MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 313 : "Ding, congratulations on successfully collecting all 7 parts of the gentleman's suit...

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There's really nothing wrong with that.

The second problem is that, after being chased by the law enforcement bureau in this city for an hour, you are not allowed to be arrested in the middle, and you are not allowed to throw away the people from the law enforcement bureau. This requirement is not very high.

Think of it as if you want to just rub and not get in, an hour.

This would have been a difficult task.

The three tasks are more difficult than the other.

But if it goes on like Jiang Ge, Jiang Ge will never have a chance to complete the second task.

Not that the nearby law enforcement bureau has been completely wiped out.

It's just that no law enforcement bureau dares to hunt down Brother Jiang.


At this time, outside the Arena of Ten Thousand Races, on Hao Mao Xing.

The Rose Club opens again in the dark.

It seems that I know that this mission is a bit difficult, and the probability of death is not small. It seems that a complete carnival mode has been turned on.

in a hall.

All kinds of gloomy lights shuttled through the entire hall, shining on the faces of every handsome man and woman wearing a mask.

And around the hall.

There are four huge spray guns.

At this time, these four huge spray guns are constantly spraying dry ice on the crowd in the hall with their hands on their heads, which is effective in cooling down. a bit bigger.

The source of this fragrance is a special gas that can greatly reduce emotional sensitivity.

The specific performance is that the voice will be loud, the emotions will always be in a state of excitement, and the mental defense line of the whole person will be gradually weakened under the influence of this gas and environment, so that people do not dare to do it normally. the Mr.

"ladies and gentlemen!

! "

Standing on the high platform, X took off the mask on his face and threw it into the crowd. He raised the microphone excitedly, raised his right hand and shouted: "Hold up your hands to Lao Tzu, now is not the time to be blind, Lao Tzu wants to see Each of your hands!"

"Sing to the beat with me!


"Tonight, it's a carnival party, and now the party officially begins!

! "

"Music, blow me up!

! "


"Blow me up!"

After Chen Jiang heard what Scar Dog said, he didn't have any plans to stop, but continued to bombard the nearby places that had not been bombed, and turned his head to look at Scar Dog with a smile.

"Do you still need to complete the second mission?"

"As long as we wipe out enough gangsters, even if we haven't completed the first and second missions, our overall score will be the highest!"


Scardog nodded expressionlessly, and after being silent for a while, he said, "The word annihilation of gangsters may not be very accurate. It's better to replace the entire city with annihilation."

"It's all the same, continue to bomb for me!"


"Break up!

! "

X tore up the clothes on his upper body and threw them aside, looking at the crowd below who wore various masks that looked a bit like gods and demons dancing, grinned and said loudly: "I like you."

"If there is a **** in this world, then we must be one of them here."

"Now I want to see you and completely release the suppressed side in your heart!"

"Remember the purpose of the Rose Club!"

"The city binds the body, and we are responsible for freeing the soul!"



"It's time for chaos, find your target, and tell him what a succubus from **** is called with practical actions!"

"Dim the lights!"

"The music is more aggressive, I want the scene to be more **** up!"

"Live through tonight, it's up to me to die tomorrow, I'll blow it up!

! "


"Can't blow up, really can't blow up."

Scar Dog stood helplessly on the rooftop, looking at the surrounding ruins and couldn't help covering his face with emotion: "I knew it would develop like this in the future. If it continues to explode, this event should be blown up."

"I didn't expect your battery ammo capacity to be so durable, Brother Jiang."

"I usually use a lot of "giant super destroyer bombs", and the bomb capacity is exhausted in one shot. Naturally, I can't see the strength of the bomb capacity. In fact, with the current power of the fort, a single shot is equivalent to the previous one. "Giant Super Destruction Bomb". "

"But now, we have to continue to bomb."

Chen Jiang looked at his comprehensive score of 987 and nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that there is nothing wrong with my decision. As long as one task is completed to the limit, the comprehensive score will still be very high."

So far, he has surpassed the overall score of the second place by more than 600 points, which can be said to be a completely crushed city.

When most of the gangs could not be found, and the remaining small part could not be wiped out, Chen Jiang had already eliminated more than a hundred gangs.

