MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-v2 Chapter 353 beheading and profit

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Corrupt the Tang Dynasty, in the corrupt forest.

The corpse of the Tianshi was still standing after the explosion, but the body was broken.

At this time, even if the oil is not exhausted, it is not far away.

In fact, it is now miserable like this, and the big reason is because it has protected the stone tablet.

It might not be so miserable if it hadn't used its power to protect the stele.

In this regard, Wu Wei said.

Thanks a lot for it.

In addition, his big move has been opened, and the banquet to send off the corpse of the celestial master has also been set, and the atmosphere group has already been in place.

So, Wu Wei summoned the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers again.

36 totem black iron entered the road, dragon elephant and road soldiers took the lead, and more than 2,000 100-level guards guarded the rear and went up in one go.

The corpse of Tianshi stood up in the face of the menacing Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers and wanted to fight back, but Naihe was too seriously injured.

In just one round, the corpse of the Celestial Master was taken away by a wave.

[You have successfully killed the [Heavenly Master Corpse] and completed the [Heavenly Master's Decent] quest, you can choose to receive the reward at any time! 】

[Your [Flood Dragon Banner] effect 4 increases energy by 25! 】

Watching the corpse of Tianshi burst into light, and watching the golden finger prompt appear in front of him, Wu Wei's heart was really put down.

At the same time, he looked at the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers with admiration.

Well, to be precise, it was the 36 chain spears that looked pure wood in the hands of the leading 36 [Dragon Elephant Dao Soldiers].

These 36 [Chain Spears] were forged by [Shenbing Forging Dao Soldiers] before the mission started.

Magic Rune: Chain Spear

Quality: Totem · Dark Iron

Level: Level 101

Effect 1: Purification power (1 star) (attack with purification power, increase damage to monsters of the Corruption 1 by 1000%, and attack with 30% real purification damage)

Effect 2: Purification Chain (1 star) (can change the form of the chain to control the opponent, the control power is the user's power multiplied by 3, the effect against corrupt monsters is doubled, and it comes with 10% real purification damage, and a hundred 10/10 purification weakened)

This is the result handed over to Wu Wei by the [Divine Armament Forging Dao Armament].

I have to say that when they handed over this achievement, Wu Wei was really taken aback.

Unexpectedly, they were so stupid that they could actually hand over such works.

A large part of the reason why he was able to take away the corpse of the Celestial Master in one wave just now was because of the effect of the [Chain Spear].

"It's a pity that the corpse of the Celestial Master is dying, and he died too quickly to test the performance of the [Chain Spear].

But it doesn't matter, there is one more! "

Wu Wei said, looking in the direction of the tree demon.

Wu Wei just saw the scene where the tree demon was severely injured by the body of the Celestial Master. Wu Wei didn't want to let go of such a good opportunity to beat the underdog.

After all, he is a boss of the third rank in the Dao. How many opportunities can you have in life to beat this kind of underdog?

Not to mention that there is a treasure chest over there!


Wu Wei gave an order, and the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers took off directly towards the direction of the tree demon.

At the same time, Wu Wei retreated back from the location of the corrupted forest and came to the ruins where the [Remaining Palace of the Tang Dynasty] was originally located. …

Here, Wu Wei summoned the [Yu Lei Cultivator Taoist Soldier], ready to support the long-range firepower of the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers at any time.

While Wu Wei's [Yu Lei Cultivator Taoist Soldier] was preparing for support, the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers on the other side had already been killed.

The tree demon state at this time is really bad.

The smaller half of the body has been shattered, and the remaining half has black spots.

It looked so miserable.

In the face of this kind of enemy, the thirty-six Daoist Dragon Elephant Dao soldiers set aside the [Small Four-Nine Formation] and rushed forward.

In the face of the enemy's attack, despite being seriously injured, the tree demon is not afraid.

Half of the broken branches swayed, the rotten leaves on his body fell off, and then he killed the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers like raindrops.

This wave of damage may not be high, but it is extremely strange.

The leaves pierced through the body of the Dragon Elephant Taoist Soldier and rotted instantly, and one piece rotted the Dragon Elephant Taoist Soldier's body.

And this kind of rot is also contagious.

It did not pass through the air or bite, but directly through the [Rope of the Giant Elephant], covering the entire Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers in a very short period of time!

Under this kind of rotten power, the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers dropped significantly.

In fact, the most terrifying part of this ability is that there is no way to watch one's body rot little by little, which can extremely destroy a person's consciousness.

It's easy to demoralize an army.

But for Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers, this move is useless.

They were immortal and immortal with their backs on the [Flood Dragon Army Flag], and they didn't care about this little scene at all.

Thirty-six dragon elephant soldiers shot at the same time when they approached the tree demon.

Thirty-six [chained spears] simultaneously extended their thorns towards the tree demon.


Among them, five of the spears made by entering the Dao [Shenbing Forging Dao Soldiers] successfully penetrated the tree demon. Although the remaining 31 did not penetrate, they all pierced into the tree demon's body.

