MTL - My Senpai Knows Magic-Chapter 154 trace

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Latest website: Chen Luo stood up suddenly, looked at Isabella, and asked, "It's so late, what are you doing here?"

"I can't sleep, I want to come and talk to you, but you're not here, and neither is Miss Britney..." Isabella looked at him and asked suspiciously, "It's so late, what are you doing with Miss Britney?"

"We..." Chen Luo thought for a while and said, "We went to the wilderness, practiced magic, and killed a high-level water magician who wanted to attack us, and a great wind magician..."

Isabella was wrapped in a quilt and frowned: "What kind of magic do you need to go to the wilderness to practice?"

Chen Luo explained: "As you know, Teacher Britney is a high-level magician. The power of high-level magic is very powerful, and you can only go to such remote places..."

"You think I'll believe it?" Isabella glanced at him and said, "Why don't you say you killed a magus..."

Chen Luo said: "Although I haven't killed the magister, there was once a magus who wanted to be my student and learn magic with me, but I refused..."

Isabella couldn't help laughing, "When did you learn to talk big, the magister learns magic with you, and it's almost the same as you learn to cook..."

She hid in the quilt and smiled, and the branches trembled. At a certain moment, she suddenly looked at him again and asked, "Hey, Blair, what are you holding in your hand, show me..."

Chen Luo silently hid the Witchcraft Codex behind him. It's best not to let Isabella know about Witchcraft.

Chen Luo shook his head and said, "This is my diary, nothing to see."

I heard that this is Chen Luo's diary, Isabella wanted to read it more, but she couldn't blatantly peep into other people's privacy, she covered her mouth and yawned, and said, "Who wants to read your diary, I'm going back to sleep. …”

"Wait a minute."

When she got out of bed, Chen Luo stopped her in time.

Isabella asked sleepily, "What?"

Chen Luo stepped forward and said, "Try it, can you communicate this elemental impurity..."

Magicians collectively refer to substances other than the four elements of magic as elemental impurities. According to this classification, natural and healing techniques actually use some kind of elemental impurities.

This element is obviously not a material element that Chen Luo is familiar with. He temporarily named it growth element and healing element.

He told Isabella about the vibration frequency of the spiritual power that communicated the healing elements. After Isabella tried more than a dozen times, she wondered, "Blair, you are not lying to me, where is there any elemental impurities..."

Chen Luo shook his head and said, "So you can't either. Forget it... It's very late. Go back to sleep."

Isabella can communicate with material elements, but like all magicians, she cannot communicate with the two new elements, which makes Chen Luo puzzled.

Chen Luo stopped thinking about the things he couldn't figure out. He put a pot of green plants on the window sill on the table and began to try to use the natural technique.

Natural magic is a kind of witchcraft that can promote the growth of plants. According to the description in the handbook, Chen Luo really found a new element in a frequency range that he had never tried before.

He manipulated this element and approached the pot of green plant. When this unknown element touched the surface of the green plant, the stem and leaves of the plant suddenly grew wildly, and Chen Luo dissipated his mental power, and it stopped growing. , At this time, the green plants in the flowerpot are more than a foot taller than before.

From Chen Luo's point of view, witchcraft seems to be more interesting than magic, especially healing. He is also willing to let Chen Luo give up any of the four magics in exchange for healing.

It's a pity that there are only these two witchcrafts on Heliye's notebook. If there is a chance in the future, I must learn more about witchcraft and witchcraft.

Anyway, he doesn't believe in the gods of magic, and he doesn't care about heresy or not. In his eyes, there are only friends and enemies. He has no festival with wizards, but there are already three high-level wizards who died in his hands.

Of course, things related to witchcraft should not be known to outsiders, otherwise, before Chen Luo can complete his dream of the Holy Magister, he will be cleaned up as a heretic.

Tomorrow is the weekend. Chen Luo studied witchcraft until midnight yesterday. When he woke up in the morning, the sun was already high.