What is this called? This is called efficiency!

The most convenient way to clear the chaotic forces is naturally to clear them all, treat them equally, and everyone is equal!

Under a saturated artillery bombardment, all the gangsters will be wiped out!

What? What do you say about the death of other people?

That's the matter of the reproductive department, it's none of our business, we're just the relevant department responsible for cleaning up the chaotic forces.

"It works great, keep frying!"

"Blow up the bomb capacity!"


"Fuck it, blow it up, blow it up for Lao Tzu, blow it up for Lao Tzu, I'll blow it up!"

X on the high platform sniffed the fragrance in the air and the unique fragrance of hormones, opened his arms with enjoyment and excitement, stood on the edge of the high platform, raised his head and felt the atmosphere full of air, as well as the almost deafening music beside his ears. Voice.

He likes the atmosphere.

It's an atmosphere of freedom.

Because of his own ability, or because he was born to love this atmosphere.

This self-deprecation enjoys the idea of ​​depravity.

Most people like to be motivated by the sun and live a positive life full of positive energy.

But this does not prevent many people from immersing themselves in this depraved atmosphere and enjoying the depraved atmosphere.

There must always be someone to be the opposite of a positive.

Then why can't this person be them? !

Without them, there would be no positive opposite.

Not to mention... what is positivity, is it money? The combined wealth of the people here is enough for thousands of office workers, who have worked diligently for thousands of years.

Being positive can never bring money, and a positive character that can bring money is not positive.

It's just that many people don't understand it, and they like to deceive themselves with paralyzed efforts to make progress, so they spend day after day in a daze.

He didn't want to be that kind of person.

"very good."

X stood on the edge of the stage with open arms with a look of enjoyment, raised his head and closed his eyes, feeling the light constantly sweeping across his eyelids and muttered: "Why should people be ashamed of their depravity?"

"Maybe it's because they don't have much money to use for depravity."

At this time, the lost person walked up to the high platform and stood beside X, holding a wine glass and looking at the crowd below. After taking a sip, he said, "Degenerate requires money, but progress does not."

"So many poor people choose to make progress, not by their own will, but by being forced."

"They have never had any qualifications to choose to fall."

"Degeneration is always a luxury for the upper class, and has nothing to do with the lower class."

"You're right."

X nodded lightly, took the wine glass in the hands of the lost, raised his head and dried it, then threw the wine glass on the high platform behind him, wiped his mouth and grinned: "But what does this have to do with us?"

"At least we are now entitled to the depravity."

"Don't look at it, come and enjoy this Yindian Garden that has been defiled by Satan with me."

"Only a fool would watch the apple tree stubbornly."

"The only meaning of an apple tree is for people to taste and enjoy!"

"Let go, don't have so many shadows on women, they are actually very gentle."


The Lost was expressionlessly silent for a long time before he said, "Actually, I'm not a chick."

"Aren't you a chick?"

There was a flash of surprise in X's eyes, and he looked at the lost in disbelief.

The lost has a problem. He has always known that it is that he cannot touch women. Obviously, he has a prominent family background and has a lot of women to choose from. However, the lost would rather solve it by himself than go to a woman.

For this matter, the father of the lost has had a headache for many years, so he deliberately sent the lost to him.

Let him help the lost to correct this problem, so that the lineage can be passed on smoothly.


The lost person nodded stiffly with an embarrassed look on his face. After a pause, he bit his head and said, "I once had one and the only one, and I don't think there is any sense of control."

"She doesn't agree with what I want, which makes me very uncomfortable, and I'm too embarrassed to say it.

"Later I got used to doing it myself, at least I can fully control myself."


"You can't do this, you will develop into necrophilia if you continue like this, the following will definitely meet all your requirements, let's talk about this earlier, I'll give you an absolute obedience today!"

next second—

X directly put his arms around the shoulders of the lost, fell from the high platform, and jumped into the succubus group below!

This is a place full of demons.

When an angel comes, he must be defiled as a fallen angel.


At this time, in the Ten Thousand Race Arena.

It has been 7 hours since the event of Heaven's Gate.

Only 1 hour left until the end of the event.

In these 7 hours, they only did one thing, and that is to bring light to the world!

