MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 322 : "This task may be the easiest we have ever done...

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Wang Jili sighed lightly, stood in front of the window looking at the scenery outside, shook the red wine glass in his hand, and did not continue to speak.

There is only one thing x looking for him.

That is asking for money.

Money, he has.

But not too much.

The amount given naturally did not meet X's expectations. According to X's statement, this goddess was secretly targeted by how many forces, and the successful auction price may even be above the 100 billion level!

100 billion...

Even if he swallows all the market share of his father-in-law's company and his ex-wife's adulterer's company, he is far from reaching this scale.

The size of his current company is only around 20 billion.

About 20 billion is only the size of the company. If we plan to maintain the company's normal liquidity for at least three months, the spare money that can really be used is only 1 billion.

This is normal. For a company like them, they have to squeeze a lot of money on many things.

This money is naturally far from meeting x's expectations.

He felt that the person X didn't seem to have a big idea about money. Generally speaking, a company with a scale of tens of billions of dollars can take out one billion spare cash from the company's account, and it is already a company with strong cash flow. After all, it is not every Everyone is like Jiang Cheng's company.

On the books, it has a large and high cash flow.

This society is a business society.

The commercial society means that when you earn other people's money, others will also earn your money, and everyone only earns their own share. In this case, cash flow is even more important.

But he has done his best.

Transfer 1 billion to x.

This is still seeing Mr. Jiang Cheng's efforts to connect. If it wasn't for Mr. Jiang Cheng's connection, he would not give a dime. After all, he was full of contempt for X's business plan.


Wang Jili stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, shook the red wine glass in his hand, and murmured, "It's really... the world is getting worse."


Lying on the table, the badge that was leisurely basking in the sun said sarcastically, "I remember that if it hadn't been promised to you by X, after the successful auction, not only would you return home, but you would also be allowed to play for free once."

"It seems that you only intend to lend 50 million stars."

"This is normal."

Wang Jili looked out the window calmly, and said softly, "Mr. Jiang Cheng's face is very valuable to me, but after all, Mr. Jiang Cheng didn't tell me personally, it was just a line."

"If X thinks that he can use the name of Mr. Jiang Cheng to point fingers at me, then I will naturally not give him much face."

"I don't want to associate with an ignorant person."

"But if Mr. Jiang Cheng told me about this, even if I sold all the companies under my company at a low price in one day, I would put all my money together."

"It's everyone's nature to watch people serve dishes."

"And Mr. Jiang Cheng deserves to eat all the dishes here."

"Okay, are those people from the market here?"

"It's already here, I've been waiting for you in the conference room for a long time."

"it is good."

Wang Jili paused, put the red wine glass in his hand on the table next to him, stood in front of the mirror and sorted his clothes before striding towards the conference room.


He walked to the door of a conference room.

When she saw Wang Jili coming, a girl in business attire strode forward with a worried look and said, "Mr. Wang, you're finally here, there's already a fight inside."

"These people are all old fritters."

"The public relations department has been following it for almost a week. All kinds of methods have been used, but they have not seen any results. These people will not let go if they are soft and hard."

"The little girls in the PR side have been crying with anger."

"It's all right."

Wang Jili took out a pair of white silk gloves from his arms, put them on his hands slowly, looked at the girl in business attire in front of him and said with a light smile: "This is how business is, when you go out to do business, you will meet all kinds of people. Someone you can't understand."

"But often such people are still firmly in a position, and you can't avoid them even if you want to avoid them."

"At this time, we have to use commercial means to solve this matter."

"I'll take care of it, it's all trivial matters."

Then he tapped the little **** the shoulder to show comfort, gently pushed open the door of the conference room in front of him, and walked in.

Just entered.

Then I heard countless swear words flooding into my ears, and the content of my mother was extremely high.

Simple and rude, nothing more than some slanderous swearing around the account.

When Wang Jili approached, the swear words gradually became quieter until they dissipated.

And the three little girls with tears on their faces sitting on the left side of the conference table hurriedly got up and lowered their heads and whispered, "Mr. Wang, you're here."


Wang Jili nodded lightly, walked straight to the main seat of the conference table and sat down. He tapped the table lightly, and then turned his head to look at the four men who looked like they were sitting on the right side of the conference table, calmly. road.

