drink too.

“It looks like you are very raw, come here for the first time?” The bar here is different from the one on the other side. The people in the bar are mostly uncles who are 40 years old. Unlike the younger ones on the other side, there are clouds in the ancient Chinese language, and the forty is not confusing. It means that men are no longer confused after forty, although there is no such saying in the US emperor.

But the man of the US emperor, forty years old, basically became a family, established a business, and can come here to drink, basically not too bad money, such people, self-control is very strong, And they are very fixed. Now I am cold and I have joined Jiang Hai, a young man of twenty-six or seven years old. It really makes this girl curious.


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