MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 53

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The ecstasy of high school in the evening of self-study of blackout was the same as winning the lottery.

The classmates were still humming in a low voice, and all of them were stunned at this moment.

"power cut!"

"Sleeping! There is a power outage!"

"Jade Emperor Rulai Buddha Guanyin Hallelujah ... whatever the gods are, don't call me tonight!"

Noisy around, Qiao Shao hesitated.

A warm hand held him: "Are you afraid?"

It's He Shen.

Qiao Shao can still see him through the moonlight: "What are you afraid of?"

He Shen said: "I thought you were afraid of darkness."

Qiao Shao laughed: "What's so scary about Hei, how cool."

He Shen was a little regretful: "You are quite brave."

Qiao Shao was still thinking about it and approached him: "The words just interrupted. Who do you like?"

There was no light inside or outside the house, but their position was near the window, and the moonlight outside poured in like flowing water, paving Qiao Shao.

He Shen looked at him against the light and thought he looked like a porcelain doll.



When the word came up, He Shen was sober.

Because it was too noisy around, Qiao Shao was afraid he couldn't hear clearly, and got closer to him: "You didn't finish that, did you mean someone I know?"

Qiao Shao just asked him, who do you like?

He Shen gave him a word—you.

If there is no power failure, this is a complete period.

But as soon as the power was off, this became an ellipsis, as if there was something to say.

Obviously what Qiao Shao thought He Shen hadn't finished is-you know.

He Shen looked at Qiao Shao. In the bright moonlight, his eyes were clear, except for a little curiosity, no disappointment and uneasiness.

— Still a child.

He Shen turned to look forward.

Qiao Shao thought he hadn't heard it, and put it on his ear: "Well, say it, don't hang on."

He Shen turned her head suddenly, and the two noses touched each other.

Qiao Shao: "!"

He Shen looked at him without blinking.

Qiao Shao seemed to hear his own heartbeat.

"Brother Shen Shao! Look at me!"

Song Yixu's voice sounded in front of them.

Qiao Shao turned his head hurriedly and saw Song Yixu holding his flashlight to his chin.

Master Qiao: "………………"

Song Yixu pretended to be ghostly: "Don't be afraid, give me a bite and I will let you ..."

He didn't finish the words, he whipped, the flashlight landed, and he was furious: "Who kicked me!"

He looked blank at the desktop: "Not me."

Song Yixu looked at the forward table again. The two people at the front table had gone to the sister's place to hold the light source. He looked around and was shocked to find that no one could kick him except He Shen and Qiao Shao.

But Qiao Shao and He Shen did not move, how could they kick him?

"Ouch!" Song Yixu called again.

He said at the table: "What happened to you?"

Song Yixu was so scary that he was scared to death: "Ah, ah, there is a ghost! It's a ghost kicking me!"

After speaking, I fell into my arms at the same table.

He is at the same table: I want to change seats, I really want to, I want to dream!

After being struck by Song Banshi, Qiao Shao had already returned to God, and he said silently, "How can there be a ghost."

Song Yixu was frightened: "Really! You didn't bother me, so who kicked it? Besides the ghost?"

The next table, Xie Kai, came mysteriously after hearing the movement: "It's hard to say, I heard my dad said that our school was a cemetery before!"

"Fuck!" Someone immediately agreed, "I have heard of it!"

"Yes, yes! Our school often floats yellow paper during Ching Ming Festival!"

Qiao Shao shivered.

In fact, this school legend can be found in any school.

Especially in the case of cemeteries, nine and a half of ten schools have to be transmitted like this.

However, Qiao Shao's previous environment was too detached, so I have never heard of it.

When he heard this, he was suddenly creepy.

He quietly leaned to He Shen.

He deepened his lips slightly and shook his hand.

Qiao Shao immediately clenched him and said, "Don't be afraid, there is no ghost in this world!"

If He Shen was afraid of ghosts, how could he spend so many nights?