And let the people of this world re-recognize what a fire weapon is!

At this time, the turret has been misfired, and the ammunition capacity has been completely used up.

But the result in exchange is-

Standing on the rooftop, sweeping all around, I can't see a tall building that is still standing there, and a building that is barely intact!

The high-rise building under their feet and several nearby buildings are like the only survivors standing on the ruins. They are still stubbornly facing difficulties in the face of natural disasters.

At this time, Chen Jiang's score has reached a terrifying 3920 points.

No. 1 without a doubt.

A comprehensive score that makes it impossible for the top two to have beyond the idea.

There are a total of three tasks in this event. The full score of one task is 100 points, and the full score of three tasks is 300 points. If there is excellent performance or over-completed tasks, the score will be increased!

And Chen Jiang's score was added to an outrageous 3920 points!

This is equivalent to a full score of 800 in the college entrance examination.

When you got 800 points in the exam with joy and thought that you must be the first in the country this time, you suddenly found that the first candidate in the country was 8000 points!

Ten times more than the full score!

You are naturally unconvinced, and then you find that there are 72 bloodlines in the body, and one bloodline adds 100 points, and the final score is 8,000 points!

It's so magical.

"This time the first one should be stable."

Chen Jiangwang smiled at his comprehensive score and said, "There should be no problem this time, right?"

The top 50 in the overall score will be able to get that fashion kit.

For the first place, you can get two additional rewards, including a "War Destroyed Fragment"!

The specific role of "War Destroyed Fragments" is still a bit vague. It is not yet the time to start. When all achievements are completed, it is time for "War Destroyed Fragments" to fully function.

It's just that Feng Jiutian of the mechanical family once obtained the "War Destruction Fragment"!

That Feng Jiutian was bombarded to death by him, the dead can't be dead, and the name on the leaderboard disappeared directly, so I don't know where this "war destroyed fragment" belonging to Feng Jiutian will appear.

These are out of his control.

It is something controlled by the Arena of Ten Thousand Races.

"It's more than the first stable."

Scar Dog covered his forehead and said helplessly: "The second time I saw your name, Brother Jiang, my scalp was numb, but it is estimated that many people will scold you behind your back this time."

"This round of coverage bombing continues, and even the racial players are not spared."

"I bombed it all over and over again, and successfully realized what it is like to gasify. This is a rare experience for ordinary people."

Chen Jiang shook his head and chuckled, then leaned on a cane with one hand and looked into the distance and said softly, "It will be interesting to wait until someone dares to scold him in person."

the next hour.

Chen Jiang and others didn't do anything, just sat on the rooftop and chatted.

Originally, according to the process, they should take a good tour of the world in the remaining one hour, just as a tourist, but... looking at the posture, there is nothing good to travel.

The copy will be over soon!

That familiar feeling of dizziness came again!

When he opened his eyes again, he appeared under the familiar World Tree!

As soon as he landed, he heard a voice that rang in everyone's ears.

"Ding, this global event 'Heaven's Gate' has ended successfully!"

"The player with the highest overall rating is the Terran player 'Chen Jiang', with a rating of 3920 points!"

Immediately afterwards, several voices rang out in Chen Jiang's ears.

"Ding, congratulations on your success in reaching the top of the global event 'Heaven's Gate'!"

"Hereby reward a three-star only item 'Heaven's Gate'!"

"Ding, congratulations on successfully triggering the achievement 'War Criminal Training Academy' and successfully lighting up the three stages!"

"Reward for the first stage: two-star items, a coat stained with blood."

"Second-stage reward: random three-star props."

"Three-stage reward: Battle Destroyed Fragments."

A series of prompt sounds rang in his ears one after another.

The first item to get is the 3-star item 'Heaven's Gate'!

Originally, a three-star item was normal, but with the addition of the word "unique", it was different. After several smuggling to the Federation, he also learned a lot of news.

One of the news is that any unique item obtained in the Arena of Ten Thousand Races is not only unique in the Arena of Ten Thousand Races, but also unique in the entire vast universe.

The price of a unique three-star item is often ten times or even dozens of times the price of a non-unique three-star item.

This is no exaggeration.