The spear pierced into the Dryad's body emitted a pure white purifying light, causing the Dryad's body to sway, making a series of miserable sounds.

At this time, the Dragon Elephant Soldier was holding the other end of the [Chain Spear], running at the same time, and tied the tree demon firmly by walking.

The tree demon was furious, the tree body trembled, and the corrupting power within the body of the 36 Dao Longxiang Dao soldiers broke out.

The BOSS at the peak of the third-grade Tao is indeed terrifying.

Even if it broke out in a dying state, it would still be able to kill 36 Dao Longxiang Dao soldiers directly.

However, although the dragon elephant soldiers were killed, their chain spears were still tied to the tree demon.

And to fight for the opportunity for the dragon elephant soldiers behind.

More than 160 level 100 epic-quality chain spears pierced through again, taking this opportunity to further bind the tree demon again.

At the same time as they were bound, the dark clouds were gathering above the Dryad's head.

The power of the 580 epic-quality Yulei monks and Taoists is gathering, which makes the tree demon feel the danger, but everything has the power of corruption.

Under its urging, the dragon elephant soldiers exploded and died one by one.

In less than 3 minutes, more than 2,000 dragon elephant soldiers died.

And the tree demon did this without a price. Its already seriously injured body was even more seriously injured, and at the same time, the trees that corrupted the forest withered in large areas. …

Of course, in the face of death, everything is worth it.

The tree demon not only solved the dragon elephant Taoist soldiers, but also solved the predicament, and more importantly, it also added an army that can be controlled.

The power it just had can not only be used to kill people, but also to manipulate the target's corpse.

If you die under its hands, you will become its minions in a short period of time.

However, just when the tree demon was about to control the dragon elephant soldiers, the two thousand dragon elephant soldiers broke apart instantly, and their origins returned to the [Jiaolong Army Flag] at this time.

At the same time, a golden finger prompt appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

[Your natal Dragon Elephant Dao Soldier suffers special damage, and the number of resurrections is reduced by one today! 】

minus one? That didn't affect Wu Wei in the slightest.

If Wu Wei is willing, he can summon the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers now.

But there is no need, because at this time, the power accumulated by the Yulei cultivator for 3 minutes broke out at this moment.


A thunderous explosion rang out and spread hundreds of miles around.

At the same time as the sound came out, it was no longer known how many thunderbolts had precisely hit the trapped tree demon.

A large amount of black smoke came out of the Dryad, who had been injured by the power of purification under the shackles of the chain spear.

Every time a thunderbolt falls, the tree demon becomes weaker.

However, although this tree demon looks like it may die at any time after running out of fuel, its life is unexpectedly long.

Thunder lasted a full ten minutes.

This tree demon also persisted for a full ten minutes.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that the last thunderstorm fell, and the tree demon couldn't bear it at all, and blew up in the endless thunder.

At the same time, Wu Wei's golden finger prompt refreshed.

[Your Taoist soldiers successfully killed the [Corrupted Tree Demon (Boss)], and completed the hidden task [Purge the Corrupted Forest], you can receive the task reward! 】

[Your Taoist soldier [Jiaolong Banner] gets 20 energy in the fourth effect! 】

Seeing this golden finger prompt, Wu Wei completely let go of his heart.

Make sure you really get the boss.

However, Wu Wei did not dare to take it lightly.

After all, the ghost knows how many bosses are hidden in this place?

Wu Wei didn't dare to delay in such a dangerous place. Anyway, the goal has been achieved, and Cheng Yaojin was also saved. Wu Wei simply didn't stay in this place for much longer.

After quickly tidying up the battlefield and taking away all the things that should be picked up and brought, Wu Wei quickly evacuated the place.

Non-stop all the way, Wu Wei traveled for more than an hour before returning to the shelter.

After returning to the shelter, Wu Wei's sense of security returned.

Start by throwing Cheng Yaojin into the [Sanctuary Center] for him to undergo purification.

Then, Wu Wei had time to see what he had achieved today.

[You have settled the task of [The Decent of the Celestial Master], and you will get the following rewards.

1. UU reading choose a celestial master inheritance

2. Upgrade [Push Back Drawing Manuscript]

3. Choose a magic weapon of the Celestial Master]

[You have settled the task of [Purification of Corrupted Tree Forest], and you will get the following rewards!

1. The level of all trees of purification in the shelter is increased by 1 (must be used within 24 hours)

2, can give the power of seed purification]

[Your fourth source [Stunted Space Tree Seedling] turns on the light spot, and you get the [Dream Summoning Order] [The Heart of the Dryad that has not been completely corrupted] [City Defense Equipment Blueprint · Purification Cannon] [Level 7] Heart of Purification]]

[Your fourth source [Stunted Space Tree Seedling] opens the treasure chest, and you get the inheritance [Thick Earth Necklace]! 】

[Your [Tuiback Drawing Manuscript] is upgraded, the level is increased to 130, and the quality is increased to [Totem · Bronze]! 】