At present, the healing technique has the greatest effect on him. Because Chen Luo's mental strength is not strong enough, the natural technique in his hands can only help the flowers and plants to grow up earlier, and has no effect on tall trees.

He conservatively estimated that if he wanted to use plants as his weapon, at least he would have to wait until he was promoted to a high-level magician.

The natural technique does not work for humans. After Chen Luo experimented with himself, he has not found anything yet. If possible, he would like to try it on Isabella. After all, she is not satisfied with her figure. Chen Luo Luo can not only complete the experiment of natural magic on human beings, but also make Isabella realize her dream.

It was too late today, and Teacher Britney and Isabella didn't call him either. When Chen Luo got up, he found that there was no one at home.

I heard Isabella say yesterday that she had an appointment with her good friend Donna today. There is a meeting in the mathematics department today. Teacher Britney should go to school. Chen Luo originally wanted to tell her about witchcraft. Wait till you get back.

After cooking something to fill his stomach, Chen Luo walked out of the house and walked towards the Magic Association.

At this time, the Magic Association, Deacon Arthur looked at the sheriff of the capital and frowned: "What, last night, two high-level magicians died, one great magician, or the wind type?"

The death of a great magician in Wangdu is already a very important event. Early in the morning, the sheriff came to the Magic Association to inquire about the situation.

The sheriff said: "The brothers Victor Thomson and the wind magician Kebin died. I suspect it was the fire magician. Who are the fire magicians in the capital now..."

Arthur shook his head and said: "There is no doubt that the fire magician can kill the Victor brothers, but he will never kill Kebin. As the wind magician, if he wants to escape, under the great magician, there is no way to kill Kebin. People can stop him..."

The sheriff said: "But that lord has been out for a long time. Do you mean that there is another great magician in the capital?"

Arthur thought for a while and said, "I can't rule out this possibility..."

The sheriff's face was a little grim. The Great Magister was the most powerful existence on the continent other than the Great Priest of the Temple. It was definitely not a good thing for a Great Magister who didn't know the details to appear in the capital.

He murmured: "If it's the Great Magister, why would he go to the black market, there shouldn't be anything that the Great Magister likes..."

"Wait?" Arthur was stunned when he heard the words, and asked, "You said the black market. Are the deaths of Victor Brothers and Kebin related to the black market?"

The sheriff said: "They all participated in yesterday's black market. According to my speculation, these three people should be eyeing the same person. After leaving the black market, they followed and killed them all the way..."

Before the sheriff could finish speaking, Arthur said categorically: "Okay, don't investigate this matter any further."

The sheriff was stunned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Arthur sneered: "These three things with no eyes, actually hit their minds on that person, who will die if they don't die?"

The sheriff asked tentatively, "Who is Deacon Arthur talking about?"

"It's not convenient for me to reveal who he is." Arthur said: "But I can guarantee that he will not cause any harm to the capital, but only if you don't provoke him, otherwise, the president will also You can't speak..."

The sheriff was shocked: "Could he really be the Great Magister?"

Arthur shook his head and said, "I don't know if he is a great but I know that even if it is President John who is chasing him, the result will not be better than Kaibin..."

Chen Luo's strength has always been a mystery in the Magic Association.

The initial information of the Magic Association showed that he was just a magic apprentice, but soon after, he beheaded the senior magician Baird.

Just when everyone thought he was a great magician, Arthur saw again that President John, who was a magician, could not release a single fire magic in front of him. A few days later, the wind magician Kevin died at his hands.

This is enough to prove his strength. Arthur only has awe for him in his heart. This is the natural respect of the magician for the strong.

Seeing Arthur's serious face, the sheriff did not dare to ask any more questions. President John was already a magus, and it was not easy for the great magus to kill him. The seriousness of this matter was beyond his control. He said a word. I didn't ask much, and after saying goodbye to Arthur in a hurry, I left the Magic Association.

At the entrance of the Magic Association, Chen Luo passed a guard in silver armor. He went straight to the front desk of the Magic Association and said to a reception girl, "Please tell Deacon Jasmine that there is someone named Blair looking for her..."