A sports car that only sells one in the world can be several times more expensive than a sports car with the same performance, not to mention Samsung props.

When anything is given uniqueness, it means that its value should start to rise.

It's just that the name of this item is exactly the same as the name of this global event, which is a bit strange.

"Item Name": Heaven's Gate.

"Item Level": Three-star items.

"Prop effect": It can open a door to heaven, and after opening it will face the unknown.

"Item Restriction": After opening, it lasts for 1 hour, and after 1 hour, it will be in a 48-hour cooldown.

"Props Introduction": "God loves the world, at least in the eyes of the world."


Chen Jiang looked at this prop with a strange expression. To be honest, the effect of this prop is very eloquent!

What is the door that can open heaven, and when it is opened, it will face the unknown?

You won't really meet God, will you?

Wait, isn't that good thing a feudal superstition?

But the question is, if he really meets God, can he still come out of that door alive?

But the props are all in hand, and it would be a waste not to go in and see if it is true.

He was a little tangled and fell into contemplation for a while. After a while, he decided to temporarily put this prop in his arms. When will he go in and have a look, after all, it is the only prop, so he can't be disappointed, right?

Then he looked at his fashion suit.

This is the sixth fashion set of his gentleman's suit, and he only needs to collect one more to complete the whole set.

"Item name": Coat stained with blood.

"Item Level": Two-star items.

"Prop details": This is a coat stained with blood, the whole body is gray, and will not be stained with any dust. The material is special, it is very smooth to the touch, it is glossy, and it will not wrinkle. The shape is three-dimensional.

"Prop effect": He will help you resist the abuse from behind. When someone abuses you behind your back, whether it is spoken from the bottom of your heart or your mouth, you will have an inner feeling.

This effect will only take effect within 100 meters.

In addition, it also has a certain defensive effect. Of course, don't expect too much of this. It's not a big problem to block a watermelon knife, but the more powerful things are still handed over. Let's do it for more professional counterparts.

"Item Restriction": The effect can only take effect when it must be worn.

"Item Set": It is only one of the parts of a certain set of clothing. The set has a total of seven parts. When all 4 and 7 pieces are collected, additional set effects will be obtained.

"Props Introduction": When you collect the gentleman suit, you will look down on this dirty world like a **** without dust. Of course, the **** will also be unclean, just like the bloodstains on the gentleman suit that cannot be removed.

"Set Parts": 'Blood-stained White Shirt', 'Blood-stained Hard Felt Hat', "Blood-stained Gentleman's Walking Stick", "Blood-stained Suit Pants", "Blood-stained Silk Gloves" , "Blood-stained overcoat" (6/7)

And while getting this item.

He also knew how to get the last fashion kit.

"Blood-stained oxfords."

"method of obtaining-"

"Buy random treasure chests and have a certain chance to win."


Chen Jiang stared blankly at the panel in front of him. He didn't know what to say for a while. No wonder he didn't find a way to get the last fashion kit in the achievement catalog.

Dare Qing's last costume kit is not obtained by completing achievements at all, but by purchasing random treasure chests.

He knows random treasure chests.

The Human Merit Store sells it, one for 100 Human Merit, and the Merit Store for other alien players.

The price is not expensive.

But the problem is that this prompt only says that there is a certain chance to be drawn, and it does not specify how many chances are required to be drawn!

This is a little bit bad.

He has always stayed away from things with unclear lottery odds!

But...his Terran Merit Points are many, many.

It is really too easy to obtain this thing. Destroy a mechanical city casually, and the human merit value of a million less will come.

It's just that he hasn't used the Human Merit Points to buy other things. The Human Race Merit Points store doesn't have anything he needs. The only thing he needs and needs is the "Energy Box Supply Gun".

Now it seems that a lot of human merit points should be spent for the lottery.

5 million should be enough, right?

The corner of Chen Jiang's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought with some uncertainty in his heart, and then put this matter aside and went to check the last random Samsung prop.

Well, it also turns on after six hours.

Not yet available.

Most of the three-star random item treasure chests are opened after six hours, and I don't know why, as if his Blue Star mother hadn't thought about what items to give him.

As for the war-destroyed debris, I don't need to look at it for the time being.

