MTL - My Talent Can Constantly Evolve-Chapter 47 walking in danger

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After entering the forest, Lu Heng vigilantly paid attention to the surrounding movements while walking with the knife.

There are ten levels of monsters in total, which are level 1 to level 9 plus king-level monsters. Corresponding to the warriors, they are level 1 to level 9 warriors and martial arts masters.

Although the monsters below the first level do not meet the classification standards, their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

At least a monster below the first level is more than enough to deal with ordinary people, and can easily kill an ordinary person who is unarmed and has not practiced martial arts.

'Since alien monsters appeared and Qi covered the entire Blue Star, Blue Star's ecosystem has undergone a major reshuffle. ’

While Lu Heng moved forward cautiously, he recalled the book knowledge he had learned.

'The native animals of the Blue Star have either become stronger under the influence of Qi, or become food for monsters. ’

'So in the end, apart from humans and livestock kept by humans, the animals that survived on the Blue Star were basically only monsters. ’

'It is precisely because of this that the wilderness outside the city becomes so dangerous. ’

The natural world is very cruel, and it pursues the real law of the jungle.

As long as any kind of wild animal has no self-protection ability, then there is no second choice except extinction.

Therefore, the animals that can survive in the wilderness have their own unique skills, and their strengths are much stronger than before the cataclysm.

Only in human society, there are many ordinary people with similar abilities as before the cataclysm.

This is because human society treats the weak relatively kindly, so that the weak have a chance to live.

Of course, for the truly useless weak people, the current human society also chooses to directly abandon them.

After all, it is really hard to live in this era.

Many monsters in the wilderness cannot be eaten, and most of the plants in the wilderness cannot be eaten directly.

Among the animals and plants that can be eaten, many of them require energy to be processed into synthetic food blocks before they can be eaten by humans.

Only a small number of monsters or plants such as golden armored beasts and long-toothed wolves can be cooked and eaten directly like pigs, cattle and sheep.

Therefore, in the case of extreme scarcity of food, we can only choose to give up some useless people, so as to better allow the entire ethnic group to continue.

Lu Heng walked forward slowly, and before he knew it, he had already penetrated deep into the forest.

After looking around for a while, he took out a compass and glanced at it through the searchlight leaking from among the leaves.

'The direction is not messed up, I'm still heading southwest. ’

The vegetation in the woods is dense, and it is easy to get lost. What was originally going to the east may turn to the west by going around it. People don’t know it yet.

Lu Heng found that after walking two or three hundred steps, the direction was basically correct.

It seems that he has a good sense of direction.

The sense of direction is a very important item in the environmental adaptability test. If the score is low, then the overall score of the physical adaptability test is definitely not high.

Putting the compass away, Lu Heng changed direction and continued to move forward cautiously.

'Why are there so few monsters? ’

Don't look at when standing outside the forest, there are a lot of strange sounds coming from the forest, but when you actually enter the forest, you find that you can't see any living things after walking for a long time.

Along the way, Lu Heng saw a small animal that looked like a lizard on the trunk of a big tree.

This small animal is very weak in combat, but very flexible, so Lu Heng didn't even plan to fight it.

Otherwise, if you can't catch it at that time, let's not talk about it, and the noise will attract real threatening predators in the depths of the woods.

Time passed by minute by minute, and after an unknown amount of time, Lu Heng looked like he walked another two hundred steps.

After this walk, I still didn't find any valuable goals, but Lu Heng's mood was much more stable than when he first came in.

When he walked into this forest just now, his whole body was tense, for fear that a monster would come out and attack him.

And now there is only vigilance left, and that nervousness has disappeared.

'Even if you don't gain anything today, it's worth it! ’

Lu Heng thought to himself that today's trip has greatly improved his courage, and his performance in the adaptability test will definitely improve a lot.

'By the way, it's been fifteen days today, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you can go to the martial arts gym to have another physical test to see how much I've improved during this time. ’

There is a rule in the martial arts hall that at least 15 days should be separated between the two physical examinations.

If it is less than 15 days, no coach will be able to help students sign up for the test unless the curator personally agrees.

This is mainly to control the number of people who take the physical test every day. Otherwise, there are so many people in the martial arts hall, and the physical test room will definitely be full every day.

Lu Heng took out the compass again and planned the route in his mind.

'Two hundred paces to the northeast, then to the southeast, all the way back to the starting point. ’

He still has to go back to work in the fields, so he can't stay in this forest for too long, so if he doesn't encounter any valuable monsters in the next journey, that's all he can do today.

Anyway, I've gotten used to the feeling of walking alone in the forest now. When I come back tomorrow, I can walk faster and farther.

I believe that I come here every day, and there will always be a time when a blind cat runs into a dead mouse.

Putting away the compass, Lu Heng raised his foot again and walked forward.

This time he picked up the speed a little bit and took a bigger step.

In He Sicheng's study notes, he recorded in detail his experience when he followed his teacher into the wilderness for the first time.

The teacher taught them a lot of useful common sense. For example, when walking in the woods, even if there is no movement behind them, they must always turn around and look back.

Because some monsters will instinctively have a desire to hunt when they see a person with their back to it, even if it doesn't want to hunt or eat the person at first.

In addition, the forward speed can be fast, but the pace must not be chaotic, because the chaotic pace will make some monsters make wrong judgments and think that people are running away in panic.

In short, when entering the wilderness, especially when entering the forest area, you must be calm, very calm.

Enough calm can avoid many dangers.

Just like the monsters will take the initiative to grin and tell their opponents that they are not to be messed with.

Most monsters, when they see a person who is armed and calm, also find this to be a tough opponent.

Everything has a spirit, and monsters, like humans, can also feel the emotions of other animals.

There was a lot of similar knowledge in that notebook, and Lu Heng kept it all firmly in his heart.

In fact, if he hadn't learned this valuable knowledge, he wouldn't have entered the wilderness so early, and he would never have walked into the forest alone today.

He will definitely practice for a while, UU reading www. uukanshu. After com and others have stronger strength, they will come to the base city to take an adventure.

'It seems that we won't encounter any monsters today. ’

After walking another hundred steps, Lu Heng basically gave up hope of finding the monster.

He thought to himself, maybe those monsters ran away after discovering his whereabouts, not giving him a chance to see them at all.

Or maybe there are no monsters in this forest.

'Forget it, let's take it as a field trip today. ’

'At least my courage has grown a lot. ’

Lu Heng could only comfort himself like this in his heart.

However, he is not dissatisfied with today's harvest, because his courage has really grown bigger.

When he first entered the forest, he was a little afraid of seeing a monster, but now he is looking forward to seeing a monster with real fighting power.

The change of mentality before and after can be called a world of difference.

You must know that most of the students in the high school martial arts class, even after graduating from high school, would not dare to look forward to seeing monsters when they are alone in the wilderness.

In this respect alone, he is already stronger than them.

It's actually understandable to have such a result. After all, he was walking in danger alone, and the students of the high school martial arts class were brought by their teachers every time they went out of the city.

After walking for a while, Lu Heng stopped and took out a compass in his pocket. He was going to go southeast according to the plan he had just made, and walked straight back to the starting point and then back to the city.

But just when he put his hand in his trouser pocket, he suddenly saw that there seemed to be something in the spot where the searchlight flashed in front of him.

'Like a monster! ’

Lu Heng hurriedly lowered his body and carefully observed through the gaps between the branches and leaves.