"What is the situation with the four of you? This little girl from my company has been working in the public relations industry for a long time. She was scolded and cried by several of them, and her skills did not seem weak."

The four men looked at each other, and one of them got up and looked at Wang Jili with a serious face, and said decisively: "Mr. Wang, you are finally here, instead of letting the public relations department perfunctory us."

"Since you are here, let's talk clearly."

"There are so many markets under the four of us, occupying 46% of the share of Yarenxing. If your goods are to be sold on our site, you must give us a 23% commission."

"This number, even a little less, is not enough."

"And we're not targeting your family either. All props sold on our site will have to give us a cut. This is an industry rule, you can ask."

"I know Mr. Wang, you were mainly a channel dealer before, but you have never been a dealer. You don't understand these things very well, but you have to learn if you don't understand. No matter what you were before, but since you are a new entrant, you must be prepared to learn!"


Wang Jili paused and did not speak. Instead, he took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it in his mouth. He exhaled lightly before looking at the four men through the blue smoke, and said softly.

"How long has my company's public relations been in contact with you?"

"Seven days."

"For seven days, God has given you the opportunity to return from your lost journey for seven days. Sure enough, even God can't do anything about the lost lamb."

"What do you mean?"

next second—

On the ceiling of the conference room, four walls of light suddenly descended from the sky, locking the four men in all directions.

"Mr. Wang, what do you mean!"

The expressions of the four men suddenly changed drastically. They took out their firearms from their arms, got up and looked at the wall of light that locked them in. They said with a gloomy expression: "In business, there must be rules for doing business!"

"You can't buy and sell, but benevolence and righteousness are here!"

"Are you trying to threaten us now?"

However, Wang Jili didn't answer at all, just shook his head lightly, and looked at the cigarette **** in his hand that was flashing with scarlet light, bright and dark.

next second—

Above the heads of these four men, eight automatic Gatling guns with eight barrels suddenly stretched out.

Immediately after—

A chain of bullets is like a storm, unscrupulously shrouding all these people in front of them!


! "

The harsh and rapid gunshots sounded unabashedly in the conference room!

The red bloodstains were like a fountain, splashing on the transparent wall of light, it looked like a huge red load-bearing column had been added to the conference room!

After dozens of seconds.

The gunshots stopped, and the four walls of light slowly dissipated.



The sound of vomiting sounded one after another in the conference room, and the three little girls from the public relations department ran to the corner with pale faces, and they retched uncontrollably.

"Business has always been a very pure behavior."

Wang Jili got up slowly, glanced at the piece of meat sauce beside him casually, flicked the cigarette **** in his hand on the pile of scarlet meat sauce, and then got up and walked outside the conference room.

at the door of the conference room.

He tilted his head to look at the little girl who was standing at the door of the conference room with a face full of horror and disbelief. He chuckled and patted her shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, in most cases, I'm a good person."

"It's normal business, you know, and it might be a little different from the marketing you learned on campus."

"But that's okay, you'll have plenty of opportunities to learn here."

"Contact the people in the marketing department and arrange for our goods to enter this batch of markets. By the way, by the way, find someone to replace the positions of these people and reduce the commission to 12%."


The little girl quickly reacted, and kept Mr. Wang's instructions in her heart, and when she heard the number of 12%, she said with some uncertainty: "Isn't this more than those few people's commissions? much lower."

Those few people occupied nearly half of the market share of the props market distribution on the Demi-Human Star, and all props that entered their market for sale would be taken 23% by them.

And they only get 12%?

Wouldn't this be a good person?

"Well, 12."

Wang Jili nodded lightly and said casually: "Make the cake bigger first, then you can unload the mill and kill the donkey. Go, the people in the marketing department know what to do."

"Yes, President Wang!"


Wang Jili returned to his office, sat leisurely in his boss chair, enjoyed the quiet moment and didn't talk much.

In fact, this kind of thing did not need him to come forward.

After all, he has a group of people who specialize in dirty work, but these people are not in the company, and that group of people just came in, so he took care of it by the way.

Business, very pure.

He didn't dare to do this before, because the way you treat others, someone will treat you the same way.