Just throw it into the space belt and let him stay in the corner.

Oh right, it's not a space belt, it's a space tattoo.

But... the tattoo of his is on the center of the right foot. It is too strange to say that this prop is stuffed into the space tattoo on the center of the right foot, so it is simply called a space belt.

Fortunately, when he took things from the space tattoo, he did not put his hands on the soles of his feet.

Otherwise, that scene is simply too horrific.

The rewards for this global event have basically been processed, and in that case...

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Jiang decided to use the Human Race Merit Points to buy some treasure chests and try them out.


"Ding, you have successfully consumed 1 million merit points."


Chen Jiang looked blankly at the pile of clutter in front of him and didn't know what to say for a while. He was lucky, and he was so lucky that he didn't even get the last fashion item after spending 1 million.

He had a bad premonition.

In the Blue Star game world, there is a saying.

Game items that you can't draw for 1 million yuan, you can't draw even if you spend 10 million yuan.

At this time, he had such a hunch.

At this time, his human merit value was only less than 20 million.

As long as it does not exceed 10 million merit points, he can accept it, and the mechanical family has contributed more than half of these merit points to him.

It is a pity that the Ten Thousand Race Arena is not over yet, and federal citizens will not be judged as alien players, otherwise the light orange red star will bring more than one billion human merit points.

What can be met is that when the Ten Thousand Races Arena is over, he can have unlimited Human Race Merit Points, and having unlimited Human Race Merit Points means that he can have unlimited "Energy Box Supply Guns".

That's true, unlimited ammo.

Although it is almost the same now, he has never encountered the situation of running out of ammunition. There are more than a thousand "energy box supply guns" neatly placed in the space belt, which is called a sense of security.

"Ding, you have successfully consumed 1 million merit points."

"Ding, you have successfully consumed 1 million merit points."

"Ding, you have successfully consumed 1 million merit points."

Finally, when he consumed the fourth 1 million merit points, a panel popped up in front of him.

"Congratulations on your draw, hidden items—"

"Blood-stained shoes."

"Item name": Oxford shoes stained with blood.

"Item Level": Two-star items.

"Prop details": This is a blood-stained shoe, the color is orange, it will not stain any dust, and the material is special, it belongs to a kind of leather shoes, but it is extremely comfortable, and it is different from the old fashion of ordinary leather shoes. There is a hint of old fashioned on these shoes.

"Prop effect": It can help you walk in the void for a short time for five minutes. The definition of void here refers to any ground, including the vacuum and deep sea, as long as you want.

"Item Restriction": The cooling time is 12 hours, and the effect can only take effect when you must wear it.

"Item Set": It is only one of the parts of a certain set of clothing. The set has a total of seven parts. When all 4 and 7 pieces are collected, additional set effects will be obtained.

"Props Introduction": When you collect the gentleman suit, you will look down on this dirty world like a **** without dust. Of course, the **** will also be unclean, just like the bloodstains on the gentleman suit that cannot be removed.

"Set Parts": 'Blood-stained White Shirt', 'Blood-stained Hard Felt Hat', "Blood-stained Gentleman's Walking Stick", "Blood-stained Suit Pants", "Blood-stained Silk Gloves" ", "Blood-stained coat", "Blood-stained oxfords" (7/7)

next second—

A prompt sounded in the ears of all players.

"Ding, congratulations to the human player 'Chen Jiang', who has become the first player to successfully collect all seven parts of a gentleman's suit!"

"Other players who own the parts of the gentleman's suit will automatically destroy the fashion suit in their hands!"

"From now on, only the human player 'Chen Jiang' has all the fashion kits of the gentleman's suit."

Hearing the sound beside his ear, a hint of surprise flashed in Chen Jiang's eyes, meaning that when a player collects all the parts of a costume, the costume kits in the hands of other players will be automatically destroyed?

There is another saying that he didn't know before.

That's a bit more dangerous.

Fortunately, he was the first to gather it, otherwise when he was talking in front of the crowd with a cane one day, a player suddenly gathered all the parts of the gentleman's suit, and then the clothes on his body were automatically destroyed on the spot.

That's no shame at all.

It's already embarrassing.