However, he thought, and lowered his voice, "It was Song Yixu who I played just now."

Just kicking two feet is already very classy.

They whispered, others could not hear.

Qiao Shao hesitated and lowered his voice and asked, "Why are you kicking him?"

He Shen was logical: "Who made him scare me."

Qiao Shao asked in surprise: "Are you scared by him?"

He Shen looked down: "Yes."

Qiao Shao looked at him, and after a while he laughed and said, "He Shen, you are afraid of ghosts!"

He Shen muffled: "Slow down."

Qiao Shao was so happy that his eyes were crescent, and his voice was much lower, but he couldn't help but asked, "Are you really afraid of ghosts?"

The omnipotent East High School God is actually afraid of this kind of needless thing!

He Shen said: "Can't it?"

Seeing that he was about to be "shamed into anger", Qiao Shao didn't smile, he clenched He Shen's hand and said, "Well, He Shen Shen is not afraid, I protect you!"

He Shen's eyes flashed a little smile and said, "Don't let go then."

"Uh-huh!" Qiao Shao promised. "As long as you don't let go, I will never let go."

Xie Kai over there, they have "heared" each other a strange novel.

Song Yixu was so overwhelming that he was scared to death, but he also wanted to know the follow-up.

Several legends are becoming more and more vigorous, and even the female ghosts in the experimental building have become involved ...

Qiao Shao's palms were a little sweaty and asked He Shen: "Afraid? Or should we get closer?"

He Shen immediately said: "Afraid."

Qiao Shao moved his chair and stayed with him.

He Shen embraced him, and Qiao Shao felt relieved when he was next to him: "It's okay, it's all fake."

I don't know if he is comforting He Shen or himself.

He Shen hesitated, and his hand was still on his waist.

When he came across this thin waist, he couldn't help but scold himself.

But his hand was stable and he didn't take it away.

"Legend" is talking about the fierceness, Tang Yu came in with a bright flashlight: "Be quiet!"

Half the students in the class were all together, and the classroom seemed empty.

Tang Yu looked at it a little, and he cleared his throat. He cleared his throat and said, "It's a problem with the Eastern District. This area is out of power. The masters of the power supply station are repairing."

Some students asked, "How long can it be fixed?"

Tang Yu said: "It's hard to say for the time being."

The students gave a snoring sound of joy.

Tang Yu said, "Today is Sunday. The teachers have discussed and decided to release you back to the dormitory first."

Putting a group of wild wolves in the classroom can't be suppressed at all, so it's better to put them back to the dormitory first.

The students are even happier and are extremely satisfied with this sudden "holiday."

Qiao Shao was surprised. He looked at He Shen: "Should you go home?"

He Shen said: "I don't think there is any electricity. I won't go back today."

If there is a power outage in the area, there is no guarantee that the rental house in He Shen will not run.

Qiao Shao said immediately: "Okay, let's go back to the dormitory together!"

He Shen said with a smile on his lips: "I'll take care of you tonight."

"Rest assured," Qiao Shao understood. "I will protect you!"

When they stood up, Song Yixu saw their hands sharply: "You two are still holding hands, so scared!"

Qiao Shao was trying to justify, He Shen came to the sentence: "Not afraid."

Song Yixu didn't believe it. Gloat asked, "What's that?"

He Shen said: "Just like holding him."

Qiao Shao was so clever that he suddenly realized that He Shen was afraid of shame and didn't want to expose himself to fear of ghosts, so he followed by saying, "Yeah, I like to hold his hand."

Song Yixu: "?????"

The author has something to say: 宋 半 shi: I feel I have been loved by Xiu En, I have evidence here qaq!

The addition of 70,000 bottles of nutrition solution is here ~

I see this trend, why 80,000 is not far away, cry!

Here's a teaser:

The school fighter came out of the internet cafe that had a power outage: no sleep, why not go back to the dormitory?

See you tomorrow ~ 2k novel reading network