But now he dares. With the support of Mr. Jiang Cheng, he has basically acted more and more recklessly. Even if something goes wrong, Mr. Jiang Cheng can take care of him.

He bought a lot of one-star props for Mr. Jiang Cheng. These one-star props cost a lot of money. Could it be that he is in a hurry?

In the adult world, interest is the only driver of action.

No two.

It's just that adults are more willing to accept this kind of relationship based on interests rather than feelings.

When a person doesn't feel uncomfortable because others want to use you to smile at you, it also means that the person is mature.


"Brother Jiang."

Scar Dog sat on the chair, while skillfully grilling the steak on a slate, he said, "The next global event will be in a day."

"The name is, Survival Guide."

"But I don't know why, this time, on the wall of the 1024 central control room, there is only information about the name and time of this global event, but there is no information about the content of the event."

"The only news I can know at the moment is that there will be a global event in a day. The event is called a survival guide, and I don't know anything else."

"Sounds like a copy of a survival class."

Li Hao sat on the side, nibbled the bread in his hand and said thoughtfully: "Could it be that all the players were gathered on a small island and then started to survive in the wilderness?"

"I don't know, maybe it is, but it's not important, the important thing is—"

Scar Dog paused, stopped the movement of roasting the steak in his hand, and looked blankly at the bread in Li Hao's hand: "My meat is almost ready, what do you mean by eating bread now?"

"Just forgive me."

Li Hao said helplessly: "Can't we go to Tinder City to get a chef over here? Don't we have to eat these things because we don't have the conditions now?"

"It's also great."

"It's obvious that your grilling steak is exactly the same every time, but every time you eat it, it has a different flavor. For this, even the chef of a five-star hotel is probably not as good as you."

"This thing must be done, but you eat bread now, I feel you don't respect me."


Chen Jiang was lying on a chair with drooping eyelids and did not speak. This global event is likely to be a copy of the survival category. After all, the name is a survival guide.

He was not too worried about winning the list.

After all, he has already won the number one spot many times.

His current development speed has completely crushed all the players in the Arena of Ten Thousand Races. If he wants, he can actually end this global arena now, as long as he wipes out all the other alien players.

It's just that he can't do this. He needs to buy himself more development time in the Ten Thousand Races Arena.

This time, the 10 billion one-star props given by Blue Star's father helped him a lot.

I just don't know if it is possible to obtain 10 billion one-star props by giving Blue Star's father the world origin consciousness of a planet. If this is the case, the way to obtain props will be much faster.

at this time-

He heard a message ringing in his ears.

Projecting the chat box in the air, I found out that it was a video communication from Heiou Company.

Soon, the call is connected.

Opposite is Wu Jingxing, without any greetings, Wu Jingxin seems to be a little anxious and hastily said: "Mr. Jiang Cheng, did you extract the world origin consciousness of Orange Star?"


Chen Jiang raised his brows slightly, feeling a little emotional about the speed of Wu Jing's information acquisition, and said casually, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"This time, Mr. Jiang Cheng, you are in trouble...maybe big."

After being confirmed by Mr. Jiang Cheng, Wu Xingxin said with a somewhat unsightly expression: "This matter has a great impact, and it has already reached the Nicholas Galaxy Federal Government."

"A special team was sent over there to arrest or kill Jiang Cheng Company."

"It is said that this task is carried out by the No. 23 Special Bulletin."

"The Nicholas Galaxy Federation has many special groups, and these special groups have many privileges. They even have the right to ask the star leaders of each planet first."

"It's directly under the Nicholas Galaxy Federation."

"And the No. 23 team sent this time... is even more notorious. I don't know where it is now. Mr. Jiang Cheng, you have to prepare accordingly. This time is different from before. Side... seriously."

"Team 23?"

After Chen Jiang thoughtfully repeated the name of the group in a low voice, he looked at Wu Jingxing in the picture and said with a light smile: "Thank you for the information, I will solve this matter, your Heiou company has been in this period of time. Keep a low profile, so as not to implicate you."


Wu Xinxian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but then hesitated for a while and said hoarsely, "If you need help from Heiou Company, Mr. Jiang Cheng can ask for it at any time!"


Chen Jiang nodded noncommittally, stopped talking, and hung up the call.