In addition to destroying all the witnesses at the scene, he couldn't think of any way to solve the embarrassment.

But that's fine too.

At least there is no risk of bumping into shirts at all in the future.

At this time, a prompt box appeared in front of him again.

"Ding, congratulations on successfully collecting the seven parts of the gentleman's suit."

"Unlock new set effects."

"Set Name": The gods come to the world.

"Set Effect": After activating this effect, a radius of 100,000 meters with you as the center will fall into extreme darkness, and a beam of light will cut through the darkness and come down on top of your head, always following you.

All players who look at you will feel an unbearable sense of oppression.

And will kneel uncontrollably and worship you.

"Set Restriction": After using it once, there will be a 48-hour cooldown period.

"God descended?"

Chen Jiang raised his brows slightly, looking at the effect of the suit in front of him, but did not speak for a while, because he did not see the specific function of this thing for a while.

If it didn't work, he felt like it was useful at some point.

After thinking about it for a long time, he shook his head and put this matter behind his head. He didn't care about this matter for the time being, and he would use it when he could use it.

So far—

The rewards for this event are basically processed.

Except for the props of the gate of heaven that have not been used, and the props that need to be opened after six hours, he has basically finished the other things.

As for this gate of heaven, let's wait until you're ready to enter.

"Brother Jiang."

Scar Dog heard the sound in his ear, and stuck his head out to look at Chen Jiang from not far away, and said excitedly, "Have your suit finally been assembled?"

"It's not easy."

"It's just such a two-star set, it takes so long to collect it, it's more difficult than getting a three-star unique item."

"Hey, this coat looks good. Why is the material so smooth? It looks a bit like deerskin. Of course, I'm talking nonsense, because I don't know how deerskin feels."

"But from my years of experience, the material of this dress is definitely not cheap."

"That's right, it's pretty. It just happened that summer is almost over, and the weather is starting to cool down. At this time, the whole coat just fits."

"Well, Brother Jiang, my meat is cooked, do you want to come and eat?"


Chen Jiang, who was still in the midst of harvesting joy, instantly remained silent and expressionless, and turned his head to look at the scar dog: "It's only been ten minutes since I came back, is your meat already roasted?"

"Naturally, aren't we all about efficiency?"

"It's still early. It's not too late to go to Tinder City to catch a cook."

"But don't you feel sleepy? I think you should have a meal, and then have a good night's sleep. After you wake up tomorrow, go to Tinder City to catch a cook and come back."


After standing in the same place for a while, Chen Jiang finally gave in and walked towards the stone table: "You give me a seed all the time. I have just arrived in this world, and I am still having the illusion of survival in the wilderness."

"Hey, it's called Yikusitian."

"Well said, everyone has your ideology, and GDP has plummeted a long time ago."


Soon enough to eat and drink.

After Chen Jiang's group sat in the same place and chatted for a while, they went back to their respective residences to prepare to fall asleep.

This activity is really tiring.

Don't say they are not tired of standing on the rooftop all the time.

Lou Zhen's recoil kept swaying, and the deafening explosion sounded in his ears. !

Heard of seasickness, heard of motion sickness, heard of airsickness.

But those who have never heard of being dizzy, they should be the first lucky ones to experience what it feels like to be dizzy.

In this case, when each of them came out of the activity, they were already mentally exhausted.

So even if he was still eating barbecue this time, Li Hao didn't complain at all, because he couldn't care about complaining about it at all.

For other things, let's talk about it after waking up!


Two days passed quickly.

Two days have passed since the global event "Heaven's Gate".

In the past two days, they didn't go out to kill the mechanical city. In fact, because Li Hao's current mental strength can almost instantly recover, the efficiency of the two people's map opening is very fast.

Many, many mechanic cities have been found.

But they were just marked, not bombed.

Now bombing is a bit uneconomical. When there is a global event that can kill aliens and get rewards, bombing again will maximize the rewards!

For human players, how to maximize profits is basically an instinct engraved in their bones.

At this time, they were sitting on the treetops, blowing the cool breeze at noon, lying comfortably on the branches, enjoying the afternoon time.

"This kind of comfort has made me gradually forget the dangers of the Ten Thousand Race Arena."