Only then did he start searching for information about this group 23 on the Nicholas Galaxy Forum. Since the Federation is serious, he has to prepare accordingly in advance.

He never thought that he had completely grasped the Federation.

Because of political factors, the Federation used to like to push things down, so he could naturally be happy, but when the Federation got serious, he had to prepare carefully.



After hanging up the phone, Wu Xingxin slumped on his boss chair with a slightly unsightly look, staring at an A4 piece of paper in front of him without saying a word.

"How about it?"

Wu Qingling, who was sitting on the side, leaned over and asked anxiously, "What did Mr. Jiang Cheng say, did you embarrass us?"


Wu Jing shook his head, and said with a complicated expression: "Mr. Jiang Cheng not only didn't say anything to embarrass us, but also took the initiative to tell us to keep a low profile, so as not to be implicated."

"Isn't that straightforward enough?"

"It can only be said that what Mr. Jiang Cheng has done is really nothing to say, no matter who comes, he can't pick out a single fault."

"Just before hanging up the phone, I took the initiative to say that if Mr. Jiang Cheng needs any help from Heiou Company, he can ask for it at any time."

"Father! You are crazy!

! "

Wu Qingling said anxiously, "Why are we making this call, aren't we just worried that Jiang Cheng's company wants our help at this time?"

"That's a federal special team!"

"Mr. Jiang Cheng's trouble on the Orange Star this time is a little too big. Even if Mr. Jiang Cheng slaughtered another planet, there would not be such a big commotion, but Mr. Jiang Cheng directly gave the world origin of the Orange Star. Consciousness is drawn, this has touched the bottom line of the Federation!"

"Since the establishment of the special eucalyptus group, before we missed it, we were involved at this time, and we don't know how we died!"

"I know."

After Wu Jingxing was silent for a while, he let out a sigh of relief, leaning back in the chair and rubbing his temples and muttered, "I didn't expect Mr. Jiang Cheng to do such a big thing this time."

"But you must know that we have paid a lot to catch up with Mr. Jiang Cheng. If we back down at this time and Jiang Cheng's company survives this disaster, our efforts will be in vain."

"That's right, but father, it's impossible for Mr. Jiang Cheng to escape the special team!"

"I know, but what if?"

"How can there be so many emergencies in this world!

! "

Wu Qingling said with a bit of hatred that iron is not steel: "Father, the truth of this world is that there are not so many emergencies at all!"

"Do not."

Wu Jingxing lowered his head and was silent for a while, his eyes flashing with a strange light, and after a long pause, he tilted his head to look out the window, and then said hoarsely: "The truth in this world is that there are many contingency."

"It's just that the public doesn't believe that this contingency will fall on them, so they haven't made themselves that contingency."

"If it weren't for that many cases, our father and son three sons are still begging on the street now."

"I live by Wan Wan, I believe Wan Wan."

"Take a gamble. If we get over it together this time, then... the Wu family will gain the absolute trust of Mr. Jiang Cheng, as well as greater benefits!"

"But after all, I didn't go to the gambling table when I was young. I'm a little timid. I will find a lawyer to do property division and property transfer. You two little bastards, go out and play for a while."

"I'm an old man, and it's enough to go to the gambling table by myself."

"Win, everyone is happy."

"If you lose, you can still think about it, so you won't lose everything."



With a faint smile in his mouth, Wang Jili stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the busy traffic below. After a while, he smiled and said, "Do you know why ordinary people can't make money?"


The badge lying on the table sighed helplessly and said, "Because of capital squeeze, because of social constraints, and because when there are enough ordinary people, this society is the best situation to manage."

"There are many answers to these things on the Internet, but what's the use of you asking me?"

"I'm just an ordinary three-star prop, or a one-off one. You haven't used me yet, and I'm already very grateful."

"Do not."

Wang Jili ignored the complaints of the badge, but took a sip of the wine in the glass, and then closed his eyes with enjoyment, feeling the world with his heart, and said softly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Because ordinary people are afraid of failure."

"They are afraid of failure, as if failure would kill them."

"But you have to know that failure and success go together. When you are afraid to accept failure, success will not find you either."

"Everyone likes to persuade people not to gamble, as if this has become a truth. It is in this situation that many people lose a little bit of gambling."

"And I, Wang Jili, never lack gambling."