Li Hao lay on the branch, covered his eyes with two leaves, put his hands behind his head and said with a dazed expression: "This feeling is so comfortable, to be honest, I have never been so comfortable on Blue Star. ."

"I thought I would drive an excavator for the rest of my life."

"I never thought that I would never touch an excavator again for the rest of my life."

"After all, I wasted a lot of money in order to learn such a craft."

"When I have the opportunity, I will show you how to use an excavator to fry a large pot of vegetables. This is the unique skill of our school. Only outstanding graduates can master this skill."


The corner of Scardog's mouth twitched slightly, and just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw a few messages pop up on the tablet, and after a few glances, he handed the tablet to Chen Jiang.

"Brother Jiang, where is the news from Li Shangyin of the "Li's Chamber of Commerce"? "

"Speaking of the one-star props shipped by various forces, he has successfully docked all of them and received them."

"It has been shipped to the demi-human star, and I have contacted the "Heiou Company" that is Wu Xinxing to receive this batch of props. "

"The total...well, around 400 million."

"So much?"


Chen Jiang lay on the tree branch, stretched out, and then said casually: "These are some one-star props that I bought at the party on Haomao Star at that time. I forgot who bought them from."

"Someone seems to have said that as long as I provide money, they can get me a large number of one-star props from a company."

"And then there is something that seems to be a pirate, saying that they want to cooperate with the prison robbery company, and then do a few big votes."

"I can't remember exactly."

"But this is probably the case. Now it seems that these people should be doing a good job. The 400 million items are still very exciting, and they can strengthen the steel sword automatic control rotating turret."

"But the current fort is enough for us to deal with all situations, and it will not be strengthened for the time being."

"Save some first, let's gather more and strengthen together."

"I'll think about it now, where can I get a few more talent enhancement orders."

"If there are a few more talent enhancement orders for you to use, or if I add a talent that can strengthen the vehicle, it will be perfect."

"It's just that the talent enhancement makes this thing seem to be very rare. Even if we have only seen two so far, we don't know where to get the third one."

"There is no clear way to obtain this thing, nor does it say that there will be rewards for triggering achievements, and the Human Race Merit Store does not sell it. It seems a little difficult to obtain this thing."


Scardog hesitated for a while, and hesitantly said, "Then what I mean is, do we want to say goodbye again?"

"Just ask our Bluestar mother... oh no, Bluestar father?"

"It shouldn't be difficult to get more than a dozen talent enhancement orders."

"After coming back this time, I haven't paid my respects to Lan Xing's father's grave."

"Go again?"

Li Hao said with a strange expression: "Then Lan Xing's father can't always agree to our request, he will give what we want, then we will be directly invincible?"

"It's not that he will give what we want. For example, the last time we asked for a billion one-star props, he didn't give us at all."

"It should be a billion one-star items that are a bit beyond his ability, but more than a dozen or so innate talent enhancement orders should not be difficult."

"After all, if there is no vehicle upgrade talent, it is really inconvenient."

"When the Arena of Ten Thousand Races starts, space battles are inevitable. At that time, we need a unique and powerful vehicle to ensure our safety and improve our defense."

"This is..."

Chen Jiang straightened up, sat on the branch, leaned on his chin with one hand and hesitated for a while, then turned around and prepared to walk down the branch: "That makes sense, yes, I went to pay my respects, I haven't been there for a long time. "

"But remember, UU Reading we didn't have some ideas, we just went to see the blue star father who we haven't seen for a long time."

"Don't worry, Brother Jiang, no one understands this kind of thing better than me. I was born to do this."

"...Please don't speak so bluntly."

"Use some popular vocabulary."

"The popular vocabulary of Li Paifang...?" Scar Dog thought for a while before he said tentatively, "Is it a Liren design?"

"This sounds much better, let's go, it's time to take a look."


ps: Another 10,000 character chapter. The 10,000 character chapter from yesterday was supposed to be there later in the evening, but it was so sleepy that I fell asleep... I'm sorry, after today's 40 character chapter, it should still be there at night.

ps2: The typo is posted first and then corrected.

The new revision and upgrade address of the mobile station: https://, data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, no ads and fresh reading!