"Do you know why?"

He slowly opened his eyes and opened his arms to feel the atmosphere of the neon city outside under the night, and grinned: "Because I dare to put my life on the gambling table to gamble."

"As long as the leverage is high enough, you can reap enough success."

"My Wang Jili has only two destiny endings in this life."

"Otherwise, as the world knows, step on everyone under your feet, feel the fear and awe of the world, and be that person!"

"If you don't die, you will be scolded by the public on the grave, humiliated and despised by the world, and you will be a lonely ghost."

"Other than that, any result is an insult to me."

"And this time, I plan to put all my chips on Mr. Jiang Cheng."

"Go and contact Mr. Jiang Cheng, Shark Company is willing to officially transform into a chaotic force, and deal with this special team together with Mr. Jiang Cheng!"


The badge lying on the table said helplessly: "I think my death is coming soon, don't you really think that Jiang Cheng's company's strength can resist the Federation?"

"Of course not."

"It's just that helping Jiang Cheng Company is a little bigger than helping the federation's success."

"Smart people will stand on the side with the highest success rate, and I am different. People like me who are heavy on gambling will only stand on the side with the highest interest."

"If you continue to gamble like this, sooner or later you will bet yourself to death."

"There must be gamblers in this world, otherwise the world will not be complete. This is called biological diversity."



Soon half a day passed.

The auction of the goddess body brought from the ruins of civilization in the Federation's hands has officially started.

And this time in a lobby.

Wearing a mask, X took a deep breath, suppressed his inner feelings, and kept clasping his hands together in prayer, hoping that there would be no overly powerful competitors.

He had a total of 90 billion star coins in his arms!

According to his plan, as long as he wins this goddess body below 100 billion star coins, he will earn some money!

Among them, 65 billion was loaned.

Strange to say, at first he just tried to borrow a loan, and then it was normal that he failed the review and was almost rejected by the bank manager in seconds.

It's normal to think about it.

After all, he has nothing to use as collateral at all. In the eyes of the bank, he is a person who cannot repay!

But for some unknown reason, an hour later, the bank manager took the initiative to call him and said that the federal government had recently issued new regulations and was willing to fund some entrepreneurs and open up the loan limit.

His loan amount of 65 billion was suddenly approved.

Although he was a little dazed, he still accepted this matter very happily, after all, it really helped him a lot!

At this time, there are only three minutes before the auction!

He can only pray secretly, and there will not be any super old man suddenly appearing, with a price of more than 100 billion, to cut him off!

If this is the case, he has no temper, and can only scold in his heart, if you don't give the whole body a tickle, you will be itchy all over, right?


And in a private room in this lobby.

Thirteen men stared calmly at X standing in the lobby.


A calm male voice sounded in the private room.

"According to our information, it is basically certain that this x was entrusted by Jiang Cheng's company to auction the body of this deity."

"As long as X can successfully photograph the body of this god, and then when X meets Jiang Cheng's company for a deal, he can clearly find the location of Jiang Cheng's company."

"Think about it, after all, this X is just an ordinary person."

"For ordinary people, there is absolutely no need to spend such a high price in exchange for a night of enjoyment. There will be no one else but Jiang Cheng Company behind the instigators."

"This mission may be the easiest one we have ever undertaken."


The middle-aged man, who was obviously the captain, paused for a while, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I forgot to tell everyone that my fiancee and I's wedding will be in a week. After this mission is when you come to my wedding, don't forget to give enough money. "


The other men standing around were stunned when they heard the words, and then they all looked at each other and saw the smiles in each other's eyes, and coaxed: "No problem, Captain, there will be no shortage of money!"

"It's just that if you want to get married, you have to have children. If you want to have children, you have to recognize the godfather!"

"You see which one of us is suitable here?"


ps: Today is an update of nearly 10,000 words. Although the update volume has already crushed most of the authors of the starting point, it is still a bit unsatisfactory. It is not like when the daily update was 20,000 words, it crushed all the authors of the starting point.

The gap is a bit big, but the problem is not big, continue to work hard tomorrow, and strive to return to the top as soon as possible!

See you tomorrow! Is the latest update on time?

The new revision and upgrade address of the mobile station: https://, data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, no ads and fresh reading!

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